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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal



Starbase 24/7 streams



Starbase tour




Rocketlab-Prefire and Ice lauch happening in 10 minutes!!
>NASA announces they are moving Hubble into single-gyro mode to extend its life after one of three remaining gyros has suffered continuing problems.

>A disadvantage of this single-gyro mode: lower efficiency since it takes longer to shift from some targets, and unable to track moving objects closer than Mars.

>NASA's Marc Clampin says that the change to single-gyro ops won't affect the Operations Paradigm Change Review NASA announced in March to look at lowering ops costs of Hubble and Chandra. That review is complete and being reviewed, with an update this summer.

>NASA's Marc Clampin says that the change to single-gyro ops won't affect the Operations Paradigm Change Review NASA announced in March to look at lowering ops costs of Hubble and Chandra. That review is complete and being reviewed, with an update this summer.

>Clampin: after reviewing commercial options for rebooting Hubble (like NASA/SpaceX study), we have elected not to pursue any at this time; concern about risks of premature loss of science. Could revisit it in the future.

-Jeff Foust

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Well do we think the Starliner is actually going to launch tomorrow? Its kind of now or never...
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Prefire and ice is a pretty interesting mission
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And it has a really cool logo
Ship 26 did a static fire at the new Massey's test stand / flame trench. Purpose of Ship 26 still unknown.
Targeting Thursday, June 6 for Starship’s fourth flight test.

A 120-minute launch window opens at 7:00 a.m. CT spacex.com/launches
Previous thread
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The FAA has given SpaceX the launch license for Starship Flight 4!
I'm going to bet that they scrub again.
If they do I wonder what happens. This is a pretty significant embarrassment as it is.
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SUCCESS. Love Electron launches. It's like a pencil
How'd it look with the new trench?
Due to the site's isolation there isn't great camera coverage of it. There are several videos in the second half of this update. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NasUiJSsups
Thanks, it seems like it helped quite a bit
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It launched!
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That makes 2 launch vehicles for the US and access to them by western allies.
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Booster managed to hover over the ocean.
I didn't see it reach 0km/h just to 10.
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That's no moon!
Excellent test so far! Good booster landing and solid reentry so far
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Managed to make it to landing with a chunk burned out of a flap.
That flap was incredible
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Holy shit,

perfect flight from start to finish, also the flaps still survived reentry despite starting to melt.

Holee phuck
It was absolutely beautiful
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It was a true survivor
Right? Can't wait for better images to emerge
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Booster landing
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One of the most kino moments.
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Musk on the burnt up flap!
>We intentionally placed one thin heatshield tile and removed two tiles completely from the Ship to measure how hot things get without tiles in those locations, while also testing some thermal protection options
Booster landing
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The images from OFT-4 are incredible.
Starliner tour
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The core and upper Ariane 6 stages that have crossed the Atlantic Ocean on board the Canopée. The unboxing will be one of this year's big events! After they're joined together these stages will become the very first Ariane 6 to soar into space!

Syoke going ham
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I know people are speculating on Starship a lot but the biggest aspect that people are missing is that now the starship is basically a falcon 9. The booster surving means that the US just took a leap in capabilities.

Also can you believe pic related? If starship demonstrates refueling this year then we are on track.
Elon on the timeline
Holy shit Archimedes too.
Busy day
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Just as I posted this I realize Europe did a hotfire test.
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>Technicians at a Thales Alenia Space industrial plant in Turin, Italy, guide Gateway’s HALO module to its stress testing location. Image courtesy of Thales Alenia Space
>The FAA is not requiring SpaceX conduct a mishap investigation of Starship's 4th flight test, per regulator's statement.

>SpaceX's previous three test flights resulted in multi-month investigations, but "all flight events" were "within the scope" for the most recent launch.
-Michael Sheetz

Pretty big deal in my opinion. That means turn around time is gonna be quick.
Armenia has now signed the Artemis Accords
What are those cute little green plastic streamers?
unsure, maybe they're there to show airflow, although I doubt it.
More like that they're part of some kind of tag around part of the engine structure.
using TEA-TEB for ignition?
The new Starship tower base is being put together differently. There will be metal box section panels and metal corner columns that will act as leave in place forms. Should make it easier to weld on extra plate steel protection without exposed concrete.
Yeah it's quite interesting
Probably inducators for phenomena near the engine
Makes sense. I assume the towers will be iterative as well.
I just don't understand why we are making gateway so small
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The Starliner is getting some good images. Which is good because I fear its lifespan will not be long
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Still not as kino as Dragon
Crazy radioactive leak, fuck Boeing.
Its sad honestly, the leadership killed that company. It would be nice to have more than just SpaceX
I thought it was just helium?
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Rocketlab's 50th launch! Crazy how time has passed.
It was just helium. Sometimes I think Airbus shills cover the boards..
Helium doesn't leave a glowing green exhaust trail.
That's an aurora in the background.
>I just don't understand why we are making gateway
Jesus Christ you are retarded
Stubby booster on the OLM, presumably to test the booster catching hardware.
Starliner departure delayed until at least after a July 2 space walk. They want to study the service module issues before it gets jettisoned and burns up.
New GAO report for artemis. Looks like everything is running behind.
the part with the PPE module is funny: looks like the engineers are worried about whether gateway will be able to maneuver with a big heavy starship attached.
I'm not docking with you, you're docking with MEEEEE!
Cross-posting this from the /sci/ thread.
Which is hilariously sad.
Just post the actual video
Interesting that Musk thinks orbital refueling wont be difficult.
>the actual video
Anon, the thing I cross-posted is the follow up part 2, not the first look video which acts as part 1.
The videos are pretty short when you skip past Elmo's muttering.
Yes that bootleg chink shit isnt wanted here.
The whole point is Musk's insights.
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Team in SaxaVord Space has successfully installed all 9 Helix engines to the first stage of RFA ONE. There have never been so many engines on a European rocket before! A historic moment.
Blue Origin trying to get in the way of SpaceX again.
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Fine, have this.
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Huge interview with ex SpaceX engineer and founder of nuclear company Radient Doug Bernauer.

The significance of this interview in my opinion is that it sheds light into SpaceX's work on the Mars plan internally. There is definitely work being done in SpaceX on the Mars colony that is unseen by the public
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Starship's apparently selected to decommission the ISS.by transporting it to an unstable orbit.
Why the ISS couldn't do this on its own, with its own thrusters, is beyond me.
Also, speaking of Starship, we've got some footage of slaps.
Nothing too impressive, but still worthwhile to post.
They're at 45:59, 1:20:21, 1:36:20 (live view), and 5:47:31.

SpaceX won an $843 million contract to develop a de-orbit vehicle to bring the International Space Station safely back to Earth.
And I was worried it would burn up.
Absolutely insane that they are doing this. This is absolutely fantastic
"Safely" in the sense of "be carefully crashed into the south pacific without hitting anyone"
Well that sucks , I assumed it would be put into starships and brought down
Tower getting ready for the catch
This isn't really confirmation that the tower is gonna catch the booster yet, but it's nice that they're testing it.

Unfortunately, part of it is still owned by a now belligerent country. They would never agree to recovering their tech via US means.
Well their part is incredibly insignificant desu
Also I am pretty sure Russia's only option to stay in space is to keep their part in orbit.
One of the main problems with the ISS is the cracks that are slowly expanding in one of the old soviet modules. I'm not sure how long a russian only ISS could last.
teehee cute little canadarm :3
China sets new static fire altitude record. Booster with no second stage attached.

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