Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their upcoming antics in 2025?
>>4926854I wish nothing but goodwill and fortune for blessed pongos.
Happy New Year /pongo/!
>>4926854Would you let an orangutan have sex with your wife or gf while you watched in the corner?
I like that the basically have 4 hands
>>4927541More like 5
Pongoposters shall prevail for yet another year
>>4927874i think he meant their lips actually. they're very dexterous. does anyone have the webm of a pongo solving a puzzle with its mouth?
>>4927939amazing, thank you anon
>>4927339this is a very beautiful illustration is there a source for this or is it a /pongo/ original?
>>4927519How do I know if I'm aroused?
>>4928880"Gee, Du, why do you get TWO babies?"
>>4929014Iirc Dai is her biological daughter und Dumel is an orphaned boy she adopted after his mother abandoned him/died in the wilderness.
>>4929080poor ladHappy that he found himself a loving adopted motherhopefully she doesn't become overwhelmed with the double trouble as they get older
>>4929080>>4929231Little Dumel is a gril and I think BOS took them in after they saw the three together
>>4929657what happened to him?
anyone else get their BOS calendar in the mail today?
>>4929657>>4929882shit, i actually didn’t hear about this>On November 27, 2024 at 1:00am, several major landslides struck the SOCP Orangutan Quarantine and Rehabilitation Center near Medan in North Sumatra. The landslides were triggered by exceptionally heavy rainfall and caused extensive damage to key infrastructure, including the main veterinary clinic and multiple orangutan enclosures.>The Center was home to 41 orangutans at the time of the landslides, and 18 of them were swept out of their holding cages by the mudslides. All but one of the displaced orangutans were safely recovered and returned to the center. Unfortunately the one remaining orangutan, an adult male, could not be retrieved and passed away in the nearby canopy. Another young male, who had been in critical condition since arriving at the rehabilitation center almost two years ago, suffered internal injuries in the landslides and, despite intensive veterinary care, he passed away in his sleep.:(
Do the orangutans raised in jungle school behave differently in the wild compared to their natural counterparts?
>>4930005they're way more social with each other, yeah
>>4930022Are they just more relaxed if another pongo is nearby, or are they moving in groups?
>>4930032males will sometimes tolerate each other enough to exist in the same vicinity.females will eat together a lot more often, let their kids play together, and just generally get close to one another more. that happens occasionally in wild populations, but all the time in rehabilitant's not a troop or anything, they're still not social animals. but they don't mind each other quite as much.they're also not as scared of spending time on the ground or being close to humans, for better or worse.
>>4930572jesus, mary, and joseph
>>4928422found it on Twitter but can't remember wherebaby pongos are hard to draw, I think it's because their faces are so human that it trips the same areas of the brain when you get it wrong
>>4930595Madonna and Child
>>4930594I wonder if these behaviors will carry on for multiple generations or if they'll revert to their natural loner tendencies eventually.
>>4930941>multiple wild generationsanon...
>>4931672I want to pat his little coconut head
>>4932056don't pat too hard, he might end up needed protection later in life
Rather pongtastic
>>4927939I once saw one open a water bottle with her lips at the zoo
<3 PONY!
>>4933615>thingken bout durians....
>>4934861need a hand, friend?
>>4936500I want this for my garden.
>>4937376I found an auction on ebay for something very similar, but it quickly went to ridiculous prices
>>4939314Damn! Look at those flanges.
>>4939501he a big boy, sah
Doesn't she make you wonder what else Pongos are capable of when international and animal welfare laws are ignored, and they get to live in a oil prince's castle? What could they and future generations learn growing up in such a place?
>>4940815>when international and animal welfare laws are ignoredthe chinese would eat their flanges to make their willies biggerand while Rambo's driving is quite amusing, I would much rather see her on a big climbing frame with lots of dangling firehose for her to brachiate
>>4940815chantek is a similar, interesting case, but like other stories of pongos in captivity it turns out quite sad
>>4941267my lad just wanted meat bread and ice cream...
Did Bulu and Reike have a baby yet? Did the childhood friend finally win?
>>4941679they're still in the nursery, sillyBulu is about ready to move on, I think it's just a matter of waiting for a space to open up for him in a european zoo since Monkey World can't build an enclosure just for him and Riekeall their money keeps getting dumped into more and more marmoset houses since the bongerland public can't seem to get it through their oddly-shaped skulls that marmosets are crap pets so they get them, have them confiscated by the RSPCA, then thrown to the one specialist sanctuary in the countryall this takes away vital resources that could be spent on making a Pongo's day just a little bit more interestingI for one would welcome any and all babies Bulu and Rieke may have in the future>tl;drnot yet, friend
>>4942195Now that is a sick beard
Oshine looks like she works at the DMV.
>>4942721looks can be deceiving
>>4942875i wanna be kissed by a cute baby pongo :(
>>4942975just be a cake, friend
What happens to the pongos that fail jungle school? Do they join the military?
>>4942781Is that Rieke on the left?
>>4943228that's Sylvestre, Oshine's first foster sonhe's got a group of his own now in Switzerland, but they don't post pictures of him for some reasonhere he is from 5 years ago
>>4943430he’s so itty bitty…
>>4943460Reike was the cutest baby. And she didn't immediately hit the wall like most female pongos.
bigfoot quality pixels on this nearly 30yo screengrab
I think I would be really stressed if I went to jungle school. The grading seems harsh. We shouldn’t impose such stress on juvenile pongos.
>>4944371Houellebecq looking mf
>>4945815>US has a fentanyl epidemic, multiple natural disasters that reduced 1/4 of the country to rubble, a busted bridge in a major harbor, climbing homelessness>the DEA and FBI both confirm that fentanyl is coming almost entirely from china while the mass media insists that this is merely "what trump believes", and every privately funded sector of the country pushes, at the behest of mystery investors (china), to prevent a proper response>mysterious wave of food production facilities burning down or being closed for ??? reasons>corporations buttfucked the covid response to push experimental vaccine tech and enact purely ceremonial safety measures while shutting down countless small businesses (meanwhile china shut everyone down and used a traditional vaccine)>increasing proportion of residential homes owned by international investors>wage stagnation, rent inflation>Oh won't the US please save the orangutans? The rest of the world can't do it.If the world wants orangutans they can save the orangutans themselvesThe US has been collapsing for twelve fucking years
>>4945838Okay, okay, you can have twenty dollars, BUT THAT'S IT!
>>4945815They were training orangutans to be gay?
>>4945819The US government has the power and means to throw an unlimited amount of dollars at every problem if the want to. They choose not to.
>>4945815Orange man won't help the Orange People?I'm sure the (((proboscus))) military is a much more lucrative investment
>>4945819that's the fucking problem. we're the only ones who care about pongos.If you leave it up to the world they'll die even faster. they have zero reverence for what are by all means just orange fruit people
>>4945967Banan love <3
>>4945815>Monkies have been living off welfareTale as old as time.
Pony is my favorite! It's too bad she was forced to leave her village.
When afraid of toy snake in jungle school, look at how they hug each other. So cute pongos are.
The free ride os over, all jungle school gradutates must get jobs to pay off what they owe.
>>4946819they have already given us so muchand ask for so very little
I saw baby Jambi in Philly on Friday, he's 8 months old and very active and playful
>>4947043silly bean hasn't been cleaning his windowsuch a silly boyI envy you, anon
>>4947308cute little guywish his mom treated him better
>>4947311they have a much better relationship these days
>>4947594such beautiful arm curtainsespecially nice to see them playingtypical dad wrestling"I've got you, now you're defenseless against my fearsome maw numnumnumnum"
>>4947774the way his feetsies are clenched I have to imagine whatever he's reading is quite tense
>>4947804what he sees
>>4945815What if we just... release them here? North America isn't their ideal environment, but there aren't many predators that could eat them either. As an invasive species I don't see how they could do much harm.
>>4948215No fruit for them to eat, winters will kill them, and it's hard to build nests out of pine needles.They might thrive in Florida, if they can avoid the gators.
>>4948215>>4948301There's an escaped pongo living happily in the yucatan
>>4948321this has been mentioned before, and i remember googling it and it was true, but when was the last time anyone’s heard or seen the pongo?
>>4926854I think the orangutan... is good
>>4948434you have chosenwisely
>>4926854Pongo orangutanFUNNY MONKEYBut so much to think aboutHustlers must watch
>>4947594watching daddy whoop on that little bastard is the best thing i've seen all day. yeah, what ya gonna do now punk? should introduce the little turd to that blue swing thing. lol
>>4927439He angery ):^(
>>4949568just been told he can't have a third durian
Newborn Orangs look like tiny old men.
Orangutans have three gendersManWomanApecelChuds btfo
>>4949930precious baby needs gentle taps on the backburpy baby
>>4949955And here I was thinking that pongos are mammals :(
>>4949726neat, this is the reference for that one anime girl and pongo illustration anyone know what i’m talking about?
>>4950192oh, we know what you're talking about
>>4950192>>4950195for reals tho, here you go
>>4947795Aw cool, another SNK Pongo!
I want a pongo shirt
I can see why Pony was such a popular Orangutan.
>>4950356nothing stopping you, friend
>>4950957Are pongos that smol or is it just a very large bank?
>>4950451how do they always know where to spot the camera?
A lot of shows were filmed at Nyaru Menteng.Oragutan IslandBecoming OrangutanOJSWere there any others?
>>4951045a combination of perspective and deceptive body proportionsyou can see he's curling his legs up under himself
>>4950965The strongest alliance
>>4951207ewi hate seeing them naked like this
>>4951129very observant don'tcha know
>>4952155he looks sad :(
>>4952509the girls nicked all the good food :(
>>4952193Didn't he became a flanged chad?
>>4951503She monke
>>4953561she is indeed
sad news, friendsBerani, best dadutan, has terminal kidney diseasethey think he's got a few months more
>>4954460please tell me you’re fucking lyingwho’s going to take care of cerah
>>4954543>denverzoo dot org/zootales/caring-for-sumatran-orangutan-berani-through-kidney-disease/no king reigns foreverI hope they let him taste ice cream and meat bread before he goes
>>4954460Well fuck. Didn't she already lost her mum due to some heart condition?
>>4948840>Hustlers must watch
Whatever happened to Suryia, that one orang who got famous for being friends with a dog?
>>4954761>doc antle i have a bad feeling about this
>>4954761>Doc AntleOh hey it's that other freak from Tiger King.
>>4954741yeah, that's when Berani stepped up to look after hershe's around 7 now though, so at the age when she would start becoming more independent in the wildshe'll still have her half sister and stepmother to interact with once her dad passes
>>4954761>>4954766>>4954806He starred in a robitussin commercial in 2010. a lot of people protested and pfizer later replaced it with cgi: latest update OrangutanSSP got was in July 2019, so he's presumed dead or sold.Also, a lot of people don't know this, but he's Archie's brother / Cahaya's uncle, from Center for Great Apes.
>>4955079hope we get the good ending someday and he ends up at the center with cahaya and archie
>>4956517how can that branch possibly carry the weight of all those wonderfully fat babies?
>>4956965deceptively light tummiesperfect for frolicking in the forest
>>4957002this post paints such a beautiful image in my mind/pongo/ is truly the thinking man’s general
>>4957054we can all enjoy a studious pongo, friend
>>4927939damn what's her number
the king himself
>>4926854Conservation of Sumatran orangutans and other species imperiled thanks to DOGE cuts:On the Indonesian island of Sumatra, former Goldman Prize winner Rudi Putra told Mongabay that his organization’s work monitoring the Leuser Ecosystem, a 25,000-km2 (9,700-mi2) rainforest inhabited by rhinos, tigers, orangutans and elephants, has already taken a hit.“The biggest impact is on patrols because most of our patrol teams are funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,” said Putra, who heads the Leuser Conservation Forum. “This funding supports orangutans, rhinos and elephants, so with the funding cut, our patrol teams have been reduced.”Patrols of Leuser haven’t entirely stopped, Putra told Mongabay, but to keep them going he’s had to use funds that were meant to build a ranger outpost.According to another of Mongabay’s sources, a REDD+ project meant to protect Cambodia’s Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary is also facing immediate difficulties, with local groups considering bank loans as a stopgap to finance verification requirements before a looming deadline.“If they don’t get those funds, they can’t protect that forest,” said a conservation worker familiar with the project and who requested anonymity. “I mean if you look at the deforestation rate around there, it’s just been huge.”
>>4957529I'm sure the money is going to better uses
I'm cocoNUTS for these guys :)
>>4957529Does everything in the world run on US taxpayers getting reemed every year?
>>4958374Most animals have shit color vision so it actually is great; same reason tigers are orange. They also have good color vision like us though, so they can see each other easily while most predators can't. Mostly it was evolved for fruit though I think.
>>4958457ngl I'd love to tassle his dreads too
>>4958418>Mostly it was evolved for fruit though I think.
>>4958607would you peel him?
>>4958374>>4958418it's probably because their ancestors lived in marginal environments without serious predators (as pongos currently do)Less eumelanin = slightly less energy wasted camouflaging you from nobody