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Fennec family edition
Previous: >>4700705
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I have never seen a fox with my own eyes but I would like to see one.
wth whose eyes did you use b4?

Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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this thread bores me. where's the red-faced monkey posting faggot? where's diaper dude?
He's been gone for months
why do americans have such an aversion to any party that isn't an elephant or a donkey?
Whenever I hear about burger elections it's always: "well, X is soooo bad ugh, but I will vote for him because at least he's not Y"
Have you ever heard about free will? There are other options besides those two
They're the most peaceful primate and don't have ranks in their groups. Unfortunately they are endangered and possibly going extinct because they don't have the nerve to defend themselves.
some burgers vote for the snake party, and up North, I think the leafs had at one point, two weed parties

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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They were just protecting the area.
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when will deer and humans finally become allies
>that webm
Imagine getting mogged in literally EVERY way imaginable. Must be brutal.
Based bouncer horses
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They know cows are bad for foals.

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My female Cockatiel lifts her butt upwards like in the picture. Will petting her in this situation harm her? Because some sources say that it can cause death and frankly it scares me.
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or he could just go the extra mile and massage her clussy
you are retarded. bird reproductive organ are in the back. rubbing the bird back releases hormones. excess hormones lead to depression ,egg binding, calcium deficiency... because the hormones send a signal for the bird to start creating eggs.
There is nothing more untrustworthy than someone who is quick to use the word "evil"
Hold on a minute. You're telling me you can just press an egg button and thats a bad thing? Do it like 5 times and that's probably equivalent to a chicken egg.

Just grind up bones and mix it in with the food to replenish calcium.
They will lay eggs eventually anyways
Some people eat them, some people use them to feed snakes, other people feed them back to the birds. Some birds eat unfertilized eggs on their own.

But you don't want to force them to lay more eggs than they usually would. That kills them.

Distorted animal pics
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>baby inspection, please open up maam

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Parrot thread

Picrel: Ultramarine lorikeet (Vini ultramarina)
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parrots, especially budgies/parakeets or whatever those little dumb fucks are called have to be the worst pets one can have
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What do you think was going through their minds at this moment?
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You realise that inbred Britbong lords and the parasitic Maharajahs they put in place are the ones who shot tens of thousands of tigers over the past couple centuries, right?
Again, I did say villagers hated them. This is illegal and they have been arrested for that.
>yeah our government values its people less than literal animals
I am pretty sure that it's the same for any successful democratic government? I highly doubt that you can get away with killing protected species in the west.
Nice non-sequitur Ajit, we’re talking about what Indians are currently doing all on their own not your spiteful ethnic grievances against whitey
Sure, but you did say they didn’t care too, clearly not the case for all of them
This explains how dogs always gets the uper hand over cats no matter their size.


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Please a adopt a dog or a cat from your local shelter.
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they all are even the cats
every animal is native somewhere
Not adopting a spayed or neutered dog that's gonna have bone and incontinence issues in 4 years.
>adopt a cat
Sure, my previous cats were 10 year old siblings adopted from a shelter and they were great little guys.
>adopt a dog
No fucking way. A cat with behavioural issues is a nuisance, a dog with behavioural issues is a liability. There ain't no fucking reality in which I'll put myself on the line for some 'poor littol pupperrr' that's actually some 8 year old neurotic bully-mix. Fuck off. I'm getting my dogs from reputable breeders. Breed-specific rescues at a push.
>>tiny lapdogs
>>a liability
ok retard
initially just kitten milk and what little wet food he could tolerate before it hurt too much. he figured how to scarf down his wet food since.

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Does anyone else feel guilty for purchasing a pet from a breeder when so many animals are struggling to survive/get adopted? My cat cost me $3500 + vet fees
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I'm still rescuing them, it happens that I'm using a breeder instead of a shelter.
Because they spread disease and their average lifespan is 4. They are the only remaining domesticated rabies reservoir in the US and toxoplasmosis spread around by their turds kills 20 times more people than pitbulls.

The average lifespan of a non-domesticated wildcat is 12-15 and most wildcat populations are isolated from humans. There's 10,000 years of genetic damage, and they're animals, it's not a good arrangement. If you neutered them all and cut off the resupply (meaning no letting any cats out ever again - impossible with how some "people" view cats) they'd basically vanish within half a decade.
No, they tend to collect more and more cats until space and expenses prevent them from accepting more. Then they stop accepting new surrenders and some new cat lady needs to be conned into creating another cat rescue, to “save” easily adoptable kittens from the shelter that euthanizes surplus unadoptable animals.
You can always give her a maine coon friend. What will you do with the kittens?
That was 8 months ago before I took her in. She had 7 outside. We took one and her. It was a knee-jerk reaction because I wanted to keep them together; I wasn't intending to take any cat in at all until people discovered the litter and starting taking them at 5 weeks. Despite my warning they were a little too young, they all just walked past their mother's one-eye to take her kittens. And of course the remaining one looks like her mom the most, everyone's last choice despite me solely caring for this mom for months at that point. A neighbor witness at least pointed that out that I was kind of walked on top of.

>maine coone friend
I've reached capacity. I had a cat already, and they aren't friends, but merely tolerate each other. This girl doesn't even like her daughter that much anymore. They aren't bonded like litter mates would be. But at least rarely they groom each other. I don't want to get rid of them but I do feel regret at how the events unfolded.

This morning there was a skunk stuck on my back deck. I don't know how he got there because there's a gate at the top of the stairs that squirrels can barely fit through. He was running around confused until I opened it and waited for him to realize it's open, then he went down the stairs and ran into the woods.

In his honor, I propose a skunk thread.
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They should use CRISPR to GMO a skunk whose spray smells like lilac
It's all so tiresome...
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Why would you mess with perfection, anons
Thicc boy

thoughts on european wildcats
are they real
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>raise wildcat
>it behaves exactly the same as a house cat
cats aren't truly domesticated imo
We should probably require the sterilization of any male free roaming domestic cats in the areas where they're present, though I doubt there'd be the political will to enforce such a mandate.
They are, but the purpose of their domestication makes it less notable, there are literally physical differences between wild and domestic ones so yeah
They are truly domesticated, the differences lie in how easily they adapt even if they haven't been hand reared, how well they deal with strangers, and general dysgenics.

Because the process of self-domestication cats underwent was purely dysgenic. Dogs were spared for most of their 40,000 year history because they just hung out with primitive humans and primitive humans followed them while they hunted. Cats just adapted into sort of, uh, the american version of themselves. Weaker and lazier because they didn't have to do as much work, and people didn't actually care if they accomplished anything or not because they're inoffensive and predictable.
Maine coon tail, interesting

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>pet someone's dog to be polite
>hands now have a thick, awful musk scent now, and it won't wash off
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Was watching over a big poodle a couple of times. Very smelly even after a shower.
>Golden retriever = very stinky.
you're smelling their ears
dogs with floppy ears nearly always have ear infections because their owners are retarded and hear "low maintenance dog" and thing that means that it's basically a houseplant
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you are literally homosexual
>He literally spent hours on desuarchive looking for that picture with that filename so he could say he was an oldfag
>It backfired, he saved it from an actual fag
bestiality obsessed catredditor self own (again)

its their fur too golden retrievers just smell bad
>at vet waiting room
>middle aged woman with dog keeps letting it howl and cry and jump everywhere but makes no attempt to stop it/soothe it because she’s on the phone
God I hate these people

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press F for the best dog

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>Golden Retrievers are known to have various types of cancers
That's down to specific genetic lines. For dachshunds, being SMASHED AND SLAMMED is the entire point of the breed.
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>yeah people with disabilities, genetic diseases and disorders, or that are extremely deformed/ugly/short should be able to breed
No, they should be forcefully sterilized.
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Do you realize that catholics were overwhelmingly anti Nazi, and are also incredibly anti eugenics? Christians would rescue the infants the Romans (and other pagans when Christianity spread) left exposed to die, often for eugenic or 'family planning' reasons.

Not even a roman catholic, just tired of seeing incredible ignorance on this
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Eines eurer Bundesländer wertet nicht länger Rechtschreibfehler bei der Matura und ihr habt ein Gesetzt, wonach sich ein Bürger einmal jährlich das Geschlecht umschreiben lassen darf.
You deserve what you tolerate.

Maybe dumb question but I'm from the city: If an animal lays an egg, and another of the same species lays one afterwards, can egg #2 hatch first? Can underdeveloped animals hatch out of an egg?
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I am a city slicker and even I know that eggs can hatch at different rates. The urbanisation of your surroundings have nothing to do with your retardation OP.
For chickens there is a heat+time activation period. You can collect eggs for 10 days, put them in incubator all at the same time, and the hatching time will all be essentially the same.
>Can underdeveloped animals hatch out of an egg?
No, only with assistance. Depends on the species if a parent normally helps with hatching. Generally though, if something is too underdeveloped and weak to break the shell, it just dies in the egg. The trauma of breaking out on your own is even actually important to the health of a lot of species.
For how long can I leave a fertilised egg out on a kitchen counter before it is no longer viable?

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I know there's animals that can reproduce asexually, but are there any that can do so while they're still in a womb themselves? IE, The mother is having a baby, the yet-birn baby births an even you g child itself
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I read somewhere that aphids are born already pregnant
Should we tell him about the incest bug
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>Adactylidium is a genus of mites known for its unusual life cycle. An impregnated female mite feeds upon a single egg of a thrips, rapidly growing five to eight female offspring and one male in her body. The single male mite mates with all his sisters when they are still inside their mother. The new females, now impregnated, eat their way out of their mother's body so that they can emerge to find new thrips eggs, killing their mother in the process (though the mother may be only 4 days old at the time), starting the cycle again.The male emerges as well, but does not look for food or new mates, and dies after a few hours.
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Tasmanian Devils might in a few decades.

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