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MH17 2: Electric Boogaloo
Vatniks shot it down but of course they'll never admit it and blame it on the hohols instead.
>punched metal holes into the left side of the tail and fuselage, some breaking into the cabin and hitting passengers and life vests
They done did it again.
They really did it, didn't they?
Everyone in the rear half of the plane was fine Stanley
Russia really expected us to believe that a bunch of fucking birds can do that
>no bird residue
>no serious dents, just a bunch of tiny holes
>the birds all conventiently flew into one side of the plane, perpendicularly too
And once again multiple passengers had to die in a crash because they have no Fucking parachutes for them! At least give them a Fucking chance! This is like a ship not having life jackets. It's inconceivable!
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,,only Hummingbirds have this kind of precision,,and they flew in aconfusing manner to hide their numbers.,,,yep,hummers.,
youdont,,,bringyour own?,
,,,,lettng someonelse packyour undies?,sure,,,parachute?,NO!
It's hilarious that they're not even denying it. They're just saying "don't rush to conclusions!"
>don't rush to conclusions
>IMMEDIATELY after coming to the conclusion that makes them look good
aahahahahahaha they're run by actual retards
>"It was birdstrike"
>"Ok, it wasn't a birdstrike, but a hohol drone"
>"Ok, it wasn't a drone but a hohol mig piloted by Samuil Hydenko"
>Ok it wasn't hohols,but our airdefence was spoofed and the missile hit near it"
>Ok, we shot at it, jammed the GPS and froced the plane to fly over the Caspian, hoping it would crash into the sea, leaving no witnesses to our fuck up, but in America they beat negroes!"

Bill "Sixpack" Wingate
USMC 1987-1987
69' Plymouth Superbee
76' D0dge Lil Red Express
94' Chrysler Concord (for the warden)
17' RAM 3500 Dooley

?Why do I have to press 1 for English?
Pretty dumb not letting them land at Grozny and seizing the wreckage
I think their hope was that it would crash into the Caspian and leave no survivors or wreckage.
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No man can understand the great russian soul.
Thats ground damage you fucken tard
Russiaboo detected
lmao, now they're apologizing for it.


>In his first comments on the Christmas Day crash, Putin said the "tragic incident" had occurred when Russian air defense systems were actively repelling Ukrainian drones.
Blaming it on the holhols too! Man, we needed bingo cards for this.
No airlines should fly over an area where AA is regularly used.
They liked it while cashing the big checks from customers. I wonder what sort of insurance covers AA fire in an active warzone, tho.
What options does a passenger plane have to defend against a missile attack? It sounds like they mostly dodged it and only took a glancing hit which maybe they had some Ex-Military pilots that were trained in evasive maneuvers?

Like if they can figure out the frequency modulation of the missile, can they rotate their own to "trick" it or maybe send it confusing information on the same frequency to think the plane is displaced?
somebody better start arming these things with flares
Bet you feel stupid now doncha?
>"Vladimir Putin offered his apologies that the tragic incident had occurred in Russia’s airspace and once again conveyed his deep and sincere condolences to the families of the plane crash victims and wished those injured the quickest recovery," the press office said in a statement.

that's not an admission of anything now is it
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Why does russia hate civilian airliners so much?
>make this thread
>even bigger fucking disaster happens
Sorry, my bad
seems like everyone forgot about jeju so let's have another round on azerbaijan

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