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Will they always be forgotten?
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>welcome, to hadean park
Didn’t exist.
You're a useless flat blob and will never die
So no change whatsoever?

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Fresh out of fucks to give but I can stock up on the tenth page.
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Have fun on the first page virgin.
not so fast dirtbag
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Drink my tears insect

Boo hod hoo hoo :(
leave my friend alone you tigger

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You know what time it is?
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Talk about and/or post some freaky old-ass paleoart itt. Specifically Antediluvian shit.

>examples: https://youtu.be/JEigGPmYJuo?si=gbaTxlBtbeUuc0bn https://youtu.be/LHszQL-kxfQ?si=4mydjxQQSMnVLjFn

(Pictures are of the Crystal Palace Museum in London)
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More proof dinosaurs NEVER had feathers.
More clichéd
Media was mostly G-rated and vanilla

nothing wrong with that. It's just not similar to modern media where anything and everything gets published.
What in the absolute hell.
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Dinosaurs do have feathers. Just look at this one.
Thats a lil' bitch. Get your eyes checked, boy.

Post seals
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They don't even seem to like each other:


>On Scotland's Isle of May, Durham University biologist Amy Bishop and her colleagues have been observing a rogue male grey seal with a knack for infanticide (video here, for those who can stomach it). The team suspects the bull has killed over 11 pups in the past two years – but just why is still up for debate.

>Interestingly, it's not just the males who are guilty of this gruesome practice. Just last year, our cameramen witnessed a female Cape fur seal snatching a newborn pup from its mother's clutches, just seconds after birth.
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>But I do like them.

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We're back.
And we're taking your ice cream!
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ey that's where I live
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They probably think french fries are just really stupid yellow worms.
I don't know which I hate more, the seagull or the ibis

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Wrangel Island is that last place where mammoths were alive, and they survived up until 4000 years ago. They were roaming around this island while the pyramids in Egypt were being built.

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Aren't they like bonobos where they kinda self-domesticated to live around people without too much trouble? At least Asian heffalumps, anyway.
Not really for either, in India, elephants kill many more people than tigers do. In addition they commonly will tear up crops and eat them for food, biggest problem for elephants is habitat-conflicts like these, in addition to poaching. Working elephants are usually either broken into submission and/or just tamed animals, domestication means being bred over generations to the point of being modified by humans. Taming is just getting a wild animal to not freak out around you. Elephant domestication probably couldn’t even be done now.
>maturity takes decades for males and females
>gestation is very long
>rearing the elephant calf is even longer
>absurd space and food requirements
Whereas something like cattle can be reasonably kept track by one person.

African elephants are about the same and have even learned to be more fearful of men’s voices over women and children (since men are more likely to be poachers), and have even learned the dialects of the tribes who will hunt them and the tribes who don’t. Also when were bonobos ever domesticated by humans? They live in dense jungles very far from human habitation and all great apes are naturally secretive.
The ones who domesticated elephants were probably farmers. Mammoths were killed off by hunter gatherers who hadn't been pushed to adopting agriculture yet.
that was debunked

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Everyone always asks "Where wolf"
Nobody ever asks "Why wolf?"
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what would our world be like if wolves were domesticated?
About the same
there would be less cats and more cases of wolf neglect in the world
The humble husky already exists
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anon pls

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What are pitfalls?
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They are plate sized turtles who need adequate basking area with 2 kinds of light, a big swimming area with strong filtration. They can catch pneumonia if not properly kept. Aren't euro pond turtles endangered and illegal to keep?

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post lookathimgos itt
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what're you doing on this board, john
Little did the cat know, that head dip and swat were dog body language for playfulness.

Imagine an animal that acts like your cool bro when they actually want to kick your ass
>acts like your cool bro when they actually want to kick your ass
Oh that happens quite often between humans too
bastard son of daffy duck and roadrunner

What's with those long feathers on the forelimbs of raptors? Why would this winglike structure be present before flying? This never made any sense to me.
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>chewing gum commercial
>the literally hundreds of times you've been wrong and won't admit it to yourself
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You don’t even know who you’re replying to schizo
You're not a person
Schizo aren't people

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Appreciate the most elegant and silly dog breed
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>They always ask "why the long face?" but never "how's the long face?"
literally me when there's a thunderstorm
>"When will my husband return from the war?"
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It's dumb but i'm a bit of a nut when it comes to both dogs and cars and i can't see a borzoi without thinking of a plymouth superbird and vice-versa

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Baby Monkey Lives Matter
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>mfw I find out yall are going to billibilli and chinese tiktok to see pity videos
Any good RedNote Pity channels? I just downloaded and haven’t had an opportunity to look yet
What is this lame crap? It's just monkeys sitting around and eating. Where are the milk tantrums?
Why are baby monkeys and SEAs in an eternal war with each other?
They are a nuisance and agricultural pests, SEAs hunt them.


But monkeys are also based.

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Discuss the apes of Africa and Asia.
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Why do silverbacks have those fatty(?) lumps near the back of their heads?
y* m*mm*?
It's all muscle to power those jaws
I like apes (and primates in general, really) because they're basically furfag repellent

>be me
>work in entertainment industry
>Visiting family on farm during off-season
>younger brother has to go to on business trip, leaves his dog for us to watch for the weekend
>little sister, who owns and breeds rabbits, asks what breed brother's dog is
>brother says it's possibly a Pitbull terrier
>make joke about pitbull mauling a baby
>brother says "that's a stereotype anon, pitbulls only do that if they have bad owners"
>agree that's a fair statement, he had another dog that wasn't a pitbull but it lived a good long healthy life until it was run over by one of the neighbors
>brother leaves for weekend
>pitbull terrier tries and fails several times to attack sister's pregnant rabbit, attempts include tearing through 2 screen windows, kicking out bottom of rabbit's cage, and grabbing the rabbit's leg while the cage is being cleaned
>"pitbulls are only bad if they have bad owners"
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Do you think pitbulls are generally more aggressive towards people than other breeds?
No. Their prey drive is hopped up so far that they hunt and kill people for fun.

Pitbulls pass every test for being non-aggressive but whenever a kid runs screaming they go for the throat. That’s behavior expected of wolf mixes.
Cool, I buy that; you're saying that pit bulls see it the same as any other prey animal. Personally, I just see that as a technicality though. If you're saying they're not aggressive towards humans, they're just playing while they disembowel children, I think most people would agree that it doesn't matter whether the dog is having fun or not.
It does, actually. Because people honestly believe pitbulls that don’t show dominance or fear aggression are perfectly safe.

Even greyhounds are safer around children than pitbulls. It’s like owning a wolfdog. No amount of good manners can abate their base instincts.
I a word, I meant
>>pretending breeds *don't* have differences is insane
that's why the rest of my post disagreed with that, my bad

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