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You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
why are you like this?
Imagine the sweaty after ride sex
Athletic women have no tits (except the occasional weightlifter).
Turns out "muh tits" is just fat woman cope, the female version of "who cares if I can't do a single pull up, pull ups are gay, I can bench this many plates"
wrong i have some boobs at 16.5 bmi.
>No tits
>Big ass and meaty thighs
>tfw no fit baiku gf who bullies you on climbs.

Why even live?
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>the occasional weightlifter
That's a man.
>Imagine the sweaty after ride sex
stinky tuna down under. body odour would be arousing though.
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>compliments your orchid collection.
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what the heck is a cyclist cafe? she better want to smash some mid-ride gas station roller dogs with me or she's not worth my time.
What planet are you living on m8?
he's probably still in bed long after all the cyclists have gone home
>>compliments your orchid collection.
BALLS. She can see your junk under your shorts.
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Until she's over about two fiddy fatness can always be compensated for with huge enough bobs.
I don't even remember what the original pasta was at this point.
My balls are small
>unironically keeping your cap on as a fashion statement
If i remember correctly it was a buff guy and the caption was "This guy slaps your gf's ass, what would you do?"
fair, but worth noting that she's a top-level domestic pro
something in europe about an abduction and/or murder iirc
This girl could do with a bit more muscle, but she’s leagues ahead of even the fittest flattie
what did she mean by this
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Female bodybuilders often get implants because cutting kills their tits so hard. Pathological muscle girls often suffer a similar fate, or at least try hard to make their pecs look like breasts.
>olympic-style weightlifters
Pretty rare in my experience. Most female weighlifters are fridgemode chunkies. But I suppose it's possible since having a little extra fat doesn't hurt anything.
peak performance
>he thinks 16.5 bmi is athletic
baste taste
does it mean she wants to suck on them on step on them cause i'm down for both
>bodybuilders look like cope machines
yeah well that's not surprising, it's always true regardless of gender
and you can be a weightlifter without being a copebuilder, you know
Total fixie death. Kill fixies behead fixies roundhouse kick a fixie into the concrete.
Fixie hate is so 2015
BMI cope is for confirmed fatties
The entire concept of a "Muscle mommy" is delusional. Bodybuilder women are women. Vain women who want validation, hence why they both want a roided up build but also big tits and long nails. If anything they're twice as feminine as normal women because they specifically focus on their lack of tits and motherly curves.
I tell her she will bear me strong sons who will dominate the TdF, and offer to take her behind the shed and creampie her pussy. I also tell her that the op is a fag and will give her twink sons with defective genes who will suck at cycling.
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>being a twink is bad and a defect
American hands typed this

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