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Everyone always asks "Where wolf"
Nobody ever asks "Why wolf?"
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>>4921325 (OP)
more wolf
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>come home
>see this
what do?
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>is he... you know
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the best of friends
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kayote wuz heer
woolvs r gae
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6AlVp5tlmo [Embed]
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Imagine drinking out of that cup after haha
>come home
??? I haven't left the house in years.
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wolves are built for big warm cuddles from cold humans that live in the north
The whole "covering the neck" behavior is so cool
I want waffle fries.
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Why haven't red wolves been reintroduced to more southeast national parks/forests? I know a group attempted to release some into the great smokey mountains natnl.park but that population died out for whatever reason
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how loud can wolves howl?
Hop on and take a nap
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happy new year
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giwtwm (on the left)
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I was going to write this post yesterday but then I suddenly didn't feel like it
Heh, more like noseup
I'm a purebred white nordic werewolf beast with white fur
post knot with timestamp or gtfo
autistic def not gay
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Why not both?
I'm bi and Eurasian but my wife (female) is Indian. My kid looks Puerto Rican lmao
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You know what, yea, if this were to happen to me, I'd get an erection and you can't convince me that it's not natural.
Every time that image is posted you respond with something about an erection.
NTA but I would get a big hard stiffy too.
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why are you guys like that?
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that's just a big silver fox
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cute mini wolf
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actually that was me last time and i stand by what i said
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>wolfaboo chads vs foxaboo fags
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One day all the canines will become goodboys who sleep on the couch and won't need to merely survive in the wild
That wolf may eat the cat on the left. You may want to move them out of there.
I wish dogs would revert to wolf overnight so they could eat their shitty owners.
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Same but only because i want them to look like wolves not act like them
what would our world be like if wolves were domesticated?
About the same
there would be less cats and more cases of wolf neglect in the world
The humble husky already exists
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anon pls
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coolest wolf in this thread. Thank you anon
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no way...
I knew the filename before I looked at it. You are SO predictable, especially when I can tell what you're gonna do next.
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You must be a really big fan!
Goly ahit i hought that was real
I aceept u for who u r prid
Maybe it has to do with food availability. I imagine wolves need like at least 3 lbs of food a day
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The Wolf Has Three Heads.
Fur and Yiff.
Song was cool and yes coyote is the obvious winner of the homie contest
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what about this black boy?
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Cute puppers
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literate wolf reading sign
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I wonder what they sounded like when cavemen kept them in the camp and they were giant furry land sharks.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-1QR33so_g [Embed]
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If you're cold, they're cold; put them in your mouth
I don't think they'll fit
Probably the same as modern wolfdogs
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Offer free meat and belly rubs, just as our ancestors did.
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I'm offended that you'd think I'd resist.
neck yourself
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are wolves camping equipment?
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there's been several wolves spotted near my home, around 3km from here. taking morning walks each day in that area hoping to see one eventually.
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may you encounter the biggest and fluffiest boys
be cautious
some of them may or may not be horny skinwalkers in disguise
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Be sure to carry bear spray
Be sure to carry wolf urine
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how about i put on my couch
Is this how wolves are tamed?
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no there only tamed with rubs
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am i the only one who postes wolve pictures and videos on this thread. where are the wolf posters....where are my awoo boys...
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All right fine I will hunt down some images and post them
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Beauty on the left, beast on the right.
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Sorry, I've been taking a break from 4chan
beautiful werewolf
it's very easy to tell you're a gay zoophile
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wolves are very beautiful animals but i dont wanna fuck em
what do wolves smell like?
gay furry then
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well that is true.
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What's the difference?
I wish I was a mothering wolf…
in denial desu
Do you want him to want to have sex with wolves?
>truecel scares of the fakecels
there isn't one but i didn't really want to start an argument
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Most ancient religions held them in such regard they have been used as symbol for the afterlife Sirius B the dog star is Canis Major so maybe if we were building pyramids in the Mesoamerica 20000yrs ago and still 5000 yrs ago same thing in Egypt burying their dead loved with their varmits maybe they got some kind strange older history like the blue ones or Naga of texts from the Hindi and even Bhairava Shiva and the whole ceremony of dogs even Saint Christopher is a wolf guy not sure about that one however plus they just look gooder with the pronounced facial structures of they muscles n shi ya know my fellow homonips or whatevs
BTW that a jackal coyote had to try and find an actual pic of one thought if imma mention Egypt and Mesoamerica belief I would add that they are both brothers of a feathered guy Xolotl is the Mesoamerican and Anubis of course egypt
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How do I marry a wolf?
I thought wolves were supposed to knock down houses not build them.
you cant
there ready to build civilisation
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he looks so happy
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An offering at the right time of year
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How do you do, fellow wolves?
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hewoo there
I miss this wolf so much you guys don't even know
kek, haven't seen that one before
I now remember bad advice dog.
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i feel like i aged 20 years just by looking at that meme
something’s off…
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move to canada
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What's this picture supposed to mean anon?
Wyoming hicks shot his wife
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>>4921325 (OP)
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>Max limit of image replies has been reached.
Should the next SM game be turn based, a best em up, or an ARPG/character action game?

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