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>despite being well-fed and socialized, and even without ever having been trained to do so, approximately from age 6 months to 11 years, will spend a significant amount of its time catching and sadistically torturing (often for several hours) almost every single lesser creature it can manage to find, rarely (if ever) showing mercy and delivering a killing blow, instead getting bored and leaving the creature to waste away in agony and to rot
>does it all for the lulz
>if you are against this behavior, you are... le bad and who cares because it's just its instinct and who cares about ecological devastation by a non-native species
>the only solution offered is trapping it indoors, which becomes cruel to the cat itself while sparing the lesser animals it would have tortured
Is it even possible to exist alongside these creatures without violating some sort of moral order? What sort of solution is there to the cat problem that saves the cat from cruelty while also keeping our rodent, bird and small reptile and amphibian populations healthy?
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its just so easy to tell who you are
ah right, probably the guy saying "total cat death" in the thread where a cat caught a bird on someone's balcony
this but unironically
dogredditor posts his disproven arguments in every cat thread
My kot cries when she goes outside so I'm pretty sure she much prefers remaining indoors.

It's so unfair its poisonous, they look so tasty
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Are those elderberries? My grandma used to process them into delicious marmalade.
Pokeberries, the sprouts are an edible vegetable with preparation. The berries and mature plants have way too much poison to boil out though.
These are all over the place behind my house. but I don't think I ever see birds eating them though.
You just gave me an idea of natural magenta dye for clothes. Thank you.
they don't really look tasty.
they look like they taste bitter or something

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How do I cope with the crushing realization that millions of animals get killed daily just to sustain human society?
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You could potentially rationalize it in your head as, "This chicken or cow or whatever wouldn't even exist if it weren't being bred for meat production. So either it gets killed or it wouldn't exist either way".

My issue is not the act of killing the animals, but the suffering many of them have when so much food goes to waste regardless. Knowing that a chicken is born into a cruel environment, crammed inside a box where it can barely move for up to a year at a time, then put on a conveyor belt of suffocation/electrocution, throat slitting, and water boiling just so someone can NOT finish their nuggets and throw them out fills me with dread.

Our meat doesn't need to suffer. We can still provide an excess of meat while humanely raising and butchering them. But these companies don't just want an excess, they want an ultra excess.
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>This chicken or cow or whatever wouldn't even exist if it weren't being bred for meat production. So either it gets killed or it wouldn't exist either way.

Retarded reasoning. Law of supply and demand govern our food production. If you use your reasoning to keep eating meat then the animals would keep on being bred and this will never stop.
>this will never stop.
It wouldn't stop even if every human on Earth decided to become a vegetarian because we would STILL need meat production for other industries, such as food for pets or animals in conservation.

Sorry bro. Meat makes the world go round.
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just make the lions and tigers into vegans too

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>scientists say this is closer to an animal than a plant

Are they stupid?
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>letting some trees live and some trees die
high quality source or you're one of those weird shamans that eats hallucinatory mushrooms
Plants take in CO2 and put out oxygen
Fungus takes in oxygen and organic matter and puts out CO2

I mean which one sounds more like an animal
>Are they stupid?
>gets the grain in your tummy
>and by consequence consumes tou
yeah I think the term subhuman is obsolete. you're subfungal
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I have eaten cheeses with stronger mold than you son

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what makes male cats want to mate if they don't get any orgasmic feeling
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They need to pass off their genes and spread their species, incel/femcel waste of cum.
they want to because they do
OP [is a fag] probably diddled his tomcat and got swatted
skill issue
i've diddled my tomcat and he clearly gets an orgasmic feeling
also gets sleepy afterwards

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Have you ever eaten pet food?
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I have tasted tinned catfood by mistake because I absentmindedly licked the spoon after I scooped some out for her. It wasn't bad, just really bland. Add some salt and maybe a little hotsauce and I'm good for the Mad Max apocalypse.
I've eaten dry cat food
just tastes like dry bread and brown sauce
Don't you like to put nuts and seed in your mouth, anon?
>How can dog food smell so good and yet taste so bad?
Literally designed this way. They put a lot of extra shit in there to make it smell good to humans so you are more likely to purchase it and feel good about it. They spend no time on it making it taste good to humans and very little time making it palatable to the animals we feed it to. As long as a hungry animal eats it, they check that box and move onto more marketing for you and sometimes nutrition content for the pet.
I ate a bit of cat chow kibble once. Iirc it was kinda bland but also salty, I was probably around 6 when I did that and was curious about what it tasted like

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Post cats making very good faces
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anon is drunk, high, or both
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Look at this guy
feed him

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post it
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Or one of the best
How can you retards fall for such obvious bait?
pretty sure he meant a tyranosauridae

Who turned Hatsune Miku into a Trilobite?

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I miss Vinny even she never did much
Yea I watched one of his most recent vids where he rescued an otter and had to turn it off because he was constantly zooming in on a bunch of freshly shit covered towels and rags they had in the room with the otter.
He keeps things to keep them alive period. Kevin for example would have been put down years ago at virtually any other rehab/shelter.
He now has a frog or toad named pepe
I know wild animals doing wild animal things but I legit want to know what in Kevin’s retarded ass head causes him to constantly attack everything. You’d figure that stupid bird would mellow out after awhile but no he just constantly attacks every fucking thing

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>*barks at strangers and foreigners*
nothing personel, kid
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Pet ducks right now.
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I like both Cats and Dogs
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They are about equal thanks to inbreeding, its just the second is more socially compatible.
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sadly a controversial opinion on this board, thanks to retards. normal opinion to anyone who isn't abnormally down bad for specific animals
It feels good, makes me think I am not dysgenic.
Same. Consolewarsfags baffle me. Now if you'll excuse me I have a couple of threads to shit up with bite stats, toxoposting, indoors vs. outdoors (both sides), and saying "you just know" anytime a woman and a male dog are in the same picture, all because my braincell (singular) needs its dopamine fix.
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somehow I feel there's better ways to get dopamine

There's no good reason why intelligent animals shouldn't be considered non human persons and have the same rights protecting them as humans.
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>2 people remember sovl
get lost pharmaberg
>t. /pol/ack troonschizo
rent free
>push a cracker out of a box
this is what landlords are doing in america

>meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
feed your cat anon

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what are you gonna do about it anon
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Get 'em neutered you animal. Hit up the nearest rural vet. They know their stuff.

My new bunny doesn't love me but he's so cute that I just can't release him into the wild. So I'm going to get him a friend and see if he opens up.
>they don't have rights, as those are only warranted to subjects of law.
Law and rights is something we made up. If tomorrow consensus decides that rabbits can vote and you are to be put into a zoo, that's it.
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more rabbits now
Bunnies are so brilliant I think they may be reincarnated humans stuck in a tiny body. My little baby was picking up and playing with one particular leaf today and it was so cute. And you can see when they do actual physics equations before any big hop! Truly a pet for intellectual gentlemen.
the agreement that it is not something we made up but rather part of natural moral law is the basis for all modern western civilization

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>Be me in car with mom driving
>Falling asleep in the passenger seat
>She suddenly hits the break and I fly forwards
>GET HIS ASS ANON she yells out
>Confused I look to where she's pointing and see a chihuahua with a red bandana booking it down the side walk towards us
>Half asleep jump out of the car and try to grab him
>He jukes me like a soccer player and runs into the road
>Think I'm gonna see a dog get ran over
>Run around the car
>Entire street has stopped and everyone is trying to grab him
>NFL level skills as he dodges everyone one and runs all the way down the road and turns the corner.
Why are dogs like this? I swear to god if my dog ever pulled some shit like that I'm beating his ass like an escaped slave.
because we keep running after and rescuing the retards. let the suicidal dogs cull themselves so their suicidal retard genes stop passing on.
I guess they think we're playing with them, I found that running away from the dog mostly leads them to chasing you.
this, I had a dog who loved to bolt out the front door to play in the ditch but our area was really strict on leash laws
If I chased her It would take multiple minutes of sprinting before throwing myself at her in a tackle maneuver that could have potentially hurt her
or I could get close and bait her into chasing me, turn around the corner and immediately spin around and snag her atleast 2/3 of the time

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