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As we all know Israel is the bride of YHWH and since all cats are girls then cats are jews.
We must let the wolves in or the forest will not survive.
Wolves are native europeans however. They’re notoriously patriarchal and monogamous.

Did you mean “we must rewild hyenas”
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to be honest one of the few good things about summer is the gulls
cant wait for them to return
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Also nice between two slices of toast. With feathers and everything. Yummy.
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A seagull mom built a nest with chicks above my door and now I can't leave my home without being dive bombed and attacked. I enter fight or flight when hearing seagull screeches at this point. Fuck seagulls. Leave me alone.
Feed them. Catch and force feed.
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I don't know the species but European gulls are horrifying, I thought Australia's were bad until I went to Italy and saw a seagull the bigger than a game hen eating a pigeon. It had runny blood on its beak so the pigeon must have been fresh, maybe the gull killed it?
Australian silver gulls (picrel) are tiny, we have larger species but they seem to avoid people.
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There are people that don't regularly bathe their dogs and cats.

I once went to someone's house and when I pet their dog, it felt crusty and dusty. Turns out they never bathed it.
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You should keep cats inside your house unless you have a fenced in property
Same with dogs
Letting your pets roam around the neighborhood is stupid and irresponsible.
Why come to an animal board if you hate animals? Go back to /cm/ you pedo faggot
Why are you projecting?
I had to go up and see what /cm/ even was
>cats are not perfect
Holy hyperbole woman

Cool your tits (also post them) and then gtfo
Your house stinks and your cats smell like dirt and pee

Use liner
Scoop daily
Dump weekly
Bathe your cat

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under your porch, and uo your tree, RACOOOON
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Nothing, you just shouldn't type at all.
Coons eat stray cats, don't they?
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Finally a based coon!
Pretty sure they just attack/kill them (and dogs)
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Usually they both just mind their own business. If food isn't scarce and there are no kits involved raccs just pay little mind to cats

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The Mantis is the most overrated predatory arthropod. Yes, I will admit that it looks cool with its scythe like arms and colorful colors but when you actually analyze it, mantis are fucking terrible. Let's take a look at the mantis most distinguishing feature, its arm. But the thing about the mantis's arms is that it does nothing more than grip its prey. Its not sharp or anything. The Mantis also has terrible kill potential because it can't actually kill anything with its forelimbs so it has to rely entirely on its mouth to kill. But a mantis's bite is nothing to write home about. It can't cut prey in half the same way a camel-spider's bite can. That's why a mantis has to eat its prey alive still wriggling in its arms.

A mantis has nothing on a Spider's bite and venom, it has nothing on a hornet's mobility and sting, it has nothing to a soldier ant's bear trap like jaw. A mantis can only beat them if it has significant size advantage. A mantis is a weakling and it knows it that's why it uses the gayest hunting method of all time, ambush.
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how are assassin bugs and velvet worms low-tier?
they could beat any of the mid-tier low-diff, and even high-diff the high tier.

most assassin bugs have strong armor and a one-hit win condition, while velvet worms have a super-long range immobilisation that's like a single target spider web.

>they're very respected in the arthropod world for good reasons.

Your mom's very respected in the arthropod world for good reasons.
Why is /invert/ dead and gone, bros? Now where am I supposed to ask dumbass first timer questions about scorpions?
Prepare to be surprised then, every single human death that has ever occurred has actually been mantis related.
Velvet worms are pretty fragile and die at the slightest inconvenience. Assassin bugs could probably go in mid tier but they’re pretty damn slow and don’t have any particularly beefy species

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Why is reproductive coercion/rape so common in primates? What's their deal, and why haven't the females evolved physical countermeasures like being bigger than the males so they can fight them off?
Pic unrelated they look fine
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>reproductive coercion
>"but he made me willingly choose to have sex with him when i could have walked away but now i think i didn't want to so he's evil :("
God i wish i was a fucking monkey just so i could just have to worry about other males when it comes to fucking and not deal with women BS like this
What’s up with the sudden burst of chimp threads now
You’re hitting all the nails on all of their heads right now
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They are not real
female do evolve countermeasures, but males do too. for example duck vaginas. however reproductive coercion exists because males are parasites and drains on the species, and female instinctively do not want to mate with male, as it is almost always high cost to her. so the male must coerce through withholding food or becoming stronger/faster than female to be able to take her by force and rape her. this is the primary sexual dynamic with humans as well
the species where this isn't the case are where the female is larger and stronger than the male. in this case, the female will straight up just kill and eat the male if he doesn't fight for his life. males have to evolve countermeasures against that and become sneaky in order to get the dick in long enough to fertilize the female by stunning or stabbing the female like in spiders. male hyenas submit to getting fucked in the ass by the females dick to satisfy their sexual appetite and do the bulk of childcare for hyena pups in order to prove their usefulness and barter for their life

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>odonata larvae:
>highly successful aquatic predators
>hunt using the same method as praying mantis but by shooting out your fucking entire lower jaw instead of just your arms
>grow into arguably the most successful predator on the planet
>eat everything ranging from mosquito larvae, to shrimp, to fish

>lepidoptera larvae:
>literally one of the most easy to kill animals out there
>awake to eat leaves and that's about it
>grow into an easy to kill flying bug with huge wings that either eats nothing and dies in a week or sucks on sugary sap
>is dependent on specific types of leaves or it will be unable to reproduce

Is there any reason why butterflies are so cucked by dragonflies at every corner?
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Are you sure? It kinda looks like Black Death.
We had 2 die of it already. They got black then started leaking
Carnivore caterpillar
okay the erm chrysalis is empty and a pretty butterfly came out
larvees have new idea

I thought plant hentai wasn't real.
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>plantable bbcs

the most retarded animal of all time. even after aliens do a bunch of experiments on it it just stands around like a dumbass

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will people ever grow out of the loving cute animals phase? I fucking hate cats but people seem to love those little murderous parasite bags
Selectively breed them into apex predators who hunt humans.
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>.t mad whiteboy
Will people ever grow out of not letting me exterminate 99.999% of the globe's human population?
I fucking hate normalfags, but people seem to not want me to.
Based NZers.

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Any /an/iggas tried it?
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Biology is filled with failed premed hopefuls and wealthy women who want to play with baby monkeys and dolphins
>failed premed hopefuls
>wealthy women who want to play with baby monkeys and dolphins
are they attractive at least
As long as you hate money and don't ever want to be able to support a family, you will be fine.
I saw somewhere vet suicides are high for a few reasons.

The big thing was that while it can be rewarding, you also deal with a lot of suffering and death at a more rapid pace than Human medical, owing to their shorter lifespans, and you can't really take a nihilistic cynicism on animals like with people unless you're a psychopath.
Number two was that apparently the pay is garbage relative to the amount of work and material costs and you'll probably feel compelled to cover many treatments out of pocket at least in part to save an animal's life or extend it when caretakers cannot.
Damn. Way to sell it to to him…

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Tagged pigeon on roof.
Won’t come down.
Placed food and water.
Don’t know what to do next
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Don't be fooled, anon. They're watching you
Caught him. What do i do?
adopt him and let him live in your house and become best friend with him
Cut the tag, release him to live or die as a free man.

This is the third one of these beetles I've seen in North Alabama. I looked it on Google Lens and it identified the species as Dynastes grantii or the Western Hercules Beetle. According to everything I read it's only supposed to be in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. Is it being misclassified or do we have a new invasive species?
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I wonder how many native animals are killed by ignorant invasive species hysteria vigilantes. Had a guy completely convinced some weasel looking mustalid we saw was a raccoon dog. We aren't taught about our native fauna but are bombarded with the invasive animals on the news, and I think some people will just label something as the closest thing they know rather than accept they can't identify it.
No, it's feminine behavior. Acting with reason and prudence is masculine behavior. It's feminine to jump the gun and act on emotion. Your conception of masculine and feminine are entirely fucked up and provided to you by modern media.
This pissy, passive aggressive lady is right, y'know.
>literally admits his conception is "masculine behavior is always good, feminine behavior is always bad"
It's sad when a "reasonable and prudent" man bases his categorization entirely on emotion and contrarianism. Your conception of masculine and feminine are entirely fucked up and provided to you by genetic dead end tribefaggots.
In my experience people preoccupied with identifying feminine and masculine behavior are trannies either repressing desperately hard or looking for an excuse to down the titty skittles

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Pet fans be like
>b-but he keeps me company! and and he's better than people (because he can't reply to me)
>*coughs* I LOOVEE sleeping with my furball in my bed *coughs*
>n-nooo!! my bearded dragon isn't useless and a money sink, he's heckin' cute and a valid pet!
>I LOOVEE cleaning up bird poop from every piece of forniture, cockatoos are so wholesome!
>they get free food, free shelter and don't have to do anything BUT we are the ones blessed with their presence! :^O
>ahah he's been barking for 23 hours straight isn't he cute?

Meanwhile Chad plants enjoyers
>I give it water and move it twice a day, it gives me oxygen and cleans the air from toxic formaldehyde in return
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I live in America and I actively grow patches of "weeds" (native plants) in my yard. No HOA in my neighborhood, and if there was one I'd just tell them to suck my ass.
>and if there was one I'd just tell them to suck my ass.
no i don't think you would. they'd fine you and would continue to, eventually resulting in them putting a lien on your property.
Cuz it's cool
>If that thing falls over that’s definitely multiple people dead
Okay, and?
>Cuz it's cool
Sure? Still seems like a massive safety risk
>Okay, and?
What's wrong with his nose?

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Can anyone identify this bird call?

Unfortunately, the sparrows never shut the hell up. It's the one that sounds a bit further away.

It was coming from WITHIN a field. At first I thought of a Northern Lapwing, but I couldn't find a sample that sounded exactly like this.

Central Europe, in a wheat field close to an old orchard and not far from a forest.
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brown recluse
>sparrows sound the same as mines.
as in the exploding type, or big holes?
I need birb identification help and luckily I found this thread. Wtf is this? It's been running around chirping in the yard and will peck on the door. It's not very skittish and tried to walk in the house when we opened the door. North Texas suburb. My first thought was turkey vulture chick but I googled that and this is definitely not one.
There is one house across the street (a busy 6 lane road) but I haven't heard it in years and I walk to work at 545 AM. Is this just a chicken?
*house with a rooster

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>you can't evolve out of a clade
Not even after 400 million years? Not even after 600 million years? Not even after 1 billion years?
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cladists don't use "reptiles" or "fish" dumbass.
It's because the "bulk" clades were mostly defined very early on, resulting in them being filled up in weird ways because it turned out relationships were counter-intuitive.

Class Reptilia disagrees, and includes Aves.
>thinks "Reptilia" is still valid 50 years after it was removed
>thinks scientists use Classes still 50 years after they were rejected
wikipedia isn't up to date on modern taxonomy because it's edited by the public, and they think cladistics is going away soon.
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not only is what >>4833517 said true, those are distinctly not "reptiles" and "birds". The WHOLE FUCKING POINT of translating things into latin-greek gloop-glop nonsense is to make NEW CATEGORIES TO CATEGORIZE ANIMALS ACCURATELY. They are described as individual species as the furthestmost branches of the tree for a reason: if anything moves, it can be accurately assessed what its scientific name is. Hell, I'll pull this beater out again:
>Eukaryote Amorphea Opisthokont Animalia Bilateria Nephrozoa Deuterostome Chordata Olfactores Vertebrata Gnathostomata Osteichthyes Sarcopterygii Rhipidistia Tetrapod Reptiliomorpha Synapsid Eupelycosauria Sphenacodontia Therapsid Theriodontia Eutheriodontia Cynodont Epicynodontia Eucynodontia Probainognathia Prozostrodontia Mammaliamorpha Mammaliaformes Mammal Theria Placentalia Boreoeutheria Euarchontoglires Euarchonta Primatomorpha Primate Haplorhini Simiiformes Catarrhini Hominoidea Hominidae Homininae Hominini Hominina Australopithecus Homo sapiens
That's the fucking name for us.
>Eukaryote Amorphea Opisthokont Animalia Bilateria Nephrozoa Deuterostome Chordata Olfactores Vertebrata Gnathostomata Osteichthyes Sarcopterygii Rhipidistia Tetrapod Reptiliomorpha Sauropsida Eureptilia Diapsid Sauria Archosauromorpha Archosauriformes Archosaur Avemetatarsalia Dinosauromorpha Dinosaur Ornithischia Genasauria Neornithischia Cerapoda Marginocephalia Ceratopsia Ceratopsidae Chasmosaurinae Triceratopsini Triceratops horridus
And that's the name for triceratops.
Notably, they're fuckhuge and extremely detailed, because it's tracing lineage, regardless of description. You know what fuck you, kill yourself dumbass. picrel is you.
good posts!

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