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Mammals are the best group of animals since they live in all environments.
>no bugs in the ocean
>no crustaceans that can fly
>no birds live fully aquatic lives
>no fish live fully terrestrial lives
>no flying reptiles
Face it, mammals are the best.
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>no bugs in the ocean
Why did this never happen anyways? Was it just a case of the niches already being packed? Weird how one of Earth's most successful groups that even has aquatic versions in many different ways just has no presence in the ocean
>no bugs in the ocean
Hemiptera? No. And it's impossible. Their larva lost gills ages ago. Skittery arthropods? Yes, tons.
>No crustaceans that can fly
All insects are crustaceans, but not all crustaceans are insects.
>No birds live fully aquatic lives
>No fish live fully terrestial lives
t. lobe finned fish
>no flying reptiles
Flying reptiles are one of the most common vertebrates on earth.
Dinosaurs were most likely more diverse than mammals, owing to the much longer span of time they dominated the earth. The prolifilation of their fossil remains certainly suggest so.
There are actually sea water striders ; which insect actually lives a fully aquatic life ? All "Water bugs" i know of actually need to breath air in their imago stage and are actually amphibious.
>>no crustaceans that can fly

>Great White Shark
>Mostly gray
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>Great White Shark
>Is okay
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>Okay White Shark
>Is Great
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>Horseshoe Crab
>Doesn't look like a horseshoe
>isn't a crab
>bald eagle
>not a spot of skin visible
is not robotic in any way

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I visited London. The lack of bugs was frightening. Barely even any flies or mosquitos. Wtf man.
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ireland just set fire to a bunch of ipa planned areas, theyre getting very tired of britain again
appalachia is being flooded with hippy libtards and bongs already. don't do it. stay in your shithole and fix it. don't become the invasive next dune coon.
>talking about slow death of towns
>wants to go to Appalachia, the poorest area in the country ravaged by companies leaving and rampant drug use
lmao buddy stop romanticizing shit you know nothing about.
kill yourself kike
A sign of proper waste and stillwater management, with maybe a slight dash of pollution, because insecticides don't work on these cunts anymore in Western Europe.
It's a highly artificialized first world megalopolis, What else did you expect ? Teeming biodiversity and high biomass ?

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Does anyone have any photos or paintings of modern-day animals that have the same feeling as very good paleoart (not the new deviantart phat dino garbage)?

I find it hard to describe what I mean. A strong emotional component, wistful or dramatic. A sense of the alien, too. Pic related, although I would prefer in their natural habitat.
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"Can't spell harpy without "rapy"."
Great photo!
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hi guys
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Does this map evoke "that" feeling of stranger continents from a deep past, that you'd find in a textbook?
>Check it out dude, i'm growing feathers. The ladies love them.
>Do not pass these on, brother. The skies are for insects. You will be diminished.
>Nah I'll be fine fr you ever see a pterosaur

>What the fuck

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the neck is long
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seven miles
Aesthetic balance. Long necked, long beaked bird look awkward without the long plumes on the back of the head.
>>4843792 yes
>>4843790 no
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this pic is from the first day i noticed my sapling grew. the seed's been sitting there for weeks. i just kept watering it hoping some day it would sprout and it finally did. it was rainy for a while so i wasn't checking in on it. i don't know how long ago it sprouted.
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day 2
That's cool anon. Make sure you look after him.
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day 3 maybe i should water it also it's a girl cus boys can't make plantbabies i think
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i posted the wrong pic again damn i am kinda not very smart haha
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day 4

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dark oxygen finna go crazy on Earth
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Return to monke
Wait until you learn there's more water being made from solar winds pushing hydrogen into the planet where it mixes with the solid oxygen core to create water
meds now
damn dude forbidden knowledge really offends you that much huh
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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their thoughtful thunkings?
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/an/ I am looking for the webm of an orangutan making a hammock. does anyone have it?
I know the one you mean but don't have it saved
they're industrious little fellows
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anyone 'member his game?
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How do you decide which animals you are willing to eat and which ones you are not?
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still tasty and bred for the plate.
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dont care about the opinions of a lesser subspecies
If it's not too filthy and gross I'll eat it. Like I wouldn't really want to eat roaches or crickets or annelids in general, but most vertebrates, mollusks, echinoderms, and many arthropods are good eating.
The friend/food dichotomy is perfectly rational when you recognize it as the product of agricultural economics, which is of course the thing our civilization and culture developed around because pretty much everyone was doing it from the neolithic to maybe 150-200 years ago.
>cows convert grass into nutrient-dense food, plus useful byproducts like leather and horn
>sheep do similarly to cows
>chickens, ducks etc vill eat ze bugs
>pigs are essentially garbage cans on legs that transform your kitchen waste into more food
The obvious trend in livestock's utility (nobody would have bothered domesticating them if they didn't provide any, after all) is that they take in available biomass, and convert it into something we can make more effective use of than the original. With the exception of milk, eggs, and wool, this utility has to be gained through slaughtering the animal.
Dogs are a very different situation, because they offer overwhelmingly more utility if kept alive:
>obligate carnivore, so slaughtering will always provide less meat than you put into it in the first place
>not slaughtering will instead provide you with many times its body weight in food through assistance in hunting and herding, as well as its protection
Slaughtering the dog therefore produces an overall negative yield. To do so is only worthwhile as an alternative to starving to death, but even then it is only a short term solution with long-term consequences, losing its support in getting more food in the future and making your already dire situation even worse.
This is what we had to deal with through pretty much our entire history working with dogs, so "eating dog = bad" has inevitably been deeply ingrained into our culture. Cats of course have a similar deal, because they would keep rodents out of your food stores and contain no worthwhile amount of food anyway.
the people who eat dogs are delusional pseudo-religious loons (any belief system but the church of england for those nuts) or hedonists (so evil) there's no sense in arguing with them

for what its worth we do "use cats and dogs as food". specifically unwanted strays are sent to rendering plants along with 4d livestock to become "protein meal" used in chicken feed. this is considered more efficient than just burying them and no dog has ever asked for their corpse to be used a specific way. worm food, chicken food, what's the difference?

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post frogs
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I love froggs
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ITT: Extinct animals that you never saw anyone showing appreciation for
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Must had been well endowed.
More common than you might think
>turkey vulture skin raptors
That sounds dope, do you have any pictures?
Looks like some shit from man after man
All species of Edmontosaurus grew bigger than T. rex.

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>tfw actually feel bad for tormenting budgie as a child
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Get help before you start harming people
not op, but i used to torture a nymph parrot. His crest poked out of the cage and i used to trick him and pinch it. It was verry pissed.
I had a chinchilla too. He was bought as an adult and was very scared. As i child, i didn't understand why he doesn't love me so i poked him with a freshly sharpened pencil. Once he cried, i felt really bad and never did it again. I'm sorry, pet, my parents should've beaten the living shit out of me, i never intended to make you suffer, i just wanted you to love me back. I sincerelly am sorry.
Regrets makes us better

To look back and never feel sorry is to be a living corpse uncapable of finding fullfillment or peace
>being an archetypal psychopath
>feeling guilt
You are doing it wrong.
>nympho parrot
>poked out
Clearly asking for it.

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/moo/ - cowe general

talk about god's gift to the universe
post cows, pet cows, feed cows, love cows, worship cows sirs, play with cows, take care of cows.
how is Tuna doing?
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No but I only buy meat from a regenerative humane farm that I live near
Eat cows, cook their meat into tacos
i drink cow juice
beef is too expensive here
but when I get my cow I will work hard and take responsibility. Her life will be put first no matter what. no matter how many calves I need to father I will be up to the task. it doesn't matter what I have to do to ensure her wellbeing I will do it.
I just need the plot to get started and if I am not given such a small sacrifice I will find a wild cow if I have to and go life live in the wilderness with my cow

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what do you prefer cats or dogs?
>i am with dogs
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>i am with dogs
Believe me, we know.
Dogs are the superior animal, but they're roughly equal as pets. Sometimes having a superior animal is too much responsibility or you can't meet their needs without moving to an entirely different country (ie: bug people).

But I still like triggering schizos and furfags by posting
>cats are dumber than dogs and don't control pests
>litterboxes stink really bad
>your dog wouldn't protect you, and if they would, they'd bite the wrong person
>your dog isn't free because of e-collar training, they're afraid of being electrocuted
>cats aren't free thinkers, they're too dumb to know there's sonething to care about
>dogs are free thinkers, but you abused yours to make them stop
all true facts btw

most cat owners are neglectful and delusional
>a cat chooses because i let it
most dog owners are abusive and coping about it
>a dog obeys because i make it
Dogs are better animals and friends but cats are better pets. I just want a cute retard that lazes around the house and lets me play with its fluff. Cats are better at this.
I like both but my lifestyle fits cats better

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What's the best dog breed for a solo female van lifer? Looking for protection mostly but also trainablity and able to live in a van/outside most of the time
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What's the difference?
One's for running, the other for hunting
Unironically pitbull
Maybe if you want her to be mauled
>Just get a taser and pepper spray.
You mean a gun. Unironically too many random cereal killers roaming round here. Wake up in the morning eat your lucky charms cereal.

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