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Why is this system so easy to take down?
saboteurs is such a nice french word! Anyways they should be beheaded by Guillotine.
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Because it's safe.
The intrinsic safety of your typical Euro signalling system allows for 1 wrong-side failure per 100 million to a billion hours. The whole thing will by design have a tendency to suffer cascading right-side failures at the first default.
Another issue is that once you've repaired it, you need to run tests to make sure you've repaired it right. Every burnt cable is dozens of wires to test, and the way signal boxes are designed, there's a hard physical limit to how fast you can do that.
Safety is bad for availability.
This >>2010301
But it's not really that easy. It's someone that really knows what to cut or where to cut.
Any asshole can drop a boulder on the rails.
And yes, that should be 10 year in prison
We can't let our support for mass transit blind us to the other things the regimes building it are doing.
Yes I think I'm smart enough to know there are stuff more important than transit.
>Why is this system so easy to take down?
Lack of redundancy. If eco-terrorists turned several highway interchanges on Interstate 10 into rubble, there's alternate (if less direct) freeways, older highways, and if all else fails streets. It's not just freeways; if there were Amtrak routes that got taken out there's enough freight rails that they can take that destinations can still be reached. Even power lines have dozens of networks that can be rerouted and service restored while the affected areas are rebuilt.
>if there were Amtrak routes that got taken out there's enough freight rails that they can take that destinations can still be reached.
You're saying as if that wasn't exactly what happened there with the TGVs being rerouted on the classic lines. As much as capacity allows that is.

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