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I got a 12 week old kitten and he literally starts meow crying whenever I leave the room, how do I fix this
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Get another kitten. This one is obviously socialized, very young, and needs companionship. If you can't be there, get another kitten so they grow up together.

12 weeks is pretty young, but normal. You will form a strong bond if you take the time. He will be your buddy for the next 20 years ... best for everyone if there's another cat around. That's a very long and lonely time to be an only, alone cat.

Also, he will grow out of crying for you all the time fairly soon. By about six months they start becoming much more independent, especially if you help teach them to be. Right now he's a frightened baby who can't understand why his mom and littermates disappeared.

This anon is correct. Get another kitten. It's only like, 25% more work to care for a second cat. Get another kitten pronto.
Seconded. Even my adult cat got quite lonely when his brother died. He got pretty relaxed when he had kids though.
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Chick-fil-a sauce 5 times a day from dusk to dawn. Never exceed 15 ounces a day of total feed. Study the following protocol:

>08:00 AM, 6 ounces or 2 Chick-fil-a satchets into feeding bowl
>12:00, check feeding bowl. If empty refill with an additional 3 ounces or 1 Chick-fil-a sachets. However if still full or only partially eaten skip refill.
>16:00 PM, last 6 ounces or 2 Chick-fil-a sachets. Repeat 12:00 scheduling if feeding bowl is still full.
>18:00 PM, clean feeding bowl and inspect litter box. If turds are a dark maroon tone the protocol has taken hold. Any other tone indicates that the protocol is yet to take full effect.

If done correctly your kitten should be far more quiet and socially withdrawn. Low reactivity to sudden stimuli is normal along with low energy (I have observed this in atleast 3 kittens around the 8-12 week age band).

Hope this infomation be of some help to you OP. It took me awhile to get the formula down correctly with my own cats over the years.
Just don't leave the room.

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Welp /an/ my ball python outgrew its enclosure, what should i put in it?
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They're pretty small. You could fit two or three in a previous ball python enclosure.
Um your kidding right? Some places say you need atleast something like 1,5m2
>No animals
No reason you can’t put in an animal while taking care of the plants
A palu could be neat as well
fill with water, put in a single betta
So like dart frogs then? I imagine if u go for bigger animals they will destroy the plants?

Why is it illegal to catch and eat rusty crayfish in britislamland? They're tasty and invasive
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>And it clearly worked on you
If the tories were far right you would not have Sunak in office because Sunak is not English, he is "British". The UK far right don't have the civic mindset those in North America has and one of the main talking points that they have was that the Windrush and allowance for Indian immigration was a mistake. There is even a famous proverb that is repeated verbatim amongst the far right of the UK called "Rivers of blood", in reference to Enoch Powell who aposed the anti-discrimination legislation race relations bill. A man who left the Tories and joined up with the Ulster Unionist Party because he didn't like how soft the Tories were becoming. The Tories will never be trully right wing socially as it benefits them to have tax payers or lobbiests of just about any colour. They care about cash flow into the country and by extension their coffers. If anything they border on libertarian within this day and age as it does not matter if you are a man or a woman, white or brown you can be a PM for them as long as you tote the party line while keeping party members in their wage band. You dont have to be a chud or a retard to recognise this and what the actual right wing are like in the UK.

The Tories are heavily socially left wing when conpared to an international standard. You can make arguments all you like about:
But financial policy is only one component to a groups political alignment. Being left wing does not strictly dictate financial infrastructure and class like Marxists keep liking to harp on about and to subscribe to that mindset puts a dunce cap on your head to everyone esle who understands that defining world views strictly from financial class is retard and reductive.

Tories are left wing.
Simple as faggot.
>Race doesn't overrule class when it comes to rightoids,
yes it does you fucking shit for brains having monkey, that’s literally all you freaks argue and it’s true, i’d love to know what political leaning you think the UK was in the 60s if you think anything about it is right wing in the modern day
holy shit you fucking flattened him lmao another leftoid btfo
I've been alive for 39 years and I still have no idea how you eat these critters. Do you crack open the claws or the tail or what? Or do you just eat it in one pop? Isn't there organs and shit in there?
Clawson aren't really worth it, theyre basically shrimp, you twist the tail off and eat that and suck the organ juice out
Knew a guy who used to fish them straight out of the local stream and eat them on the spot. Motherfucker got a full course lunch on good days.

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I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit
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he is a wild animal you troon.
he doesn’t watch gilmore girls, or eat skittles, or hit office buttons or any of that industrial society hormone water crap.
he lives in a river and eats raw fish.
he also thinks that you will never be a woman, and wants to enact total jew death.
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I didn't make that, but iyt does need to be rewritten.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
how long have you been doing this anon? thank you for your service
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2013 I think. It was the day after Sakurafish got perma banned. I got to start a new trhread tomorrow.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.

>gets abused for muh funny internets video
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both, bro. both
i dont think they spiced the human meat when they ate it.
The Spanish didn’t have contact with the Mesoamericans until the 1500s and tuberculosis was likely around before the Spanish even arrived so you’re a bit retarded
Let’s not forget that the Aztecs also eradicated Mayan works and basically wrote a new version of history with the Aztec Codexes to make themselves out to be the true rulers. Sad but conquests usually come accompany stuff like book burning
This is all true.

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flat head
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I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorite animal
For example,
>If their favorite animal is a fox, they're a furry
>If it's a wolf, they were the weird kid in school
>Horse, they want to be dicked down by a horse
>Cat, they're feminine or a woman
>Dog, they're very basic
What do you think? What are some other examples?
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Cat owners have been linked to schizophrenia
Case in point:
I like cats and donkeys because they obviously have distinct personalities and levels of intelligence between individuals.
How donkeys have been the default example of all philosophers defending the vision of animals as flesh machines truly baffles me.
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>cat hate on/AN is from midwit, low-iq individuals who can't see past their own nose, or narcissistic contrarians who think they're special for disliking an animal for reasons that aren't actually reasons.
This has yet to be disproved.
and it never will be (for obvious reasons)

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I don't know what to do bros.. I'm devastated
>be me
>keep a small community tank
>betta, 2 african dwarf frogs, some ghost shrimp
>feel like they want another friend
>add another betta, keep him separate for first day
>things are going great
>release him
>he immediately charges my other betta and viciously attacks it, killing it within minutes
>decide to teach him that's not okay
>pull him out and flick him hard on the head
>he instantly goes limp
>a day later, he's still not moving
I can't believe it fucking killed him, my only 2 friends and now they're both gone.. please, any advices will help
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Bettas have been selectively bred for hundreds of years specifically for killing each other. They are the pitbulls of nano fish. Luckily this is a bait thread though, I simply refuse to believe people are this retarded.
>I think OP might have autism
Might? lmao

>Stop getting pets
He’s made the thread before so likely bait or he does feel *really* guilty about it lol
I said from petsmart dummy. Find a Betta breeder.
You would do well to find some friends that aren't fish or arthropods. Try a cat.

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what would happen if I fed my parakeet some cannabis edibles?
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Get him a friend or six. Budgies live in fuck-off huge flocks in the wild.
>using cannabis to give dogs seizures is a good thing
Absolute state of /an/
you’ll make it realize how shitty it’s existence is as a parakeet
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Do NOT listen to this faggot. Marijuana is toxic to dogs. There are cheap and widely-available medications for seizures. I repeat, do NOT give your dog Marijuana.

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i like cat
i like dog
& also other pet except horse
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Same here
Do they get on well with koi or will the koi eat the tads?
Koi eat anything they can fit in their mouths.
Just like frogs the eh? Guess I gotta raise em seperately or just go with koi and let wild frogs move in.
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Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Empty the water out first
New bake
How many snails and hermits should I have?
And how can i be sure the rocks won’t move?
It’s only a month old tank
it's best not to count them. Buy them in bulk, it's cheaper.
smashed and slammed predator 3x tetra

How come theres no reptiles that stand upright like a dog?
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>gotta draw up lines somewhere, otherwise we're all fish
we literally are.
Almost all of our bones are found in fish.
so mammals are now fish too?
You are a fish, you are a tunicate, you are a bacterium, you are carbon, you are the material from the big bang, you are God.
The chinese killed all the european megafauna 5000ish years ago? i don't think that's accurate...
Please provide an example of a reptile that's more basal than mammals are. That diagram the other anon posted is accurate.

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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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it seems alright, whats the matter
>Because I don't let them piss and shit indoors
you have chickens, you should have a yard. let your dogs piss and shit in the yard, which should be fenced or walled
kill yourself
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What’s the worst that could happen

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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>Not as easily evolved.
don't matter by your prior reasoning

>Most mammals aren't sight-oriented and have instead evolved better senses of hearing and smell to compensate for poor colour vision.
don't matter, it's still and obvious advantage

again you have a child's understanding of evolution and are making excuses to avoid the logical consequence of your prior reasoning
also bat's aren't sight oriented
what goalposting did I do?
All I said was that in larger animals regeneration is detrimental because they need to quickly patch up traumatic injuries with clotting and scabbing then fast growing scar tissue
Both of which prevent regeneration from happening, which is a slower process
And yes scar tissue is much faster growing than regrowing entire sections of the body since it's not differentiated

In order for a large mammal to evolve regeneration it would need to lose scabbing and scar tissue, which obviously is going to be a massive reduction in fitness
Not only that but there's a limit to how fast cells can regenerate, and cells need the necessary information to grown unrelated adjacent tissue which simply doesn't exist in mammals

Either you don't understand the concept of fitness or the concept of moving goalposts

Also body plans/parts with the same function but different build is quite literally the definition of convergent evolution, seriously get a dictionary before you try to act all high and mighty

Also considering you disagree with my notion, I expect you to provide me a single example of a conodont apex predator competing directly with jawed vertebrates
>because they need to quickly patch up traumatic injurie
that's not a "large animal problem" and regeneration doesn't prevent that

> with clotting and scabbing then fast growing scar tissue
clotting don't prevent regeneration and the formation of scar tissue isn't that fast

>scar tissue is much faster growing than regrowing entire sections
doesn't matter, once regeneration begin the wound is already close and a slowly regeneration limb/finger/patch of skin is much less detrimental than scar tissue

>d need to lose scabbing and scar tissue, which obviously is going to be a massive reduction in fitness
it wouldn't

> cells need the necessary information to grown unrelated adjacent tissue which simply doesn't exist in mammals
no, most cell have the entire genetic code of the organism

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>no, most cell have the entire genetic code of the organism
well except for mammalian red blood cells, amphibian red blood cells however do contain a nucleus and are integral to their regeneration

Furthermore, just because a cell has the entire genetic code of an animal doesn't mean that it can differentiate in any cell, it takes a lot of effort to turn mammalian cells back into pluripotent stem cells, which is what you need for regeneration

As for dominating niches, they did compete in niches of smaller animals, but the ostracoderm, largest jawless fish, went into rapid decline after jawed fish appeared, indicating a massive advantage

As for convergent evolution, by your definition this would mean that the mole cricket is not an example of convergent evolution, which I would like to see you try to explain to any evolutionary biologist
you sound like a terf

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>"Dude, ants are like, basically hyper-efficient hive-mind computers dude. They're so smart."
Yeah, well if they're so efficient, why haven't they learned Cost-Benefit Analysis? I've killed a thousand of these fuckers for trying to steal my muffin and they still come back
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true on this, there needs to be a total and complete annihilation of the ant menace
what do you suggest as the final solution?
But then the ants will form the new antiforian republic and antaers legion and will fighting over a pond
at this point we should just call an exterminator, if gassing and nuking won't work I don't know what will. maybe relocation is the best thing for everyone, shovel their anthill over your neighbor's picket fence. I'm sure that's how they got to your property in the first place
I love ants but am losing my mind trying to figure out how many lbs of ants there are per person.
Everywhere says there are 20 quadrillion total, 2.5 million ants to person. Say each ant weighs 2.5 milligrams, that's 6250000 milligrams per person, which is converts to like 14 lbs. But I've seen multiple places say ants outweigh us in biomass? Including the Wikipedia page on biomass. Where is my ant math going wrong

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