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why aren't new neighborhoods built with separate right of way for different transit modes by default? take picrel for example, blue is for cars/local streets, red is BRT and green is bike paths. it's really not that hard from a planning point of view and makes transportation more convenient for everyone.
>why aren't new neighborhoods built with separate right of way for different transit modes by default? take picrel for example, blue is for cars/local streets, red is BRT and green is bike paths. it's really not that hard from a planning point of view and makes transportation more convenient for everyone.
Because new development shouldn't be done with a one size fits all approach?
>why aren't new neighborhoods built with separate right of way for different transit modes by default? take picrel for example, blue is for cars/local streets, red is BRT and green is bike paths. it's really not that hard from a planning point of view and makes transportation more convenient for everyone.

1. The USA is not Sittard, and
2. ALL Politicans who think its not, just do shit their way.
3. The picture you have here were designs that evolved with over 40 years of feedback from actual residents, that any decent AI could learn from and adapt to and make better cities, which of course, the politicians will ignore.

Another 50 years of our lives wasted in shitty American cities. America is the garbage dump sewer of shitholes.
Feel free to fuck off to Gambia or whatever 'walkable' hellhole you glorify
my 1990s suburb in nl was like that.
in my usa city the only new neighborhoods are brownfield redevelopments, they totally could be designed like that, but they aren't. they're decent to walk/bike through since there's no through traffic though. the ones in the suburbs are entirely planned by private developers, they just want to sell houses they don't care about quality of life and assume buyers are too dumb to notice the neighborhood is poorly planned.
>they just want to sell houses they don't care about quality of life
So just like every apartment building ever?
>to notice the neighborhood is poorly planned.
"Poorly planned" is Reddit-speak for "it's wrong because it's not designed around MY needs"
>separate right of way
Doesn't mean shit, cagetrolls will act like they own any infrastructure as long as they physically get to it.
Planning doesn't work
Hard pill to swallow
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thoughts on my model suburb
mixed used paths run behind the houses parallel to the road
Good for joggers to easily access the property, even the back door is the front door now.
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feel safer?
It wouldn't be so bad if the backyard was enclosed by a big fence.
That looks like a bunch of holding cells.
it's the de werven neighborhood in almere haven, you can check it with streetview. just another boring suburb.
monofunctional suburbs are cancer even if they're walkable and cyclable
Cute baby commie blocks
I need auto-turrets in my backyard.
>monofunctional suburbs
What is that
places like in the OP that are purely residential with not even any services
>places like in the OP that are purely residential with not even any services
You realize that with "mixed-use" you don't have any guarantee with what you're getting, or even if you're getting anything at all, right?
uuuhhhh yeah what you're saying could be applied to literally anything in life
how long did it take you to make this? tell me you have a tablet or something similar
i see you point but this particular neighborhood is less than 1km away from a commercial area.
>Because new development shouldn't be done with a one size fits all approach?
...he said as he - at least in the eyes of onlookers - seemed to defend the status quo of american urban "planning" of copy and paste and the autocucks that make it possible
A lot of cities now have complete streets policies for any new/replaced roads that require you to incorporate multiple modes of transport. I think some LA NIMBYs on city council balked at the idea but LA’s probably the best place to incorporate such a policy because our streets are so wide.
Bingo. Also American suburbanites are too dumb to realize their neighborhoods could be improved desu.
If you proposed that design to the developers when they built the neighborhood, the future residents would say “yeah, that’s good.” But the residents would buy the suburban house anyway even if the street layout sucks.
You don't have to have convenient bus access to every single neighborhood, because in some neighborhoods most of the people who live there don't ride the bus.

Similarly, a new restaurant in the heart of an urban area doesn't need a huge parking lot if most of their business is walk-up traffic. That's why parking minimums and requirements are changing in some areas, because the old methods often required a rigid "for every x square feet of retail, y parking spaces must be built" which doesn't make sense for large warehouse-y stores with low volume, like Floor & Decor or At Home.
>American suburbanites are too dumb to realize
Calling everyone not in lock step with you stupid - a proven winning formula
>because our streets are so wide.
Not really? I mean, I'm looking around on Google Earth and I see mostly two lanes in each direction with a third lane in each direction that's used for parking except in peak hours.
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You must be looking at a different Los Angeles.

Most LA streets are massive desu.
>Most LA streets are massive desu.
You can see that two of those are turn lanes, and even then, the four-lane section runs only maybe two blocks. Outside of downtown they're much more modest.
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A high speed grade separated interurban with stop requests like the Norristown High Speed Line would be the perfect metro-like rail to connect the suburbs, yet it's never been tried but once...
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LOL you obviously don’t know shit about Los Angeles. This city is the king of wide streets. Tons of room for bike and bus lanes at least.
Is Nortistown an ex-Soviet territory? Fuck I would kill myself if that was my transit.
>erm... aesthetics!!
A major road having two lanes in each direction is not wide unless you grew up in a particularly backwater place.
Thoroughfares that are already wide enough where complete streets infrastructure would be needed anyway, duh
>wide enough
>"would be needed"
Sounds pretty vague and made-up. At least "the just one more lane bro" meme has roots in diminishing returns.
I mean what you're functionally arguing here is that wide thoroughfares through densely populated areas such as in LA- which have a track record for being both dangerous and deadly for all road users- should have no change in layout. LA already has seen growth in it's public transit ridership for, say, a BRT lane to be an example of a reasonable addition to several existing streets (they have actually already one such project planned).
Taking out a lane or two on these for another mode of transportation and/or adding more defined median between traffic directions + pedestrian bulb-outs would really only improve the usability and safety of the street.

Based on your other posts in this thread, you appear more concerned with oppositionally defying the topic than actually being interested in engaging with it lol
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Peak aesthetics
> yet it's never been tried but once...
The P&W only exists to this day because of dumb luck. It's the Stonehenge of interurbans.
Unrelated, but what the fuck kind of brain damage is SEPTA doing to their line names this time? I'm outta the loop. What the fuck is an "M" and why is its terminus the city of Mnorristown?
M is for Montgomery County, which the line goes through. Same with D, which are in Delaware County. B is Broad Street, T is (subway-surface) Trolley, G is the lone Girard Ave. trolley and L is for the (Market-Frankford) El.

There's kind of a logic to it, though G is the weird one out, separated for being the only trolley that isn't a subway-surface line, I think? No idea what they plan on doing there if they ever add another city trolley line.
Nice goalpost move. Los Angeles is covered in super wide roads and it’s not even debatable.
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It’s a bit tough to make streets this wide walkable but at least we have plenty of room for bus and bike lanes. And light rail.
>goalpost move
Two blocks in one area is somehow enough to prove your point?

>Taking out a lane or two on these
Is this a troll post?
LA has the widest streets of any American city I’ve seen except maybe Detroit. Atlanta also has crazy wide streets but that’s because they use highways as “streets” basically. Nashville has surprisingly cozy streets, so it manages to be pretty walkable even without meaningful public transit or bike lanes.
I will never understand the rationale behind 5 car lanes with 0 onstreet parking. You can happily get by with 4+ parking or 4+ a 2-way bike lane.
It was probably originally 2 travel lanes with parking and which was later removed to provide more travel lanes as traffic increased.
Why would you park on a main road? Drive on the main road, park on the side streets...or you know, parking lots. Plus, 5 lanes effectively doubles the capacity, and capacity is still capacity.
You could still do better with 4+parking. Or 3+parking and a 2-way bike lane.
No, if anyone's turning left without a turn lane it bottlenecks traffic and makes people behind them quickly merge into the right hand lane. Have you ever driven before?
Cool strawgrasping bro.
Have you ever driven before though?
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Doesn’t matter, that’s still infinitely better than pic related.
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Let me guess you need more?
There's probably hundreds of miles of trails to ride here
If you’re the same guy trying to pretend Los Angeles doesn’t have wide roads please do everyone a favor and stop posting. My eyes are bleeding from the desperation in your spam.
>everyone who replies to me is the same person
Log off bro
t. the same person

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