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Which animals could be domesticated if they were selectively bred? My all time favorite is the rhesus macaque a monkey species that lives around humans for food and can be tamed to listen to commands
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That's an antelope
capture myopathy would make it hard
I wish the monkey was my friend because I like them :)
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This video regurgitates arguments from the book 'guns, germs, and steel'. The book is written by a left activist who is frequently quoted to disenfranchise europeans in their own countries. Besides not one claim in the book holding up to scrutiny, his argument on animal domestication is particularly dumb. He thinks because certain animals weren't domesticated, it means they can't be domesticated. Circular reasoning, hence unscientific. He compares zebras to horses, without realizing that horses didn't appear naturally. Horses exist as a result of human action on their wild ancestors. The proper comparison would be of zebras to the wild undomesticated horses.

From 19th century accounts, we know they were as aggressive if not more than zebras. Early humans would certainly not have thought of them as fit for human use until centuries later after they were selectively bred for reduced aggression


We've also found genes that changed in the past few millenia to make horses docile

Zebras are very similar to tarpans and other equids. If bred for a few centuries, they would definitely be fit for riding

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>giant rift valley lake in Africa
>longest lake in the world
>only about 100 meters less deep than lake Baikal
>could've been an extremely old lake which has the only other freshwater bathypelagic zone on earth besides lake Baikal
>but this time in a place that's tropical instead of freezing leading to even more biodiversity
>it's filled with fucking cichlids
>water below 500 meters is anoxic due to no proper circulation, making the deeper parts essentially lifeless besides bacteria
What a fucking waste genuinely. At least Gustave the killer croc was there ig.
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>oh my science
>is that the same teleost with a slightly different body plan again?
>this lake is so heckin diverse!
that's you faggit
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>thinks all these fish look the same
that's you retard
What would you put in an empty lake then?
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Those aren't cichlids you fucking brainlet.
I'd put a bunch of freshwater branchiopods in there with some freshwater polychaetes and acochlidiidae as the main biosphere. Then some freshwater sponges, halobates, diving bell spiders, and jellyfish to round out the ecosystem. Also I'd make sure there's proper circulation of water so they could properly swim down to the bottom like in lake baikal.
Oh and also only the few freshwater red algae species for macroscopic plants with diatoms and psathyrella aquatica as the floating bacterial algae and aquatic mushrooms respectively.

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German sausage
Wow so cute. Ha ha.
It probably has a healthier bone structure than the showline GSDs.
Hock angulation looks better, but those long backs are not good long term.

But dachshunds are already german thoughbeit

>The Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) is a critically endangered species of the family Cyprinodontidae (pupfishes) found only in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the US state of Nevada.
>Nearby agricultural irrigation in the 1960s and 1970s caused the water to drop in Devils Hole, resulting in less and less of the shelf remaining submerged.
>The Cappaert family's attorney decried that the Supreme Court had chosen the interests of a fish over people, and a newspaper editor from nearby Pahrump threatened to dump a pesticide into Devils Hole to kill them all.[55] In response to bumper stickers that read "Save the Pupfish" distributed by the Desert Fishes Council, Nye County Commissioner Robert Rudd produced bumper stickers that said "Kill the Pupfish".[56] The Cappaert family sold the ranch in the late 1970s.[55]
>Yeah kill'em! Kill them all!
Why are they like this?
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>groundwater stops at state borders
This. Why are some "people" obsessed with turning the planet into a disgusting ghetto?
Pragmatically, I don't think that naturally doomed species like this are worth the effort it takes to preserve them. If these things can literally only live in one specific hole (and an artificial recreation of said hole), then there's not much future for them no matter what. It's not like other endangered species where there's some hope that one day we can save them and no longer need to look after them.
Then let zoos and aquarists collect a few.

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Ume, the baby Tapir

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Would pests be more accepted in a home if they found a way to make you cum as consolation for what they do to your home?
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What do you think is hiding in that abdomen?
This was so bizarre and random that it made me chuckle a bit. Got to give you that.
However, I stopped laughing once I realized that this is most likely your irl autistic fetish.
>>4948599 (Me)
Forgot to mention that I'm into clown feet inflation.
Well we do live in clownworld now with current politics, might as well be clown-sexual as well haha.
haha yeah who would even like seeing a bare footed clown girl with big feet stomping on pies hahaha that would be freaky haha

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Why are these fucking everywhere.
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I don't get why they have so many views, either.
They're all extremely shitty, the people speaking usually have a shitty mic and the "animation" is so ass it's almost offensive.

Guy don't even know that female and male ducks look different.
What the copycats don't understand is that the guy who made the original videos actually knows about biology. The copycats just use chargpt to make a script for them or make videos on extinct animals. Which is fucking retarded because we don't know what their lives were like
>india and china polluted the net with their presence
That's it. Nothing more to say. Hundreds of millions of Indian/Chinese children with autism and access to the internet.
>What the copycats don't understand is that the guy who made the original videos actually knows about biology.
This is just stimming for autistic brown children. They aren't actually really listening to or processing any information. They just turn the volume up and either stand like a robot statue in their room or dance around until the video finishes.

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A thread for all birdbros to commiserate and unite against their common enemy.

Official Thread Video:

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Bird pride
Superbowl this year was a total STOMPING. Don't mess with BIRDS.
stage one
stage two
stage three

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Cats could never do this work in a million years. Dogs won.
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Dogs taste better than cats. That's the only reason I sometimes tolerate them certain times of the year.
Kinda crazy how the last couple of years its become fine, even encouraged to make the general population suffer other peoples degeneracy/mental illness.
You are on 4chan which is a clubehouse for degenerates.

You will find that normies don't even know what pupplay is.
Felids are pretty much the only major mammal clade that can't be trained to perform any useful tasks

Even bears were taught to lift and carry heavy artillery during WW2
wheres the drug cats comic that say fuck the state?

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I will never forgive the Chinese for killing off the baiji.
I will never forgive you for killing off the auroch or the great auk or the haasts eagle or the dodo or the whateverthefuck
i will never forgive MacArthur for not killing off the Chinese
China had the world to tell them to know better. They called it capitalist subversion and did it anyways. Tell me these people can be reasoned with
Fuck you, chink agent

Your brain dead chink marketing is so flimsy and see through. You think anyone falls for this dumb shit?

Oooh China is so great me love China long time big brave China man so brave

Like is that what you actually think is going to happen when you make these shitty chink marketing posts? Are you gonna post the pc gamer rgb light cities next? Fuck that eyebleed, fuck China, and fuck you.

There is a little mouse living in the cafe where I work. Since I work the night shift, I usually see it flitting around just before I leave. Management knows about it and has been upping the amount of traps, poison, and pest control visits.

I would like to help the mouse avoid a gruesome fate, but I'm not sure what to do. I've gone so far as to purchase some non lethal traps - but what next? I thought about taking it home and adopting it, but I've read that taming wild mice is an ill considered idea; the experience can significantly stress them (potentially to death), and they also tend to harbor disease.

So what should I do if I catch the mouse? It's cold out and anyplace it might seek shelter will probably lead to a swifter death than if I simply left it to its fate at the cafe.
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Please don't support the proliferation of pests, disease and property damage. Why do people these days promote behaviors that are fundamentally ass-backwards and wrong. Like feeding deer etc. It also translates to every facet of this new clown world. Stop it. Thank you.
>the experience can significantly stress them (potentially to death)
As opposed to being poisoned or worse?

>and they also tend to harbor disease
This is something low IQ "humans" say about all animals because their urban parasites with no contact with Nature or hygiene. You'll be fine.
>This is something low IQ "humans" say about all animals because their urban parasites with no contact with Nature or hygiene.
>low IQ "humans"
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>So what should I do if I catch the mouse?
Mouse correction!

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all of those stories have been presented on /an/ repeatedly in the past with much more confident wording.

it's admirable that anon learns from past errors, but that doesn't mean others will forget them.
there's a difference between conjecture that can be tested (science) and conjecture that can't be tested (fantasy).

both are fine for what they're for, but don't mix them up.
Pretty sure there’s only ever been one instance of lions taking an adult bull and it was one that was already at death’s door
Correct for Acrocanthosaurus. With Tyrannosaurus and Alamosaurus it's more complicated, you have evidence of consumption but that could just as easily be a carcass that was partially scavenged, whereas you have two non-sauropod herbivores (Edmontosaurus and Triceratops) that have strong evidence of being attacked by T. rex and partially healing before they died
I feel like Rex was more of a "brute strength and bite" type of dino specifically designed to go toe toe with heavyset herbivores like Trikes and Ankys. It was not meant to be a sauropod hunter like the Carcharodontosaurus types. Just like how a Giga was not meant to prey on Triceratops.

Me waking up eager to greet my dog (there is no dog he died 2 years ago)
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Mine is 12 years old. Won't be long before the inevitable happens. Fuck man, we knew the deal coming in, why is it always so hard?
I have vivid dreams about petting my cat while she lays on my belly. You can always meet again in dreams.
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Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
I keep accidentally calling my puppy by my deceased dog's name and it makes me sad every time I do

>lamest member of the dromesaurid family gets the coolest name

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they didn't have the muscle to use their claws to slash without causing massive wear

they would have been used like a more extreme version of modern birds of prey, to stab and hold down prey while the raptor bit into it and started eating it alive
literally look at the post above you
my guess is that protoceratops (which was several times heavier than velociraptor) got the jump on a raptor that was trying to steal eggs/hatchlings, and that's the raptor flailing to defend itself as the proto breaks its arm before they both get smothered by a collapsing dune
They were having a dinosaur tea party and Proto choked on a scone. Velocy jumped in to give him the heimlich and was reaching down his throat to remove the lodged scone when a sudden arctic blast froze them both in place, killing them instantly. The other dinosaurs buried them out of respect for their eternal friendship and love.
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I planted strawberries in a pot. Who knows how many days it will take for them to bear fruit?
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I will definitely do this when I decide to plant the next seeds
>A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit,
uh yes it can
Good luck, anon. Just so you know, most people start strawberries from bare roots treated with a fungicide. You can make a root wash from yeast that works just about as well.
Pests exist, unless you want to consider that disease as well. Either way it seems like you're demanding repentance over a semantics argument. Repent and refer to the Farmer's Almanac for supplemental learning.

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