shoutout to all short peoplei'm so happynever felt so freegoing around with mybicycle
nice one brotha move your stem down & it will fit you a bit better
>>2031575Thanks!I'll probably lift the seat just a little bit once I get more used to riding it
>>2031564Are you a turbo midget or a woman brah?
>>2031591>lift the seat just a little bit once I get more used to riding it??? Why do people do shit like that? I mean you are not the first person here where i read that. Just put the seat at the right height from the getgo.Also this>>2031575
>>2031600new riders want to be able to easily put a foot down while on the saddle or just feel safer with a lower center of gravity like they wouldn't fall so far and their brain is implanted with the idea bikes are for kids and are small. good technique means lifting on and off the saddle whenever you start/stop and i can do a no-hands trackstand but it all takes practice. also people don't understand how much more efficient having proper leg extension is, they just combine all the efficiencies that they've given themselves on the bike into riding a bike sucking or being really difficult because that's how it is
>>2031564raise ur seat pls, do you want your knees to explode?
I've lifted the seat a little, will lower the stem by one ring too>>2031600>Just put the seat at the right height from the getgo.It didn't get that much of a lift until "the right height" though>>2031623>new riders want to be able to easily put a foot down while on the saddleYes, that's the case>>2031632>do you want your knees to explode?Will they retire me for this
>>2031564if that actually was your proper saddle height, that frame would be way too big for you.the geometry of your frame is much different than pic, your sloping top tube means a lot more seat tube will show, but this is how you get it right. maybe an inch or so lower while your body gets used to riding would be ok, but nothing drastic. get in the habit of dismounting when stopped. or you can keep one foot on the pedal, stay seated, and lean sideways to put the other foot down.
>>2031637if your knees explode we will never find all the pieces :( Just dont ride on a low seat for too long. Get used to the bike and then adjust as you go.
>>2031672>Just dont ride on a low seat for too long. Get used to the bike and then adjust as you go.Yesss :) that's what I'll be doing.
>>2031637Generally someones "knees explode" because they put too much force through it too repetitively, and too consistently. I know people who have had an issue with a proper seat height too, and it takes rest and PT/strength training to fix it.TL:DRJust don't push harder then your knees like, and when you get more comfortable at a higher seat you will naturally be more confident and stronger.
>>2031623>new riders want to be able to easily put a foot down while on the saddle or just feel safer with a lower center of gravityI have never ever heard something like that from a 'new rider' like ever. Or even seen someone ride around like that with the excuse that they are 'new' to cycling.Where i live you just got it shown how its done from the beginning and thats it.And where is the problem if you dont get a whole foot down? Just tilt the bike or get down from the saddle.Sorry but i really never heard such nonsense and i cant believe that grown ass men cant ride a fucking bicycle without being scared of putting a foot down.
>>2031665>more seat tube will show*more seat POST, sorry
>>2031677>Where i live you just got it shown how its done from the beginning and thats take me to this fantasy land where every noob cyclist has their saddle height set correctlysounds amazingnot the fucking real world though mate
>>2031677Almost every new cyclist I've ever had the opportunity to give guidance too has had that thing where they're afraid they can't flat foot the ground with both feet at the same time
>>2031718literally why the Townie bike was's not a speed bike it's a comfy commuter
>>2031761That cruiser is sick
>>2031718If I stretch my toes and they touch the ground is that ok, or do i need to raise my seat more?
>>2033669it's ok if you need to stretch your toes, what's more important than being able to touch the ground or not is proper leg extension while saddled, for very aggressive bikes like velodrome bikes that means you can't even touch the ground while saddled while other bikes like the Townie above has geometry that allows full leg extension while saddled.
>>2033671Thanks anon. I'll try raising my seat even more, because my fitness level doesn't justify being so damn slow
>>2031761curved handlebars are never comfy. wobbly ass niggers that need you to correct every goddamn second