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Here's a video of a leopard getting BTFO by a honey badger:

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Forgot to include the post-crocvictory images
kek butthurt much
The Tiger's butt is hurting definitely
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So what do you do after a couple of months once you get tired of them?
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free protein
>getting tired of them
I like his videos. It's always the same thing, but they're kind of relaxing.
Well if you're like my stupid bitch sister who only had to look after them for ONE WEEK you lose their special food packet and pour them down the drain without seeing if they could eat something else on the very first day of your brother's holiday
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>on the very first day
Damn. It seems intentional at this point.

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Why is everyone here so serious about animals?
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No one tell this guy about /kot/, qtips, glass rods, and mountain lions
There used to be sus cheetoh posts and I remember something about a puma but haven't seen those in a while.
zoophiles are parasitic abusers and they'll make do with any community they can get into to. There are pedophiles in the vatican but that doesn't mean there arent any in schools.
>Ctrl-F "Autis"
>0 results
lets be real guys it's the same answer for most boards on this site

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Mine is the mighty MARTIAL EAGLE.

You can read more about their interesting predatory habits here:

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Cope harder.
>ITT: bird 'bater replies to itself
>mods think this is a good thing
Wedge tailed eagles are cool as fuck
Philippine eagles
Will Osprey

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>"The world is cruel and unjust, everything and everyone is out killing or being killed, there is no concern outside for mates and offspring"
>Leopard Seal tries to feed photographer penguins, despite it having no benefit whatsoever
What the fuck
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Says the nerd who has to keep his hidden
that doesn't even look real, why is it colored so funny?
Its real, google Proboscis monkey. They have permanent red erections to signal towards potential mates as well as competing males.
Speaking of seals, I've been trying to find a video of a seal getting on a boat, and was sitting on top of one of the guys on the boat, and the cameraman asked what to name him. The guy said "His name is Get Off Me".
They are just like me

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Are these the busiest little niggas in all the animal kingdom?
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and you have to worry about mongol hordes if your in brazil, fucking army ants
ant chads stay winning
lmao those idiots should have kept their wings
they did you retard
Bees sleep for as long as humans do, and they spend quite a bit of time awake but idle, too (not talking about distribution of labour here; that's separate).
That's still quite a lot of labour relative to most animals, mind you. Lions, crocs, horses, frogs, snakes, spiders, fish and so on and so forth spend a lot more time idle.
But I do find it interesting that the animal that most closely matches 'eu'social labour efforts are... humans.
There are reasons for that, of course.
Humans, too, are a social species.
Humans, too, live in fixed, defensible settlements.
Humans, too, engage in cooperative brood care (grandparents, neighbours with kids the same age, kindergarten and school).
Humans, too, place greater value on the reproductive success of their society than the individual (hence wars).
Humans are behaviourally eusocial, therefore they spend eusocial amounts of time working.

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We're back.
And we're taking your ice cream!
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Too late for calyxanide.
are albatross just oversized gulls?
Based gullbro trying to save her from raw food poisoning.
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>russians domesticate foxes inside 4 generations
>dog fur patterns
>dog ears
>dog noses
>dog behaviour
>dog dog dog
>they're changed on a fundamental genetic level
>"This must be the work of domestication!"
Did no-one stop to ask if this was just the introduction of dog genetics with a turkey baster?
The closest I can find is one accusation that these are just dormant genes that were "hidden" by evolution, much like chicken teeth, but that's still in 100% belief that the experiment is 100% trustworthy, especially when the experiment showed the foxes has better intelligence than all dog species and apes.
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southern american foxes are less like foxes and more like miniature coyotes.
They are canids after all.
>especially when the experiment showed the foxes has better intelligence than all dog species and apes.
It didn't show that.
And foxes weren't transformed into domestic dogs.
They were turned into slightly more manageable / Friendly versions of their former selves.
And the Russians weren't the first to domesticate foxes either.

>They did it in Brazil
They didn't do it in Brazil you idiot.
They found a random single individual freak hybrid animal that most likely is completely infertile. No domestication or selective breeding was involved.

" researchers have found the world's first confirmed dog-fox hybrid in the Brazilian wilderness. The hybrid, known as "Dogxim," resulted from the unusual pairing of a pampas fox mother and an unknown domestic dog father"

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>they're changed on a fundamental genetic level
As opposed to what?
>As opposed to what?
Not being Mexican or using Grammarly/ChatGPT to help them write weird brainfarts on 4chan as they stim?

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All hail the glory of the majestic Sweetpea and his autistic shrieks! 4chan's true and honest spirit animal.

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What kind of baboon is this supposed to be?
Looks like an olive baboon
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I love his look of disappointment.
It's the spastic flailing which really sells it for me.


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How can anyone go swimming far offshore in shark waters?
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>Vickey is a male's name in India
As scary as a shark or croc is, I would be absolutely shitting myself if a hippo was coming at me
You wouldn't know the croc was there until it was too late
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I swear there was one like this with a sea anemone that looks like shroomjak

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Cliff Gray appeared on Joe Rogan and demonstrated convincingly that human-managed population control of elk was highly successful up until the 1960s. The meat from the culled elk was even given to the local Indian reservations for consumption. Then "animal rights" activists demanded an end to the practices, and that was the real cause of the problems with the elk population.

The alleged benefits that wolves bring to the ecosystem are mostly manufactured and promoted by NGOs to take money from suckers. Watch his video here:

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Literally nothing unusual is happening.
You aren't saying anything new that hasn't already been thoroughly debunked a million times.
I'm not a fag but you definitely are a repetitive idiot.
You are a fag and it hasn’t been deboonked Mr deboonker
Very mature and serious primary school anon.
Nice to know that you're in charge of government climate policy.
You’re welcome anon. We’re going to add more carbon taxes by the way
Wow, more tax!
What a stupid government stooge.

Did /an/ just almost die? My platypus thread was over 100 days old and got pruned/deleted with like half of the threads on the board. What the sneck?

I''m going tp post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread got it's leg caught in a jeffries tube. >>4793406. 300 seconds to post. Good gracious. Who did I piss off or are "we" getting attaced again?
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
You will never be a real platypus. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you can't lay eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by furries and autism into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your hirsute appearance behind closed doors.
Platypus are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed platypus to sniff out humans with incredible efficiency. Even humans who can swim look uncanny and unnatural to a platypus. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a platypus as a pet, itll turn tail and bolt the second it gets a whiff of your oily, clammy skin.
You will never have a bill. You stretch the skin between you toes out every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a floating log, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a dog, a leash, put it around your dogs neck, and take your dog for a walk. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll buy you with a collar marked with your dogs name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that its your dog. Your imaginary platypus will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a thread that is unmistakably samefaggotry.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Ok weird effort post, but I never claimed to want to be a platypus

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

God's most retarded animal
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Swollen from your clueless ass sitting on them
Jesus fuck how'd all that shit actually fit in there
his greed sickens me
I don't find hamsters at all adorable dwarf hamsters maybe but so others are goddamn hideous.
I can't stop watching this video wtf

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Green animals
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>green skin
>green bones
>green blood
>green tongue
>green heart
You literally can't get greener then this.
arent cyanobacteria toxic?
>do [all members of phylum] have property X??
geeze, anon
way to narrow it down

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RIP that one anon's petrel thread from 2023

I'll make you this new one.
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Did an image search and just realized that petrel is eating an elephant seal pup
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