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is there a better answer for the question "which animal would like to be?" than whales? just swim around the world and open your mouth to eat.
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>they weigh a literal tonne
They don't
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You're damn straight
>the year 1500+525
>working human-wearable wings STILL haven't been invented
As a human, this statement is very dumb.

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Uh oh, you tried to get intimate with the vacuum cleaner and got electrocuted to death! But its not all bad, you made God laugh with your retardation so he offers you a deal: you get to reincarnate as a random animal and get a chance to live your best life with your past memories intact!
Roll 1 (one) random animal, tell us what you got, and tell us what you do with your newfound chance at a fresh start!
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uuuh ok I guess, weird looking feline though f a m
have sex with a cougar
>purple emperor
That's fucking gay, what the hell. Apparently they only live a few weeks.
I don't think it would be fun if you have to do it or else you die

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Appreciate the most elegant and silly dog breed
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That silly bump they have on their head is the best part
his are shooped and the one you've posted is making use of wide angle lenses.
I don't why people do this. The dogs are already really special looking. There's literally no need for any fuckery >>4935408 is the best example. Just show how things really are.
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Stop posting fake Zois. Here is one a friend has.
I call such protuberances dog horns. My non-borzoi also have them.

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what's the best pet for needy people?
Parrots, they're pretty life consuming and need attention/companionship almost every minute they're awake.
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My cat likes be to held like a baby a little too much what’s his problem does he love me or some shit?
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>catfags are so dumb they think webpage screenshots are evidence
more easily faked than any other document
doggod iq range: 2 (normies) to 200 (/an/)
cattroon iq range: 95-110 (all reddit btw)
Correct. Total basset victory.

Fake and gay.
The anti cat schizo keeps samefagging it's very pathetic
The anti dog schizo got btfo so hard it has to cope by screeching samefag.

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he chillin
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he based
O kurwa on gryzie
it is the final boss of the interwebs
yep I'm thinking based

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This shit needs to be stopped
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A downright irreverent display of sphericality.
Highly doubt a stinky cat could ever be this round.
>This shit needs to be stopped
Why? That dog looks calm, friendly, and mindful
-- well-rounded, if you will
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Did /an/ just almost die? My platypus thread was over 100 days old and got pruned/deleted with like half of the threads on the board. What the sneck?

I''m going tp post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread got it's leg caught in a jeffries tube. >>4793406. 300 seconds to post. Good gracious. Who did I piss off or are "we" getting attaced again?
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healesville sanctuary has an interactive platypus encounter, but you have to book months in advance. San Diego zoo has a pair you can go see and they have a live webcam

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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Good lord what's wrong with posting?

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

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I LOVE MY DOGGGG isn't she cute? she's almost 2 years old (will be in february) but she's a little bigger than my hand, she's very active and playful, my dear gabi ^_^
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I'm more convinced that the "catfag/toxo" schizo and the "dogfag" schizo are the same guy actually.
They often are. We knew this based on ip wipes ages ago when it was posting zoosadism more often.
Reminder that this is the sole schizo spamming paragraphs upon paragraphs seethe about cats. It's obvious when he gets banned since the paragraphs of seethe stop for a few days across all /an/ threads.
If you check the archive it almost entirely anti dog schizo posts getting deleted. Very telling that you lie about this.

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look who came by last week
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God damn the genetics weren't abusive enough you had to manually chew off his ears too, huh?
did you discover 4chan yesterday?

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Why are prey animals like this despite often being larger, stronger and more numerous?
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The only tactics that work against african wild dogs:

based Buffalo bro
predators act like that too
>come to the cub's aid
>the male eats you instead
>the female and her cub run off and leave you for dead
YOU go save the polar bear cub from the adult polar bear that wants to eat it and let us know how it goes

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>walk my dog on usual path on a woodside
>some motherfucker left their fucking filled and knotted plastic dog shit bag in the middle of the path
Just don't use plastic bags if you walk your dog in the forest you fucking npc retards
It fell off a clip on their leash and they didnt notice.
No I've had that multiple times now. Some faggot once placed one on a pillar at a forest pond where it stayed for weeks until I picked it up with a stick and threw it on the street
>Be me, walking my dog
>Dog shits
>I pick it up with the plastic bags I brought with me for the express purpose of picking up dog shit
>I tie the bag
>I hang the bag on a tree like a faecal Christmas ornament
>I keep walking my dog
>I do this a couple of times on the same route over the course of a week so eventually you can't go 20m without seeing a turd lovingly hung on a bush or branch
Why am I like this?
>like a faecal Christmas ornament
>Why am I like this?
I'm gonna go with "jewish ancestry".

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What is the silliest race of dog?

I think finnish dogs are very silly
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Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Stop flirting with me you faggot.
So why are dogs being targeted? Someone already sabotaged the /dog/ general with a cat pic could be seen as bant but they and removed all the helpful info from the OP.
It's one obsessed "guy" that got so badly btfo in the dog thread that they became obsessed with ruining /an/. You can farm (you)'s off him at anytime of the day or night. It's really quite entertaining.
4 year long troll campaign that started with attempts to frame /dog/ posters for bestiality and falseflagging as a zoosadist while begging the mods to move /dog/ to trash. The framing stage was quite disgusting and still happens because this troll wants leos owner to leave really badly.
In other words, mental illness

People are sleeping on these kings. Everyone knows about plants and animals. Some smarty pantses know that fungi are neither.

But only the wisest know kelp isn't a plant. Protists deserve more credit!

Post about slime molds, macroalgae, and all your favorite fruiting bodies here.
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They did the same with Japanese subways, pretty neat.
The slime mold obviously can't know about terrain being a limiting factor because the gel plate USA it was placed on was flat. But even on a plate with accurate topography, I'm afraid slime molds are too unaware of trains (or the building of structures to accomodate for trains) to figure this one out for us.
It's probably good as a general guideline, not a 1-1 copy.
They're amoebas. The fuck did you expect?
tbf orcas didn't start preying on sea otters until their usual cetacean prey was depleted by the whaling industry. Then they moved on to preying on seals, then sea lions, and then finally sea otters.

Whaling industry fucked up the entire ecosystem balance.

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