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the raccoon
>>4930046 (OP)
silly Lil guy
for a second there, i thought he was wearing somebody's dentures
>>4930046 (OP)
Way cooler and smarter than cats.
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he on the roof
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what's he listening to?
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=8dXQ5wSKxIU [Embed]
feeding the raccoon
The symbolism is on point.
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they chitter, they skitter, they are the critter.
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piles of critters
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aaaah still so eepy sleepy
land whale btfo by wonderful fuzzy cooner
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>>4930046 (OP)
Disgusting Jewish animal
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Project much? raccoons are honest and hardworking.
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immediately stop being so round.
I've raised these things and taught one how to talk like a parrot.
That's bullshit but i believe it
It's true. I was surprised to find out that they can read minds too.
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based and raccpilled
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>the roundness has only just begun
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GslnHDo3QGQ&themeRefresh=1 [Embed]
>ywn teach ac baby raccoon how to forage
Why even live
>His forearms at 0:40
What the fuck, is this an optical illusion or are his forearms super massive???
You mirin brah? All natty from lifting baby raccs
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>they are fuzzy
>they have hands
>they love to read
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Damn. This roundness absolutely btfo the weak roundness of palas cats.
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He observes
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Look how fat he is.
Eat a salad, fatty
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heil raccys
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Why do raccoons like to drive?
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Best way to flee from your obligations
>There could be opossums here
The raccorb
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At home.
Nnnooo! Just because he gets his food from there doesn’t mean he belongs there!
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Really violent creatures
album cover
Crazy how they really are just scaled down bears
When humanity goes extinct, I hope the raccoons are the ones to replace us as the dominant species of Earth
They're called "Waschbär" in German.
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NSFW levels of violence
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I joined Instagram just to follow people that post raccoon pictures and videos.
I love his little tail waggling.
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bandit looking like a sphinx
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Post the crab-eating raccoon.
I like how they were bouncing all over
I gochu
I dont like them, too unround
Hmmm, yes, nice.
He looks stinky.
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I like them, smooth critters
Making a raccoon more sleek reveals how they really do look just like every other civet-like animal.
C o n v e r g e n t
E v o l u t i o n
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>>4930046 (OP)
Coon eating berries
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Raccoons are meant to be round
Are raccoons real?
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When darkness falls
Leaving shadows in the night
Don't be afraid
Wipe that fear from your eyes
If a desperate love
Keeps on driving you wrong
Don't be afraid
You're not alone
You can run with us
We've got everything you need
Run with us, we are free
C-C-Come with us
I see passion in your eyes
Run with us

https://youtu.be/TyHXPNNjd-I?si=AbIAtxcC2x_HomFc [Embed]
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yes, they are wonderful critters!
don't do this to me I can't take the nostalgia
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Raccs do not understand we can still see them even if they close their eyes
goofy if I can't see you you can't see me ahh
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sily lil guy
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What's the evolutionary advantage of causing mischief just for the sake of it
That mischief actually has a purpose, they're curious, they manipulate novel things in their environment to see what it does, it helps identify threats and potential food sources, it's actually extremely useful behavior.
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Oh yeah, then what's the evolutionary advantage of this, smartypants?
it also endears them to superior beings by making them go "hell yeah"
nta but my old raccoon touched my belly like that
(probably because its as soft as marshmallows and it was its favorite snack)
I also watched it dig up a soft patch of dirt as a baby to eat worms as snacks despite never teaching it
they seem to know instinctively that soft packages/areas = potential food
Stay soggy, doggy
I just wanted to say raccoons are super duper cute.
Uhm source?
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Nice shit-eating grin.
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they DONT EAT SHIT >:(
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>from the moment I learned the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me
Anyone have that clip/webm of an absolutely soaked and soaped up raccoon?
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>Why have you done this?
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There are many such images
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Washing the washbear
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Post raccoons and foxes being bros. These two are the power animal duo of cute
That's a badger...
same thing
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You take that back
And the other one is a coyote, not a fox.
same thing
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You take that back
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X files theme song
His spine is broken :(
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No! How can we help him?
Does he look like he needs help? Don't offend him.
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Is it racist to call them “coons?”
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No! The raccoon community should take "coon" bacc. Bacc for the raccs!
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Racc is a cuter nickname for them.
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Racc, raccy, little masked bandits! Grabby washbear!
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Yooo I was there when this pic was taken
Did I post this here before and did you download it or where you there too?

Here's the little guy from another angle
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I got the image from a previous raccoon thread here.
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That's a wonderful critter right there, your doing a great thing by helping the little masked bandits!
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He's ready to go to school!
What classes does he take? Do they offer honers programs for advanced banditry?
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They need to spend more time in PE to work off their big butts.
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