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Fuck this garbage French dogshit design
are you the guy from the bbg who got roasted for trying to pump up a bike tire with a basketball pump
I don't disagree but we got what we got
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Would you prefer this garbage?

Frankly, I have never encountered a valve design that no-one thought was dogshit.
I am fine with all of them, just give me a decent pump.
great thread
schrader, a sensible german design that we use to this day in every non-bicycle application, predates both presta and dunlop valves
there's zero reason for either of the inferior formats to exist
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finally, a valve that makes sense
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pretty based of them to make it all compatible with things we already got. I hope they suceed in making this the new standard.
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>a pump
Not super crazy about the compressor. Gotta turn it on, inflate it only so much, then drain the compressor each time.
Great for tubeless or car tires.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people can blame an inanimate object for their own lack of skill and patience.
I've been using presta for 15 years and never have a single problem with it.
How about you GIT GUD instead of being a whiny little cunt about it?
pretty much /thread
>drain the compressor each time.
this is autism
And yet, like I said, I've heard people complain about Schrader being dogshit as well. They're also common in yes-bicycle applications, so you can certainly have that if that's what you prefer. Unless you absolutely necessarily need your crabon deep section rims, then you might have a problem.
The only thing I don't like about presta valves is you need that retarded little adapter for 99% of all air pumps and compressors sold in the US.
if you're on a presta bike you probably want an actual bike pump anyway because you want the gauge's sensitivity to be appropriate for your tire size and not an automobile or a basketball. and having one of those special tubeless gizmos is a plus unless you want to have to also have an airshot
Why would you drain the compressor??
henlo, this is patrick.
Yes I have autism and want my pump to last forever+not explode eventually due to rust.
It's much easier for me to drain every use, then remember every month or so to drain since I don't use it often.
water in tank due to the way compressors work.
It builds up over time depending on how much you use and where you live. Takes a long ass time but they can rust away and eventually not be able to hold pressure and explode.

I am not draining the compressor oil.
Wtf just open the low point drain valve and close after all the water blows out.....
They even make mechanical drain valves that will do that for you automagically....
It would be okay design if it was actually leak proof.
Instead you still have to pump them up once a week if you got a sensitive tire setup.

>not an automobile
Its still in PSI or BAR
Yupp, that is still in PSI or BAR.
It's cute how to this day patch kits come with a Dunlop valve tube even if the valves have used the same plunger mechanism as Persta and Schrader for decades.
What patch kits are you buying?
imagine creating a thread to announce that you got filtered.
can't wait to get mine when it goes on sale later this year
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TipTop is what they have in super market bicycle section.

Cursory research reveals that it's mostly only this brand, though.
Huh. I bought a couple of packets of that brand. I think they're good. They didn't include the valve rubber though (not that I miss it).

I've heard tales that supposedly patch kits used to come with an entire spare valve core. I've never seen that myself though. I do remembe patch kits including a valve rubber, in my youth.
regina valves are objectively the best
Yea but every time is retarded my dude, you can't claim it's an inconvenience just because you're autistic/OCD

That's like claiming sleeping in a bed is inconvenient because you have to wash the sheets EVERY day
I blew out your mom's Regina valve
all hail Blitzventil
>It never ceases to amaze me how some people can blame an inanimate object for their own lack of skill and patience.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people can defend a defective object

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