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Why is he so smug?
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>Pick it up wagie
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He cat.
*Kills bilby*
Heh, nothing personnel kid
>clean it up janny
>english currency

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Deer Thread
World War Deer Edition
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Is there a video of this?

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Cat edition
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Posting catdog
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here's a real cat dog
I'm gonna be honest, I haven't seen my dog for 24 hours since I've been hospitalized, and I'm missing him a lot. Will he remember me?
he'll remember you, but may be put off by the hospital stench on you, since those are places of death
Having a Bernese was the best experience of my life.
Having to put down a Bernese at 9 was the worst experience of my life.

I caught a mouse in my house. If I let her go shes going to come back and get killed by a trap. How can I take care of her?
Put her in a terrarium with a block of cheese.
I found her on her back unconscious after a trap went off. There was a tiny bit of blood from somewhere but im more worried that some bone or something inside her face may have been broken.
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I caught a mouse in my house
there was blood and some crap
the boi was unconscious
next to the mouse trap

it's alive and breathing
not quite croakin'
but I'm worried some bone inside
of the face might be broken

I want to take care of him
give me advice please
"put her in a terrarium
with a block of cheese"
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News report.

Uni is a chicken boy.

That is all.
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That's fucking stupid.
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Looks kind of like a frog
>Uni is a chicken boy

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Meds now edition
Rats need love
Rats need companionship
Rats need free roam time

Other rodents welcome

How do you give medicine to a rat?
I usually pin them on their back and get it in their mouth quick, followed by a sweet treat to get rid of the taste (raisin, dried banana etc.)
Dillinger was different, he wouldn't fight and just got it done quick (vid rel)
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How long have they been home?
It can take a few days to adjust. Keep interacting with them during free roam, interact like a rat does, tickle their rump, chase a little with your hand and hold food for them to take from your hands.
Desu, pick them up at least once a week to check teeth etc early in makes it easier when they're older and you have to handle them
Make sure the free roam area has a hide and make sure you respect that boundary, they need a safe space
Check youtube, seeing what others do really helps here
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he just like me :)
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Horse General

Winter of our Hopelessness

Thread that got made to lie down for a German show - >>4911995
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i really like this webm :D
Perhaps they are wondering why you'd shoot a mare before throwing her out of a plane
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Got any games on computer?
>watch western movie featuring hundreds of horses
>disclaimer at the end reads "There were no horses in this movie"
What did they mean by this?
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The last horses went extinct decades ago anon. What you saw were zebras and donkeys painted to look like horses

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>be lion cub
>be born with a barbed prick
>have a one in eight chance of even surviving to adulthood because if dad gets desposed by another male lion the other male lion will kill you to put your momma into estrus
>at the age of 2 get expelled by papa and have to team up Double Dragon style with other male lions just to survive(usual outcome is slowly starving to death)
>much like Double Dragon, you end up fighting your friends for the right to take over a pride and mate
>have to also take over a pride by fighting an established male lion
>IF you win - only get two to three years as the "king" of a pride
>But hey, 3,000 sexual copulations for every one lion cub you make
Is it worth it /an/?
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You ever seen that study on baboons, where alpha male baboons were more stressed out from trying to maintain their place at the top of the hierarchy while alpha female baboons were secure and comfy in their positions?

Lions prefer other men so who says he cares?
>You ever seen that study on baboons, where alpha male baboons were more stressed out from trying to maintain their place at the top of the hierarchy while alpha female baboons were secure and comfy in their positions

they should've stopped being power jockeying faggots and become matriarchal like bonobos then
is that supposed to be Varg?

Get fucked!
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If you're White, you're a disgrace to your ancestors who removed these threats from Europe so that European civilization could thrive.
Species which have been known to kill humans need to have their populations strictly managed and culled if they get too close to human residences. If you disagree, we'll send all the grizzly bears and mountain lions to your house so you can feed them yourself. Literally.
>goes deep into the wild to kill a mt. lion
I was responding to this anon >>4935630 who clearly stated "apex predators should not be hunted at all."
Supporting professional hunters is essential for both safety and conservation.

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the raccoon
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Disgusting Jewish animal
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Project much? raccoons are honest and hardworking.
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animals and food thread
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>wife's boyfriend brought Dominos after yhe vasectomy
when I was a little kid I would pause the vhs on a pretty girl and make out with the tv.
I can still remember the electric taste of the crt.
why do mustelids have to smell like rotten shit, its not fair
>no buttholes
Is that supposed to be a selling point? Hard pass
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Sam/One/Ella (boy/non-binary/girl)

*and wash your hands, anon!
It's a tortoise.
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Rexsum Primarus Nova, Lord of the void and slayer of souls.
Shellface McGee
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>Look tiger in the eye
>Tiger perceives this as an aggression and attacks
>Turn your back on the tiger
>Tiger perceives this as an opening to attack you
What a retarded species. Is this why they always look to their side?
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I kinda get big game hunters
Imagine having a tiger pelt cloak
shut your pie hole dumbtard
>let's wipe out big cats goys
>wait,how did we get so many hyenas and wild do-ACK!
But people are like that too
Tigers can still smell them though
That's because they're already mostly extinct

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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their upcoming antics in 2025?
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need a hand, friend?
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How can anyone go swimming far offshore in shark waters?
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There's a high statistical probability this is true though
menstruating women attract sharks
same goes for forests or any remote area. If you get mauled by a bear or gored by a boar it's on you if you don't win the fight.
They were just curious
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>anon doesn't have a sharkfu

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