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Mom just called and said she let her sick cat out and it hasn't shown for 3 days. Any hope it can come back? How much longer should she wait? She is very upset because when she brought it to the vet they told her it was arthritis but also really low white blood count(according to the vet this was an anomaly whatever that means)
And no I don't know why she let it outside

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I’ve genuinely never been so angry in my fucking life. What kind of monstrous, capitalist rotted fuckfaced shithead do you have to be to allow this garbage to go to market. If I had the coordinates to their warehouses I would molotov them all until nothing remained
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Most pet owners consider animals the way we used to, useful tools at best, nuisances at worst and exotic moving furniture on average. They care not abput their wellbeing and barely shed any tear when they inevitably die in some gut wrenching and completely avoidable way
for the last time schizo. the voices in your head are not several people.
>frequent urination
>multiple cat households
The Soviets weren't any different from the Chinese, we just didn't give them unlimited access to our markets.
I care and love animals also but I'm allowed to dislike cats and animals that should be put down

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We're back.
And we're taking your ice cream!
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Retard who knows nothing of dogs (cat person my whole life)
The workers my mother hired brought their puppy to the house. Radulfo. Cute little thing and eager to make friends with my mothers dog. They were playing and while I worked on school work.
Next thing I hear is whimpering and barking from outside
Its the puppy looking wet face in the dirt, frothing at the mouth wimpering.
I call the worker who brought the dog. he tells me that it ate some of my dogs food as is dying, rather calmly saying "muerto"
I'm not sure what to do or if that is whats killing this dog. Simply because we don't feed mochi (our dog) until the evening and he cleans his bowl every time. Ironically the bowl of food they brought for the puppy was also dry hard food when we feed ours softer stuff. Did he eat a slug? it was painful to watch
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Pup is fine
I'll gonna say frog/toad theory had/has the most plausibility
Well that's some good news. Thanks for the update.
Slugs can carry rat lung worm which is transmittable to other animals and humans if the infected slug is eaten alive. This can cause serious health problems and death
Yeah to my knowledge you should never eat worms or slugs because they have a number of parasites on them, as well as being toxic in and of themselves some times
rat lung doesn't act fast enough.

This breed of dog should be just not exist.

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Saw this little seabird at the beach, he was standing on the sand for a while and wasnt flying away, when it took off it crash landed onto the concrete. I think its wing is injured, any anons know whats up?
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Rip mr bird
It was his turn
>It was his tern
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cook him, bird nuggets

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she caught a mouse yesterday and now she won't stop checking behind furniture for more
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she is so cute
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easiest way to escape being poor is to pretend you're not poor, go nuts everytime you hear the words "pay plan" and ignore the mailbox outside your home bursting at the seams.
sometimes you get lucky, and the vacuum cleaner dealer you lease a Kirby from in 1998 goes under and no one takes the mantle to keep asking for money.
why are you posting your goon material
look at the scratches/smears on it, he probably found it in a dumpster

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Kibble kills.
not every kibble kills but every kill kibbles
Fact: 100% of dogs that eat kibble die
My cat is 22 and eats kibble and smokes cigarettes
>feed dog with freeze dried rotten pig guts
>wonder why it gets cancer

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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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you couldn't be talking about acacia podalyriifolia could you? that's literally endemic to southeast queensland
and yeah if I'm pulling invasive garden escapees I'm sure as fuck not planting them anywhere lmao
and anyway I wasn't talking about things like schefflera actinophylla or corymbia torelliana that are introduced from other parts of queensland I was talking about hydrocotyle acutiloba and centella asiatica that are actually locally native
the only reason anyone could have such a hate boner for such innocuous unintrusive groundcover plants is cause they get their knickers all in a knot when anything tries to grow in their glyphosate monoculture monstrosity of a lawn
even shit like lobelia purpurascens half the shit on the internet is about getting rid of it like there's no way these people have souls
>makes new thread
>doesn't bother to link it
Bizarre behaviour.

I'll do it then.

OK let's try one more time...

I've put my philodendron imperial red in a clear pot yesterday. It this a big mistake? Have I fucked it up?

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>despite being well-fed and socialized, and even without ever having been trained to do so, approximately from age 6 months to 11 years, will spend a significant amount of its time catching and sadistically torturing (often for several hours) almost every single lesser creature it can manage to find, rarely (if ever) showing mercy and delivering a killing blow, instead getting bored and leaving the creature to waste away in agony and to rot
>does it all for the lulz
>if you are against this behavior, you are... le bad and who cares because it's just its instinct and who cares about ecological devastation by a non-native species
>the only solution offered is trapping it indoors, which becomes cruel to the cat itself while sparing the lesser animals it would have tortured
Is it even possible to exist alongside these creatures without violating some sort of moral order? What sort of solution is there to the cat problem that saves the cat from cruelty while also keeping our rodent, bird and small reptile and amphibian populations healthy?
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its just so easy to tell who you are
ah right, probably the guy saying "total cat death" in the thread where a cat caught a bird on someone's balcony
this but unironically
dogredditor posts his disproven arguments in every cat thread
My kot cries when she goes outside so I'm pretty sure she much prefers remaining indoors.

It's so unfair its poisonous, they look so tasty
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Are those elderberries? My grandma used to process them into delicious marmalade.
Pokeberries, the sprouts are an edible vegetable with preparation. The berries and mature plants have way too much poison to boil out though.
These are all over the place behind my house. but I don't think I ever see birds eating them though.
You just gave me an idea of natural magenta dye for clothes. Thank you.
they don't really look tasty.
they look like they taste bitter or something

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How do I cope with the crushing realization that millions of animals get killed daily just to sustain human society?
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You could potentially rationalize it in your head as, "This chicken or cow or whatever wouldn't even exist if it weren't being bred for meat production. So either it gets killed or it wouldn't exist either way".

My issue is not the act of killing the animals, but the suffering many of them have when so much food goes to waste regardless. Knowing that a chicken is born into a cruel environment, crammed inside a box where it can barely move for up to a year at a time, then put on a conveyor belt of suffocation/electrocution, throat slitting, and water boiling just so someone can NOT finish their nuggets and throw them out fills me with dread.

Our meat doesn't need to suffer. We can still provide an excess of meat while humanely raising and butchering them. But these companies don't just want an excess, they want an ultra excess.
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>This chicken or cow or whatever wouldn't even exist if it weren't being bred for meat production. So either it gets killed or it wouldn't exist either way.

Retarded reasoning. Law of supply and demand govern our food production. If you use your reasoning to keep eating meat then the animals would keep on being bred and this will never stop.
>this will never stop.
It wouldn't stop even if every human on Earth decided to become a vegetarian because we would STILL need meat production for other industries, such as food for pets or animals in conservation.

Sorry bro. Meat makes the world go round.
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just make the lions and tigers into vegans too

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>scientists say this is closer to an animal than a plant

Are they stupid?
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>letting some trees live and some trees die
high quality source or you're one of those weird shamans that eats hallucinatory mushrooms
Plants take in CO2 and put out oxygen
Fungus takes in oxygen and organic matter and puts out CO2

I mean which one sounds more like an animal
>Are they stupid?
>gets the grain in your tummy
>and by consequence consumes tou
yeah I think the term subhuman is obsolete. you're subfungal
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I have eaten cheeses with stronger mold than you son

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what makes male cats want to mate if they don't get any orgasmic feeling
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They need to pass off their genes and spread their species, incel/femcel waste of cum.
they want to because they do
OP [is a fag] probably diddled his tomcat and got swatted
skill issue
i've diddled my tomcat and he clearly gets an orgasmic feeling
also gets sleepy afterwards

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Have you ever eaten pet food?
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I have tasted tinned catfood by mistake because I absentmindedly licked the spoon after I scooped some out for her. It wasn't bad, just really bland. Add some salt and maybe a little hotsauce and I'm good for the Mad Max apocalypse.
I've eaten dry cat food
just tastes like dry bread and brown sauce
Don't you like to put nuts and seed in your mouth, anon?
>How can dog food smell so good and yet taste so bad?
Literally designed this way. They put a lot of extra shit in there to make it smell good to humans so you are more likely to purchase it and feel good about it. They spend no time on it making it taste good to humans and very little time making it palatable to the animals we feed it to. As long as a hungry animal eats it, they check that box and move onto more marketing for you and sometimes nutrition content for the pet.
I ate a bit of cat chow kibble once. Iirc it was kinda bland but also salty, I was probably around 6 when I did that and was curious about what it tasted like

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