Everyone always asks "Where wolf"Nobody ever asks "Why wolf?"
>>4921325more wolf
>come home>see thiswhat do?
>is he... you know
>>4921363the best of friends
kayote wuz heerwoolvs r gaehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6AlVp5tlmo
>>4921341Imagine drinking out of that cup after haha
>>4921345>come home??? I haven't left the house in years.
wolves are built for big warm cuddles from cold humans that live in the north
>>4923051The whole "covering the neck" behavior is so cool
>>4922879I want waffle fries.
>>4923659Why haven't red wolves been reintroduced to more southeast national parks/forests? I know a group attempted to release some into the great smokey mountains natnl.park but that population died out for whatever reason
how loud can wolves howl?
>>4921345Hop on and take a nap
happy new year
>>4927408giwtwm (on the left)
>>4929197I was going to write this post yesterday but then I suddenly didn't feel like it
>>4929297>giwtwm>>492919770% of the 4chan community is gay and indian.
>>4921358Heh, more like noseup
>>4929336I'm a purebred white nordic werewolf beast with white fur
>>4929394That's so believable anon.
>>4929394post knot with timestamp or gtfo
>>4929336autistic def not gay
>>4929418Why not both?
>>4929336I'm bi and Eurasian but my wife (female) is Indian. My kid looks Puerto Rican lmao
>>4929441Wow anon. That's amazing. Horror movie material right there...
>>4930558You know what, yea, if this were to happen to me, I'd get an erection and you can't convince me that it's not natural.
>>4930706Every time that image is posted you respond with something about an erection.
>>4930715NTA but I would get a big hard stiffy too.
>>4930706>>4930830why are you guys like that?
>>4930849that's just a big silver fox
>>4931600cute mini wolf
>>4930715actually that was me last time and i stand by what i said
>>4933454>wolfaboo chads vs foxaboo fags
One day all the canines will become goodboys who sleep on the couch and won't need to merely survive in the wild
>>4933477That wolf may eat the cat on the left. You may want to move them out of there.
I wish dogs would revert to wolf overnight so they could eat their shitty owners.
>>4933691Same but only because i want them to look like wolves not act like them
what would our world be like if wolves were domesticated?
>>4933865About the same
>>4933865there would be less cats and more cases of wolf neglect in the world
>>4933865The humble husky already exists
>>4933695anon pls