Cycling has doubled in Paris. Yes, it's realistic to think American cities can also have large amounts of cycle commuters. We just have to actually build bike lanes. And desu, we have the space.
>>2031034>American cities canOf course they can but the average american thinks you'll take their 'right' away to drive into any city with their 3ton behemoth.Also obesity takes a big part in the planning of infrastructure.You simply cant built a 15 minute/cycle city like amsterdam when 60-70% of your population is overweight.You'll literally exclude them from participating in public space.
>>2031034sovl vs. soulless
I have bike lanes, and bike paths.Really the only reason I don't bike commute is a mixture of paranoia(of my bike getting stolen) and the distance.Still, I will try to change that soon enough.BITD I commuted to middle school, high school, and college on my bike.Mentally helped me a lot.
>>2031044What? Im 100% serious. You can only transform a city if the population is in favour of the change. And the american zeitgeist is not ready for such radical changes yet. Individual freedom is still seen as the most important thing and i even agree with that but you need to change if you want to live in densely populated areas.
>>2031046you are blaming on being fat when its more about Americans not wanting to live near minorities and Americans having a deep fear/hatred of government control and preference to be in a more rural and locally controlled area than in a city they have no say in. in comparison to the dutch who are such fucking spineless slaves no country aided in the holocaust more than the netherlands
>>2031046>You can only transform a city if the population is in favour of the change.We can see in Paris that there is a lot of people unhappy with the changes, but the mayor and her bobo pals can force it down anyway. There's complaints from business owners about people no longer being able to access their shops easily, and of course supporters just double down and call them liars, idiots, and shills. Same thing in America, there's bike lanes going up in major cities and whenever there's serious pushback, out come the "oil-brained cager boomers" talk even if the area has consistently voted Democrat since the Carter administration.
>>2031034Paris's road traffic is far from paradise, biking is not ideal and car driving is now a nightmare, the traffic jam is world class and so the pollution. Like you can see in your picture the first one had a bike lane the second one is a pedestrian road, they simply remove the cars in this street and so the cars have to pass on other streets.
>>2031034>>2031034>Yes, it's realistic to think American cities can also have large amounts of cycle commutersIt's 18 degrees F with a 30 mile wind in KC. The roads are mostly dry with refrozen ice on the road. I put in 2000+ miles a year on the road recreationally. It is not feasible to cycle commute in KC for 3 months out of the year. I roll out on any day below 95 degrees but it's for pleasure not coming back from work. From July 1 to Sept 15 you'll get out of work and it'll be above 95 at 6pm. A plan for my city that involves asking people to cycle to work as anything other than a nice respite from your car in May is unrealistic.I live in an area with cycle lanes for commuters , rail trail and awesome 5-10 mile lake loops. It's weather and geography (not urban planning) limited.
Paris has the dense housing to support other transportation modes. I see a lot of American cities expanding their transit systems, but also blocking new apartment proposals. And I wonder how they truly expect to get ridership without a lot of new apartments.
>>2031047I'm American and have a deep hatred of government control, that's why I want to end car-dependency. Car-dependency means the government forcing everyone to drive a car for every trip. Americans need transportation freedom.
Paris has also seen a massive improvement in air quality because they've invested in better infrastructure.
>>2031192Chang, people in the US want houses, not apartments. Unfortunately, the government isn't forcing Americans into them yet.
>>2031194>I'm AmericanLOL! There you go again, Chang!
>>2031056>voted DemocratWhat does it have to do with being an oil-brained cager boomer, retard?
>>2031056The real problem here is that there is now nothing to lock the bike to. I understand that you are an ameritard and cannot adequately judge life in the city as there are none in the us. You don't need a car in Paris. Driving a car in Paris is as stupid as riding picril in an american 'city'.
>>2031194>I'm AmericanI don't believe you. Every american is retarded. And you're talking sence.
>>2031046The number one thing obese people want to do is lose weight. But this is besides the point.The desire for individual liberty is not the problem. Instead, it's the manufactured association between car ownership and individual liberty that causes people to clutch so desperately to their cars. I'm not suggesting I know how to change this, but if people became aware of the actual liberty of choosing how you travel and liberty from the financial burden of car ownership and infrastructure maintenance, then I think things would start changing very quickly.IMO the actual problem with the zeitgeist is the obsession with the profit motive, which is why oil and car companies spend billions on media campaigns that manufactured these false associations in the first place. Oh, and straight up bribery.
>>2031231>What does it have to do with being an oil-brained cagerBecause "progressives" have a weird thing that if you don't subscribe to one aspect to the current zeitgeist you're automatically a pariah.>boomersNo one likes them, boomers are just the only ones that show up, and cyclists/pro-cycling people cry about these meetings because the "boomers" can form an argument about increased congestion, lack of parking for homes and businesses, and so on.The pro-bike lane segment hates public meetings because they literally can't form an argument. In real life you can't insult and belittle people who disagree with you, or tell them to watch a 20-minute YouTube video where some thin-skinned dork uses strawman arguments to advance his points.
>>2031233There are bike racks everywhere but bike racks are pointless if there's so many people who will break the lock and ride off.
>>2031236That's all well and good but you haven't addressed how a handicapped person can live in your utopia.Bikes and tukbuks and streetcars are all fun and chic but how does someone handicapped get around?In the US they drive to the place in their accessible car, shop and load up bags and they drive back.How does a person do that? Is every over 65 sentenced to rollie bag grocery life?
>>2031251Urban centers can be surprisingly more accessible than a desolate suburb. There's elevators and ramps everywhere, it's even down to building code, I'd go as far as say that urban centers are far more inclusive to those wheelchair bound. Here in the city, usually it's the cars improperly parked on sidewalk ramps, alley ways, and loading zones that cause a large problem for wheelchair users. Society doesn't need bullshit like "''""""'"'accessible cars"""''''""""'' what we need are areas where everyone can live a normal life and car dependency is a road block to that down to its very inception as a class dividing tool.
>>2031253>Society doesn't need bullshit like "''""""'"'accessible cars"""''''""""''Spoken like someone who isn't disabled, or has never known someone with a severe disability that limits their mobility. If your mobility is limited, then having a personal vehicle equipped for those needs to take you exactly where you need to go is far, far, far easier and more comfortable than having to use paratransit or even worse, public transit.
>>2031254It's also ridiculous of them to assert that urban cores are more accessible since most of those were built up way way WAY before ADA and ramps became a thing. Probably just another flyover from kansas who has never actually lived in a city but loves to spout off about how city people should think and live.
>>2031256I wonder what percentage of NYC subway stations still don't have elevators. And I know firsthand from using public transportation in Atlanta and DC that usually at least one elevator in any given station is closed and they nearly always reek of piss.
>>2031251what an odd thing to say
>>2031254Yeah, I'm sure driving is sooooo much easier than using the elevator to go to the grocery in the lobby.
>>2031257The old IRT lines are all pretty bad. Pretty much the only decent stations are the ones on the 2nd avenue line and the Hudson Yards station
>>2031256>Probably just another flyover from kansas who has never actually lived in a cityIronically the flyover from Kansas who has lived in cities all around the world asked what about disabled people who get around in cars and are highly active bc of handicapped parking and personal vehicles.I post bike stuff all the time here. Urbanist planner types have always kind of been fascists. They ruin the board.Asked this >>2031178It is still unanswered. In this nu urbanist utopia if it wasn't MLK Day I would bike to 10 degree weather. It's 4 degrees F as I post this.
>>2031039 If obese Americans want to drive empty 3-ton trucks, it's their right. Once again, sociopaths dreaming of inserting themselves into people's lives.
>>2031261>Hudson Yards stationForgot about that one.
>>2031349cool i'll remember that next time i'm denied entry into controlled airspace in my glider, i'll just tell ATC they should stop trying to insert themselves into my life
>>2031377Anons are this bad at making arguments?
>>2031240I don't know where you live, but I've never seen a decent bike racks in europe, nor in Asia. I've been to Italy, Chech, Vietnam, China, Russia. At best there are just some jokes of a rack to lock your wheel to.
>>2031381I used to lock bikes in comically shitty places in Italy. If you're just eating in your lycra at a cafe you can just put your bike on the inside of the wrought iron fence/barrier for the cafe.
>>2031381>Biking in vietnamDid you lock your bike to one of those fucking tiny plastic chairs of western shame that shatter when you put more than 98 lbs on them?
>>2031194>I'm Americanno you aren't >and have a deep hatred of government control, that's why I want to end car-dependency. Car-dependency means the government forcing everyone to drive a car for every trip. Americans need transportation freedom.this is the most retarded thing I've ever read. with a car you can go anywhere you want. with public transit the government controls 100% of every aspect of your life and bans guns
>>2031409>with a car you can go anywhere you want. with public transit the government controls 100% of every aspect of your life>but just stay on these designated roads>also, wear this license plate, it's an instant felony if you don't>oh yeah and don't mind the license plate readers, trackers, and loggers that's for your safety and security anon
>>2031409you're allowed to carry on Marta, unless something changed
>>2031420my car can go off road and people have those license plate blockers all the time. most cities ban guns on mass transit and control where the mass transit goes. >>2031421mta and nj transit ban it
Population density in US cities. I think it’s really interesting how little “dense suburban” and truly “urban” area we have. Not Manhattan-level stuff, just gentle urban walkable/bikeable places.
>>2031469Where is the problem?I hate going to san jose/sf so why would I want more of that in a city near me?
>>2031469This tells me we have plenty of room to grow inside the city centers
>>2031469In real life, very high density is undesirable and traditionally is where the extremely poor live.
>>2031505Actually the highest price/square foot is in dense areas like Manhattan or downtown Chicago.
>>2031510Being an expensive place to live doesn't translate to actually having money, just like the most expensive thing on the market isn't the best thing. And while there are ultra-rich people in Manhattan they live in roomy 4k+ square feet penthouses, not studio apartments.
>>2031039Mobility scooters/lil' rascals will let the eat-beasts participate in public.Unfortunately.
>>2031514It definitely means it’s not just for extremely poor people. Keep doing g mental gymnastics all you want. Walkability is the most valuable asset in American real estate.
>>2031520It's for extremely poor people who live in extremely overpopulated apartments they are able to afford because only in the city can they find a job that caters to someone as useless as them. Walkability isn't worth the shit that homeless take on the street you always dodge as you walk to uber while pretending you're so hip and progressive by shilling for state slavery and sellout to megacorporations on the internet.
>>2031514Lmao the cagecuck cope is unreal>>2031520This, the real wealthy view driving and transportation in general as a chore, their time is worth way more than that.
>>2031522Holy shit lmao you're coping so hard right now, downtown is expensive because of supply and demand. Keep drinking that oil, suburban cagecuck
>>2031523>"hey, maybe the most expensive thing on the market isn't the best">OMG COPE CAGIEBeing able to distinguish the difference between "most expensive" and "best" is smart consumer 101. Not being to understand that explains why you are poor.
>>2031392I weigh 95kg and those chairs do just fine, fatass.
>>2031409>with a car you can go anywhere you wantAhahahaha. You can only go where the government built roads and gas stations. And only after you get your license, pay your taxes and shit. You really are a retard.
>>2031543>You can only go where the government built roadsYes and they go everywhere I want to. If I want to go on a walk or hike I'll go to the government park or the government forest.
Just reposting since trolls derailed the thread. America has a lot of room to grow in our city centers. That would facilitate more biking and pedestrianism.
>>2031545Thanks. Never let the trolls get to you, Chang.
>>2031545See >>2031505
>>2031545one day it'll be too much to bear and you'll kill yourself to the collective sigh of relief of everyone around you
Nothing will ever beat just living walking distance from your workplace. All forms of commute more than this are prison. It seems neither the right (who want me to drive 45 min to my job) or left (who want me to ride my bike in the rain to my job) seem to get this
Driving 30 miles up to the mountains produces enough heat to briefly warm 139 rooms from 30°F to 70°F, but instead, we dump that heat into the atmosphere while a single person commutes.
>>2031576Ah darnit
>>2031574Both the right and left (in America, anyway) have a lot of stupid NIMBYs who want to stop people from living near their workplace.
>>2031592what do you think that word means. don't answer, I don't care
>>2031576You could just upzone a few neighborhoods in LA and get a perfectly dense transit-friendly city.
>>2031671I agree, Chang. Adding more people into the same amount of space will alleviate traffic congestion.
>>2031543there are roads across the whole country and my car can go off road and you can out gas in cans. with mass transit you are 100% under government control
>>2031251That only applies when the amenities, shops and tram stations are more than 500m from your home.
>>2031040It’s the trees. Freshly planted trees look horrifically soulless, in a decade or so bottom will look vastly better. Also there is a sheen to freshly redone infrastructure that needs to get a little worn to really hit the aesthetic.It’ll be an undeniable improvement pretty soon. Though I get where you are coming from
>>2031040>>2031806I love having 80 % of the streetspace an empty concrete slab for the cagies
>>2031039>You'll literally exclude them from participating in public space.Thank god.
>>2031823I fail to see why I should care. it will destroy the global south way before it affects me
>>2031671Must be maddening to live in LA (which has actually built out a respectable transit network) and see everyday how millions of people’s commutes could be improved if the city just stopped being NIMBY.
>>2031858I get the sense from my distant perspective on LA is that the city suffers from being so fragmented in terms of governance.
>>2031858Ugh!!! Aren't NIMBYs just the worst? I also hate it when things are too NIMBY, Chang.
>>2031860There’s a good book called Reluctant Metropolis that shows LA’s anti-city sentiments through history, and the challenge of being a massive city that’s trying not to look like a city. Sooner or later a straw will break the camel’s back and they’ll allow more upzonings.I remember seeing an interview with the current mayor where she said allowing ADUs will bring “gentrification” and I thought “this person is hopelessly retarded and unqualified.”
>>2031728>>2031866It could help to visualize a 42 gallon drum of gasoline burning on top of every 4 cars that we see on the road. The fuel is always hidden away, out of sight and out of mind. If we visualize the fuel source burning as the correctly sized volume it could de-normalize the act of burning a finite resource and tie it to the real environmental impact.>>2031866My research on this started because I cannot figure out how to make the white people at the public libraries in the united states leave me alone about riding a bicycle without them shitting in my cereal by telling me to leave my bicycle out side where it will be stolen and destroyed by the elements. The car culture is firmly rooted in white supremacy :/ Its the culture of exclusion that mr hitler was talking about. It was not meant to be for every one but white supremacy says that every one has to use it because the white man liked it no matter how much of the resources from the colonies we have to burn. The german "ordnung" depends on you not knowing "it".>>2031843>>2031846we can get an idea of how much power we have to generate to move around six-teen, 300 pound book cases every where you go by pushing a 5000 pound car with your hands.
>>2031545Gee I wonder why so few people would want to live in american city centers. Must be their great love of cars. No other possibilities.
>>2031877climate schizos unite
>>2031888That's a bot
Flyover American here. Are there any actual Parisians in this thread who can attest to how much Paris has changed recently?
>>2031864They are really struggling to make the city halfway decent for the Olympics, that deep embarrassment will probably be the catalyst for change
>>2031913Are they? I thought that the stadiums and housing were all pretty much prebuilt.
>>2031914There's a city beautification movement that always happens in the Olympic City
>>2031913Yeah I just don’t know if that will translate into upzoning. Hopefully. Upzoning would mean more city funds to improve public space and transit at least.
>>2031239>The pro-bike lane segment hates public meetings because they literally can't form an argument.The pro bike lane segment hates these meetings because the John Forester/Critical Mass activists keep fighting for mixing cycles in with the motor vehicles.Is it more important that you get where you are going? Or die trying to slow cagers down?