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Become a vegetarian anon. Animals are our friends not food.
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>I don’t think you’re talking to someone that can be reasoned with dude. It’s a fantasy that’s way too appealing to him.
Talk to yourself. You're talking to one of THOSE vegans who is so crushed by how fallacious and clownish his moral position is that he has retreated into delusions about humans not being carnivores
I honestly can’t tell who is saying what in the fuck fest of a thread. People saying shit that’s technically correct one second and then something blatantly wrong in the other. What is this disorder?
>They just can’t do them as well as men
That doesn't mean they don't.
>risking the breeding stock of a pre-agrarian group of people in arduous and often dangerous physical activity at a time when human numbers were already low and probably didn’t exceed more than a couple dozen on average is stupid and silly for more reasons than one.
This is at least a cognizant point. However, it falls apart when you realise that women would have been literally half of the population of a tribe, or clan. Hunting large game when all you have is spears, rocks and big brains is incredibly dangerous and would require every able-bodied person, and that includes women.
>I can only assume you’re being so obtuse about this because it offends some kind of sensibility of yours.
Because this theory goes against physical evidence.
The hunter/gatherer gender split is an interesting theory, but it is entirely unsupported. There is no archaeological evidence of a gender labour divide in stone-age burials, art, and artefacts.

>'Women’s experiences hunting among the Agta of the Philippines are particularly vital for consideration when presented with the arguments forwhy women would not hunt in the Paleolithic: that they need to breastfeed frequently and carry children, and they regularly bleed and smell via men-struation (Lee and Devore, 1968). Agta women and men spend equal amounts of time hunting (Goodman et al., 1985), female hunters with childrensee no negative impact on their hunting success or child mortality, and females hunt while menstruating and carrying nursing infants (Estioko-Griffin, 1985; Goodman et al., 1985). Though we are not seeing this as a widespread practice among recent foragers, it challenges the idea thatfemale reproduction inherently renders them ill-suited for hunting. Some women foragers hunt now and in the recent past, and considering all theevidence presented above, they were almost certainly hunting in the deep past too.'
-Lacy and Ocobock, 2022
>You are a vegetarian because you like the animals
>I am a vegetarian because I fucking hate plants
>We are not the same
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Causing needless pain to innocent animals is an intentional choice. Break the wheel, anon. Choose to be kind to small and defenseless animals.

Post owls, discuss owls.
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Damn these guys look cool as hell
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The only reason why I haven't kms yet is because of her
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Unfortunately no, she's adopted and the humane society guessed she was around 2 when I got her.

I think about that too. Shes 7 now which means she getting up in age. She still has puppy energy but now I see that she limps a bit when we go on long walks. I would totally get a new puppy if I had someone to let it out when Im at work
I know that feel bro, stay strong
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I can't live without her.
If only she were to become an anthro so she could live as long as a human.

I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit >>4684291
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I'm sorry I missed a coup of days, but goodness

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
That's one big flat cock
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Tail. "we" don't talk about their completely reasonable other parts

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.
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Happy burger day before it expires

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

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How much truth is there in the claim that magic mushrooms unlock your brain? I need to know before I risk my life for it (where I reside, it is life imprisonment). I don't expect it to improve my intelligence or heal my despair, but is it a life-changing experience? Does it provide you a new perspective?
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>motor skills shot to shit, language center cant string a sentence, ocular center cant recognize a mistake
Not even shitposting when I ask this but is this a real thing clinically? Ever since I have done mushrooms I have noticed my spelling and grammar go through the fucking floor in terms of coherency.
The whole concept of mushrooms unlocking or making you realise things only occurs if you're incredibly stupid or incredibly self-centered. Psychedelics can trigger a big self-reflection moment that allows self-absorbed individuals to realise basic truths that normal people came to terms with in their teens.
Do psychedelics to have fun and go to therapy.
Does this mean >>4833893 was to self-absorbed to not be racist lmao
>to be racist*
your brain is a machine, well is circuit board, its designed in a specific way for better or worse, drugs are basically overclocking it in some fashion, but shrooms will make extra connections, some connections are better, some are worse, but more often than not, its going to be worse, like synesthesia is a common thing that happens when tripping out, because the brain is now connecting different parts that really shouldnt be connected

post some retarded shit
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Based on what?
dude I think that cat is a slasher serial killer
pic theme
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At least he took the dealer down with him, rest in pup

>Selectively breed chickens up to the size of emus
It is possible? pic related is a Bhagel Asil
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it is an army bread for a single purpose
I fucking love this bear.
Curb this sperging and projecting on jungle niggers nobody gives a shit about. You utter lowbait npc spamtard
You are so vague that your statement could apply to either of them

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>"Yes, this pebble will get me laid."
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No modern woman would get engaged before you've fucked.
Don't call me out like this
Sex before marriage is wrong though.
Just like in the movie!

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I wish there were more giant birds living, bros. Both predatory carnivores and enormous herbivorous birds. Ostriches only max out at 300-400 pounds and there are no giant terror bird like animals. Mammal dominance is so boring. I would have loved to see how giant predatory flightless birds hunt. Birds have great endurance and greater visual acuity compared to mammals so probably ran after their medium sized prey then kicked and pecked it to death. There's no evidence for group hunting for any of the terror birds despite how smart birds are which is weird.
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>responds with more buzzwords
>doesn't answer my question
>"thE PoInT Is StILL The SamE"
Thanks for such kind declaration and display of actual autism you turbo broken chud
>responds with more buzzwords
You’re one to talk you shit eating retard. You’re the one who sperged out on my innocuous post with the rage of a 1000 axe wounds.
>doesn't answer my question
You didn’t (earnestly) ask one.
I rest my case. You lost and exposed yourself.
Stop responding and embarrassing yourself you fucking autist freak.
Too late. You lose faggot. Seethe and cope
Don’t project. That’s what you’re doing. No more (You)s now. Reflect on this embarrassing defeat and use it to try to make yourself a better person, if that’s even possible. Bye loser.
>everyone who doesn't agree with my shitty opinions must be an autist whenever they corner me in an argument

Lel Thank (You) again for your kind displaying of actual turbo autismo and projection

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Long long edition

Previous Thread >>4794456

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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giant ground sloths
Archelon, the ruling turtle
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Ngandong Tiger, probably one of the more straightforward examples of natural selection that we know of.
>Shares environment with Pachycrocutas, machairodonts, and wolf-sized packing-living canids
>Evolves into a huge form that causes the sabertooth cat to locally go extinct and the canids to shrink to the size of dholes. Dunno what happened to the hyenas.
>Shrinks in size.
Bone crushing dogs
Terror birds
Terrestrial crocodylians

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The creature is angry
Why the fuck does it have a dummy?
make it angrier

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If a billionaire paid you 10 billion USD to fight a fully grown adult grizzly or a fully grown adult hippo, which one would you fight?

Note: You don't have to win the fight, you'd still get the 10 billion even if you dead (can be transferred to your family or anyone you choose)
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male or female hippo?
in what environnement?
are we allowed to use weapons? tools?
do we have to win the fight? or is the fight considered over once one of us loses?
Gentlemen, it was a pleasure sharing this planet with you. We had a good run. I'll see you all in hell.
>Can be transfered to my family
Hippo. It won't even take long and I would piss the hippo off on purpose if he wasn't interested in killing me. I'm too traumatized by bears to chose that one so yeah give me the hippo.
If I am to have no weapons, then I can see only one win condition: Suffocation. Hippos are far too thick and blubbery for this, whereas I feel like MAYBE if I SOMEHOW got on the bear's back I MIGHT be able to wrap my arms around its neck
male hippo
river/body of water
sharp edged weapons is allowed, but no guns or explosive weapons
you don't have to win, the fight is over when a party dies first

* Wolf totem
** Monogamous mammals
Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another. This happens regularly within monogamous nuclear families, where the strongest emotional bonds form.

> Scientists now estimate that only about three to five percent of the approximately 4,000+ mammal species on Earth practice any form of monogamy.

-- https://new.nsf.gov/news/animal-attraction-many-forms-monogamy-animal

Wolves are famously monogamous. They have to be. Mortal threats include other wolf packs, bears and big cats, humans, and dangerous ungulate prey. Monogamy provides the combat cohesion necessary to prevail. The pack is family.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf#Reproduction
- https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2019/sep/15/study-suggests-monogamous-wolves-make-better-paren/

> “they get 20% better at what they do every year,” study author David Ausband said.

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Wolves will follow cougars around until it leads them to one of its cached kills to escape. Cougars get revenge by infecting the wolves with t. gondii. Symbiotic biowarfare.
nigga that's where it started. OP is clearly mentally ill
Hylics would medicate away the soul if they could.

Human consciousness developed from animal. Those with eyes to see can see the UAST in everything. It's called universal for a reason.


- The bull-horned Competitor warrior represents the lowest red chakra, and rises from underground, slaying undead beasts with boundless vitality.
- The green-clad sorceress represents Ruderal fertility, and channels the Well of Souls through her heart chakra, obliterating lesser men with a glance.
- The blue-clad rogue represents Stress Tolerator, and flies from the eagle's eyrie, yet falls to the hubris of mind chakra, and is consumed by darkness.

Humans have three modes of social organization:
- Competitor patriarchal fascist dominance hierarchy

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ok schizo
Thanks for inspiring me to finish the synthesis.

My mother has a Sonoran desert toad living in her garden which her stupid dogs will not stop trying to harass even after it's poisoned one of them. How do I catch it so I can move it to someone else's garden?
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grab it
Okay but I was wondering how to find it first. Is it going to be hiding in the dirt? Will I have to dig for it?
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Look for it hopping around in the evening and night, especially if it's been raining. During the day it probably resides in some rocks, wood pile or whatever cool and moist hiding spot your mom's garden offers. If there's any water source in the garden it might bathe in it, or if there are light sources where bugs gather it could possibly move there for an easy meal.
>put it in someone else's garden
Get it a decent tank and keep it you mong. Free DMT
Buy a pizza, once you dispose of the pizza you can them cut the pizza box in two.
Next you want to get a bucket, put the bucket on top of the toad and use one of the pizza box halves under the bucket. Congratulations! your toad is now caught and you can move it somewhere else

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There's an injured garter snake near my house with a small amount of meat coming out of their wound. They are in shock right now. What can I do to help them?
Euthanize it, pretty much only choice based on your explanation. It's going to suffer until something eats it.
I went to go clean the wound but found that they slithered away. Oh well

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