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Megaquarium, Zoo Tycoon, Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, Jurassic World Evolution, Planet Zoo, and many many more, whatchu playing?

For me, I've been getting back into Megaquarium
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I miss Creatures. It was so cool that every Norn had an entire genome that mutated in their offspring. I am still hoping for a game like that with today's tech and where you have a little more influence on what mutations get bred.
That's unfortunate. It looks like a good project but I feel like I'm more interested in animal behavior than I am with building diorama sets.
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Anyone else play this shit as a kid?
You bet your ass i did
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I remember sitting for hours watching the windows XP fishtank screensaver

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Post some songs about animals.

I've listened to these two songs about every week for the past year because they remind me of my cat that died in December.

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heavy metal dogs

I thought Doc Watson did the original See:
Upon slight research, I learned the song dates to the 1780s. The SEVENTEEN eighties. This bitch old.

My addition:
Cosmo Sheldrake
> Does the Swallow Dream of Flying
> Owl Song
> Skylark

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• My Bird Performs
– demo version

Not exactly about animals but kinda:
• The Smartest Monkeys
• Crocodile
– demo version
• Seagulls Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her

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This is my favourite band but the only songs of theirs I can think of that are animal related are kinda meh. Here they are:

- 9 Lives

- Chameleon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLTDkczMZnA

- Not about animals but the video has a bunch of cats: Runaway
More Cosmo:
• The Tardigrade
• Does the Swallow Dream of Flying (played live in the studio)
• Pelicans We (live in the Budapest Baths)
• The Falcon (mahogany session)
>this is actually a cover of the Appalachian song The Cuckoo posted in >>4796395 but changed from cuckoo to falcon
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I think woofer is a pretty cool guy eh

howls at moons and doesnt afraid of anything
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snoozy boy
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this is so awesome
How do you do my fellow wild canids
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hewoo my fellow K9

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Road-trip edition
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I think you did the right thing, but I'm sorry she had to go
Separate it from the others if you haven't already. Make sure the air where you keep her isn't too dry or dusty and use bedding that doesn't generate a lot of dust like straw will. Occasionally using steam or a humidifier can help too.

Red hot peppers can help to support respiratory health and have been shown to reduce mortality rates in flocks so add some of that to her food. Garlic supports general immune system health, and thyme and oregano have been used to treat bronchitis. Just about 1% of each will be fine. It would be good to add mint to her water or her food because it will loosen up any mucus in her lungs. Probably put it her water with some honey so she gets a low dose of it more often. Mint is also supposed to increase the size of eggs. An anti-inflammatory like yarrow will also help. You can probably find it growing around your neighborhood. If you can't find it then use ginger instead. I wouldn't use any drugs as a replacement unless it's specifically labeled for poultry, including the dosage instructions. You could in theory look up the dosage and use, for example, aspirin but people find the wrong information and accidentally kill their animals all the time that way.

You might want to discontinue the antibiotic unless she gets worse and instead ferment her feed with something containing lactic acid bacteria like Greek yogurt. The fermentation can help break down the food and make more of the active compounds available and the fat in the yogurt helps with the oil soluble nutrients. Just put her normal food in a jar or a bucket with your additives, cover it with some water, stir in the yogurt and let it sit overnight. You can add 2% crushed lump charcoal to help with the fermentation and you can use a scoop of fermented food from a previous batch instead of yogurt once you have a decent culture built up. I ferment all of my birds' feed so you don't have to stop when she recovers.
On a sadder note, bronchitis can become a chronic condition and if it recurs then its recommended that you cull her so she can't spread it to the rest of your flock.
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>he doesn't wear chicken themed drip
Your quail is beautiful. I hope she gets better.

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I really, really like this webm.
Only long nose I can trust.
Get an Italian Greyhound or a whippet! They are adorable and will most likely get along with a cat.
The hunter becomes the hunted

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Eagle doesn't skip leg day.
>You realize eagles kill crows and that's why cows will harass them away from them? When did a cow last kill an eagle
Eagles are bad ass
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I love nature
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Cat logic literally be like:
>you feed me and give me a home for 5+ years
>you love me and pet me and snuggle me
>you bring me toys and treats to spoil me
>but you still might kill me and eat me at any moment because I heard a piece of paper slide across the floor
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anime website
> The absolute worst thing is a strawman
many such cases
lol. Weird dogredditor revisionism.
Cat website btw
That’s a nervous system issue, it’s just how they’re wired.
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>according to a tourist who only started saying this during an election year
This will never be a cat website. Sorry. If you want 24/7 caturday, it's over on r/caturday. If you want to be able to talk about cats in a curated circlejerk where facts that go against the opinions of the shut-in internet people who also fangirl over cats are suppressed, it's called r/cats. Goodbye.

There is nothing about 4chan that requires its users to hold cats in extremely high esteem.

You only need not violently hate them (ex: bugguy).

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Do reptiles and amphibians have emotions like dogs and cats do?
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I know monitor lizards and crocodilians are actually pretty smart
No, outside arthropods their form of intelligence is as close to alien as it gets in vertebrae animals. They are like an AI made simply to evolve itself to process data, rather than to imitate the mammalian "soul".
I reject the premise of the question
dogs and cats don't even have emotions
well there is no evidence to anyone having qualia

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checkmate, athiest.
How do you know the dog is lazy? He could just be resting.
Looks like lil fella was trying to mate with the dog.
Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex.

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Billions must dry
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Buy I will cry
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breed more or your species will go extinct incel
>not krillions
>not taking every opportunity to be a pedantic contrarian autistic child

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under your porch, and uo your tree, RACOOOON
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And in my neighbour's damn trash cans. It's 3.45am and these fuckers woke me up. They're cute as all get out but I fucking hate that they're nocturnal.
I saw one once. Two, actually.
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wonderful critters
>oh and here is my racoon penis bone collection
You basically just taught them that coercion and robbery works. Good job, you turned more creatures to crime.

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What is the proper sized aquarium for a creature?
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isn't it funny how they always mysteriously vanish when you post proof that "reddit spacing" predates reddit?
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for that particular creature, this oughta do it.
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bare minimum? 2 square ft a guinea pig

don't actually use an aquarium anon the glass walls will turn it into a green house full of ammonia. use a caged or fenced enclosure with a flat, non-wired bottom.

https://vet.purdue.edu/hospital/small-animal/primary-care/documents/CareofGuineaPigs.pdf is a good resource
Thing on the bottom left tho goes HARD for keeping inverts especially very young tarantulas.
In fact, what other reason would someone even have to buy one?
>someone cant have any reddit

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>Koroshiteyaru yo, kono yarō
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I confess, as a cat owner, that dogs are the superior animal. More loyal, more friendly, less likely to destroy the local environment or carry parasites back into your home from killing rodents. They're cute and encourage owners to take up healthy habits through daily walking.


They smell really bad, 1 billion points to the cats. Cats win.
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dogs smell fucking great

>mmmmm cedar
>mmmmm violets
>mmmmm cornchips
Comparing them is quite stupid, they're very different animals. Why not compare a dog to a fish? Or a rodent? A reptile? End this 10 year old cats vs dog bullshit. I think they're both great pets.
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Musky cookie
Yesterday after I posted this I got home and discovered my dog decided to find a dead toad and then smeared dead rotten toad guts all over her body

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I want to buy butterwort(carnivore) but how do I make sure I am not getting scammed into buying a regular succulent?
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Thanks. How do I pick one of good quality?
I fail to see how that would bring more profits. Corpos have a vested interest in you at the very least being alive, so you can be a repeat customer.
If anything they just neglect to remove harmful substances from their products.
If you end up getting a regular succulent. you can still kill things and bury them under the succulent as fertilizer.

Carnivorous plant-by-proxy
The fascinating thing about carnivorous plants is watching them hunt and kill animals.
wear green clothes and gloves when you kill the food

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