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Name one single reason why owning a car is ethical
They delivers op dragon dildos and HRT and the noose to kill himself.
Why should OP get to kill children through Amazon delivery of dragon dildos and HRT and nooses? Can't he just walk to the store?
>instead of driving 20 minutes why not walk 5 hours?
>think about how much healthier you'd be
>heh yeah that's what I thought cagies
Ordinarily I would complain but you killed a m*sk thread so. The enemy of my enemy and all that.
Where do you think stores get the shit to sell OP? How do you think food gets into the store for OP to spend government bennies on?
>methed out truck drivers and hours on the road
walking a 5 hour commute wouldn't even be a thing if the default wasn't car dependency and suburban sprawl
Inapplicable in my case
So you fix the problem instead of using a bandaid and letting the infection spread
Name one reason why intentionally being a poorfag is ethical.
>Can't he just walk to the store?
Well all the male prostitutes and trannies in his neighborhood likely won't put up with his bullshit anymore so he has to get ersatz delivered to him from Amazon.
If you are driving around advertising bikes or something like that it's good ironically.

In order for cars to go away we need to be more 3d. I think building down would be good but maybe valleys too like some Appalachian valley with a building spanning from one hill to the other.
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Not actual proof.
I don't care.
Seethe poorfag.
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I have never injured or killed anybody with my car, therefore you have nothing on me.
wait... driver/someone wasn't wearing a seatbelt or something?
man.... dude got lucky.
This is why I never wear a seat belt. If there is a crash, you don't want to be inside the car.
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okay I'll abandon country living and go live in a bughive with a billion others thanks anon :)
Stop larping Walmart consumer
So you can park it up, deregister it and thus effectively remove it from the road.
True, demand will result in more being produced but the price of a new vehicle is higher.
t. just hasn't gotten around to sell all the cars after /o/tist to radical /n/igger reformation and can't be fucked either.
No shilboy. You only have roads where the federal government allows roads. You only have gas stations where the local government allows gas stations.
Stop projecting swarthy kike
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>one single reason
,,,andilove,,,cagesofast!, solazy!,,,Transportation if you Knowhatimean.,
,itsnothe cage i HATE!, its the Fuel!,,,toxicrapumped from a hole.,
,most ofthe crude gets dumped,,,that we use TAR on youroad?, retared every 4years.,
,,,,,,ilove being retard,,sosmooth.,
,,Fossil fuel ishitting nature.,
,wehave the tech.,,Hempseed.,
,,,,250 gallons Hoil per acre,,160000 per mile at 3$ gallon pumped byoungirlswashing your windows.,
,,the 'byproduct is Tons ofood,,humans,horses,cows,chickenseat.,
,,,,uh,,whatwas thequestion?,,AH IREMEMBER!,
okay anon, I'll sell off my chickens, rabbits, horses and alpacas so I can go live in a 500sqft apartment for the same price as my 10 acres, all in the name of being "ethical".

kill yourself you urbanite faggot
sorry to burst your bubble but it's not just the gay city dwellers that refuse pathetic and degenerate behaviour like motorized transport and fossil fuel use.
Plenty of people who are not associated with dense settlements and still refuse to harm their neighbour out of pure laziness, weakness and addiction to comfort.
If (you) are not an actual cripple (you) are merely making excuses where none are to be made.
>it's not just the gay city dwellers that refuse pathetic and degenerate behaviour
Wrong and worthless city dwellers like you are the prime example of patheitc and degenerate behavior.
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>pathetic and degenerate behaviour like motorized transport and fossil fuel use
This non-person has never worked a day in xhe's pathetic life.
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>t. poorfag urbanite socialist
I legitimately cannot compose a response that illustrates how much of a pretentious fart-huffing faggot you are any better than just re-reading your post does, so: >>2009376
>Diarrhoeal diseases
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It looks like 2 people fell out, one got crushed by the back of the car.
>0 arguments provided
>depends on motorvehicles for mobility
>because weak body and low drive
>probably 'needs' heating and hot water too
>considers harming your own kin an acceptable alternative to curing weakness of the body and mind
dysgenic critters.
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>t. poor lives in pod and eats ze bugs
Many such cases
I'll roll coal in your face and beat you up with my pals next time you uppity nigger show up and start stirring shit around here.
go ahead.
Btw ITT: Still not a single argument provided to as why someone would be entitled to harm others only to avoid confronting ones own shortcomings.
You're a nuisance and deserve to be harmed far beyond what you currently experience and none of your whining is an argument.
What a retarded sign, thanks for sharing
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theslide?,,whyour kids?
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I'll lower my emissions when leo decaprio, al gore and taylor swift have lower emissions than me
>I'll keep taking a dump on my bedroom floor and let it dry up or get carried away by mice because it was just going to get dirty anyway
Actually, through climate change, you have killed and injured everyone on the planet. Why did you do it?
I'm not going to live in the pod and eat the bugs when the socialists telling me to do that are living in mansions eating caviar and not making any sacrifices themselves
yeah because ensuring that your vehicle complies with emissions standards (which is the default unless you went out of your way to make it roll coal) = eating cockroaches and living in a pod

don't you have a planned parenthood to be picketing?
the fucking op of this thread is saying owning a car in general is unethical due to fictional global warming, reddit spacing goal post moving faggot. also socialists faggots in government are moving to ban ICE cars so they can geofence you with gay cars
Because the alternative is walking through areas where you're exposed to homeless and foreigners and its very likely that such confrontations end in robbery or violence in one direction or another. The ethical thing to do is use automotive transportation where you're protected in advance from the rest of the human race until our countries are safe to travel again. Simple as.
I thought you guys loved based incel caminos, because they pwn the libtards and electric cars ruin cities with electricity, when did you turn on ironman and why?
no, that is you. its literally the pro trains fags trying to push the electric cars because they want to make driving gay and geofence locations. dem states like california, ny and nj want to ban ICE cars. GOP states like I think kentucy were talking about banning electric fag cars
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race to the bottom.
very comfortable.
now everyone just choose immoral behavior, point at the next guy and explain you're simply waiting on him.
Got any arguments to say or will it continue to be impotent communist bitching until you 41% yourself?
You're free to post your frugal living conditions that you promote by leading by example here. Surely you can prove that you're not a mentally ill NEET mooching of his parents funding you spreading your schizophrenic vomit on the internet out of their goodwill, right? Because you deserve to be disowned, get thrown into the streets, raped by turboAIDS hobos and then get your empty rotten head stomped in by a cop.
I'm not the one flying around on private jets fag. I'll give a shit about my emissions when the rich jews telling me to cut them care about theirs
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>you deserve to be disowned, get thrown into the streets, raped by turboAIDS hobos and then get your empty rotten head stomped in by a cop.
got some anger?
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>You're free to post your frugal living conditions that you promote by leading by example here

im not that anon, but outside of eating meat (which is apparently one of the worst greenhouse gas contributors) i actually have a quite minuscule carbon footprint in my opinion
>early 30s age
>have never owned a car, just bicycle, subway, or carpool places with people (not uber or lyft, carpooling with people to shared activities)
>have never used air conditioning, only window fans (even when my residence/room gets in the 90s)
>rarely use the heater and only set it to 62 if i do use it, ill wake up on winter mornings and the house is 54 degrees
>water use is minimal, don't have landscaping to water, even when i shower i turn on water to wet myself, turn off water, shampoo/condition/soap, then turn on water to rinse off

although to be honest my activities are more out of not wanting to spend money than worrying about greenhouse gases and stuff. but besides the meat eating i would say im doing about as well as an individual can do.
cool story bro, what you are doing literally does not matter because the mega rich are doing magnitudes more carbon emissions than you could possibly do even if you were trying for the high score.
the goal isn't to stop global warming. the goal is to create a communist slave state where the rich rule over everyone else
>The richest 1 percent (77 million people) were responsible for 16 percent of global consumption emissions in 2019

That's just a lie.
>The richest 10 percent of U.S. households are responsible for 40 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to a study released Thursday in PLOS Climate.
I'm not dropping my emissions one single molecule until the champaign socialists take a vow of poverty
can you stop lying when you rationalize it though?
I don't have a private jet you faggot. what I am doing driving my car and eating meat is nothing compared to what communist faggots like taylor swift and leo decaprio are doing. I'm not going to live in a pod for something that isn't even real while they have private jets and yachts. besides if it was real, it would affect south east asia, india and latin America first
It's possible to say specific things, that are lies, and restating your overall position doesn't change that.

Also thirdies could extend the same logic to you, but i highly doubt you would be honest about that either.
this thread is just perfect at exposing the general attitudes of those who either have excuses for or even promote pollution.
> Who would have guessed people behaving antisocially simply are just antisocial.
A car is just a way of getting around bro. I drive a plug in hybrid so the climate shit is basically irrelevant - I think I get something like 300 miles on a tank and I drive a big ass beamer SUV.

Re obesity and others, maybe try not being such a lardass? My heart rate is so fucking low it confounds medical professionals. People's unwillingness to put in time on the treadmill or at the gym isn't the car's fault.
global warming isn't real. if it was than the champaign socialists who promote it wouldn't be flying private jets. its literally just a lie to strip the average person of their rights and put them into poverty
I didn't lie about shit. global warming isn't real. and even if it was there is no reason for me to lower my emissions because its nothing compared to the rich fags like decaprio who have private jets and yachts and he isn't lowering his emissions so why should I live in a pod when that fucker won't? Plus even if it was real it would just affect illegals and the countries shitting up the internet
>global warming isn't real
so you hate richfags but you believe the propaganda they produce, exactly the kind of cattle tier debt slave they wanted you to be
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,,boggy gasinvisible.,itsinyour lungs RIGHT NOW!,
,,,,burning a tree isnothe same as Monsantos geneticraplants.,corn made inedible to humans.,
,God? ThankYou forestoring my soul daily,,help OP,,,guide,,,teach,,,,,Save.,
,,,,,Hellastsalong time,,,forever.,
,Godecideshow long thatis,,,1second?=9,126,000000 cesium cycles per second,,,about.,
,,,dumby me knowstuff., nomental needed.
Best way to prevent pollution is prevent humans. Humans always want more of everything, this requires pollution. That damages the environment/animals.
Pick your poison, but when your wife rolls by in a gmc denali and complains about meat eaters or pollution I won't take you, or her seriously.
because fuck you; that's literally why
the rich fags are the ones doing the propaganda, faggot. decaprio was in a (((netflix))) film about global warming.
just get rid of third worlders. stop giving them food and aid, stop letting them migrate to the US and yurop
Unfathomably BASED
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Unfathomably PORKY
>A car is just a way of getting around bro. I drive a plug in hybrid so the climate shit is basically irrelevant - I think I get something like 300 miles on a tank and I drive a big ass beamer SUV.

They're not 'all good' they're about half as bad. It's like the difference between driving a corolla and a crown.

>building a new EV can produce around 80% more emissions than building a comparable gas-powered car

>researchers found that, on average, gasoline cars emit more than 350 grams of CO2 per mile driven over their lifetimes. The hybrid and plug-in hybrid versions, meanwhile, scored at around 260 grams per mile of carbon dioxide, while the fully battery-electric vehicle created just 200 grams

Of course it depends on what your electricity grid is like. Above is for the US (bad). If you're using renewable energy to charge then it's better. But there are other problems too like battery cars, especially SUVs are fuck heavy, the tires are throwing off microplastics, and it causes more road damage (built with oil).
>don't own a car, only using bicycle and subway (electric)
>never turn on the heater or air conditioning in the house, just wear sweatshirts or suffer thru hot temps acting like i'm in a sauna sweating it out
>conserve water
>only produce two, sometimes even just one bag of garbage per month as a single person
i do more than enough to keep as small of an environmental footprint as i can
>why someone would be entitled to harm others only to avoid confronting ones own shortcomings.
But enough about urbanists' ambitions
Imagine being as triggered as OP by the existence of parking lots
>I proudly live in pod and eat ze bugs!
You sound vaxxed.
You're less dependent on others when you own your own mode of transit & fewer people are affected by mechanical failures. If a public bus or train breaks down, dozens are left stranded until a working one shows up. When a single car or truck breaks down, less than a dozen feel that kind of pain on average.
>Lives in a pod
Suburbs are an island in of itself which is far worse than a pod, without vehicles you are practically on an island. In a "Socialist" block there is still services, retail, departments and everything else nearby.
>You're less dependent on others when you own your own mode of transit & fewer people are affected by mechanical failures.
This is false, when you have more options available in terms of transportation, you are able to move by mechanical failures.
> If a public bus or train breaks down, dozens are left stranded until a working one shows up. When a single car or truck breaks down, less than a dozen feel that kind of pain on average.
Because there is tons of options on Transit each thing can mitigate risk. When Cars break down especially on the highway and even get's into a huge accident which is daily everything slows to a crawl. Which I would argue is much worse than most Transit which hardly has this issue, and can use other modes of transit to offset it. If a Bus breaks down, Train exists or Shuttles, if Train breaks down, Busses exist and a replacement Train comes in. Cities and small cities are robust machines as a whole.

Also as a personal anecdote when a Car breaks down you are basically stranded, you do not have Groceries or things nearby you as you would like. When you live in more city environments, you do not need to worry as everything is within a mile radius of where you are at so it's not felt as much.
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Imagine being afraid of having balance in your infrastructure.
>This is false, when you have more options available in terms of transportation, you are able to move by mechanical failures.
>When Cars break down especially on the highway and even get's into a huge accident which is daily everything slows to a crawl.
ESL fuck off. Go speak to other thirdies on a site which speaks foreign.
Do you know the tale of the fox and the grapes?
I see that motte and bailey argument is being used by >>2010170, which is switching opinions slightly when challenged. If you call them out on parking lot sperging or punishing motorists by making driving prohibitively expensive they'll just go to the "we just want more transportation options" arguments.
>not living in a town
>not living in a suburb
>living very remote
still dont 'need' a motorvehicle.
The whole narrative that someone 'needed' a motorvehicle if they only lived x distance from z is lazy fatty cope and annoying too.
limp b8
surprised people are biting tbqh
Yeah, it's pretty typical, really. They don't want more transportation options, they just hate cars because they're absolutely twigged out by pavement.
Oh you mean like in U.K with it's Indian Prime Minister? America which has the most diverse population in the world?
Yes because not allowing options other than the car is definitely going to kill your options of driving lol it's 98% of North America. You can afford to lose 40% of the infrastructure to Train,Bus, and Cycling. Not everything needs to be paved with asphalt all the time.
Why does 98% of North America need to have asphalt pavement? Why do you hate people having options for Transportation to move around?
T. Living in the cuckshed larping as a Survivalist the post.
>Why does 98% of North America need to have asphalt pavement? Why do you hate people having options for Transportation to move around?

I don't hate alternatives. It just so happens that cars are the optimal solution to 99% of daily transportation needs, while giving maximum liberty to where someone can choose to go at their own time and their own pace.
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> It just so happens that cars are the optimal solution to 99% of daily transportation needs,
Until the option is taken away from you or your tires break down.
>while giving maximum liberty to where someone can choose to go at their own time and their own pace.
Which is the true meaning of freedom and liberty for Transportation Options. Not just the Car.
>Until the option is taken away from you or your tires break down.
This is true of literally every single mode of transportation, and is not unique or particular to automobiles.
>Which is the true meaning of freedom and liberty for Transportation Options. Not just the Car.
While true, nobody's managed to come up with a way to do it better. That's why we keep seeing bullshit thread topics like "cars are unethical" to sidestep reality and transform the argument to one that car opponents think they can win.
>This is true of literally every single mode of transportation, and is not unique or particular to automobiles.
It is true of Automobiles because if you setup society to be wholly reliant on it becomes that way.
>While true, nobody's managed to come up with a way to do it better.
Car Infrastructure takes up so much space and need so much maintenance to keep up with. Miles of road and pavement vast amounts of it need to be redone over and over again costing tons of time and infrastructure. Train, Cycling and Bus infrastructure have a more efficient footprint that is not high maintenance. Keep in mind if you are for car Infrastructure at the expense of all other options you are definitely for the oil industry and the countless wars to die for it.
>"cars are unethical" to sidestep reality and transform the argument to one that car opponents think they can win.
Not much different from your argument about Cars being the most efficient form of transit and nobody has done it better,
when there is laws and heavy lobbying anytime anyone pushes alternatives to the table and throws out wild conspiracy that all cars will be taken away. If you look at the chart you will notice car Infrastructure exists in all countries even in Europe it's 48% in America it tilts heavily in 98%. Asking for a balanced infrastructure is not antithetical to the car as much as it is having options for everyone to have the most liberty and freedom to live the life they would like in the pursuit of happiness.
>sidestep reality and transform the argument to one that car opponents think they can win.
Is it possible for us to change your mind about anything?
Is it possible that you are wrong about anything?
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why is this thread full of ad-hominem by people who know nothing about those they are speculating about and not suprisingly they also end up being wrong all the time?
maybe try an argument instead for once ?
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>maybe try an argument instead for once
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whyouso,,,mean?,just because OPis a childrapist,gatejumpingooning, shill foretards,, you goff on hisintentionalazy attempto be a Woman?,
,,,walled,,uhhh,imean,WALKABLE citys are more effecient if everyone hasankle braclets with Shocking function to controll who getsin therestroom.,
,,,did you just PUKE onmyshoe?
Because /n/ is poor and cannot afford a privately owned automobile.
>I am angry about pavement
It's always possible to change my mind, but I am deaf to arguments of morality or ethics: solve it with engineering and logistics.
>waah cars bad
>fuck off faggot
>waah ad hominem
This is the level of discourse you deserve.

Dilate, OP.

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