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Surprised it didn't take sooner for this one to come here
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Like 99% of invasive species it will be a problem for a few years then a cold snap will hit and kill all of them

Sorry mr goldwater not doing your pest control for you
Can we eat them? If so, there's an easy answer. Humans destroy wild populations, so if we focus on invasive populations things can get better.
based, we feared the lionfish until we found out they go nice with a side of fries
I will do what I can to save your country, with fork in one hand and butter in the other, I shall eat as many golden mussels as my stomach can carry; and then eat some more.

>Golden mussels are poor in fat and protein
I like a challenge.
A lot of invasive species are problem because they can live in polluted areas.

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My dog caught and killed a cat today.
It had a collar but no tags.

What should I do?
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Maybe they shouldn't have let their "family roam" roam outdoors and be exposed to predators/ Would you let a 6-year old child explore the woods by himself?
lol just because the owners made the mistake you can still be a decent human being about it and leave the collar + a note

do you want to live in a world where if your dog gets accidently out you will find it in a ditch with it's skull blown off?
Give it a celebratory treat. Well, another one.
Just make a post on nextdoor or Facebook or something showing the dead cat, say it got killed and has a collar if anyone is missing a cat. Don't say what killed it, and tell people to keep their cats indoors. Easy peasy
Dog lives are worth more than cat lives

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What's their fucking problem?
thousands of generations of selective breeding for aggression
Too long fins, spinal deformity in double tail variant and >>4901602
30x30 glas box enforcing to be highly suspisious of any unkown movements, not atuned to changes in ph level if there is a longer history of several habitat switches, resulting in partly inhibition of associative learning
They are just as aggressive as wild types. That's why they were of interest in the first place.

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>You can't let your cat outside
>Think of the heckin bir-ACK!
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>Deranged birdfag making shit up again
Amoebabro btw
I can't wait for the draft.
Naw, if a dog wants to kill a prey animal, they try to come from behind and grab the neck before shaking to snap it. It’s quick, clean, and safe. You see terriers do it with rats actually. They even call it ‘ratting’ the prey. That’s how they kill cats too.
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Shoebill thread
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It's the legendary Secretary Bird
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>expecting sense from brown people memes
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Zoophiles think they are awesome because literally everyone hates them. It’s that simple.
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where do i download high quality recordings of animal calls and noises
sorted by species if possible
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You can buy an animal call sound libraries. They are a bit expensive tho. A classic one is Ann's Animals, which is where all the stock animal sounds you often hear in games and movies come from. I've also found there's often really good recordings of animal sounds of you search for it on YouTube. Just amateur recordings from people's phones without any background noise, with like 200 views. Only thing is you'd have to download and trim it yourself. But it's obscure enough that you'll probably never get accused of copyright infringement or something. A lot of animals also don't really make sounds or make basically the same sound, so you can reuse some.

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One of the last photos of Marius Els captures him riding his "pet" hippo, Humphrey, in 2011. Later that year, Humphrey dragged Els into the same river from which he had once been rescued and fatally mauled him
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hippos are giant pitbulls, and like almost all fauna from africa that are retardedly aggressive for no reason

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You just reminder me of that subreddit where people use stinging nettle to masturbate
>Have a plant that frustrates me to no end to the point where I hate the fucking thing
>Don't want to kill it or get rid of it
I regret ever buying a Mimosa Pudica. I had no idea this thing was this endlessly creeping plant.
>Mimosa Pudica
>endlessly creeping plant
Nigga there's a reason it's considered a weed.
It's called shameplant for a reason. Just be it's shear happy dommy mommy.

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>la crepe

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Why is the fauna of the British Isles so dull? Has it always been like this? Or was it more appreciable in prehistory?
there were European lions until more or less the Balkans in the classical periods, but I don't think anything like that went further. especially on the gray and sad islands.
I went fishing with my cousin in England last month and it was one of the worst fishing trips I've ever done. super weak variety.
T: Spanish
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>Which is fucked in urban population centres.

Wrong. Urban brownfield sites across Britain are now home to more biodiversity than the majority of the countryside. Largely because these locations aren't being actively managed - no pesticides, industrial cropping etc.
It wasn't all human though, it happened post ice age as the weather pattern dried. The laurel forest went extinct, it used to be like the pacific north west. Only the adaptable animals are left
The man in this picture is nearly extinct in Britain
British fauna > Asian fauna
Erradicating wolves, cutting entire forests and using most land for farming and cattle (and over grazing) is all human tho.

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Most retarded animal "facts" people have told you.

A co-worker told me with a straight face that rats don't have bones. She said that's how they can squeeze into tiny holes so well.
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To be fair, when a kid asks what the small blur that darted past the path was, someone is probably going to tell them “it was a mouse or baby rat”. Even a dead one will be called that if the adult can’t id it. It can sound like an explanation of what a mouse is instead of two different categories; exactly like when someone explains that the baby cats are called kittens and baby sheep are called lambs. I never knew or cared about the difference until I was like 5 and found a cool fieldmouse nest; if it weren’t for someone actually knowing about fieldmice I might have stayed ignorant.
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Actually it's hard to differ young rat from mouse. They look the same.
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I don't hear any say it, but you see it in movies and cartoons a lot, that ravens hang out at cemeteries at night. No, they go to sleep at night. You're thinking of bats.
They actually make these whistles which work on airflow that go on the outside of cars and are supposed to alert deer. From what I've heard about them though it doesn't sound like they do much good.
>There was a girl in my class who somehow got to final year of medical school believing that men ejaculate a cup (as in 250ml) of semen every time they cum
Wait, so you guys don't?
She wasn't a virgin, I fucked her a couple of years ago

Their eyes legit look soulless as fuck. I also really don't think that cats are capable of any sort of affection towards humans, especially when compared to other pets like dogs or even horses.
Also x2, really hate catfags who go "lol I'm basically my cat's slave lmao XDDDDDD my cat doesn't give a shit about me and does nothing but sleep, scratch my furniture and spread hair around my house all day, but I love him so much for it XDDD cats are so cool because they're super lazy and useless just like me XDDD". This is genuinely subhuman behavior.
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no console waring, i love both cats and dogs
actualy I was leaning towards dogs until owned cats and learned how unconditionaly affectionate they are

cats literaly have a half-closed eyed soft look to express affection towards owner
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High testosterone people have an urge to protect.
Low testosterone people want protection.
Think about it.
Cats correlate with LGBTQ owners while most dog owners are right wing and stereotypically masculine. The original form of dog hate was claiming that the cat person was an effeminate intellectual and the dog person was a dumb jock. Of course, a brief history of physics proves this wrong. Dogs are popular pets with scientists.

Normal people dont know enough about animal dicks or spend enough time thinking about bestiality to say “knotsuckers”. These r/dogfree redditourists are repressed faggots that lust after dogs and their cope is a classic: external phobia to mask the internal philia.
Never thought of it this way, makes total sense. I knew kitties were the CHAD choice of pet

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I put my dog down and there's nothing I regret more.
I had just got a new job and knew i couldn't take care of her like she needed, i needed this job and now it's gone only like half a year later. I traded my dog that I love for some shitty job because everyone around me was telling me I was being selfish keeping her alive. Now she's gone and so is the job and I have nothing to show for it. I'm going to kill myself soon
I'm sorry Sadie
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Was it Degenerative Myelopathy?
It's been 6 months
get a puppy and try your hardest to heal
you're in an emotional state anon, you will not be able to think or act rationally, take a couple of days to think about it. if you treated your dog well, she must have loved you and would have wanted you to live on, if you feel so bad about it, go to a pet adoption center, most of the pets in there never get adopted, so they get put down. save a dog's life, I don't think you have anything to make up for, but if you feel guilty, then you can balance it out by giving the adopted dog a couple extra years of life.
first pet?
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Anon I'm going through the same thing with my Doberman Kona, they notoriously have hip joint problems that can lead to paralysis because the bone just breaks. It happened to another Doberman I had. Kona's back legs are getting hard to walk on and he's doing splits when standing still for too long, so eventually they're going to give out.

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You need to rescue it and bring it inside right now.
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