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Or is this just another kosher trick just like circumcision? I have 6 month old who isn't neutered and he's cute as a button and doesn't cause me any problems, in fact he deals with being handled better than most peoples cats I've interacted with that have been neutered.
I understand fixing female cats is different because they go into heat and get crazy but my lil guy is very chill for an intact uncut cat
Do you want him to piss everywhere to mark territory and fuck off to go after females in heat and get into fight with other males?
Kind of
He doesn't piss anywhere but litter box. Doesn't fight my other friends cats either. Indoor cat so no contact with other uncut males
You either haven't noticed him spraying or he hasn't started yet, but he will. He is too young to be fighting. Do you even know anything about cat behavior?
Yes. Cats have to be neutered.

If they escape, that's 6 kittens out the nearest female and they have an 80% mortality rate on top of being an invasive species.
And once the marking starts, you own an outdoor cat. You can not train a cat not to mark. You can not train a cat not to be aggressive with other males. They are not smart enough. That doesnt really work because letting cats outside is bad for human health, the environment, and the cat. My purebred, AKC, raised-with-kids lab ate 2 cats since new years and one of them had nuts.

>6 months old
Reminder folks that this is the resident anti cat larping schizo that shits up every single cat thread on /an/. It's posts can be safely ignored.
The sad fact of cats low station on the food chain and the absolute requirement to spay and neuter your pets is not "anti cat".

Cats have to be neutered or they become aggressive, pissy, and develop an extreme need to roam. This is just a fact. You HAVE to neuter them, or they aren't pets, they're worse than a skunk that still has its stink.

Leaving cats intact and letting them outside kills cats. The fact that cats just aren't survivors does not. The fact is just a fact. The idiotic and neglectful behavior of people who refuse to spay and neuter and let pets roam is the direct cause of the cats death. People who own superior predators can not be expected to check under every bush and behind every shrub in case some retard let their cat go feral and become its natural self - a prey animal, now can we? That would be fucking stupid. Imagine being expected to check your yard for peoples "outdoor rats"!

But I'm sure you wouldn't give a fuck if it were dogs dying to larger pet dogs or farmers with shotguns, and a post saying that all male dogs MUST be neutered to significantly reduce aggression because the majority of dog bites and severe dog bites were from intact males. Then you'd say BASED, wouldn't you. Faggot.
See what I mean? Ignored.
Yes, you have to neuter animals. It should be a legal mandate to neuter animals and never have them outside without a leash. Intact animals piss everywhere and are aggressive so they have to be put outside, and then they escape and roam if they smell pussy or dick. Roaming animals spread disease, harm wildlife, attack non-roaming pets on their own property, and get killed early.

There is nothing anti cat about cats being prey. Because they are. Whats next, women being short is sexism?
catfags are the very liberals who say women being short is sexism
90% of cat owners neuter
80% of cats are indoors only

Know why? Because the so called anti cat schizos are normal people sick of 4chan catfags, and the catfags here are those schizophrenic shut ins who feed stray cats. The average 4chan cat owner is a horrible person, in stark contrast to the majority who neuter and confine their cats.
You're making a lot of assumptions while having zero proof to back up your claims
>speak to 4chan cat owners
>see pictures of their homes
Yeah they are 100x dirtier and dumber than a normal cat owner. Surprisingly 4chan dog owners lean more towards normal but they’re also /biz/ rich alt righters and one of them tried to kill a zoofag.
no one has ever said that except the voices in your head
Yeah they said its transphobia against trans athletes, get with the times. Women being short was only sexist in 90s feminism.
>Zero proof
I accept your concession
Any dog I see attacking a cat gets a nice laced meat treat :)
I'm kind of surprised by the pro-neutering comments here. Last time I frequented this board, it was vehemently anti-neutering.

But yes OP listen to the first few comments, your kitten is going to go through puberty soon and needs his nuts chopped off ASAP if you don't want him making a mess everywhere.
Neutering harms male animals and they can never develop to their full potential. But you realy can't keep a spraying cat indoors so it's a tradeoff.

I’m kind of in the same boat. I’m a first time owner of a cat (8 month old male) - not neutered.

He’s a 100% indoor cat just because I live in an exurb with a shit tonne of coyotes that would destroy him.

Doesn’t seem to spray around the house (yet). He has a really friendly personality generally but does occasionally get agressive.

I’ve heard both sides things of the argument but I’m probably going to get him neutered soon. Males generally live longer if you neuter them.

The only thing giving me second thoughts is I don’t want my cats personality to change afterwards. I heard from a friend that it makes them lazy. I like that he’s active and will actively seek human attention.
Because he's only 6 months.
I don't know why people pretend that 4chan is some monolith of opinion. There are animalfuckers on this board too, but you shouldn't be surprised when people say they deserve to be beheaded here, too.
If this actually happened i’d poison outdoor cats wholesale to prevent further problems, but it doesnt because you never see shit and never do shit. You dont give a shit as long as you can manage and when they get removed by superior predators you hang your head in shame. And then you get another cat to condemn to an early death.
If you start a blood feud you better train your dogs to never pick up anything from the floor. A small amount of xylithol is enough to kill them in minutes.
>a blood feud
>dogs eliminating their natural prey
>on their own property
Catfags, this is why everyone hates you. Just keep the little retards indoors. They dont have a right to roam. And they are prey. Naturally.

of course you never do it, because you never find out. not unless its a soft target like a woman.
>catfag gets btfo by the natural order
>thinks they arent the ones starting blood feuds
imagine if these impotent online threats are why so many people here actually shoot cats or trap and drown them.
ok, be real. they are. these impotent threats are why people kill cats themselves instead of risking their dog due to some idiots habitual neglect.
>understand fixing female cats is different
How is it different? People never fix females
Only third world vermin sic dogs on cats. Took care of a dog last year who's owner thought he was hot shit.
>power fantasy larp
Back to reality: lost cat poster.

We just let our dogs out and if your cat happens to be there, in the dogs territory. nature happens.
An outdoor cat kills an animal a day. If you let it live like that, deal with it. Mesopredators are both predators and prey. They live fast and die hard. Thats why female cats go into heat 5 times a year and fuck every tom they can. Replacements.
I've had multiple cats in my life, one of them pissed EVERYWHERE until I got him neutered, tried to be patient with him and not snip his balls but after a couple months you just have to do it for the sake of your home not smelling like cat piss and having a piss soaked couch when all you want to do after coming home is sit down and watch some TV.

My other male cat however never did any of that, was fine with his other siblings, and is basically the perfect pet.

Most people do it before they ever get to see what 'type' of cat they get, but if you really want to wait, you can do it and see.
>cat vs dog feud in 2025 on a post completely unrelated to it

You guys are genuinely so pathetic, especially those who are here bragging about poisoning dogs or siccing them on cats like get a fucking life lmao, if your moms saw you they would be regretting they had not aborted your asses.
>siccing them
It just happens. Same as cats just going for a mouse if they’re in the same area. Cats like hiding out and acting like prey, dogs like hunting them.
if your dog is going around, unleashed, and killing small animals you are literally the same person you are complaining about, a predatory species going around tearing the local ecosystem apart.
>if your dog is killing small animals
>in your own yard
Oh no!
Thats what they just do. It’s called pest control. If you own a pest as a pet, it shouldnt be in anyone elses yard.

A cat is no different from a chicken, rabbit or a rat.
Yeah and cats are just doing pest control killing the local rats, rabbits, etc right?

No you fucking retard they're tearing the local ecosystem or not, the fact that a squirrel comes into your yard and your untrained unleashed dog goes fucking mayhem on it does not mean it is not killing the local, native animals you idiot.
Is my back yard the local ecosystem? No. You have gone full vegan retard. I never said cats were bad for killing shit on their own land mind you. They can do that all they want. Just keep the shitter off mine.

I said roaming cats were bad. So are roaming dogs. Imagine that. Your pet doesnt have a right to roam and it would be just as fine if your well contained backyard tiger killed a trespassing dog. The only difference is most dog owners know this, and cat owners think they own the tiger and its death is always unjust murder.
>Is my back yard the local ecosystem?

Do you think mother nature just stops at your backyard? It doesn't, whether you like it or not. Yes, your backyard is part of the ecosystem you fucking idiot.

You are an ANIMAL you are PART OF **THE** ECOSYSTEM, there is no place on this planet where there is not a eco system, even to the microscopic level, to the fucking germs on your greasy fat hand, they are part of an ecosystem of their own.

The very fact you said your backyard isn't part of an ecosystem just proves to me you are literally edging on the line of being braindead.
>cat owners think they own the tiger and its death is always unjust murder.
You don't have to lord over your cat like a dog. Cats adapt to their enviorment and if dogs keep tearing them apart that's on the dog owner just like a women driving a car. You just can't always trust them but there is a survivorship bias going on
You niggers are arguing the same point. You care about your animals cock and balls more then your own
Silence, liberal.

You can lord over both. Or neglect both. If cats keep getting eaten, its because you keep letting a prey animal roam into its predators territory.
huh? I support neutering cats and stopping them from going outside I was just scrolling by and saw some people talking about literally poisoning dogs and siccing dogs on cats as if they're not psychopaths whose mothers would be ashamed of them.
No one sics dogs on cats

Cats are naturally the prey of dogs. They hunt them on their own when the cats owners allow them to trespass. Imagine complaining about cats “sent after” on mice… when the cats are in escape-proofed backyards the cats cant leave, and the mice dug under due to their owners derangement and laziness.
>Robotic right v right right
>no one sics dogs on cats
google is free honey
this. catfag victim complex itt. you are the ones letting them roam, retards. you are the cat version of people that complain when farmers blast loose pitbulls.
No one ITT. Sure someone is too dumb to get rid of stray cats properly somewhere. Brooklyn is not known for intelligent people.

Learn to read context, spergerking.
except cats don't damage/kill your property
>learn to read context

learn basic english retard.
This. But delusional dogfaggots like the larper in this thread think otherwise.
Cats spread disease and damage property. They are also, yknow, just naturally prey for a lot of shit. Imagine again
>my outdoor mouse din du nuffin your cat is out of control in its totally cat proofed backyard

Non autistic people don’t need to speak literally.
>samefagging because you got btfo
There is nothing wrong with killing unwanted animals on your own property. There is definitely nothing wrong with your animals doing that for you. Keep it on a leash, kitbull mommy.
Sure if you don't want to properly get across your point and then react like a retard when normal, English understanding people don't get you.
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Keep seething dogfaggot larper
>hurr durr outdoorcats

meanwhile dogfags take their shitbeasts out unleashed into wild animal territories and let them harrass and kill wildlife
As an autistic person I clim that word you are reffering is ill-advised because it's undescribeable. It could literally mean the words i'm typing now
Isn't instincts beautiful? Aren't you stuck here on this website based on them?
Pest control is part of a pets job. Just don’t let your pet become a pest.

I do not care if your outdoor rabbit, cat, etc dies trespassing. Sorry some of us are actual men and put nature first. I fully support pet lions that maul trespassing dogs too.
>Latonya Sassee has been caring for and feeding feral cats across Brooklyn for about 10 years
>Black woman propping up the local invasive species population

wat mean??
If you cant get something as basic as a dog, cat, or lions right to remove unwanted animals from its own fenced in back yard you need to lay off the soi lattes ya vegan faggot. No amount of your liberal bitching will ever undo the food chain.
>food chain
but I thought back yards weren't part of the ecosystem???
>Dog buttsniffer bitching about liberals
Of course it's a /pol/fag. That board has the highest concentration of newfaggotry.
did you reply in the wrong thread again?
No they dont unless they start to piss all over the place
I'm sure the dog owner thought "oh my god an invasive species, I must kill it with my very own invasive species!"

Unfortunately now his dog will be put down or taken from him and all his neighbors know he is a psychopath, maybe the other anons in this thread will take some reflection on that and see how psychotic they look.
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I don't get the double standards

>"oh my outdoor cat got run over by a car that's outdoor cat life I guess"


>"oh my outdoor cat wandered into a neighbor's yard and got eaten by the dog what the fuck put down the dog"
To be fair, as a cat lover, I would want the car put down as well.
I think that's what I'm gonna do then. But like I said mine is already 6 months old, so he should be sexually mature by now and so far he hasn't been pissing anywhere but the litter box. He isnt very aggressive except for when I try to take one if his stuffed cat toys out of his mouth, then he growls lil a little puppy, but doesn't try to bite or scratch you for taking it

I understand that some cats can be very aggressive until they're neutered, I've even met cats like that, but my little biscuit maker is surprisingly chill for a sexually mature cat
I live in Paris in a small apartment, I want to raise an outdoor orange male cat since I had one growing up, he would spend time sleeping at home but hang around the neighborhood most of the time, on rare occasion he would leave for 3 to 7 days and then come back.
I think this would be cool since there are cat owner clerks in my street that raises outdoor cats as well, and they are very nice, also should I neuter the cat if I want him to be outdoors? Any thing I should teach him or get him accustomed to from a young age to increase chances of survival?
dont listen to these fagets donut neuter your poor guy. Don't let him out and he won't breed. My guy lost a good 35% of his personality once I got him neutered
My old cat was neutered by the way and he still was outdoors and acted like a maniac, then again he likely became an outdoors cat to get away from my crazy bitch mom
Scared that this will happen to my intact female cat if I got her spayed. She isn't even that loud when she's in heat and gets exceptionally cuddly.
How do you even tell if the personality change is from spay/neuter and not the natural progression out of kittenhood?
Thoughts on cat walking?
Remarkably based. Some people suggest that you don't let them see where you're taking them so they don't get the temptation to run outside
>my cat calmed down, made less noise, and stopped attacking people after being neutered. i havent had to replace a vase in weeks and i actually get to sleep. DONT DO IT. IT RUINS YOUR CAT.
yeah, so, neuter the fucker before its too late
>day before neutered: cat is same old self
>after getting neutered and healed: cat doesn't act the same as it was the day before it got neutered
Seems pretty cut and dry to me. What are you confused by?
Most people get their cats neutered around 4-5 months as suggested, so they're still kittens. Its not like the neutering process takes another 6 months up going into adulthood
My experience is with 4 cats, 2 females and 2 males, all spayed and neutered around 6-7 months of age. As soon as the sedative wore off, they were back to their normal selves. However I have no way of telling how they would have turned out without the procedure.
>he didn't get his cat pre spayed
Before they were neutered, since they were sexually mature, did they cause annoying behavior like marking with piss and acting aggressive? Do you feel like they got lazy or any other behavioral changes afterward?

Like I said before I understand some cats are more difficult than others. So if a cat is acting up due to being intact I understand getting circumcised if it could calm em down. But if you have a cat that's sexually mature but still chill is what I'm wondering if neutering them is necessary.

And perhaps its not the case that all the time their behavior will change from being desexed, but i maybe there's a decent percentage of some that do change after
Intact males are chill until they arent. Those aggressive instincts come out of nowhere. Always neuter as a rule.
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I'm usually anti-fixing but cats are dumb as shit and completely ruled by instinct and hormones, they're nothing like dogs and I learned that the hard way
This is the anti cat schizo btw
Whats anti cat about that? Its true. Cats just aren’t very smart. You can train a dog but cats just don’t have the brain hardware. They’re mostly instinct. If they mark or are aggressive the only fix is neutering.
well son, a lot of the nastier catfags base their ego on the belief that they are superior to dog owners because cats are superior to dogs in all ways

so facts ie: that they aren’t cause massive butthurt.
They all had a friendly affectionate nature with slightly different personalities that didn't change. One of the males ended up lazy and cuddly and lost it's odor, which I think is from the neutering, he would have developed into a big territorial tomcat.
based labrador
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if you live in a city just dont own animals larger than a goldfish
cats (and dogs) dont belong in the city
Your cat may be chill indoors, but if he gets out he certainly wont be chill once he spots a female stray.
fuck off, cats and small dogs are fine in appartments
nah its animal abuse
small things need less space to store, not to live
you can store ANY animal in a crate, but will it live?
We are talking about an apartment not a crate
You should neuter pets because we have an over population of them.
apartments are just crates for humans
I'd normally say don't fall for the Jewish Saturnian boomer cult that pushes castration so much, but for what it's worth male cats will supposedly piss everywhere and can't really be trained because they're stupid.

I assume like in dogs, neutering causes a plethora of guaranteed health problems, so it's still pretty abusive I'd imagine. How you overcome the pissing everywhere, I'm not sure but I bet the same people that would have a reddit moment over declawing will tell you mutilating an animal to destroy its endocrine system is ok because IT JUST IS OK. The only solution I see is to not have cats.
Least obvious dog buttsniffer post
>animals have to be neutered or some Jewish nonsense I just imagined in my schizo brain happens
>live longer
Survivorship bias, neutering causes all sorts of health issues and increases the incidence of highly lethal cancers - things like osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, but it never gets chalked up to neutering being a causative factor. Those that escape those issues MAY live longer (possibly for the same reasons calorie restriction can increase lifespan) but they're also more likely to have issues from neutering.
>tfw my outdoor car drove into a neighbour's yard and got eaten by the dog
Shalom, Rabbi
You are conflating big dog issues (from neutering before 2, not neutering at all) with cat issues. Besides, neutering doesnt affect small dogs negatively at all. And it does not affect cats negatively period.

The pissing, roaming, aggression, and unwanted litters are negative so neuter your fucking cat. If you dont it should be criminal. Also anyone with an intact large dog older than 2 or a med/small dog older than 1 and no breeding license should be charged with a crime. No reason to disagree.

>but jewish saturnalian mossad illuminati bohemian grove little green glowies are castrating cats to sacrifice their nuts to lord bepis! this is my personal cia agent dont respond!
Average intact cat owner.
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It happens
>humans are animals
>and part of the ecosystem
Wrong. I only know one guy IRL who says this and he’s a vegan hindu indian that drives a tesla but also isnt actually vegan, he says he is but eats fish. He’s also an unironic angry creationist (brahma made it saar) who simultaneously hates christians. Something about how he thinks they corrupted hinduism and he frequently accuses people of worshipping death gods. Total clown. If anyone thinks this sounds familiar, yes, this is amar, the guy who shit a little diarrhea in a latte cup and forgot. He’s a c++ developer whose real job is telling everyone C is better and barely writing any usable code. He’s only still working because he never takes any leave and has never asked for a raise or promotion.

Cats and dogs can kill stuff in their backyards. It’s why they exist.
>neutering before 2, not neutering at all
100% incorrect, any neutering has a huge increase in the incidence of hemangiosarcoma, osteosarcoma, prostatic cancer, and that's without getting into the huge amount of non-lethal health issues it causes, as well as behavioural issues.

There's literally no reason to neuter your dog, there is no net benefit, and if you can't stop your dog wandering free to fuck other dogs, you're not fit to own a goldfish nevermind a dog.
Literally wrong, and any escaped intact make will display its athletic abilities in full if it smells pussy. You need 8 feet of angled top fence to keep a determined large male dog in. Or just neuter them because no statistically significant issues have been found in late neuters or small, non-daschund dogs.
Not difficult to keep a dog from escaping.
if they’re neutered or small/unfit. intact cats are even worse. almost impossible to contain without a proper wildlife enclosure.
>my neighbor is weird so you are wrong
thank you for your input anon.
Just males? I have an intact female cat and she never tries to escape.
I grew up on a farm and none of our cats were fixed. The males sprayed and the females were absolute headaches when in heat.
it will lose all personality and drive become alazy fat slob
good. cat people usually mean destructive, loud, and aggressive tendencies when they say personality. all my homies have tranny cats and they’re chill af. also they dont stink half as bad as an intact cat.

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