I took miku flying with me the other day :D
>>2007105omg shes so cute
>>2007105That's very nice, anon.
>>2007105I hope you had a good and safe trip anon
>>2007105so cute!!!!
Incredibly embarrassing post
Incredibly based post
Incredibly cute Miku
>>2007105There are people out there flying death machines around that are clearly autistic.Thanks for giving me nightmares. I'll never fly again in my life
There's a weeb I work with who hides anime stickers around the plane. Our aircraft captain hates it. Even the ground crew is in on it, and they're even better at it because they go where we can't, so you'll open a hydraulic panel and see a Chica Fujiwara at the far end, unreachable to us.
>>2007105Was this pic taken during a dive?
>>2009873Many pilots are either incompetent or just plainly ignore protocols. The entire reason why planes don't fall all the time is because a commercial airplane is the most over-engineered machine ever produced in large scale. It can not only pretty much fly alone (and sometimes would be better than human pilots like in the AF447 or the china eastern 583), they pretty much can tell a retard to land alone if they have the right approach radar.
>>2007105sky Miku~
>>2009932I hope I ride on that plane someday. What airline?
>>2014877Sorry mate, we're military
>>2015773ew...glowie, confirmed!
>>2007105Tranny Delusions
>>2007105your incorrectly oriented image caused me unfathomable rage.
>>2016117>pic related, your dumb assAlso, stop being white
what happened to the thumbnails?
>>2007105Miku a cute
>>2007105Fly on Miku!