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Where are all the kits?
>fixes the inherent instability
>reblances inherent load distribution
>instantly makes biking more accessible to disabled people
>maintains ride height unlike recumbents
>saves shipping costs off-standard trikes that balloon costs
>keeping 60% of the bike standard and deconvertible

I have 4 pairs of identical junk bikes but no welding equipment, so ideally bolt on everything, and possibly maintaining original front fork that saddles into reversible bike trailer. Other rules are all same wheel size. Someone explain to me the instinct to go small or slightly smaller wheels. Just to carry different inner tubes? Sell more overpriced specialized equipment?
>fixes inherent instability
>maintains ride height
if you convert a single track to a multi track vehicle and keep the COGs height (which is quite high as single track vehicles get away with it thanks to their stability) the instability will reappear quite sudden when cornering.
also too much to list
either way: trikes exist, get one, or cobble yours together. A hack saw and some hardware shouldn't be out of financial reach for the person having multiple bicycles.
Damn they built that without knowing how to remove the bars from a quill stem?
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>mystery meat cyclist
>unpainted, overcomplicated 20kg+ abomination
KYS nigger
>>2014508 #
>instability reintroduced
For not being able to be rammed by a car and go under the wheels is a great trade off. A luxury would be twin front wheel turning. But I'm more than happy with a fixed smallest ice cream truck bakfiet.

I have a midget bike and you get addicted to that turning radius. For how I'm biking (density/sidewalks/shopping centers) it's so nimble.

Only rule is none of this two headed monster/looks wrong horse shit like picrel. Front tires have to be a wide as my shoulders OR wider

>>2014574 #
See i have no idea what that is....

>>2014646 #
Yeah, fuck that guy. But imagine it made out of carbon fiber and weighing 10 pounds....all the bullshit material sciences normally mispent to make a 10 pound bike weigh 4 pounds...all that progress is used as it should be to make a more and more substantial bike/bike car at the same weight as a steel conventional bike? Almost like something making sense finally sense......your welcome
you forgot to mention the trousers
So are ya disabled or just too dumb to balance a bike, OP?
Balance? When you vertigo have anything to do with IQ, you non@ing, coward. Talk about 3 fingers back....
Forgot to mention that fucking chain slack.
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meanwhile a pedal powered tadpole trike with sane design decisions, that you can buy right now
>basically a speedbump
Bump for thee only thread that matters on thak graveyard of a board....
Mirin' his forearms doe.
if the frame is steel then that's possible.
if its aluminum don't even think about what the guy on the pic has done.

Normal trikes are better because of cheap rear difs and conversion parts you can find on aliexpress and amazon.
Amen. As much as because of the modestness if human power, justifies chasing light materials, classic human irrationality intrudes, and we get people who bike 50 miles on a weekend polluting the market with 12,000 dollar carbon fiber abominations, in the only option poors have for conveyance.....

In my decade of buying Walmarts cheapest bike to fix the market, everyone of these u.s. hollowing chinesium widgets has had the rims become untrue/spokes break. Either cause they brag about being aluminum now....in cheapest possible imitation of yuppie poison.....

I have a Huffy 10 speed form the 80s whose steel rims, while the chrome has rusted a bit, have been of jumps, potholes, curbs.....and I have NEVER had to touch them.....but man, so they weight a pound or two more, and that wears me out so badly....it's worth buying a brand new 100$ bike every year....

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