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general thread for general aviation and the general topic of aviation. in general.

-Sexual Tension edition-

previous: >>1994899
This place I'm renting from straight-up forgets to charge me sometimes. How does that even happen.
How long have you been saving the NK B6 joke? Little late
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new thread was long overdue for me to spam pictures from work in
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do you qualify for the atpl automatically once you hit the hour requirements or do you have to pay for it? or do you get it after a regional hires you? i still haven't quite gotten that
USA or Euro?
Its not called the ATPL in the US, just an ATP. when you hit the hours, 1500/restricted mins and all the sub categories (like 500 XC, 75 instrument) you can take a checkride for it. You'll need a written, and to take a written you'll have to take a course called ATP-CTP, which is sometimes pay for by regionals, but currently some do not pay for it. ATP-CTP can be taken at any point in your training, you don't need ATP mins to take it. ATP-CTP completion allows you to take your ATP multi written, it is not the written itself. If you take an ATP checkride outside of an airline, you'll pay out of pocket. If your airline hires you with a CPL, they will give you an ATP checkride as part of the company training (they'll pay you to take it).

In EASA (euroland) you can take your ATPL checkride as part of your regular training, and if you pass it, you'll recieve a frozen ATPL, which means that when you do hit the hour requirement, you can redeem it for an ATPL with no additional checkride needed. The details are lost on me, I'm not a yuro.
that's better, i thought it was absolutely another expense no matter what
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the pros of a doody trip: being able to use the GA facilities to board a triple-seven
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3 hour delays over EWR/JFK from wind/thunderstorms
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Traffic jam on the ground from routes not being available and a few returning to gate for more fuel
if i were that pilot as soon as i got out of that plane i'd fuck the nearest human being
Beryl gave one final fuck you, nice
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I need to get a DSLR my Thinkphone takes fucking ass pictures from a distance and my pics end up underwhelming as fuck
I've been looking at getting a PPL and picking up a cheap beater plane to cut back on operating expenses. What are you guys experiences with experimental aircraft? I'm thinking of picking up a kit for a Kolb Mark 3, Challenger 2, Excalibur 2, or some other 2 seater LSA with a low entry point. I see finished Excaliburs going for sub-$30k pretty often and they claim $30/hr operating cost. All the ones I'm looking at have folding wings and travel trailers to avoid hanger/tie down expenses. Thoughts?
you have to take a written exam and a checkride like every other rating.
If you go to a regional usually they will include the ATP ride as part of their training, so you'll do it in the sim
Theoretically you could do it in an Aztec or Seminole and it would count the same as someone who did it in a CRJ sim
just get a beater 152 for $15k, spend $1500 on the annual every year and sell it for $15k when you're done with it
EVERY female FO has a captain boyfriend. EVERY female captain has a legacy boyfriend. This is not an exaggeration
>low end plane
>high end bike
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this Delta FO went for an Arab dentist gymchad
>doesn't upgrade at OO
>gets first available class at WN
>barely out of class at WN gets job at DL
meanwhile everyone else will have to upgrade at a 135 to get a shot at a regional, upgrade at a regional for a shot at an LCC, and MAYBE get on a legacy seniority list to end their careers as NB CA's
I hope she gets sucked into a turbine on her next walkaround
How does she fly a plane when her field of vision is so small?
>CCTV shows LATAM Brasil 777-300 tail strike incident while departing Milan Malpensa Airport on Tuesday. The aircraft reportedly suffered significant damage and has been grounded since.
>PT-MUG was performing LATAM flight LA8073 from Milan to Sao Paulo Guarulhos but struck its tail onto the runway during rotation. The aircraft returned to Milan for a safe landing about 75 minutes later.
can't wait for mouth breathing normie retards to blame this on boeing somehow (they'll find a way)
I see those starting at 60k.
I remember this bitch, she's at Delta now? Not surprised, this industry is such a fucking joke. I just interviewed there by a panel of 2 women and a nigger who could barely speak English.
I don't know who this is but I do like that she's making all the incels seethe
They hire her to be an influencer not really to fly.
My gf is an MD and I fly ag (I will prove it tomorrow if you /n/egroes want), whoa yeah breaking news high income professionals tend to date each other. Imagine being so insecure you have to do this on social media, I wonder if they’re actually both fags and are just using each others as beards on social media.
You have no jet time
Airline pay is going to fucking crater. They are flooding it with cheap women and immigrants who will take substantially less for the social cachet of muh airline pilot.
>using Dr. title
lol, lmao even
>ag pilot
>high income "professional"
top fucking kek
It’s two bucks an acre now. Money has literally never been better.
>It’s two bucks an acre now. Money has literally never been better.
Neat. Enjoy early onset dementia and Parkinson's from inhaling all that shit.
I never did ground crew. I never even see the shit in concentrate and mixed it’s basically inert, and ground crew does all the loading/unloading plus cleaning the plane
>I just interviewed there
how much turbine PIC do you have?
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Another day another failure in the Russian aviation industry.

>test flight
Were they trying to reenact some old-fashioned Aeroflot shenanigans?
I just hit 1000 turbine and my regional just stopped force upgrade. Don’t wanna upgrade cause QOL is amazing right now. You think UA will interview me?
>how much turbine PIC do you have?
Just under 1k. They told me no, keep updating my app. I interviewed with a group of 8 guys, the only ones who got it were prior/current military.
>I just hit 1000 turbine and my regional just stopped force upgrade. Don’t wanna upgrade cause QOL is amazing right now. You think UA will interview me?
Probably, just apply
what's the takeoff/landing to crash ratio on that thing? got to be one of the worst, maybe even giving the 737 lawndart a run for its money
I’ve been submitting my app weekly since I hit 800 hours and I haven’t heard shit. also I am prior military (not pilot)
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Video of the crash. Nasty fall. Makes me question the alleged engine failure though, but Russians have a habit of lying about everything.
depends on the engine failure, think of the el al cargo crash in amsterdam or the american dc10 crash at ORD
What vandalism? Are they talking about the smoky exhaust or what?
I guess no one here actually owns then?
Did you check the Hispanic box?
No lol just glorified bus drivers on this site. Id get a certified airplane so when you hire a flight instructor they will actually fly your plane with you. Also ships don’t wanna work on experimentals.
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Has anyone beaten this GS in a 172? Just over 1000TT, I actually got it to 184 but didn’t get that picture.
Never owned one but flown a Challenger II. I would humbly recommend getting your initial PPL in a more traditional trainer and then if you're still curious about lighter homebuilt options then hang out around those guys at EAA events or Sun n Fun. I frankly thought the Challenger flew like shit but it was a ton of fun in its own way. I'm admittedly completely unfamiliar with the Excalibur.
>Also ships don’t wanna work on experimentals.
I'm an MSME so I can do my own work under the FAA exemption for mech engineers. Plus experimentals let you do your own work without a degree or A&P anyways. So that's not a concern.

Why wouldn't a flight instructor make an input if they're in the copilot position? Doesn't their life also depend on the plane landing safely?

Makes sense. I guess I'll try a couple of rentals first to try a few different ones out. But I have zero intent on being a bus driver, I just want to get into aviation as a hobby which is why I was looking at affordable ownership. Really just going to use it for fun and small trips, so I don't see a point in owning something with a $120/hr cost like a 172 unless I can find an airworthy one for cheap (I can't).
Just got a job at Etihad. WTF am I in for bros?
Which to be clear, I'm not looking to justify the options I presented already. I'm open to anything under 50k (including kits or things with minor repairs needed) provided it's not some bullshit that needs another 20k+ in repairs. Been lurking barnstormers weekly looking for other options.
I'm only suggesting a more traditional route of training, beyond that rip around in whatever LSA activates your almonds the most. Its expensive but primary training is the most valuable insurance you can get other than just never touching airplanes in the first place.
What will you be flying?
Unless you’re content with a small useful load you’re probably going to have to invest more than $50k. Rent to obtain the certificates and experience, that way you can ham it up on a rental plane learning to land instead of your own. Then go out and do research on what airframe you’d like to buy for yourself instead of going into a $50K+ investment uninformed.
Solid advice. Thank you anons.
should i do that as someone of eyetalian ancestry? i think i could get away with it
Good luck from the bus drivers, some of us enjoy flying GA planes too lol
Do you guys want to see some pics of the l39 liquid death is raffeling off? I don't think I would get in trouble for taking a couple of pics of the decals. It in one of the hangers. It's pretty basic and the decals make it look bad
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It's like a dealer sticker. Would you leave it or take it off?
Anybody in helicopters? Working on my PPL. I will get this, slowly but surely because I am poor. Going pretty well so far. Definitely loving it.
How much time is left on it before overhaul? L39’s are brutally expensive to own and maintain. I would imagine even a relatively well off, already certified pilot would only take it for one or two flights then sell it. The problem is you gotta pay for the hangar after 6 months, so you’re gonna have to price it pretty aggressively to find a buyer that fast. If it needs an overhaul you are going to have trouble even giving it away.
Planning on getting PPL (fixed wing), should I also do tailwheel cert. flight school will do training in Cessna 172 for PPL and Luscombe Silvaire for tailwheel.

Depends when I am done with college and the money that I will be making, but what is the feasibility of importing a Zlin Trener, Akrobat, Z-42 family or Z-43 family. Before you ask why the above, it is because I want a six cylinder engine. I am aware of the prices, as well as the cost to ferry to the U.S, but I believe the cost can be covered.

I am also looking at some domestically produced aircraft, specifically Champ, Ercoupe, Silvaire and Cub. I am open to anything that is not a UL/LSA, equipped with a V or T-Tail (or any of that snobby "X" or "Y" tail bullshit) or powered by a Jabiru engine and I am not looking for fractional ownership, Aero Club or rental.
Correction, I am open to some UL/LSA, but only conventional ones and no Cessna 162 (death trap).
tourist here. what the fuck is wrong with Boing?
Short answer, nothing. The jew corporate press will do anything to sell a click. Longer answer, poor Quality Control post COVID. The so called MAX issues are just a 'thirdworlders are dumb as fuck and can't fly' issue. The 737 is an old piece of junk that should've stopped production in the 80s, but if you're not a pilot it makes no difference to the customer.
Yes, absolutely you should. It bumps you up in the algorithm, interviewers don't see it, and its illegal for them to bring it up in an interview anyways.
the fuck do you want a piece of shit six cylinder for
Finish your IFR after PPL then get multi/comp/hp/TW to make time building more fun for commercial.
Dont import a plane jesus fucking christ
Someones butthole was beyond puckered that day.
What happened here? Incorrect V speeds?
If they'd told people about the feature then I would agree with you

They failed to do so and people couldn't figure out why the flight computer was trying to kill them in time. That's on Boeing
man I do not work a real job
Lack of basic airmanship. If it doesn’t want to fly, stop pulling back on the stick and let it accelerate.
Why did you eat his sandwich anon? Thats fucked up
Don't spew bullshit, this isn't a C172 that you studied a POH for a commercial checkride. Unless you're a B737 Check Airman, most of the systems are PFM and don't matter. If you know how to run the pneumatics that's already a high level of knowledge, and try not to shut off B side Hydraulics when reaching for the Engine Anti-Ice. Runaway trim is one of the few 737 memory items, don't pretend that MCAS is something magical, if you flew the 737 you may know that Speed Trim has been a feature since Day 1, and MCAS is a subsystem on it, not an entirely new system.

Meanwhile, a set of brown """pilots""" had a malfunctioning autopilot, and decided to turn it back on. Then they turned into a smoking hole in the ground. Is that MCAS, or is it the reason why you shouldn't fly on browno airline? My union will tell you that MCAS is scary, but the reality is, it's just another meaningless system on a dinosaur aircraft. There are so many more Max issues that STILL EXIST and you're going for the jew media clickbait problem.
Anon, you do know you're arguing with someone who doesn't have jet time, right?
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why do Americans do this shit?
The only LAHSO clearance I've ever had was on DFW 18R short of A or B so I wouldn't violate the 13R missed approach path. LAHSO is hardly ever used and has so many restrictions on it that it's hard to ever use in a regular operation.
Chicago does it a bunch, some other big ones but the runway is so long it usually doesn't matter.
Traffic volume for some of these airports is ridiculous. Most of the time it isn't used, and remember that acceptance of a LAHSO clearance is discretionary.
LAHSO is fake, it doesn't exist. I WILL use all 9000' of the runway in my C172
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The next US carrier hull loss is gonna be a SWA CFIT crash, isn’t it. I think further automation incorporation will only result in a generation of incapable pilots and will only make the case for those pushing complete automation.

>woman CFI complaining about “seeYUH” and how its exclusionary and blah blah blah in the coffee room
>heave out a totally unintelligible “yuhhhhhh” to another male CFI as I leave
Owner wants to talk to me tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll just say be more prudent but this is so gay. Sick of this bullshit from women.
The issue is the literal army of enabling cucks who nod along to this. I have enough of a self preservation instinct to not out right argu
Females only days UP never DOWN. Proof taken. You will never see a female CFi with a student boyfriend. You’ll never see a female regional CA with an FO boyfriend. You’ll never see a female legacy pilot with a regional boyfriend. But you absolutely do see the reverse of that.
>its exclusionary
Could you imagine a woman doing it? I’ve never heard it. I’m sure its happened and it was reeeeetarded to hear.
i wish they were capable of love. because i am. and all it does is hurt
I've heard a few do it and it sounded fine, even a tower controller. Not exclusionary at all but people still shouldn't because it's crass.
I mean, instead of being an ass you could always engage in conversation and disagree upfront. Most of the peopled (not just women) hold their annoying and shit opinions because nobody ever challenges them on it. By antagonizing them all you’ve done is encouraged them to dig in their heels and double down on their view.
>I have enough of a self preservation instinct to not out right argue
You don’t have the nuts to form and stand by your own opinion amongst your peers either. Also the CYAH trend is stupid anyhow.
What's considered the best light twin today
it is the female biological imperative to bitch and moan about everything. It is a man's job to tell her to shut the fuck up. women leave the work place, apartheid NOW
>I mean
>Compentent pilot registers safety concern with chief pilot about new hire CFI fresh from ATP clogging CTAF with meowing and see yuhs.
Everything said here is true - especially about dating up. That said, unless maybe if you were a 141 fag - why date a female pilot? There are some super cool chick pilots but most have a severe chip on their shoulder or worst cases absolutely fucking suck. When you guys take the CA upgrade why would you even want to deal with that? As long as you take care of yourself and you’re not a weirdo there’s so much more out there than av girls.
the female DCA controller says that every single day
You’re a fucking pilot. Date a PA or doctor with a good ass and pretty face. Settling on dreamer ngmi women spinning their wheels on the struggle bus in 7kt xwinds is both a waste of time and a waste of your dating potential
And they all cheat on each other and are mostly miserable despite
>muh I can’t believe they pay me to do this

Don’t date within aviation if you are at all interested in loyalty, affection or building a life. If you just want to screw then go for it, but that eventually wears old. And if you just want to fuck then date college undergrads who are hotter, smarter and don’t have a massive chip on their shoulder.
>You’re a fucking pilot
you're assuming he's attractive and /fit/
>no reading comprehension
Are you a nog? Probably a future diversity hire.
I do not want to fly commercial. I am working on becoming an engineer. I will just look at domestic made aircraft, how does a Silvaire sound?
so you're autistic, I can tell from how you type like a retard. never fly an aircraft
Not him, but you sound like a chump. >>2009606
Luscombes are pretty good, but they’re sorta weekend dickaround planes. Can’t carry much, can’t go fast, but you’re flying.
What if they hadn't turned around and then crashed into someone's house? Why are uneducated fools allowed to buy airplanes that they can't handle? As always something absolutely terrible is going to have to happen for anyone to do anything about it

there is a female captain at my company that is so fucking sexy it's unreal. At the overnight last night, I saw her sunbathing at the hotel pool in this really sexy bikini and it instantly gave me a boner. I don't feel comfortable working with her on the rest of the trip now. The dynamic has changed bros.
Yeah, I want a plane to dick around in, really, but I do not want to do Part 103 because of what that does to health and life insurance.
You could be right, maybe I should give it up.
>Date a PA or doctor
Retard advice from a know nothing without jet time. Find a debt free virgin without tattoos and start a family with her. In this profession, you need a stay at home wife, not a girlboss.
Prenup it if you follow this anon's advice.
>implying the judge will honor a prenup
Retard. You marry a VIRGIN because they still have the ability to pair bond. You have never taken a woman’s virginity, have you?
not him, but no i haven't. I've never had sex. I do have two type ratings tho if that counts for anything.
absolutely based advice, I took my high school gf's virginity in the back of my 2002 Honda Accord and she's a great stay at home mother now.

anyone who KNOWS will tell you that prenups not only don't do anything (they'll be thrown out) but they'll also create a huge rift in a relationship. If your girl isn't getting married because God will send her to Hell when you fuck outside the bonds of matrimony, you shouldn't marry her.

I have sex with my wife and have 6 type ratings. 2 doesn't mean shit.
Nice, hope your family is happy anon. I took my wife’s virginity when I was working on my commercial ticket in 2014. Two kids now.
>my 2002 Honda Accord
Exquisite taste anon
>t. drives a 2014 Honda Accord
AAL Terminal 8 Escalator Fire at JFK the terminal is getting evac'd wish this happened on my day off instead
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Drove past it apparently was a shitshow because no one knew what to do with the passengers
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23 years old first year student in Economics,
really don't want a career in finance and have been considering a path in aviation for a few years now and really think I want to pursue it.
Do you need a degree to become a pilot and would I be considered ''old'' if I were to pivot to becoming a pilot now?
Danish citizen for reference
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Who was in the wrong here?

Based. My first car was a 2002 Accord and I recently got a 2014 Accord Touring. Love the thing.
people career change into being a pilot in their mid 30s. you're fine.
in america i know you need a bachelor's, doesn't matter what it's in, for your application to not be at the bottom of the pile. i took some bullshit management bachelor's program just to get a degree in something
general aviation general has no commentary on the single largest general aviation event in history. Who OSH? I missed this year cuz i am lame.
they are all too busy watching the boomerslop airshow
As of about this time last year the thread became entirely about LARPing as an airline pilot.
Unfortunately this. Fuck airline pilots.
Not I. Too far, too expensive. I go to Sun'n'Fun instead.
Stay mad I guess? Lots of airline pilots that enjoy GA flying, in fact almost all of my friends that go to Osh have been going since their timebuilding days and we're all at legacies now. I'd recommend going to Osh if you ever get the chance. Sun n' Fun is a great airshow but Osh really blows Sun n Fun out of the water.
Instead of bitching about airline talk how about you post something about GA or aviation in general. Technique? Theory? Regs? Instructing stuff?
Same. It’s easy to look at GA as a means to an end with all the dogshit that goes on at the lower level but my return to tailwheel has been funded by turbine. Most airlines have their own fly-ins too which are definitely worth going.
the only ATPs that hate GA are ESL NIGGERS that only got into the field for money. Dont care about actually flying, why wings lift, etc.
If the FAA wasn't such a FAGGOT association that wanted to keep every L1P/L2P permanently strapped to the ground we'd see the WHITE MAN'S realm of GA return to the headlines as the future of travel.
I WILL make STOL planes and have fun DOING IT
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Ridin’ dirty
You have no jet time
lads I still can't shake the regret of not having become a pilot. or not even being in the aviation industry. I watch so many aviation videos, follow accounts but now with 36, wife, kids and mortgage it's totally over. I live my dream in FS2020 but I want to fly a 747 in RL so bad...
You either do it now or do it never. You’re not too old, but you will be too old really soon. Up to you. Being a simfag and online avgeek is honestly a fate worse than death if you ask me. The path before you is wide open and you choose not to take it.
What are you currently doing for a living? Can you just get your private/instrument and be content with that?

literally nothing is stopping you form at least joining the aviation industry other than the low pay for anyone other than pilots, mechanics/techs, or state employees (faa, airport ops, airport LEOs)
Can you please open source this exploit?

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