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post moustaches
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mr rager
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Stop eating chicken
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Stop eating fish too. Fisheries are evil.
try turkey
Mamma mia!
All this pseudobabble and moralfagging ITT when the simple truth is that if you're not visually appealing then you don't deserve to exist. Applies to every creature including humans.
Womanliest woman post on 4chan.

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You know what time it is?
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>bird rapist thread
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Crab appreciation thread.
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What is the final solution to the false crab problem?
>flips you over
Giant industrial ovens.
And tartar sauce.
Better crabitalism than catitalism
thanks, i stole it
simple, fake a fake crab

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Discuss the apes of Africa and Asia.
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Based. Just like me.
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Post baby animals that almost look like different species from their adult forms.
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bluefin tuna can get as big as a small car but they come from eggs even smaller than what you see in this vid (~1mm diameter)
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The adult form, for completeness' sake
I see what you did there.
Would I get banned for posting Juliana Wetmore's baby pictures? Cuz she looked like a pink turtle at birth due to her Treacher/Collins syndrome but now just looks like a human girl with a whole frog for a head

Not so chill and unproblematic now huh

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Nothing wrong with attacking women.
The camera angle instantly makes me assume something went down right before the start of the video, or that the animal has a negative history with people. Maybe the local little shits threw rocks at it one time too many.

Either way, they 100% messed with it and expected this behaviour, because like >>4946918 says, you really have to go to great lengths for a fucking capybara to see red like this.
Considering how bad rodent bites can be, that shit mustve hurt
El carpincho de los ojos tristes vive solo necesita amor

Nordelta is one of Argentina’s best-known gated communities. Built two decades ago on a wetland neighboring the Luján River, north of Buenos Aires, it now has 45,000 wealthy inhabitants, living in landscaped homes with views of lakes and streams. The habitat has changed in the past 20 years, but it is still a tempting one for one of its former occupants, the capybaras, whose numbers have tripled to more than 1,000 in just over three years. Most neighbors have gone from viewing these giant rodents with sympathy to reporting attacks on pets and destruction of plants. Many are now demanding something be done.

The Buenos Aires government has just approved wildlife population control plans that include selective sterilization and contraceptives with which they hope to reduce the rate of reproduction and solve the growing coexistence problem.

Cantón adds that the biggest coexistence problem occurs with dogs because both dogs and capybaras are territorial animals: “People reinforce the fences of their houses to avoid confrontation with their dogs and also altercations involving children because although the capybara is not aggressive, a female with young will become aggressive if approached.”

Some environmentalists are calling for no action to be taken against capybaras and, instead, for a law to be passed to protect the wetlands and prevent any construction on them, questioning the environmental sustainability plans that allowed neighborhoods like Nordelta to crop up. Others point out that there are people who want to live in nature, while wanting to get rid of its natural inhabitants, whether they be capybaras in Nordelta or foxes in nearby neighborhoods.

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the raccoon
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Stay soggy, doggy
I just wanted to say raccoons are super duper cute.
Uhm source?
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Nice shit-eating grin.
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they DONT EAT SHIT >:(

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I think Loons are a pretty underrated Bird.
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Based loon.
Looks cool
Sounds cool
Not so cool on land
>Ha Ha oh my god you're such a bird that makes funny noise in the evening and swims fast, duuuuude!
Humans are so fucking gay and retarded it's sickening. I wish to beat every single one until they cry for mercy.
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put this guy in a situation
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I'd die of vomit
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This animal is whimsically awesome I think
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The bill of rights
they have VERY strange eyes
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i want to hang out with these guys so bad.
lucky! their temperament is pretty laid back, right?
Imagine how great planet earth would be if we replaced all cats with these cool guys.
more like binturight

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Why are dogs associated with the afterlife in so many unrelated cultures?
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Because the people who originated this belief were more successful than the people who didn’t, and thus spread across the world ~30,000 years ago.
Because dogs bark at random things.
I'm talking out of my rear but i believe it's because dogs (and other animals) perceive the world differently than we do. You know, dogs barking at what we see as nothing, but in actuality is a spirit.
>but in actuality is a rodent in the walls or a distant high frequency sound.

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This shit kills 4 billion birds annually and nobody cares
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The thread is telling you to off yourself for being a stupid lazy illiterate fuck anon.
This is a medieval myth, not a truth. Pests have been dealt with through terriers, technology, and hygiene for several centuries.

Everyone who relies on cats has rodents in every hiding space and considers this "pest control". If you heard praise for the cat as a working animal from a literate person in a first world country you have widespread food safety problems.
the original claim was made by north african and southwest asian people who would keep over 20 cats in one tiny storehouse or several tens of millions in a mid size city. definitely pests themselves at that point but they dont eat grain amirite?
>local grain storage manager invents the edible litterbox

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i made wojaks of my favorite goobers
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that's a term I haven't heard in a while
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In the year of 2025.
Wojak cancer was accepted
On a board, not part of what we contain
The underage troglodytes in
I think it was accepted because the alternative is worse somehow

Cause it's fucking nuts, nigga
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Isn't using police dogs immoral? Ripping a small puppy from it's mother, and Grooming little, innocent GSD pups into becoming brutal gestapohunds is just wrong. Sending animals to risk their life to maim some guy that could be tased is certified, 100% animal cruelty, fullstop. Watch any police video with a k9 officer, they become stressed and anxious if they can't kill something. This is dog indogtrination and it is NORMALIZED.
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I love bitches in uniform.
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>I'm very serious
you talk like a retard and a faggot
Nah it's based.
Dogs are man's best fren.
Dogs working along with humans to take down scumbags is kino.
Only if they're fed kibble instead of real food

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