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Diabetes Rex.
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Sending an email to someone is knowing them, didn’t you know that?
Yes, Larson breaks embargo and shares unpublished info with everyone who sends him an email

I swear you guys are fucking retards

we actually tested this in 2016

you know what happened?
Larson straight up lied to him.
I told him the truth

this is all in the archives.
>Sending an email to someone is knowing them,
>you know what happened?
>Larson straight up lied to him.

this post here
>email him and ask
he did
I know he did because Larson told me.
>I know he did because Larson told me.
and that's how I learned paleoschizo's real name.
>Larson straight up lied to him.
He didn't actually lie

He said
>I have a very interesting paper about feathers in T. rex coming out soon

what anon didn't know is that was also my paper. And what it said about T. rex feathers is it didn't have any.

just like Lindsay Zanno has a very interesting paper about T. rex feathers coming out soon

spoiler alert:
it didn't have any.

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I've got a hobby farm and one of the lambs from a set of triplets is causing me grief. Here's the situation:

>lamb is about 2 weeks old
>three days ago suddenly seems to stop nursing from mother, becomes very lethargic
>mostly just lies around in patches of shade by small manger
>will walk to mother is "threatened" by touches, but wont try to eat, rarely if ever relocates
>won't accept bottle
>I've observed it doing what looks like drinking water from pails put out for that, and it's urinated at least twice where I can see it over the last 24 hours
>not noticed any pooping
>it will baa on occasion, and both it and the mother seemed distress when I removed them from each other

I've already had to nurse one of her sisters back to health and that one's doing fine, out and running about in the pasture and everything. That one was much more accepting of the bottle, though. Currently, I've moved the current problem one indoors into a pen to try and get it out of the heat (it's been high 80s 90s F here lately).

Currently, its curled up and resting like it was outside, but not sleeping.

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Had a goat like this. It was weak, started doing rather well, then one night it died. Some animals just can't make it, it's nothing on your part.
I'm prepared to accept this, hell the vet price will probably be the nail in the coffin, but after nursing that first one back from death sprawl to bubbly liveliness I'm kinda seeing this as a personal challenge. We'll see what happens in the end.
Back from the vet.

Was told "she just needs to eat" and was charged 75 for 5 minutes.

Seems doctors of all kinds are useless.
you can try force feeding him. some animals are a bit dumb, i had my fights with calves in the past. but yeah, most doctors are a bunch of scammers, vets included.
op please post lamb news

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Gentlemen, it is time we discuss the neuroethology of common toads through their visual system; as studied by Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Ewert of the University of Kassel, Germany.

In the following videos you will be introduced to the fundamental predator-prey behaviors of the common toad, then you will learn about the underlying neural circuitry responsible for such behavior, and finally you will explore the nuance of the toads' neural networks and the effects of altering specific parts of the network.

In this first part of three, we will cover the toad's basic behavioral responses to prey features.


You may also visit https://joerg-peter-ewert.de/1.html for further reading and full publications on the experiments. Much of the website is in German, however there are a few pages written in English as well. Click the "Toad Video" tab for an annotated version of this study's video.
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>Clockwork orange for toads

it all makes sense now...

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Can anyone help me pup?? He’s been getting these allergies for awhile now. Even when I took him to the vets office they give him allergy shots but they don’t help. These spots only act up during May-October and I feel bad for my puppy. Iv taken him to 3 vets and the protocol is always the same. Iv started to give him Benadryl 25 mg daily but it’s not helping either. I know it’s an allergy and I think it’s grass related but It’s driving me crazy. I hate having to scold him anytime he itches. If anyone knows something please help, I can’t figure this out
>allergy shots don't help
what if it's not an allergy then

what if your dog keeps getting fleas/ticks/etc
He does pick up Tics but iv been tentatively looking all over his body. I can’t find any. He did get a bite not too long ago but I removed it. Do Tics get inside paw pads? I haven’t checked his feet but he licks them alot
Could be a yeast infection but I'm just guessing off of the photo and what you described. Go to another veterinarian for a different diagnosis if you can afford it. Low dose treatment for dogs can be bought without a prescription if you can't.
Giving them regular bath with Dawn dish soap, followed by a thorough rinsing, then a good long soak in a bath with baking soda can often help reduce allergies and other minor, skin issues. Just mix in enough to make the water nice and cloudy then drench and soak puppy all over for a good 5-10 mins, or longer, if you can.
Just towel off and and air dry.

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Collies work less active hours per day on farms than (You).They do not spend the whole day herding. Yes they will watch the sheep but they clock out and they just check up on them periodically. Yes they will become obsessive if you let them choose their "work/play" time.
1 walk. 1 game of catch. 5 minutes of tricks. Per day.
>Neurotic nonsense about how only rural farmers should own collies
OK then you will wipe out their entire breed, because farmers use drones and guys on rvs now, almost no one uses dogs except niche traditionalists. I swear /an/ is worse than PETA and the logical conclusion to your opinions on things is the end of all life, because if it's not living the perfect life then it's not worth living.
>Muh born purpose
Then KILL YOURSELF immediately because you aren't living your born purpose to kill and breed either.
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There is no such thing as purpose

It's all in your mind

t. the conclusion of all reason
>t. kanye west
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It's true for any "high energy" dog which really means a breed that was bred for a job.
Lol the same thing can happen to labs or retrievers. OCD is just an owner accidently creating a routine for something, and all mammals live on routine. Even my cat has a routine.
How can your post be real if 4chan isn't real?

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kakapo is my favourite
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There's a small bird roosting on the pilar of my front porch very exposed and alone. She won't move and I'm scared :(

This happened before and it might be the same bird she always disappears in the morning.
Poke it with a stick
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maybe she only wants some rest ! :)

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>red winged black birds keep attacking me
what do I do to deter them? one divebombed the back of my head when I was just walking the path everyone else walks.
Quit entering their territory
red winged black bird detected.
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Now mix a wolf with an XL bully
now i'm curious how other wolf hybrids would look...
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They look kinda evil

Post your setup here for rates, suggestions, ideas, and discussion

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/a/ told me today was World Penguin Day. I didn't bother to look it up to see if it was true but let's just post pengers anyway.
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I was like that with Barney the dinosaur because even as a kid I could tell it was patronising and shit, but -if true- the reasons you give for hating pingkino or Thomas make me think you've been mentally unstable from the start
Penguins are easily my favourite animal and have been since I was a kid. What other animal that isn't smaller than a crab does kino like this. I hope I was good enough in this life to be reincarnated as a penguin bro living a peaceful life on a beautiful island in the middle of nowhere getting shit on by 500 other penguins. I'd love to visit these uninhabited rocks where time doesn't seem to pass.
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Recently my older cat died of cancer and I'm worried about my younger cat since she's basically spent her entire time with him around. She's been acting kind of different recently so I'm worried she might be lonely.
I don't really want a new cat but I'd consider it if it would be beneficial for her.
(pic isn't my cat it's just a picture i had on my computer)
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i've had many pets in my life that grew up with an older pet and when the older pet died it dramatically affected them. permanently.
it's better to get another pet than deal with the surviving pets trauma, because it's usually aggressive attention grabbing behavior that will drive you insane.
i'd go with a young dog that is of a breed that's good independtly so when the cat eventually dies it won't force you to restart the cycle.
You should have used the /kot/ gen thread ...

Anyway, yes, your surviving cat can benefit greatly from having a new cat. You need to be careful about how to introduce them, and your survivor will need extra attention at first so she doesn't feel like you're abandoning or replacing her. Females are highly territorial and generally don't like new cats, but since she's already socialized on another cat she will probably adapt.

Try to get a male cat, less of a territory problem than a female. You can try to find a cuddle bug at an adoption place (most PetSmart stores have a feline rescue adoption center). He should be about her age, but sometimes you get better luck with a young cat, like 15 or 18 weeks because a kitten presents less territorial threat and may kick in some mommy instincts.

Get in contact with a credible feline adoption organization and describe your situation. They'll have lots of experience and can advise you on how to match up your cat & her personality with a companion. Some may even let you bring your cat to an adoption center where she can meet a dozen or more cats and you can help her find a new friend.

Yes, for her mental health for the many, many years ahead, it would be cruel not to try. Cats are far more social than urban legend would let you believe. If/when you get to this stage, post in the /kot/gen thread for advice & tips on acclimating two strange cats to each other. These vanity threads get lost in the noise.
BTW, webmrel is NOT the right way to do it. There are several preliminary steps before opening a box and letting a kitten pop out for first contact. You definitely want them to have several hours or even a day or two to get used to each others' scent before getting them face-to-face. Surprise meetings usually end traumatically.
>Cats are far more social than urban legend would let you believe.
At least we got that absolutely hilarious reaction out of it
They most certainly do have extensive memories. I had a cat make it to 20 years. She developed dementia and cataracts. She reacted the same way as human patients with dementia do, looking for things from her younger days forgetting about the present. Her litter box used to be kept in a long closet, then we moved and it was in a special room instead. When her dementia set in she started to walk into a closet like the one in the house of her younger days when she needed to use the litter box, then cry for help when she couldn't find it. She had forgotten the box she used in the special room for many years and could only remember about the closet from her youth.

Someone who used to feed her daily visited after a few years absence. Her dementia had caused her usual fear of people to be replaced by a kitten like love for all, but the reaction to this person was completely bizarre. She went completely silent and kept climbing up to his face, trying to see through the cataracts who he was. She had never climbed anyone in her life and was crippled with arthritis but was determined to see his face. All other people were only met with meows rubbing and purrs.

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post your drawings or any /an/ related art you like!
also thoughts on my dinosaur /an/?
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I like it.
all tomorrows type shit
That's sick. Reminds me I need to get off my ass and draw all of my spec bio autistic reworks of fantasy creatures for my dnd setting.
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will hopefully get more time to draw soon
need more dinosaurs
definitely gotta try that
the digits will it too
very nice 'saur
looks like a yi qi griffon

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I think woofer is a pretty cool guy eh

howls at moons and doesnt afraid of anything
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good boy rubs
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today was a hard day and i sweated like a pig. time to chill and post awooers
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do they make a good pet?
I have a broken 40 gallon aquarium that can't hold water anymore and i figure i can still use it to kept something
Can't do reptiles even though i find them interesting since i can't stand keeping live feed so my option boils down to either hedgehog or some other rodent varieties like hamster or gerbil or the likes and hedgehog i think is the most unique one since i never kept one before
And i heard they also can live off of cat food which sounds really convinient
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My sister has one. It's pretty boring
>And i heard they also can live off of cat food which sounds really convinient
This is true. But as far as I know, they are omnivorous and not very picky, so you can feed them whatever
hope you like cum they jerk themselves off and it gets all over their stomachs lol
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My wild hedgie friend like fries.
But they're not mean to be pets. They won't really bond with you, only relax a little.
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Top kek.

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