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My cat likes be to held like a baby a little too much what’s his problem does he love me or some shit?
>does he love me or some shit?
No. Cats simply lack the brain hardware for any complex mental state.
He does love you

>Anti cat schizo
Kill yourself samefag.
>bark bark
>sniiiiiiiiiif butt
Why are you quoting Gigachad?
Dogsisters I don't feel so good...
Like clockwork.

I've got you wrapped around my finger, schizo. I know there are at least two people chuckling at your seethe and cope posting now. :)
Catsissy leakage is off the charts
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Catfag being a retard again
>Seething dogredditor resorts to phoneposting
>she(male) still thinks I’m the same guy
Some cats are very affectionate
Double post of seethe.
Daily reminder dogs eat literal poop and slobber their owners with poopy tongue
Shitty ass companions
>thread about cat, delusional hysteria about dogs
Mine doesnt. Skill issue. Only dumb people have that problem.
Cats also eat feces
Threadly reminder cats are simply the better companions

Dogs are loud as shit with the constant panting with their tongue out like relax buddy and if you have hard floors good luck you will hear click clack 24/7. Some are even dangerous and they will literally attack and kill people unprovoked after they eat their own poop. Cats dont do this they just sleep like innocent vulnerable angels
>cats are simply the better companions

Yeah, if you need a non-sentient disease vector to pet occasionally, but a plush doll would probably be better for that purpose
Cats wont simply bark at you like a retard to communicate. Cat owners have the ability to discern and extrapolate to know their cats are highly reactive. I don’t expect simpleton dog owners to understand

Postly reminder some people literally fuck dogs because they think dogs can replace people
>deranged dog worship thinking dogs are literal gods while cats are non-sentient

You all are fucking idiots. I don't care which pet you prefer but cats are affectionate pets that genuinely like and seek human companionship, has perfect object permanence and are possibly self-aware.
He admits cats are highly reactive.

Cats =< pitbulls confirmed.
Cats have been scientifically proven to be dumber than chihuahuas. Their entire point is being less, overall, than a dog, so they're easier for apartment wagies to keep while still being a mammal and easier to empathize with.

You on the other hand are basically the aspergers kid who likes lizards because their sedate nature doesn't trigger his mental disorder, but slightly upgraded. The core of your argument is 1: you have severe sensory sensitivity issues 2: you have an anxiety disorder 3: you neglect pets to watch anime and play video games instead of raising them properly. That's it. Challenging and intelligent pets aren't for you because you literally have a disability.

>Postly reminder some people literally fuck dogs because they think dogs can replace people
That's YOUR idea of why YOU would fuck a dog. The majority of it is just pedophiles and gay sadists (hence the majority of bestiality occurs in the middle east, africa, and south america) getting off to the power dynamic. Your idea is the autists idea, we have a poster here who does the exact same sick shit to his cat and wrote an essay on the ideal dildo for it. It's not all that animal specific. Autists have even resorted to replacing women with *pigeons*.

I wouldn't call cats non sentient but they are borderline asocial and significantly less intelligent than dogs. Their affection was bred into them by humans, by permanently arresting their physical and mental development in a kitten-like state so they perpetually think you are their mother. Dogs are more sophisticated and have something resembling normal friendship. Cats are just a lesser, easier pet like dogs are a lesser, easier pet than a parrot.
Wow, your entire argument is "i have aspergers syndrome" and "pitbulls exist"? Really?

Its well known around here that anti-dog schizos turn out to be into animals sexually. Aspies in general do.
this looks more like grooming as a stress relief behavior due to seeing an unfamiliar cat. they then look away to defuse the situation. neither cats nor dogs have passed the mirror test. self aware, maybe, but body image and general self awareness are actually two different things neurologically.
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>meowing rodents are nothing more than a plushie for faggots
Catsissies won’t appreciate you telling them cats are not real pets, just like they aren’t real women (or a real man for that matter since they’re cat loving trannies in the first place). The first faggot that responded to you got raped by a dog (a very based dog) and mauled xir cat.
Hey now... Don't talk shit about my boy Tesla.
You seem to suggest that I am autistic. I am definitely on the spectrum but that has nothing to do with dogs being better than cats.

Raising a higher maintenance animal doesnt mean you have a superior companion. It just means you have more work cut out for you like constantly pulling the leash on your dog away from poop it is trying to eat. Do you really feel smug and superior when you are picking up your dog’s poop? The extraterrestrials that observe human behavior must think you worship dogs because you pick up their poop every single day.

>incoherent longwinded rambling about people fucking dogs
Yeah some dog owners fuck dogs. I don’t because I am not a dog lover like you. You are far closer to fucking dogs than I ever will be and that is a fact
>Dumber than chis
So? Chis are smart. All dogs are smart, they are one if the smartest animals on earth, so they will mog animals like cats goats horses or donkeys, which all are still decently intelligent.
>I am definitely on the spectrum
Opinion fully disregarded.

Raising and living with dogs requires empathy, emotional control, and a stable and rational mind. As a developmentally delayed child, you lack these. You're just a partial psychopath tenuously tied to some atavistic ape emotions. To a normal person who is truly more intelligent than average rather than a failed savant dogs are superior companions. We don't have problems with poop eating or anything.
>Do you really feel smug and superior when you are picking up your dog’s poop? The extraterrestrials that observe human behavior must think you worship dogs because you pick up their poop every single day.
As an adult who is socially normal and more intelligent than average, yes, because unlike children and retards I know poop can't hurt me through two thick plastic bags but it can hurt other people if left to degrade in the environment. When was the last time you scooped your cats shit out of someone elses flower bed? The aliens observing your behavior must think you're a lesser animal than the cat.

And I would not be surprised if all this bullshit is how you cope with how you're sexually attracted to dogs. The MAJORITY of autistic people I have had the displeasure of interacting with were either zoophiles, pedophiles, or both. It is absurdly common for you things to experience some kind of bizarre imprinting failure. I can sort of tell, because you don't just have a natural revulsion (disgust instinct) towards bestiality. You have to fit it into some contrived secular and humanist virtue-vice framework first. You see normal people dont do this and dont see it like you, we see it as exploitation by deranged people who are often pedophiles and gay rapists.
the only dogs i know that eat poop are owned by idiots and dog beating psychopaths

normal people teach their dog not to do it immediately, in the odd case their dog does it and improving nutrition doesn't halt the motivation for the behavior. there are studies on idiopathic corpophagia actually being an inherited and hormonally modulated behavior in dogs, with different rates on a breed by breed basis and for spayed and intact dogs.
Many dogs will go through a phase when they're puppies and never do it as they get older.
The cost of a superior companion is they actually expect to be your companion. Dogs become neurotic, destructive, or even aggressive when neglected just like people do. Some dogs are so superior that they need a second dog around or they go insane, because their greater consciousness requires company.

Cats are inferior companions, if you actually expect a companion, but if you're gone 3/4s of the day (or mentally simple, or addicted to video games, etc) the small amount of companionship they provide is all you ever see.
Dogs require more emotional control and a stable mind because they clearly piss you off. But you seem so suggest they are superior because you love tolerating their bullshit. When you do the cost benefit analysis here all the work you put in can hopefully make a dog that pisses you off less, when a cat by default is what dog owners try to achieve. A calm and well behaved companion who doesn’t destroy the house.

>yes I feel smug and superior picking up my dog’s poop
Congratulations and by the way I don’t scoop up my cat’s litter box is automatic

>incoherent rambling about people fucking dogs ensues
I don’t have a dog and I never will. So for me it’s not even an option. You are grooming your dog to be a better companion and the end goal is probably a sexual companion judging by how defensive you sound right now. You are sick

By the way easy with the ten dollar college words, we are all very impressed
Dogs are literally attracted to poop and they will eat it if you are not there to stop them.

I have seen a dog go up to another dog while it is peeing and drink the urine right from the faucet, while the intelligent dog owners stood there laughing about it
>They clearly piss you off
They clearly piss (you) off. You gave a description of having a panic attack over paw noise and panting and admitted you're autistic. And in typical autistic fashion you are literally incapable of comprehending the experiences of others, apparently. You keep thinking everyone has your disorder. You think every bark and pant drives everyone made. But it doesn't. People who are not mentally ill do not work like that.

You know what actually does piss me off? Autistic subhumans and their egos, their total lack of theory of mind and consequential narcissism. One masters degree later and I am fucking sick of you freaks.

>A cat is by default...
A furniture destroying, countertop contaminating, vomit spewing, asocial goblin that is incapable of learning such a basic task as going outside to shit, just in one corner of the yard, and most essentially, staying in the yard. A cat is by default something that can only be coped with. I own both. Cats are coped with. You may want to improve them, but you can not. That's why so many people just let them go feral. I do not have to punish a dog to teach them something as basic as "stay off that surface". A typical cat can be made afraid of everything because its too dumb for interpretation let alone precise cause->effect, you have to redesign your house, or you have to basically let it. The only ones that seem tolerable here are wild hybrids that are about as smart as smaller dumber dogs.
Skill issue
>Retards get highly intelligent social animal
>neglect it and treat it improperly
>it develops maladaptive habits
autists are a domesticated working breed human, like hominid border collies.

not actually as smart as they seem, but programmed from birth to memorize and regurgitate facts and arrange things in the correct order. it's why they all end up in college and appear promising but then end up in the middle of the IT/engineering department with a job regurgitating memorized facts and arranging things in the correct order. while a high IQ normie handles all the actual innovation the autists get jobs like "streamline this function to use 20% fewer CPU cycles" and their brain instantly spots every out of order instruction like magic and always has a full dictionary of the programming language on hand.
Okay so the first paragraph is just you insulting me and I will ignore that because I understand you are upset and you want to make me look bad. I, a cat lover, am more emotionally mature than you, a dog lover. But I don’t think anyone should be surprised as you are constantly on edge from your dog pissing you off and cat people are more intelligent, including emotional intelligence

>redesign the house
My cat has his own furniture because he is a good cat and I love him. It sounds like you dont love your cat because he is destroying your furniture and puking up garbage because you are not feeding it. Way to out yourself as a shitty cat owner, you really shouldn’t own any cats if you are so grossly incompetent. Also plenty of dog owners “fence off” their dogs essentially treating them like retards that they are. Again fuck you I hope your cat goes to a better home you bitch
most dogs dont eat shit lol. if they did, the dog park would be MUCH cleaner. skill issue.

if autists are herding dogs then quiet serial killers with low IQs are cats
>10+ victims and dumb as hell but doesnt get caught very soon because of how casually they do it
Okay so the whole is just you insulting me and I will ignore that because I understand you are upset and you want to make me look bad.
I'm insulting you because you admitted to being autistic, and I despise autistic people because you are the vast majority of pedophiles, animal rapists, and mass shooters on this planet and socially dysfunctional borderline psychopathic leeches that are only good for accounting and IT. Autists do not have real feelings. Autists do not have real morals. Autists are not real people. I have dealt with countless iterations of you and saw each and every one get a near flawless GPA (failing anything demanding creativity) and a mediocre-to-failing life.
>Cat people are more intelligent
[X] Doubt. Only one study was ever done and it sampled 200 people who kept pets while attending college full time. Anyone keeping a higher maintenance pet while attending college full time is doubtlessly foolish, and possibly an animal abuser. Autistic ego and narcissism on full display as always. Subhumans.
>It sounds lile you don't love your cat
I described the default behavior of the cat. Not its behavior after the copes. A cat can only be coped with. A dog can learn and actually bonds with you so they develop a desire to cooperate and reciprocate.
>Also plenty of dog owners “fence off” their dogs
Which causes dysfunctional behavior like habitual barking and aggression. Dogs left fenced or tethered are more likely to bite. Even crating dogs can cause aggression and apathy unless a psychopath starts traumatizing them into preferring to hide in the cage from a very young age. This is not treating an animal like the retard it is, this is treating a smart animal like the retard you want it to be.

>inb4 uhm does that sound familiar? *cocks AR15*
The difference is dogs are good people by default and autists are born with low to no empathy. The only thing that stops them from killing everyone they dislike is self interest, hence they go postal only when suicidal.
>skill issue
Yeah it requires a lot of skill for you to mold your dog to something that is not disgusting. Cats by nature are clean and tidy

Give your cat up for adoption and marry your dog sicko
>The schizo considers dogs people
Yeah this is definitely mental illness
>Yeah it requires a lot of skill for you to mold your dog to something that is not disgusting.
The "skill" is just not being a retard or autist and taking care of your pet so they don't stumble into a habit you dislike.
>Cats by nature are clean and tidy
Cats are by nature really filthy. They have no concept of cleanliness beyond their instinctive response to the presence of their odor trail modulated by whether or not an unfamiliar cat is nearby. They can not learn cleanliness either. Only their instinctive management of their odor trail. That's why a cat can lick itself all day and still be dirty underneath the top layer of fur. It's not to be clean, it's instinctively avoiding being tracked by predators. When they smell unfamiliar cats they swing the other way and place feces where it is extremely prominent and roll in dirt to make their odor more obvious. Nothing teaches them this, it's just a compulsion, it develops as a normal structure in the feline brain.

Dogs are by nature not anything specific until they learn something or figure it out on their own. Intelligent animals have instincts as backseat drivers to their developed habits and preferences.

A cat is coped with. A dog is raised. That's where the joke about cats being dominant over humans comes from. And I mean joke, because a tegu lizard and an anaconda are also coped with like a cat. And before you claim this requires intelligence... the majority of cat owners I have met have constant problems with their generally well cared for cats wrecking their house because they haven't figured out the copes.

Source: 4 cats owned, thanks wife. 2 dogs.

meanwhile, you are clearly obsessed with the idea of romancing and having intercourse with a dog... I mean obsessed. I wonder how much of your dog hate is aspie overstimulation and how much of it is closeted homophobe style cope? The "on the spectrum"s of the world are curiously overrepresented among furries and zoosadists.
It is a fact. Dog owners need constantly stimulation because they are easily amused. If you flick tinfoil in front of dog owners they would all turn their heads. While cat owners would just ignore you for being an annoying fag

You described your cat at your house because that is your idea of cats from direct hands on experience. A cat who is at a good home (ie. not yours) can and will
>desire to cooperate and reciprocate
as you say. But you wouldn’t know as you neglect your cat

>more babbling about autists
Shut the fuck up and give up your cat for adoption, as you are clearly not giving it the best life. You are an animal abuser and an animal hoarder, which is far worse than me being on the spectrum
>thanks wife
No one would marry you, schizo larper who is obsessed with saving and posting cat litterboxes on /an/.
Dogs are not people.

But because they are intelligent and social predators that live in family units, they have many of the same basic behaviors and functions as people. Because intelligent and social predators that live in family units necessarily develop similar behaviors. Dogs even have primitive analogues to humans voice sensitive areas (ie: broca's) and demonstrate skills like word generalization and correct interpretation of limited syntax. Dog brains can have some use in comparative neurology (as confirmation). It's just convergent evolution.

Cats have less developed frontal lobes and likely represent a more primitive state for carnivorans. That's why they're less social, less able to learn, and struggle with concepts like "someone else wants something". This makes them easier pets because you don't need to stimulate all that extra grey matter to keep it working properly.

Any intelligent person would respond to all visual stimulus out of basic self preservation. Tinfoil in the periphery could be a knife, and because autism rates are raising it is very likely that it is the first knife in a suicidal repressed dog fuckers stabbing spree. You are extremely dumb.

>Animal hoarder
2 pets at a time
>Bad home
They're well cared for and coped with. That doesn't mean I can't resent the cat for being dumb.

I have two children and exclusively post when i'm supposed to be working because my job is overly easy and pays well. Cope.

You are losing this argument. I recommend therapy.
Big time "I am euphoric atheist" vibes

Oh, and since you must know...
Why 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 pets at a time?

I had a prolonged fight with my wife because she insisted on letting cats out because "they need it, they're so smart and...". The cause of this fight? Cat number one AND cat number two died outdoors despite my insistent warnings and refusal to let them out. She killed the fucking cats. If you're going to take responsibility for a small retard you're meant to keep them alive and from dying horrible. Fucking women. She is now indoor cat pilled and all of the cat tree and catio money came out of her income, not mine. Peace and a living cat, at last. Shame about the absurd furniture and balcony tumor required to own a low IQ exotic pet.
You have 4 cats and that’s your idea of a cat? You are lacking both observation skills and emotional intelligence if you think your cats are plush dolls that you pet once in a while. Again a retarded dog owner that needs everything spelled out for them in his alphabet pasta

Yeah a cat cleans itself, does your dog clean itself? Which one is coped with if you constantly have to restrict and correct its behavior?

You are in a dysfunctional relationship with the truth and I legitimately feel bad for your cats
My mom's cat is like that with me, but only me. It's because I would often hold him like that as a kitten. He won't let other people do it lol.
And by the way if your periphery is registering a piece of tinfoil ball flying in the air as a knife attack I’m not the one with a poor survival instinct
>Autists reading comprehension breaks down
Oh boy, his mass shooting plot is advancing a step tonight isn't it

At least we have until he feels suicidal because autists, unlike normal psychopaths, are purely self interested despite their total lack of empathy and emotion. Or maybe, until he develops a system not to get caught... i've had autists from the IT department flat out tell me they have DC sniper like plans "for when i'm sick of the world" for no fucking reason at all, or maybe two other people discussing politics was reason to them
>Off to HR, ya socially incomeptent fuck!
You're an autist who lives in his mom's basement. No one who obsesses over dogs and hates cats every waking hours like you do has a well adjusted life. You're larping plain and simple.
If I see a flash of metal from an unknown source I'm turning towards the source and moving away. Period. I know you people too well. If I see something flying past me and I know the source, I'm tracking the object to pick it up and place it in the trash where it belongs.

if you think you're smart for consciously ignoring stimuli you're just trying too hard
>omg im such a supreme gentleman, like the anime dudes who stare while bullets fly past them, thats me, im the super genius guy with green spiky hair here -autists

If you think you noticed a pattern with dog people... it's because dog owners tend to be more self preservation minded and demonstrate higher situational awareness, and (non autistic) cat people spend too much time playing video games that their brain is reinforced to hyperfocus on a narrow visual area.
Way to out yourself an animal hoarding schizo

You just sound way too deranged. Give your cats up for adoption, if you indeed actually have them
You have a smelly box with shit and piss in it inside your home and have the audacity to cry about picking up after a pet outside?
>Hates cats
I don't hate cats. I just see them as lesser. If you wouldn't have brought up "dogs are dumb, I am so smart, dogs are naturally bad, cats are naturally good, cats are better" you wouldn't be on the receiving end of a harsh tone, asspie. Under normal circumstances I'd say cats just require different care for them to fuck up your house less and more basic, less slop-tolerant operant conditioning routines. But you wanted to make this about a hierarchy of animals so here we are.

Cats aren't the ideal that dog people work towards, they aren't anything close to better companions. They're really destructive and dirty animals by default and their entire point is they provide, and need, less companionship which makes them lower maintenance.

Now you, you do clearly hate dogs and opened with "they trigger my sensory overload and give me a panic attack" and admitted to being on the spectrum, and there is one thing I hate here. And it's the autistic. The ditch diggers of the intellectual world. Just substitute being a misogynist for being a pedophile and impulsive assaults for planned mass killing. You're probably a zoophile tho, you're really obsessed with the idea of taking dogs as spouses.

Why would I give up my wifes 2 cats after she spent thousands on a catio and cat trees to keep the little idiots from thinking they need to claim territory and vomit on top of the fridge?
I don’t play video games or watch anime as you suggested earlier

If you’re that paranoid and scared of a small tinfoil flying by you are probably just on edge from your dog pissing you off too much. Don’t worry if it’s a bullet you won’t be able to register it and if it’s a knife or something meant to harm you it won’t be flying by you and rather coming at you. Again a dumb dog owner proving to the thread he can’t tell the difference between a real threat or a perceived threat he made up in his scared and feminine mind, which is why he needs a dog to protect him because he is afraid, “he knows people too well”

A classic schizo on display. He depends on his dog for protection which is why he is happy to pick up the poop every day
You're mistaking me for someone else, that still doesn't justify your mentally ill behavior, larper
Anger: the post.
I’m not angry, you are

Stop projecting dog groomer
You are very angry. Look how you have devolved the discussion into babbling insults and strange tangents.
Stay out of other peoples conversations.

I'm definitely on edge because I share a company with shut in IT aspies who casually talk about becoming the next DC sniper, actually. And have extensive experience interacting with the autistic and observing their patterns, so I know they're basically "dexter" style psychopaths with low impulsivity and high self interest. But most normal men would react anyways, because it's something moving past them and that's interesting.

And again, with your autistic subhuman lack of theory of mind. You're pissed off by dogs because they overstimulate and confuse you, we get it. I find dogs a calming presence. I'm at work so obviously I don't have one. I just have aspies in the IT department probably all fantasizing about being mangione and the unabomber.

>OMG dog people react when I throw things, they are so dumb
Words of an obligate narcissist. You have no theory of mind. You have significantly reduced empathy. You have an incomplete set of mirror neurons. You are 3/5s of a human being in the most literal sense. Dog people react when you throw things because there is no reason not to react when things are thrown. Also, you might find this interesting because it puts the obvious in terms you can understand.
Masculinized brains have faster reflexes and respond more strongly to visual stimuli. People who exercise more often have faster reaction times.
Masculinized brains have faster reaction times and pay more attention to object position and travel.

All you discovered was something researchers already knew: More masculine and athletic humans have faster reaction times and are more attentive to the position of objects. Cat owners are stereotypically sedentary and feminine (they even cope about it, pretending it makes them smarter - little do they know, it makes them dumber). Dog owners exercise a lot more.
Some of you posting need to take a time-out from your screen
Go spend time with your pet instead and reap some of the mental health benefits of doing so
>Catfags are the "made you flinch, IDIOT" guy that takes pride in never reacting to anything
oh i knew a guy like that
someone broke his nose. not when they flinched. after they called him an idiot. but it was middle school and the punchchad was black so...

he flinches now
>Leave work early bro
I like making over $200k post tax thx, besides my wife is at home spending time with the dog+2cat. i hope she cleans up all the hairballs instead of pretending she didn't see them!
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Huzz be making essays seething about how cats make better
You are overreacting to nothing but an imagined fear and somehow you say this is because you exercise more. Yet you continue to call me the narcissist. Hmm

And I never seen someone who types so much without actually giving meaningful input. I am not surprised to hear you dont get along with your coworkers

Here is a real tip for you, because unlike you, the destructive dog lover who loves shit and a messy smelly home, I, a rational minded cat lover, don’t mind helping you out a bit. You really need to tighten up your communication skills. Making clear and succinct statements and staying on topic will go a long way in your career

I strongly suspect that you are autistic yourself. Good luck
Dogs are cleaner and less destructive than cats.

And his fear isnt imagined. America has dozens of mass shootings a month and most of the perpetrators show symptoms of autism. You are the problem, toxo. Not the king. The devil.
The dog lover proved to the thread he is socially retarded. He loves his dog because it his true friend. In exchange for this friendship he picks up the poop every day
>imagined fear
its pretty cut and dry. most men react to moving objects because that is what male brains do. you are not smart for not reacting or consciously resisting the reaction. only teenage fedoralords do that.

on the other hand our fellow here shares a building with diagnosed autistics who vocalize plans to go on killing sprees, and he is correct. cats are very dirty and inconvenient pets by default. its why everyone lets them outside.
Thread summary
>cat tranny: dogs are bad pets because hearing them breathe and walk gives me a panic attack and training them takes away from my computer time. why yes i am autistic how could you tell?
>dog chad: you fucking idiot. i want regulation T back before you kill people btw.
>cat tranny: if i were you, i’d fuck your dog.
>dog chad: oh hitler where art thou
>cat tranny: not reacting to stuff flying at my face makes me smart. dog people react to stuff flying at their face. that makes them dumb.
>dog chad: you are the 30th mental defective i have spoken to but the first one that’s not in IT and you are an absolute moron. i’m not talking about cats and dogs anymore. my wife is retarded and my autistic coworkers are genuinely dangerous.
>cat tranny: *copes*
I don't know that I was addressing you before but you replying and including salary and marital status in your post -- yes, you need a break.
It's ok, I do, too.
Shut the fuck up sperg. You are scared of a little ball flying by, you might be well be gasping loudly like a grandmother at a bug flying by
>i dont react to things flying at my face i am very smart
behold, the greatest facsimile of intelligence ever mustered by a cat person
Cat people really brag about ignoring balls going past their face? Is that like how they ignore the puke all over their house?
^ a classic display of inferiority complex
Check your T levels for real if you are that scared of a fly
Oh sorry I had to do some actual work lol, they pay me a lot of money to do nothing all day

>Nooooooo dont brag about your accomplishments
Why, does it hurt, spectrum boy? You thought I was autistic because of my vocabulary. jej. Hearing the words wife and salary must sting a little.

You actually think you're smart because you don't pay attention. That's sad. For being "on the spectrum" you should have greater accomplishments than that, like speedrunning sonic. I'd bet you most dog people play sports too. Playing sports (excepting sports highly correlated with head injury) raises your intelligence slightly, you should try it. It's like how playing music can improve mathematical skills, but with a lot of extra blood flow to the cortex. Maybe the autism will get a little better and you'll stop freaking out whenever a dog breathes near you?
They’re used to having cat assholes in their face so, fr bruh
tryhard level: phallus minimus
>Dogs are cleaner than cats
Objectively incorrect
The dog grooming schizo is still seething at me because he perceived I “tried to be intelligent” which threatens his frail ego which he masquerades with the thesaurus

Classic, I’m laughing my way to the top here and taking my cat with me
Based catchad
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>Aspie insecurity on full display
It's really funny reading "im so manly and smart i dont react to stuff flying by my face" from the same mitts that typed "dogs are inherently stressful to be around because you can hear them breathe and walk". Imagining a fat dweeb throwing paper balls at people and saying "IDIOT! A TRUE hojo tojo ninja would have perceived no threat! I am the superior high T male!" and then freaking out over a golden retriever is fucking hilarious.

I actually like my wifes cats btw, i just view them with a little contempt because they're pretty dumb. Instead of learning and adapting they're just managed and manipulated. If any pet is stressful, it's that, because you have to live with the knowledge that you MK Ultra'd a small animal. Dogs at least know when they are being trained, i've had one refuse to be trained actually. Sorry you interpreted a neutral observation of feline behavior as cat hate because it's delivered along with hate for (you) but you're going to have to develop the ability to differentiate things like that eventually.
>more incoherent babbling ensues
Dogs are way, way cleaner than cats.

>The obligate narcissism of the autistic: i am not being bullied because i'm cringe, people are totally threatened by me
I don't even own a dictionary. I just talk like this. I have a masters and am working on my PhD while working at a certain pharmaceutical company. It's inevitable. Also inevitable is developing a natural disdain for and a desire to insult the autistic because when going between IT and R&D the contrast between "intelligent" people who have autism and people who are simply intelligent becomes clearer each time.

Remind us again, you said dogs are bad because hearing them breathe and walk scares you?
And you said you cant image owning a dog if not to fuck it?
You're purposefully perceiving things incorrectly. Weird how you project like that...
Typical dog simp mental illness

Aw, look at the widdle aspie shrink into a corner and talk to itself. You know, doing this in literally every thread with the same words sets kind of an obvious pattern.

I've refuted all your points. When do you refute mine, mr "dogs are worse because hearing them breathe gives me a heckin panic attack"? Would you care to bring up bestiality again, mr "i'd fuck your dog if i were you"? Perhaps you'd like to accuse me of abusing my cats for admitting that they were destructive before I forced my wife to keep them inside and provide them with the correct habitat for their inflexible instincts? Project your sensory oversensitivity issues and believe everyone with a dog is stressed from hearing them walk? Or would you like to, yet again, claim to be somehow intelligent because you don't react to things flying by your face?
Holy fucking shit cat tranny is getting reamed

Is this the legendary bugguy cat tranny seethes about?
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For you :^)
>catfags unironically hate dogs because hearing them walk across the floor drives them mad
holy kek
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Ironic how you’d say that
But not surprising from a dog’s best friend
Anti cat fag blown the fuck out
>people think (You) screenshots mean anything
>cats arent better than dogs, they’re different
When will cat trannies realize the vitriol is meant for them, not the cats?
>inb4 >expecting logic from the transgender
>My argument wins even though I have no proof! Your proof doesn't count!
Infantile logic
>catfags are so dumb they think webpage screenshots are evidence
more easily faked than any other document
doggod iq range: 2 (normies) to 200 (/an/)
cattroon iq range: 95-110 (all reddit btw)
Correct. Total basset victory.

Fake and gay.
The anti cat schizo keeps samefagging it's very pathetic
The anti dog schizo got btfo so hard it has to cope by screeching samefag.

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