can i own a softshell turtle in massachusetts? i want to make an aquarium with them
>>4946095yeah i fuck with them heavy
Say, do you think that slime frisbee has a shot at page 10?
If I tie him to a string and take him out on a windy day, will he fly?
>>4946274no this is a photo of tha giant ones so he would rape you and bite you
Christ, what an abomination. If I stumbled across that on a beach, I'd probably shit myself.
Stop eating chicken
>>4946054>no good people ate dogs or cats>your ancestors ate dogs and cats>my ancestors were terrible peopleok
>>4946054>The best attempt to justify eating cats ITT? Someone praising violent, oppressive fascists because he’s a nazi himself. Average cat meat supporter.You've already exposed yourself as a Zionist, the most bloodthirsty demographic alive today. Jews also revere cats and forbid their consumption, more proof that being pro-cat is linked to barbarism.
>>4946054>Uhm those people werent good because they didnt follow the noachide laws, they were racist colonialists and oppressed women and killed faggots so they're bad! dont eat cats!STOP ERASING MY CULTURE CHAIMAS AN ARYAN GIGACHAD I DRAW THE LINE AT DOGS, OVR WVLF BROTHERS, KINDRED SPIRITS IN ANTISEMITISMEAT PVSSY FVR EVROPA!>BBBBUT ur ancestors ate dogsHonorably, with reveranceWe should go back to eating our dead too. The funeral industry is a jewish scam.
>>4946063>zionists are bloodthirsty >just let the terrorists behind human shields launch rockets at your civilians. muhammads command post is actually his grandmothers house and his arms depot is under a childrens hospital so dont you dare attack him. >uh the very unique palestinian people had to try to occupy israel right after your started building civilization there how dare you live there give it to the jordanians its theirs because you’re jewishPalestinians did not have a national identity until they wanted to say jews couldnt live in israel. They were just arabs from neighboring regions. There were 690,000 arabs fucking around in israel. As soon as jews came back? Millions. From egypt/lebanon/jordan. This is the palestinian identity: “we are arabs teaming up to colonize israel before the jews get to it, because we fucking hate jews”They are an invading force that thought dragging their families into a warzone and claiming innocence was the path to victory, and therefore arab occupation of their fake religions holy sites (that actually belong to jews). Jewish treachery is a myth - the real offenders are arabs. If you support the non entity of palestine, you just got takiyya’d. They probably told you they lost land to israeli genocide, but actually, they claimed land, attacked israeli, and got put in their place. Maybe the shouldnt have illegally moved their families onto jewish land. You have been fed a false narrative. Palestinians are as "valid" as random mexicans attempting to claim california with terrorism and human shield tactics because once upon a time a few people from mexico lived there before its legal owner turned the land over to the US. >>4946207>Average cat eater
>>4946239(1) Palestine's Palestinians were called "Palestinians" in the 1890's.Israel was founded in 1948...(2) The original occupants of Israel were the Canaanites who were most closely related to the modern-day Lebanese based on DNA comparisons.(3) The kingdom of David and Solomon have no archeological evidence of existing. But, there is plenty of evidence of all the enemies of the Jews existing in that area.The Omrides are very well represented as an example.Neither modern Palestinians or Jews have a legitimate claim to Israel historically speaking.The only claim Jews have is a religious one.>>Average cat eaterYahweh (Your imaginary sky daddy) told you to love cats and hate dogs. Every Abrahamic religion shares that feature because it was copied from Judaism.Islam is bad because it's based on Judaism. Christianity is bad because its founders were all Jews. Judaism is like a constantly mutating pathogen.
>The Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) is a critically endangered species of the family Cyprinodontidae (pupfishes) found only in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the US state of Nevada.>Nearby agricultural irrigation in the 1960s and 1970s caused the water to drop in Devils Hole, resulting in less and less of the shelf remaining submerged.>The Cappaert family's attorney decried that the Supreme Court had chosen the interests of a fish over people, and a newspaper editor from nearby Pahrump threatened to dump a pesticide into Devils Hole to kill them all.[55] In response to bumper stickers that read "Save the Pupfish" distributed by the Desert Fishes Council, Nye County Commissioner Robert Rudd produced bumper stickers that said "Kill the Pupfish".[56] The Cappaert family sold the ranch in the late 1970s.[55]>Yeah kill'em! Kill them all!Why are they like this?
>>4938686Nature has selected the pupfish for extinction
>>4940674>>4938691Humans don't have to cover every inch of the planet, you know. No need to turn the entire world into a congested shithole like Mumbai.
>>4940663this is about Nevada
>>4946282>groundwater stops at state borders
First thread was a success. Let's do it again with more species. Orca - 21,000,000,000 Human - 16,340,000,000Pilot whale - 13,966,000,000Bottlenose dolphin - 12,700,000,000Beluga - 10,000,000,000Sea otter - 10,000,000,000 Western gorilla - 9,100,000,000Orangutan - 8,900,000,000Chimpanzee - 7,400,000,000Asian elephant - 6,775,000,000Bonobo - 6,250,000,000 Blue whale - 5,000,000,000 Elephant seal - 3,994,000,000 Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4922730>Hyacinth macaw - 2,944,000,000This mogs every cat past, present, and future
>>4945240mogs dogs too
>>4945240>This mogs every cat past, present, and futureSo?
>>4922730I wanna see a complex exoskeleton attached to a dolphin from a young age so that it has flipper-steered robot arms to use tools with.
>>4922736primates use most of their cortex for manipulating their appendages, hence their relatively primitive and sparse soundwaves use
Men who own cats are objectively beta manlets and suffer from higher rates of depression and mental illness. This is the face of the median male cat owner.
>>4944984You are the cat's slave which makes you inferior to non cat peopleYou also smell like cat toilet
>>4944984No, cats are slaves and inferiors. You can let any animal out to go feral and refuse to train it. That doesnt mean they’re not slaves by nature. Do you know how I got my cat? I fed someone elses outdoor cat, and one day after i baited it inside inside for more fish i shut the door. My cat now. Shelter fees can suck it.
>>4944538Chad cat owner here...don't mind my appearance, currently in the process of transitioning
>>4944984>he adorns our hearth as a guest, fellow-lodger, and equal because he wishes to be there.Nah, it just shits up the place, glad I don't have one
>>4944538Any info on this man's matrilineal line?
Dog puritans who suck the AKC off constantly are the most retarded fucks I have ever seen. My dog’s healthy, she’s happy, she’s a good puppy so why should I fucking care? Can’t take a puppy to the park without some white woman trying to lecture me about how she can > “TeLl mY PuppY isNT PURe breED!” Why are dog people like this? Cat people don’t give a fuck what their cat is. >This is my cat, his breed is orange.>niceAKC fucks scream about purity in breeds and health then make the pug suffer it’s whole existence. Every person I have interacted with who doesn’t care about AKC just love their dog. So what is it about the AKC that makes people so fucking retarded?
>>4946258for the same reason abused and molested children don't run into the woods
>>4946261They do tho. We also all know Anya can survive off the land if she needed too
>>4946261Just ignore him. It isn't worth it. I feel sick knowing that I replied/got replies from the disgusting fuck.
>one of the experts of dog breeding on /an/ is a zoophileLmao you anons aren't beating the allegations.
>>4946271Noooo anon that poster is actually a catfag I swear! Toxo! Toxooooo!
Why are they like this?>The tourist's identity has not been released, but according to the South African news outlet IOL, the victim protected his grandchildren when they got out of the vehicle.>The animal "charged and trampled" the victim on Saturday, according to a news release. Park officials responded to the area to help the tourist's family.
>>4941559Kill yourself fromfag
>>4944061>Hendry Blom
>>4941489Related, but a lot of people don’t truly understand how destructive elephants are to the environment, (not their fault though) in some countries they have built dams and caused their migratory patterns to be disrupted and land locking them, causing their populations to grow extremely large, making foraging for food scarce, they will topple trees just to eat the couple of leaves they have, leaving the land bare for miles, this is a real threat right now in many countries.I have a friend who actually travels all over the world and works with governments to help control populations (hunting for scientific research, and giving the food to local tribes) he does this not only for elephants, but other species too.
>>4945341>they will topple trees just to eat the couple of leaves they have, leaving the land bare for miles, this is a real threat right now in many countries.Very true. I've heard about this as well. Hilarious to see another "highly intelligent" animal wantonly destroy its own environment.
>>4945341Yet another reason conservation hunting is necessary.
TEAM CANIFORMIA:- Ailuridae (red pandas)- Canidae (dogs)- Mephitidae (skunks)- Mustelidae (otters, badgers, wolverines, ferrets, weasels, minks)- Odobenidae (walruses)- Otariidae (eared seals, sea lions)- Phocidae (earless seals)- Procyonidae (raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos)- Ursidae (bears)TEAM FELIFORMIA:- Eupleridae (Malagasy mongooses, fossas)- Felidae (cats) - Herpestidae (most mongooses)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4944221they're populous and fertile, and none of the predators you mentioned are picky eaters that would only go for near extinct species
>>4944222well, orca pods are picky eaters
Mustelids are cool and I like them. Martens do look kinda foxy.
>>4944822For me it's the tayra
Are dolphins evil?
>>4943916the more i learn about them the more based they get
>>4944171agreed. marine mammals are based, especially the weird rapey ones.
>>4937957I wouldn't watch any Mutahar content either but there were dolphin sex cults in the 1960s. One of them even conducted weird psychedelic experiments on dolphins.
>>4943916>no taste buds>no smell glandsSomebody doesn't add up here
>>4945261Dolphins do have taste buds.>But dolphins are known to swim through other dolphins' urine plumes, mouths agape, and they may do so to get social information "the way a dog sniffs a hydrant," Bruck told Live Science. >"Except dolphins would have to do that with taste, not with smell," as the cetaceans lack olfactory bulbs, he added.
And I thought pandas and koalas were lazy fucks.
>>4915808Cheetahs have the smallest frontal cortex of any cat.
>>4944568I checked for papers and surprisingly true.Female lions have the largest frontal lobe.
>>4944568Probably explains why they're going extinct
>>4912916Not only are dogs smarter, but they're also much more efficient predators
I feel bad for bison.Every time you go to the zoo, what does the bison exhibit ALWAYS say?They ALWAYS mention that time they were almost hunted to extinction. This will constitute probably more than half of the text of any given article written about them. It's the only thing everyone knows about them. Bison deserve a more positive reputation than this victim narrative. They're majestic creatures.
I went to the zoo last year and there was a bison taking a shower, I thought that was cool
>>4945401When it comes to non-domesticated animals, most people can only recite the last two or three facts they heard about in memes. It's why dipshits will always say "dolphins rapists lol" or "chimps will rip your face off lol" or "pandas don't like to fuck lol" as if they're the first dipshit to ever say or know about these things.
>>4945401They're leaner than domestic beef.
critical bison theory
>we should just forget about the bison holocaust, it's bad for their reputationNice try, antibovine. I say we need more survivors to talk about it in schools and we need to spend way more money to aid and protect the bison race in its ancestral homelands.
it's that time of year folks. eagle cam in the Big Bear Valley in CA
I wonder does night light disturb birds sleep?I just remembered another live bird stream, where baby birds kept dying of hunger, because they thought the camera light was the entrance of the nest and chicks kept staring the light.
>>4946145its infrared light, camera sees it, eagles do not and neither do humans
Poor eagle is being drenched rn.
>>4946113incels can't go a day without crying about best coast can they
Eating bugs is more cruel than eating cows or pigs because you have to kill a lot more bugs to make a meal. With a cow you can feed almost 1000 people for every cow you kill, but you'd need to kill over 10 million bugs to feed the same number of people.
>more dead things is more badconfirmed: bleaching the toilet is morally worse than killing a personit is not cruel to eat or kill an animal either. it's cruel to torture them, if they have a conscious experience of suffering. that's it.
>>4945403looks like the turdie is spamming /an/ now
>>4945403About as bad as eating plants.
how many times have you been banned so far this year?
Post animals that are cannibals.
>Can't forget the grand champions of mammalian cannibalism
>>4945379Pretty sure this is a Balkan country, and a minor one like Kosovo or Macedonia at that, so definitely not White
>>4945575it's a rat
>>4945276Grizzly bears: