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The shiloh shepherd is the ideal dog
>bred for health and temperament from a mishmash of big, fluffy, smart, friendly dogs so basically a professionally bred mutt with a zero-pitbull guarantee
Let me guess, you need more?
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As long as you stay away from /fox/, /dog/, /horse/, and the big cats threads, no.
and the dolphin threads
you just know. you know, and i know. you know that i know, and i know that you know. we both know, and we both know that we both know.
You just really know
Actually, no.

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Welcome to the Beast Wars. What's your beast mode?
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rampage but even more based, nice.
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I'd probably have a name like Herculon or Hardshell
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Pic related
>have a launcher built into the head
>but it just shoots the entire head instead of just the dome
beast wars neo moment

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I'm sure you're all already aware but I have not seen a thread for it
The creature walks with a curious gait but also seems to have a busted hind leg so it may just be an awkward limp.
The tail seems right.
It could be an injured tiger.
I have seen the busted leg theory be proof that it is not a tiger but even if true that doesn't prove it's not.
Footage was taken from mainland Australia not Tasmania
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Someone elsewhere said Quoll
I like that answer
I see the resemblance, it would explain the small size (as opposed to being a juvenile thylacine) and why the kangaroos aren't as alarmed. It even has a similar gate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrbZ2eh6bNc
Maybe the legs in the video are too long to be those of a quoll but it's hard to tell because of the perspective
>Do foxes normally have tails that long? Or thylacines?
Yes. The main issue I see with it is how much the tail bends with each step and how thin the base of the tail appears. Also the guy who filmed it seems to just be another Neil Waters type, saying he “knows these animals better than anyone” and whatever when the best he’s seen of them is apparently some blurry thermal footage
This is a pretty good analysis
Mistery solved.


what ecological niche would de-extincted velociraptors fill?
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If you or someone you know has thighs that are covered in scales and rough pebbled hide, they should see a dermatologist immediately.
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>Chocobo, but real
>Even has the desire to be bred by human men.
I'm so ready bros!
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>too much meat on the drumstick
If anything, it doesn’t have enough on the front of the drumstick.
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It's a dinosaur
Nice view

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Discuss raising chickens, ducks, geese, quail and other livestock birds for any purpose.
Not relevant to pet birds.
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Mine will probably start laying in February
I saw this on plebbit can someone explain, will pay in (You)
An egg that was damaged while forming
Is it dead

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A newt
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They’re super common to find for an island nation, surprisingly stretchy without tearing, and about the right size for work like >>4899732 mentioned.
Most other people just used cattle gut membrane or other organ membranes for gold beating instead and I have no idea how they compare to tanuki balls. Just guessing, but ball skin definitely seems like it’d be less hassle to preserve since it isn’t covered in shit and mucus with a bunch of fat to remove too.
She can eat my childs if you catch my drift
ah yes the sea priest, the weirdest cryptid because it didnt make sense in its own age lol
the snails where a racist stereotype against some country i cant remember right now :P
literally me

Did /an/ just almost die? My platypus thread was over 100 days old and got pruned/deleted with like half of the threads on the board. What the sneck?

I''m going tp post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread got it's leg caught in a jeffries tube. >>4793406. 300 seconds to post. Good gracious. Who did I piss off or are "we" getting attaced again?
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Long beaked echidnas are a cute. Too bad they smell bad supposedly. They also have electro receptors in their beaks like platys, just not as many

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
Could they adapt to live in Europe, or even mild southern winters would kill them?
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They can actually swim under ice. As long as they get enough to eat to keep their metabolism up.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

A spider has entered my body against my consent what do I do? I was at my ex's house this morning and she's like you people obsessed with bugs and shit and has fish tanks with spiders and crickets and all that weird shit so I was hanging out with her like usual and we sleep together and nap before I go do whatever for the rest of my day and I wake up to her letting a spider like this one but super tiny into my cockhole. I freaked out and kicked her off the bed and squeezed my cock but idk if it's still in there I said what the fuck and she said she wanted me to cum the spider in her vagina so she can be a spider queen and so I left her house and she spammed text messages saying don't call the police she'll kill herself she'll get raped in prison etc so i blocked her but i don't want her to harm herself so im at home with an ice pack on my cock drinking lemonade so I can piss it out hopefully do spiders like cold? What can I do? I have no insurance so no hospital for me thanks keep me posted
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spider I found in a cave, any IDs? it was kinda big
brown recluse
Pls be real

Post proof
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That's the one, thanks.

Post rare animal hybrids (real animals only)
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im half human half anaconda if you catch my drift
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grab his carrot

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question:which animal do you think is the most dangerous
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bankers, elites, lobbyist, war profiteers and black rock execs
meme answer thats still true: people
real answer: polar bears
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prehistoric giants
Next to humans.
Bats or mosquitos. Highly mobile disease vectors. With bats it has the potential to mutate mammalian viruses and almost always do because they live in huge colonies and have hundreds of species so like real wide spread of dna for them to mutate with. While mosquitos can host and transmit things that normally require blood transmission silently and often unnoticed.

For pure physical danger on land elephants. Lb for lb though mustelids.
This. I hate them.

I wish I was a tree
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i dont think we can truly understand it.
>tfw no job in the logging business
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Wouldn't being transformed into a tumbleweed be more fun than a tree permanently stuck in one place?
tumblweeds are ded

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Today is International Vulture Awareness Day, post some vultures now that you are aware of them
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sure, she lets him do that shit for 20 seconds or something, but when I do it it's immediately "sexual assault"

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Wtf is this
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oh my
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i'm gonna shove my cock in its cock

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There's just something... unsettling about them
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We have a Kee-Wee at home
>tfw swallowed a hair
Those mammalian niches ain't gonna fill themselves up

These little niggas right here. Fuck are they smart. I love observing them because of their intelligence. When I'm driving and I see them scavenging in the road, it's entertaining to watch as they casually hop across the double yellow or across the white line to sit on the shoulder of the road and wait for me to drive by so they continue doing what they were doing. The fact they adapted to understand how traffic works in remarkable, can we show some appreciation to the motherFUCKING CROW?
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That's fucking sick.
Smart of you to not just give it random food, but to help it forage.
I had to put a crow or raven down a couple months ago and I'll always feel bad about it.
Not sure what happened to it but I found it in my yard unable to move everything but it's head. It was so aware it's crazy, the crow couldn't speak to me but it's eyes were saying a lot, it knew what was happening.
When I killed it the reaction was so human idk if I'll ever forget that day. It's clear to me that crows are much smarter than even most children
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The only annoying thing is that they tear up garbage cans. I live on a campus and first thought people were too retarded to throw their trash away, but now I've seen enough thimes that it's these fuckers. They're also smart enough to noch just jump in, but also open some mechanism at the bottom to open the whole thing and spill garbage everywhere.
Last summer I was cycling in city and noticed a crow or raven on the road standing next to a dead blackbird, occasionally pecking at it. 2 other blackbirds where jumping around about 1 meter away, making a lot of angry noises. But the crow/raven didn't mind them and just chilled with his food. I imagined gigachad and basedjacks.

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