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If YOU were entrusted with a large budget to jumpstart the original Thomas the Tank Engine series again, how would you go about it?

Would you literally kinda start where the Britt allcroft series ended in season 7 like a sequel series, would You literally recreate the stories in the book?… would you utilize classical models and practical effects or CGI?…. Would you try to enhance the historical vibe of the show by adding real 1920/30s music in the background, little stuff like old hits playing at stations?

I’m curious. Say the BBC or Amazon contacted you and gave you millions to do this.
Would the show still mainly be aimed at kids or would you take a risk and aimed at an older crowd?

This is aimed at current or former fans of this beloved icon, and rail fans in general.
Btw I’m new to 4chan kind of. If this is in the wrong area let me know.
i would make it stop motion with models
kids love those youtube videos with toys
Makes sense. I would like a mixture of individual British voice actors both to keep the regional and period immersion, and stories tailored towards an older group myself. Give Gordon a really thick northern accent etc.
Maybe Go with a blend of season 5 style model work, but blend in cgi faces and individualised voice acting and continue on from season 7 in a different way than under Hit Entertainment?
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Go back to having offensive comedians narrate it
Heh, Donald Trump or Maybe Steven Crowder then. XD

But I’d like to see a spinoff taking historical periods into account more too. More detail placed into decade specific clothing, automobiles, rolling stock, station architecture etc. if I’m to put my input into what say, more the production side out to look like. We should be able to tell it’s the 1920s for instance.
I would make it faithful to the books and leave it as a model series.
1933 and onward
>Historical vibe
War goes well for Germany, After a few seasons Breitspurbahn appears and his long journeys can teach the audience about different cultures, cultural exchange and the importance of keeping them separated.
>English narrator
Eric Clapton after a few beers
I'd make a real cartoon not AEG style but similar to the Snowman. And adapt the mountain engines and other railway series characters. Alternatively there could be an alternate reality Sodor where HS2 has been extended there.
>originally Thomas was a young boy who lived inside the Sir Topham Hat
Have the show start in 1919 after World War One, imply Sodor like the rest of Britain is reeling after WW1. Hatt has to be very strategic with the engines he buys since even though the North Western has money, it ain’t endless money. He utilizes trial/lease runs for several engines , including the two ones he later kicked out in the books.

Make sure it’s clearly done with models and with cameras that are literally 35MM or look it, utilize 3D printing to make modeling much cheaper and easier, so even more complex details in the foreground are possible than before. Have the engines use individual voices appropriate for where they were built, Thomas with a southern Londoner accent, Gordon with a northern English accent etc.

Make sure it isn’t politically correct in any way, don’t make it vulgar but don’t have proud and powerful diverse/female characters. Have them feel like people that actually would have existed in pre/post war Britain, speaking of which.

Each season takes place in a clear list of decades, season 1 is the 1920s and 1930s, 2 is the post war period until roughly 1955 etc and so on.

Make a bigger deal of and fully embrace the brutal rise of desalination and the genocide of steam locomotives in the name of modernity in the 1960s so people can see the horrors of forced modernization and see the merits of respecting their heritage and their own mortality.

Have clothing, automobiles and buildings evolve with time, even if Sodor architecturally remains very consistent due to a conservative government which doesn’t allow the same architrave destruction to occur there as the rest of britian.

Drop all ideas of this being a younger aimed show, make it for everyone but aimed more towards teen and adult fans of the original material.

Like that?
Same guy as before here.

Also add a cool new intro that has us walk into a live action 1910s/20s British depot that appears to be on Sodor with lots of old black and white photos in the background, with a 1920s jazz tune playing on a gramophone… when we suddenly approach/phase to a picture frame holding a old photograph of the key event of the given episode. We zoom in, then we get the classic windmill opening.
Maybe Continue where season 5 left off? Fans say that was literally the peak of the original show in the 90s.
>no WWII season
We need a "Thomas goes to Germany" episode where he's been lent to help West Germany rebuild and chat with depressed ex Nazi locomotives.
I would do a series with lots of ghost stories, but still aimed at kids. My son would eat that shit up

Also models + but with expressive (animated) faces
Why IS Thomas + Ghosts/Supernatural stuff such a good combination I wonder? Maybe because these are immortal, sentient historical locomotives, and you know these guys are old enough to have seen some really messed up stuff happened?

Ya know, that would actually be emotional and kinda impactful. Regardless of what you think about what Germany did (probably didn’t ) during the war, these guys would be riddled with ptsd. I can imagine some sad moments from bombing raid ptsd.

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