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File: Kink.jpg (134 KB, 640x614)
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Why aren't big wheel bmx bikes more popular? They seem like the best all around option
>can hoon or cruise
>kino aesthetics
>not associated with lycra roadies or neckbeard hipsters on rigid mtbs
>not associated with lycra roadies or neckbeard hipsters on rigid mtbs

Unfortunately they are already associated with niggers doing wheelies and crasing into people and cars.
But that's based
most people prefer being comfortable on a bike that offers them full leg extension when pedaling.
>full leg extension when pedaling

You are out of touch and part the educated minority. Most people like to have both feet reach the ground flat. That doesn't allow for full leg extension. Most don't care one fig about optimal leg extension. They just want to be able to touch the ground bro. Don't get mad me
You can adjust the seat on most of them to pedal better you just always see them with the seats slammed because wheelies
This is unironically the view of ebike boomers and yes I'm mad because a minute ago some old fat bitch on an ebike with a retarded setup was up my ass for two miles while I sweated so she couldn't overtake
>big wheel bmx
>not associated with neckbeard hipsters on rigid mtbs
bmx bars and dirt jump tires on rigid mtbs are a huge hipster trend dude
often singlespeed

to the casual eye they would be indistinguishable
I would love to have a surly lowside but they are almost impossible to get in my size in europe. Atleast the frameset.
Full on BMX geometry sucks balls for anything thats farther than 2km.
But a comfy single speed with 180mm rotors for fucking around and crusing to my homies on singletrails would be glorious. Dropper post is a must have obviously

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