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This is a very common thing I've seen in every internet discussion about cyclists, whether the debating parties think bikes are a good method of transportation or not, they all seem to agree that lycra-wearing sport cyclists are the satan of the roads even though they harm literally no one compared to cars and at worst simply run red lights and use the full lane

It just seems weird to me that something so harmless causes so much rage and downright murderous meltdowns, regular cyclists seem to all agree these people are the reason why they have a bad name and get killed everyday, so are lycra cyclists REALLY that bad?
It's pretty simple: looking down on other people is an easy way to briefly feel better about yourself, and criticizing people who make different choices than your own is a way of reaffirming the wisdom of your own opinions. However, insulting other people comes with the risk of having offense rebound on you, that's if you're going to criticize others it's safest to pick on minorities or smaller social groups that are less likely to be able to punch back if you offend them than if you offend large and popular groups.
Road cycling is for a wealthy elite.
Roadies chose to suffer for fun.

The desire to suffer is offensive to working people, who are forced to suffer to generate wealth for roadies.
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>persecution complex
If you're doing 20 in a 40+ zone people are going to rage at you whether you're on a bike or in a car. But on top of that the spandex makes it clear that you're wasting everyone's time *recreationally*, and not because your unfortunate life circumstances have forced you into a place where a bicycle is your only mode of transportation.
95% of the time you're easily going to pass any lycra cyclist going 20 in a 40 without losing even 5 seconds but if they're really hogging the lane in a pack you'll lose like 2-3 minutes at worst, your argument about going slow on a bike and car being the same thing makes no sense because it's way easier to pass a slow bicycle than a slow car. If there's a slow moving tractor on the road then 95% you're stuck behind them, likely way longer than any cyclist
>Look at those cyclists, always complaining like they've got a persecution complex! All we've done is coal roll them, road rage them, tell them to get the fuck off the road, tell them they are riding a kids toy and should be on the sidewalk, wish death upon them and blame them for everything
>Such entitled insufferable cunts
>Anyways, let me tell you about the war on cars waged by the communist deep state environmentalists against the hard working motorists
Why do so many drivers behave this way?
Honestly you don't deserve enough hatred
the motorist cries in pain as he strikes you
It's the perception of it, man. People don't get upset that they're being held up by a tractor b/c they view that person as doing a necessary task for work, but if you think people are biking solely out of a desire for recreation, you get pissed b/c "hurr retards could just be on a Peloton back home"
Regardless it's way easier to pass a bike than a tractor, that cyclist taking up the whole lane isn't doing it because hurr durr entitled cunt, he's doing it because he's been passed way too closely and almost knocked over when he was riding on the shoulder. They're doing it for their safety and not to waste the others' time, just wait until it's safe to pass

It makes sense. Dubs also confirm the quality of the post.
>you'll lose like 2-3 minutes at worst
Do you understand how many people ack themselves trying to beat yellow lights and save 30 seconds? Judging by the car crash compilations I've seen it must account for at least a quarter of all traffic deaths.
It's way too fucking easy for alcoholic retards to obtain a 1500kg metal death machine and the auto industry has buttfucked people so hard with the narrative that roads are built so you can go fast and anyone slow and not in a car is a dirty jaywalking communist to the point that drivers even see traffic lights as a communist obstacle they must defeat
Truly backbreaking mental gymnastics on display here.
People have bad days, then get held up for a couple seconds by a cyclist.
Then get triggered and rage.

Then, since it's the internet you see clips off this shit happening all the time and the rage.
It's less frequent IRL unless you live in a city and trigger drivers I presume.
who was in the wrong here?
Clearly and undoubtedly the cyclists
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>It's pretty simple: looking down on other people is an easy way to briefly feel better about yourself
fpbp. Most people aren't capable of self-reflection and ask themselves why something makes them angry. You can train a chimpanzee how to drive a car, and most peoples' intellect is on par with lower primates. Road rage wouldn't exist if all people were capable of higher cognition.
Schroedinger's cyclist. Too poor to get a car. Too rich to understand the plight of the working man.
>If you're doing 20 in a 40+ zone
TIL that roads aren't roads, they're mile per hour zones where miles per hour are performed.

If you don't want to be impeded from doing the speed limit 100% of the time, then use a motorway/highway. You're wasting your own fucking time using a road and expecting only cars and motorbikes to be on it.

Adjust your expectation that thousands of years of right-of-way will just be re-written because you "pay road tax" or some other shite.
I hate them because they ride in groups and leave candy wrappers everywhere
>ook ook
>ook oook ooook
>*throws feces*
Who am I quoting? I’m quoting you. Try developing a frontal cortex.
>no rebuttal
Unconditional surrender accepted.
The privately owned automobile wins, as always.
speed limits are maximums, not minimums, and car brained freaks deserve their apoplexy for succumbing to their entitlement
>why did i get killed on this twisty road for going well under the speed limit in the middle of the road?!
Terminal spandexbrain
I get tailgaters every time I drive the speed limit. I don’t I understand why people want to break the law so badly, especially when getting caught results in hefty fines and increased insurance premiums.
Purchasing a car comes with a MASSIVE sense of entitlement. People seriously expect to get a new car off the lot and have other traffic participants recognize their financial commitment and treat them extra well for it, doesn't matter how public the space is or how much you're in the right in also using it, or in other words "I've spent five years of all my savings on this, how dare you get in my way?!?"
>t. jealous poor
On the contrary, precisely because I -don't- waste my savings on car payments.
>spandex brain defaults to muh payments
>doesn't even consider single payment
So you are poor.
>being a cagebrained gasoholic
I hope you understand that for the "normal" person, cars are keeping them poor.
>spandex brain
Do you know the story of the fox and the grapes?
I swear to fucking god you fools all come out of the same camp. It's always the same comments, with the same low level far left push.
>far left push
This would be public transportation peons and anti-car poorfags.
I'm not a spandex brain, I'm an unracer ex-/o/tist reformed gasoholic. I used to be so addicted to vrooming I even used to have what /o/ would call a "peak" car, the Rx-7. No sour grapes here, I just realized how much cancer car culture has become and is now nothing like what it used to be.
Nah it's always the same comments
>sour grapes you don't have X
>who hurt you
>rude goldberg machine
It's always the same fucking shit and it's like they are printing these people in school or some shit.
No new disses. Nothing funny.
Just the same goddamn shit.
Brainlets have no argumentive weapons other than ad hominem attacks.
>it's cancer so i turn to worse cancer
Ok then
It's because of the in-group / out-group dynamics. Lycrafags are a tribe, at least on the road. If someone from your in-group wrong's you he's an asshole and you're happy that people like him are rare. If someone from an out-group wrongs you, he's a nigger/lycranigger/commienigger/carnigger/vegan representing typical nigger behavior. I told you we should have kicked them out already.

tl;dr: weird clothes
>rude goldberg machine
pretty sure I'm the only one here who uses that term regularly and I wonder which "side" you think I'm on because usually I'm getting flak from both the urbanism tweens and the jeremy clarkson boomers
stop making thread on /o/
I have been on /o/ maybe 2 or 3 times in the last 10 years and I don't think I have ever made a thread
Well I learned the term from a spammer over there. Would make ev vs rude goldberg(gas powered car) threads for months and it was full of jaks.
That was back when you could see how many different posters were in a thread.
i drive 5 under at all times and sport a quite-visible bumper sticker which reads 'shoulda left 5 minutes earlier'
>rude goldberg
it's a doggy dog world
stay safe out there.
Are the mental gymnastics in the room with us right now?
he's right though
there's all different kinds of lycrafags
a lot of them ride like assholes because they need to keep their average speed on the ride up so when they post on strava they feel cool and pro
lots of them are completely oblivious to traffic behind them and think 'share the road' means everyone in cars needs to be stuck doing 15mph instead of pulling over and making things easier for cars to pass even though it means their average speed will go from 22.3 mph to 22.2 mph

others take lanes because they know the driver behind them is fucking retarded and will try to squeeze them on a dangerous area of the road leading to rage
70% of people in cars are retarded and shouldn't have drivers licenses because they find it difficult to pass someone on a bike going 10mph on the side of the road so they rage
>speed limits are maximums, not minimums
Two kinds of people say this, people who have never driven a car in their lives and are flailing for any random reason to whine, and people who are a hundred and ten years old and don't have the reaction time to drive at normal speeds anymore.
nta but every time I have to rent or borrow a cage I make sure to go EXACTLY the speed limit in the left lane, it's a beautiful thing to make ragie cagies mald themselves to death. it's usually a hybrid too. perfect.
based cager, the only thing missing is the pro-choice vegan LGBT bumper stickers
I haven't noticed an explanation for why that anon is wrong in your post, just
>hurr durr your shit's all retarded!
You have not presented a compelling reason for me to break the law while operating a motor vehicle. Until you do, I will continue to maintain the posted speed limit while you and your ilk seethe behind me.
This is pretty accurate. It's why I ride on bike trails where I am the fastest thing besides e-bikes and honda groms.
Now I slow down to pass peds since that stops me from spooking them.
Technically they are maximums. The difference is cops don't get you for 5 over, even 10 over at highways speeds. That's the only reason you can do it, and it only works if the cop is okay with whatever speed you are going.
If you go 15 over he can just pull your ass over and fill his quota.
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Im a lycra guy and I unabashedly take the lane. I ride in the suburbs and country and i ride tarmac under 35mph speed limit. I own a house here. This is my hood. Don't like my riding? Fuck back off to your town.
This is presumably a race, if it wasn't then the two cop cars would have intervened or the motorcyclists would pass the cyclist. Rnickeymouse does similar types of videos
>flat pedals
>rim brakes
>probably intentionally blurred image so you can't see the Sora logo
>I own a house
How do you call yourself a lycrafag Fred?
many roadies own very expensive cars and only use their bike for exercise and sport.
>they're mile per hour zones where miles per hour are performed.
Correct. Going places at a high rate of speed is their entire reason for existing. Congratulations on finally catching up.

>Adjust your expectation that thousands of years of right-of-way will just be re-written because you "pay road tax" or some other shite.
>yes my entitled idiocy has directly led to me becoming a pink smear on the concrete but at least I died knowing the car that squished me was committing a minor moving violation that the cop probably won't even ticket him for
>an explanation for why that anon is wrong
If you think that driving significantly under the speed limit in any kind of vehicle without a damn good and very obvious reason will go over well with the other thousand people sharing the road with you that day or that the strict definition of "Limit" will persuade any of them to calm down then you literally have never driven a car.

"Speed Limit 55" doesn't mean "Literally any speed below 55", it means "55 at minimum - unless you want to be an antisocial asshole - or higher depending on traffic flow and how scared you are of speeding tickets".
no, it literally means "any speed above 55 is a violation of the law" and anyone who values the law has a duty to obey the speed limit
>flat pedals
are only worse than clipless specifically in max effort sprints when your optimal cadence in your highest gear is faster than you can keep your feet on flats, which doesn't come up in real life because you are not a professional bicycle racer
>rim brakes
have stopped road bikes sufficiently since time immemorial
werks fine and has even been pretty legitimately good for the last 10 years since they integrated the shift lever and R3000 even puts all the cables under the tape
>"any speed above 55 is a violation of the law" and anyone who values the law has a duty to obey the speed limit
Be sure to yell that at the truck who runs you off the road tomorrow after being stuck behind you for 3 miles.
why would he yell, just remember the license plate and get free money after the driver is arrested for assault with a deadly weapon
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>memorize a license plate as you're doing barrel rolls into a ditch
>thinks a cop would give a shit anyway
just get a camera, not too long ago some truck driver ran over 2 cyclists and he got arrested immediately, they probably used all the compensation money to buy brand new Cervelos
You're confusing actual attempted murder with "WAAAHHHH THE CAGIE PASSED ME WITH ONLY 5.999 FEET OF CLEARANCE HE TRIED TO KILL ME!!!"
that's a clipless fail, she couldn't get her foot out of the pedal and fell, why would she fall and risk injury if it's all on camera
What? You told him yourself he would be doing a barrel roll into a ditch, if a driver runs a cyclist off the road and causes them to crash that's still assault with a vehicle, I don't think it would be attempted murder but you'd still 100% get arrested and charged if they got your plate and the crash on camera
In your opinion what do you think a cop's reaction to that webm would be if the person who fell tried to get the driver arrested?
big car brain, his collection of bicycle crash videos also proves cyclists live in his head rent free, i don't cycle very often but these specimens really motivate me to do it more just to piss them off
I'm not really familiar with the passing distance laws in whatever country this is but if the driver did commit an offense they'd get fined, it doesn't look like they did it intentionally but if they broke a law they still gotta pay
Ah, piss em off all you'd like bikefag, they never do shit, it's always the old drunk schizos running over bicyclists
may i ask how you get around? car? public transit?
Depends on the distance, if it's short enough I just walk and if it's too far I drive. I do take the bus or subway if it's in between and I don't have a bike yet but I might purchase one

I never get mad at cyclists, the interactions I've had with drivers were much worse than any spandex biker and I know they take the lane to not get run off the road, the power to ignite a boiling rage within stupid bad drivers by merely existing sounds cool but like I said the old drunk schizos are the real danger, not just to cyclists but everyone on the road
NTA but I've been cycling for 2 years now and I've never been told to get off the road in real life or run off, the internet told me I would instantly ruin the day of any driver that saw me but it really doesn't seem that bad, was I lied to?
The thing is, you probably did ruin the day of a handful of shit drivers but they just didn't do shit because deep down they knew you could use it to sue them and buy a brand new bike, rich cyclists are notorious for having really good lawyers
If that's really the reason then I can't thank the lycrafags enough for creating that stereotype and making my commute infinitely safer lmao
Literally the unironic state of the degenerate cager.
It's a weakness of the mind first and only spreads to the body.
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>ITT seething poorfags jealous of the privately owned automobile
It depends on the area, in and around my german city there are tons of angry 50yr olds that think bicycles dont belong on the road and the people who ride them are green rich idiots that try to take away their diesel or are dui poors. I got screamed at, honked at and got quiet some punishment passes. I actually have less shit interactions if I'm in lycra here, that angry generation usually used to watch the Tour de France. But if you leave too much space cagies will try to not switch lanes. If I ride out further into really rural areas people drive more often way over the speed limit but are also way more aware and careful around cyclist no matter the clothes.
>How do you call yourself a lycrafag Fred

I didnt. I said I ride my bike thousands of miles a year in my suburban low mph streets and if youre someone who doesn't like it go back. This is my neighborhood. Oh and re sora...thats the final sora brifters that didnt run the cables under. Its full sora except the back brake. I run 50-34 and 11-28 in the back. Just checked strava and those sora brifters and the Poseidon is at 9750 miles all time. Obvs im not buying sora next bike but I live in an area with flats and punchy short hills.

That photo is my bikeu leaned up outside the flying J in Peculiar, Missouri. Based cyclist friendly truck stop.
Im the Poseidon guy. I love my cute sports sedan. I like my bike for fun. My car gets me to work so I can buy bikes
I own my home, and I own a bike that's probably worth more than your shitbox. But when I do rent a cage, I'll be in the left lane, going exactly 55mph
>he can't afford a car
Post shitbox
stay in school, kid
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Here catch me outside on forever shinkansen bitches.

Peace & happy weekend to the hateful channers.
If that was actually yours I've been mogged into the next solar system

>shit watch
>cum-encrusted steering wheel
Nice salvage title
How was your ride?

El oh el
its not a race
but cops are fine with that shitter going 5mph because thats a notorious road in LA where people pretend they are michael schumacher
>"harm no one"
>run red lights and stop signs
It's often better to just go through safely and then not be stuck in a bunch of cars accelerating on a green light.
Less annoying to drivers too. Do you like negotiating bicycles when you're leaving an intersection?
Ugh, THIS. I am personally greatly harmed every time I see a cyclist run a stop sign or red light, they MUST wait just like the cars because obviously a bike is the same as a car unless I'm telling cyclists to get off the road.

Anyways, how many pedestrians and cyclists have you guys killed with your car this week? My record is 37
let's be honest here running a red light never turns out well but both the enjoyers of /n/ and the enjoyers of /o/ are fans of the Idaho/Calfornia rolling stop.

It should probably be in the constitution it's the one thing all Americans agree on. Not coming to a full stop on red.
they look bad
ugliness is a crime a big indicator something is wrong with you
god doesn't care about efficiency
stop signs are effectively yields and I am tired of saying otherwise.
/n/ is the angriest board on 4chan
It's more that you can be angry here about bike shit and as long as you do it in the designated containment threads, the jannies will generally leave you alone to mald over bicycle identity politics. Whereas on /ck/ if you say something controversial like "wine is better than beer" you'll catch a 24 hour ban and if you express an opinion that's really kooky such as "some people should probably eat more vegetables" it's a 7 day ban minimum.

It's not that we don't have a hyperactive janny problem here but their main activity seems to be baleeting new bike threads that don't consist of "I have a 3 mile commute and $300, wat ebike iz gud". If you wanna mald about unracers in an existing thread it's allowed.

It may be that the jannies don't ride bikes and thus wouldn't know how to be offended.
common anon, /ck/ is a woman board, of course their jannies would flip shit about stupid stuff. Fact, all the good boards are men's interest boards and have lax posting standards
>Fat lad in the back
what's the point of this brand? Most cycling lycra brands have XL and 2XL already
How do you know it's not a custom print?
because I googled it you mook
usually those types of brands are bought ironically.
xl and 2xl are for tall people, not for fat people
fat people wear them but that's not the intended purpose
Most traffic is recreational. They could take half as many trips to buy necessities etc. but it's more fun to split it up.
Because you look awful and seeing one of you makes my day worse
I saw a study saying drivers consider a cyclist less than human. Literally <1. Theyd sooner brake for a pedestrian than a cyclist. It's nuts.
counterpoint: lycra is onions
Counterpoint: wear activity appropriate clothing.
Looool as a 6ft4guy I can most assuredly tell you a 2xl is not made for tall people.

Its made for 5ft10 roundbois.

A 2xl-Tall aka 2xlt is for tall people. A XLT is also a size for tall people.

An xl tshirt is for talls. You guys are hilarious.
Hell no its not lol
>I go faster than I can see to stop in
You're cancer and I hope you run into a broken down truck and stop stealing oxygen , you inbred Cletus cunt (no offence lol).
I like you and I hate being tailgated. I might get a sticker that says "Chill out, it's a lovely day!" Or "I got up early enough to not rush lololol".
>Road cycling is for a wealthy elite.
What? You can get a new fresh carbon sled for less than 2k$.
>Roadies chose to suffer for fun.
Its fun to workout and challenge yourself anon. Healthy too. I dont know where the suffering part is hidden in your argument.
I don't understand lycra since it only gives a worse workout for the distance put in.
Say you bike 50km in shorts and some t-shirts, now put on lycra and the same distance requires less energy. Your workout is now ruined unless you increase the distance.
Why would you do that when nothing is gained?
Going fast is more fun.
Going farther is more challenging
Wearing cool jersys is nice

If my life was all about gains I wouldn't be on this website.
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My city legalized biking through stop signs and treating red lights as yields

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