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Since evolution is about reproduction and passing of genes, we always talk about birth and replication. But what about death? I always assumed every living organism simply die of old age. But then I learned about Octopus that starve themselves to death on purpose after breeding, or certain species of female spiders that allow themselves to become food for their offspring. What other kinds of death are there in nature? What's your favourite?
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yeah some plants can be either male or female.
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I spent 30+ years of my life without knowing of that factoid.
Uh, I love figs but ahah I don't want to be gay. How do I avoid make figs?
but anon you are already gay
your boyfriend

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Can anyone recommend me a good setup for wildlife photography, especially birds in motion? Budget around $2-3K.

I hear bridge cameras suck, is that true?
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Canon r8+rf 200-800mm

Do NOT let anyone talk you into micro four thirds. Those things suck donkey balls.
I'm not as hardcore or knowledgeable with the hobby as diehards, but I like the Sony mirrorless cameras. The A6000 can shoot burst at 11fps which is great for birds in flight, but it's not full frame. The A7 series is full frame but shoots a bit slower. I'm a poorfag so I like a cheaper body with a more expensive telephoto lens.

I had a snoy. It broke. On its own. Also, the colors were puke.

God tier: Nikon Z8+180-600
Poorfag tier: this >>4846841 or an RP instead of an R8
Boomer tier:
d750, d810, d850, 200-500, tamron 150-600
5diii/5div/5ds, 100-400 "L lense", sigma 150-600

Avoid at all costs: fuji, snoy, olympus/om-system, panasonic
My Soiny has worked perfectly after years of being treated like shit, colors are alright, must be a skill issue on your part.

You'll find there's a shit load of console wars when it comes to cameras, OP.
one sony has worked, might not be shit after all

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How do feline social relationships work amongst free roaming cats?

How is their social dynamic? Their hierarchy and dynamic Is harder to understand then say wolves, dogs, primates or most other species

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>If food is scarce, they scatter and the “colony” of cats that tolerate each other turns into >>4845734 # where even queens chase off their aunts and sisters.
I am sorry but thus sounds like animal fanfic. Is there any articles or papers that outline this?
thank you anons for your answers Ive been pondering this for a while much appreciated
No OP's thread is actually cool and you are gay
They care for each other a lot and can form deep friendships and relationships. Cats are often bonded to each other

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Yall didn't tell me these things could climb into bed with you
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I think I'd rather see a house pede then a Scorpio or trentua
Theyre just gross. The width of their legs makes them look way too big for what they are. When I used to live in a place that had them, seeing one out of the corner of my eye was fucked up, it was like seeing a mouse not a bug. Put me on edge. They also have a gross colour.
I think I just saw one of these things fall off my ceiling and land behind a book shelf. Why are they so clumsy?
>When the mother opens the hood the hungry chick raises its head and opens its mouth waiting for some food
>The mother looks at its chick confused
>She sweared there were four chicks by the engine but now only one remains
>Under the car, three wiggling bodies tell a horror story
>The mother feeds the hungry chick a piece of bacon
>Now it's the only thing she has

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can I feed my parakeet beef jerky
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I know chickens really like to eat chicken meat

eagles will eat anything, garbage

birds are pretty good at digesting whatever
Is he bulking
Yes, theropods can eat meat. There aren't any birds that can't.
What about doves, they use a crop to process seeds so meat might mess with that
Chickens have a crop, and they annihilate meat.
RIP to that poor ring neck snake I couldn't save.

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crocodilians thread
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no, they were scared shitless by them, what do you think the tarasque is
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Are they strong (?) enough to stand on their hind legs?
no, their spines cannot curve that far
their tails are far too long
their legs are too short
their pelvic is in the wrong orientation
their hips cannot rotate that far
their center of mass is too far forward
comback when you invent a time machine and go back a couple million years and then youll find bipedal crocs
This is quite disappointing.

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The italian city of pavia has a huge and stable population of feral parakeets that live and nest in the city centre. They're not indigenous, they're the result of repeated, accidental and cumulative escapes of exotic pets from their owners. The fact that not only they survived but thrived is a fascinating testament to their endurance and resourcefulness
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Sparrows are so plentiful in the US that most people don't realize they're an invasive species that fucks up other songbirds.

I feel like birds and humans are the two most versatile species on the planet in the sense that you can just drop them anywhere and they'll probably adapt and possibly thrive. Tropical penguins are the most baffling ones to me.
House sparrow haters disgust me

They've been here forever. They're naturalized. Not their fault they outcompete other birds when you set up free food, which sparrowchads are better at eating than native cuckbirds. That's actually your fault.
>facilitate house sparrow populations by providing birdfeeds and birdhouses for them
>We also have marsupilamis (genets)
In Naples? Where? This is the first I've heard of it
small to medium sized omnivores are like that.Pigs and rats are the same
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I saw a lot of them in Rome and surrounding areas. There's also a sizeable population in one of Brussels's parks. Here's a picture I took of their nests last year.
that parakeet looks different than mine

I think this continent breaking up was the biggest travesty in the prehistory. That's why I propose we move a bunch of animals from Australia to South America (including their respective surrounding islands) and vice versa. Think about how close their ecosystems are to being complete already.
>australian animals need an apex predator (komodo dragons, green anacondas, and jaguars)
>south american animals need a dedicated pack hunter (dingos)
>south america could use a few more large herbivores (kangaroos, galapagos giant tortoises, and cassowaries)
>australia needs a giant herbivore of some kind (tapirs)
>australia could use some more giant birds (harpy eagle and andean condor)
>south america could use some wolverine like animals or arboreal predators (tasmanian devils)
Hell, you could probably even find a way to work marine iguanas, weka, and echidnas into this new place.
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>Poorly thought-out post
Do you seriously think he was actually going to airdrop tapirs into the Daintree?
>Komodo dragons are from Indonesia
They’re from Australia
>What the fuck do you think tapirs would eat in Australia?
Do you think Australia doesn’t have plants?
The death of the Dinosaurs ended Earth's redemption cycle. It went down the path of death when

>a literal fucking snail

ended the Vendian and brought death into the world. Dinosaurs were Earth's chance for greatness again. Instead we got the age of rats. Then the fucking Himalayas started eating everything in site and getting fat as hell and froze the planet. By law ALL stone should have to come from the Himalayas whenever quarried stone is necessary.
>Um axchually there is no such thing as a herbivore because I saw the jewtube video of a horse eating chicks
There is no such thing as a carnivore because lions eat melons. Enough.
The Himalayas don't eat nothing
It's a mountain range.
That bitch is fat as hell and needs to lose weight.

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dumb ferret

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Fuck you I'm an owl.
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YWNBAB (you will never be a bird)
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c'mere cutie
the similarity to cat eyes is astounding
I'm not that astounded.
yeah they're both nocturnal so they both have night vision or something

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biggu neko sutorecchi
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Charming little lad

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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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what'd it absorb?

What are the differences in "character" between bears and canines? They seem really similar psychologically
Bears are more similar to felines than anything OP. They even have compareble cognitive compacity
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they're caniforms so year
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Literally the first result.
Toxoplasmosis fags btfo!
They're most related to weasels in both their solitary pump and dump lifestyle and genetics. Which is somewhat cat-like.
I think what Anom meant is that bears are much more cat-like mentally due to similar social structures (or lack thereof). OP's question wasn't about pure genetic relation, but about behavioral similarity.
I'll compare 2 in my area, black bears vs coyotes

- bears are more solitary, coyotes travel in packs
- bears are opportunistic omnivores and forage berries, garbage, etc. coyotes mostly hunt.
- bears don't make a sound except occasional grunting and moaning, coyotes often howl and yip.

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New thread to replace the one that reached its post limit.

And which was still going surprisingly strong.

Let's keep showing that we care about them.
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*record scratch*
I got some of these near one of my fishing spots. If you do a headbob at them they'll start bobbing back and making their croaking noises.
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anyone know what kind of maple this is?
Sugar maple. Take good care of it and it will grow beautiful branches and give good autumn color. Water it once every week or two with a full watering can of water with 1 iron pill mixed in and about 1/4 cup urine.

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