Get fucked!
>>4924752Why are crocodiles such racetraitors?
>>4924752>the virgin mammals>THE APEX REPTILEmany such cases
>>4924752>Trophy huntersAlway felt gay as fuck>Yeah I paid 20k to go on the other side of the world and kill a animal with a rifle from 1 kilometer away, I'm a big apex predator you see
>>4924752What was going through his head as he was getting death rolled?
>>4924752So this guy spent years outsmarting lions and elephants and killing them but when he tried to hunt crocodiles he turned into the prey? What does that tell you?
>>4924800>What does that tell you?Crocodiles are smart af
>>4924752went to the actual article...and it didn't help with details>In 2017, Van Zyl headed out on one of his hunting trip in Zimbabwe… only this time, he didn’t return.>According to the BBC, the hunter headed out with a pack of dogs and a local tracker. He went off on his own in search of crocodiles, and was believed to be missing when his tracker dogs returned without him.>They found his footprints and bag near the river bank. Local authorities investigated the crocodiles… and found human remains that a DNA test confirmed belonged to Van Zyl.>After the story broke, many people wrote that he had it coming: that it was karma for killing so many animals.>One Green Planet, while not celebrating the hunter’s death, said the case is just more proof of why we shouldn’t allow trophy hunting: it puts the hunters’ lives at needless risk.>“Let’s be honest, Zyl shouldn’t have been hunting in the first place,” they wrote. “We have to ask ourselves if the ‘thrill of the hunt’ is really worth risking your own life – while deliberately taking others.”
>>4924752Tragic. May africans turn many elephants, lions, and crocodiles into burger in his honor. Lion burger is delicious btwTrophy hunters are pure moral good. You just hate success and masculinity. They shoot animals that were already slated to be culled and the proceeds and meat go to the locals. If you have a problem with this you are ontologically evil. >>4924802I doubt these BUT HE LE KILLED ANIMULS retards arent even vegan (and if they were, they would actually be more retarded, as all vegans are) and have only benefited from prior animal killingYou know how you can walk your dog without a pack of feral rabid shitbull mutts trying to kill them? Thank last century’s dogcatcher and his Co2 chamber for enacting trap+adopt/euthanize. Ever walked through the woods and came out alive? Yeah your ancestors killed the wolves, grizzly bears, and most of the cougars. Thank them.
>>4924795A set of about 64 two inch teeth
>>4924816>Ever walked through the woods and came out alive? Yeah your ancestors killed the wolves, grizzly bears, and most of the cougarsSpoken like someone who’s never been in the outdoors. Stay in your pod and eat your bugs
>>4924800Crocodiles kill more people than lions and elephants do.
>>4924800cattoids are retarded as usualelephants are too peaceful for their own good as usualreptiles are based as usual
>>4924752You think the crocodile had him stuffed and mounted?
>>4924802kek, One Green Planet knows how to troll
>>4924789An animal they don't even track themselves mind you
We should frankly genocide all crocodilians. They are our evolutionary enemies and we have the power to crush their 100 million year old niche with our superior intellect
>>4924925Nope. No one would ever agree to that and you will die with all that seething in your mind, while crocodiles will still thrive and do well in their niches.GET FUCKED
>>4924925Leopards and other big cats probably preyed on early hominids and primates more than crocodilians did lol
>>4924752Why does reddit/the left seethe at trophy hunters who pay thousands to game reserves that make places like that possible in the first place while locals burn down 50 acres of forest to kill one elephant and saw its tusks off.
>>4924816bad bait, put your effort into something more productive
>>4924925>They are our evolutionary enemiesThat would be big cats, actually
>>4925012If you donate $10,000 to an orphanage so you can repeatedly rape a 7 year old boy, does that make you a good person?
>>4924802>He went off on his own The funniest part is this one, he tried to hunt on his own without a guide and got killed. What a "hunter" he turn out to be,
>>4925012>I only want to save nature if I get to shoot itA mystery...
>>4924752shame the lions did not get to rip him apartbut i guess getting killed by croc is painful too they do that roll thing.
>>4925016How does this compare to blasting an aging lion before it fucks off and leaves the preserve to eat people, so younger lions can begin breeding sooner and keep the population healthy while preventing excessive dispersal?Humans are infinitely valuable and animals are merely part of a system. Their worth is how they are connected to us, as individuals they have no rights or moral relevance.
>>4925042>blasting an aging lion before it fucks off and leaves the preserve to eat peopleah I see, you're a hysterical idiot, carry on then there's no point in trying to reason with the likes of you
>>4925045The one who compared blasting a dumb animal to fund and facilitate conservation in the form of bog standard game management to paying to rape HUMAN orphans is calling other people hysterical idiots?African trophy hunting is infinitely better managed than north american big game raffles which allow the hunter to shoot any adult animal anywhere in the state they please. Compared to hunting in most of the world, these trophy hunts are extremely well planned culls combined with a sizable charitable donation organized by local ecologists.Because they fucking ARE. If all hunts were as regulated as trophy hunts, game populations would be absurdly healthy, instead of as low quality as north american deer.
>>4924816>p.1-2>ungabung me man me masculine me strong me kill>p.4>how nice that theres no big animals that'll make me wet my frilly tutu straight through my diaper for big fat babies
>>4924761>title : crocs galloping and running for 3 minutes>caption : Crocs just be running>6 seconds in a croc not running for a whole 2 secondsI feel betrayed
>united healthcare ceo>trophy hunter>???it comes in threes
>>4924752One less micropenis on the earth
>>4924816that croc's ancestors has been eating big game hunters for even longer, good on him for continuing tradition
>>4924951there's a fossil croc from Africa that's been implicated in so many hominid deaths that it was named Crocodylus anthropophagusanyway they keep us honest and cull the dumbest of the dumb, I say keep em around
>>4925103edge is a notorious grifter, he's a fag and a kike
>>4925049>blasting a dumb animalYou don't belong on this board, and clearly have no interest in animals or nature. No more (You)'s, take your mental illness and trolling elsewhere. A lion's life is worth more than yours.>inb4 wordslol>>4925101>buzzword saladSame to you. Probably the same person.
>>4924893Nah, he was too honorable for that, he just ate him.
>>4925160>you arent a vegan? You dont value a lamb as much as a person? YOU HATE ANIMULS GO AWAAAAAYAnimals are part of a system called nature. Maintaining this system ourselves is key to keeping it running without essentially banning human life.And part of this maintenance is culling aging megafauna to allow younger ones to breed without forcing populations to disperse into human territory. Mind you africa is an agricultural paradise with the majority of earth’s arable land and EVERY megafauna species is a pest there. Animals have no rights. None. All animal rights is based around ecology management and regulating human behavior (ie: pre-arresting and cataloguing people who are at risk of moving to human victims). Thats why you can go to jail for torturing a dog to death or raping a horse, but not for slaughtering a deer or engaging in legitimate artificial insemination. That’s why you can own a budgie but not an at-risk or potentially invasive species. Animals have no rights. They are managed as humanity's property to ensure we don’t have to send them all the way of the wolf. All laws center solely around human well being and the safe and effective preservation of natural ecosystems to keep the planet running. Trophy hunting is a pure moral good. Animals scheduled to be culled are the ONLY ones being culled, in contrast to the western "shoot what you see" hunting tag system. Funds go to maintaining nature preserves. Killing animals that we NEED to kill is not evil. >wewwwweellllll MAYBE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SHOULD COME LAST KILL LE AFRICANSSee, THAT is evil. If you dont believe in managing animals to keep nature working and out of our way, what do you believe in without being an evil, antihuman pest who can not abide by developing countries, you know, developing, despite benefiting every waking moment from ACTUAL ecological destruction that was 10000x worse than africans doing shit like killing 80 elephants?
>>4924816Peak contrarianismI bet you're a real expert on masculinity and domination, sitting behind your keyboard doing absolutely nothing. We should feed people like you to wild animals even if you are trolling.
>>4925192I was thinking of matching your post's length by refuting your insane diatribe, but it's just easier to call you an idiot.
>>4925243NTA but you got BTFOedStop defending vicious soulless carnivores like lions and bears:
>>4924800The world belongs to the reptiles. Remember they are just in a state of rest. But reptiles will come back and take over what belongs to us
>>4925127Why are they so happy?
>>4925247Animals aren’t moral agents. >>4925243You got BTFO. Concession accepted
>>4925249They just got done eating trophy hunter flambé
>>4925192>Trophy hunting is a pure moral good. Animals scheduled to be culled are the ONLY ones being culledFalse. Trophy hunting is the sole reason that canned hunting properties exist, a massive ethical abomination and facilitating the exotic animal trade
>>4925127That Nile croc they have in GatorLand really allows you have an idea how big these crocodiles are. He dwarves every gator they have there, even the big ones.
>>4925271“Eating meat is bad because kosher slaughter exists” tier idiocyLogic is not your strong suit
>>4925435I thought you said it was pure moral good. Eating meat isn’t pure moral good either and we still do it
>>4925192You know what? I'll give one more (You) because that's an impressive wall of seethe. I didn't read any of it, but still, thanks!
>>4925511Anon, you forgot the most important rule of the internet: don't feed the trolls.
>4925511Eating meat is pure moral goodJust dont let jews in your country
He had a wife and kidsHow could you say this you sick fuck?
"Trophy hunts" are important to conservation efforts and the economies of developing nations. Don't moralfag without even understanding what you're bitching about. Pure feefee-driven nonsense
>>4925629Then get out lizardman
>le reddit trophy hunters are actualy based because conservation false argumentYou think these African countries aren't corrupt to the bone? The hunters are not shooting "non breeding" old males. They are shooting healthy animals in their prime. It perpetuates a cycle of evil, and farmers will still kill animals that bother them.
>>4925648is this a true fact from the same genius that said africa has no arable land
>>4924789>kill a animal with a rifle from 1 kilometer awaylol no. these fags aren't some spec ops snipers. It's more like 50 meters.
>>4924816pathetic bait. kys.
Regular hunters can be cool people but there is something off and fucked up about the vibes of african trophy hunters.
>>4925709You just hate it when rich people donate money to africans dont youBetter a lion killed than a somali starved
>>4925717>Better a lion killed than a somali starvedI disagree
>>4924816hunting pre industrial revolution or shortly after it around densely populated urban areas and hunting endangered species a few thousand Km away from your home in an extremely sparsely populated part of the world with trackers to even find these creatures is in fact not the same thingand you call vegans retarded?
>>4925674>switch topic when called outI think its funny that the rich trophy hunter was ACKdHe killed endangered species in sparsely populated areasHis "contribution" merely to endemic corruption and the dead-end economy around trophy huntingAnd be got killed by a crocodileBased crocodile
>>4924800nigga can't serpentine
>>4925642G-G-G-GETwait for itFUCKED!GET FUCKED!!!!
Imagine being the Chad who speared the last cave lion to death. Hundreds of thousands of years of fear of the darkness of the wilderness and the existential crisis when you see or hear one gone for good. Bet he got endless pussy for that one and was probably regarded as a hero.Today he would be vilified for putting down the greatest enemy man had at the time.
>>4925790He killed overpopulated megafauna to help keep them out of humanity’s way. Based if you ask me.
if you had to live near lions youd want them all killed. your ancestors did this to wolves, lions, and hyenas already. africans are goddamn saints for not rounding up the ak47 gang and wiping them out. they set limits like 30 lions, 80 elephants, etc. and the west STILL complains. meanwhile the west is glad to support morocco in the wholesale poisoning of all the dogs pets or not for muh soccer and glad to support australia slaughtering peoples pet cats because muh rare parrots
>>4925642So do must horrible people through history. Doesn't stop them from being horrible.
>>4925990A lion hunter isnt horrible, he’s a god damn hero. Fuck lions. Wildebeest gang.
>>4925982I’ve lived near bears, wolves and mountain lions and never wanted them killed. I don’t see why lions would be any different. You just sound scared of the outside world
>>4925012>pay thousands to game reserves that make places like that possible in the first place while locals burn down 50 acres of forest to kill one elephant and saw its tusks them roads, hospitals and schools was a mistakethe the money equivalent to 60 marshall plan sent from the 50s should have been used for build nature reserves
>>4925192>forcing populations to disperse into human territoryimagine caring about africans lmao
>>4925016if you can make a utilitarian equation that proves it's better than the status quo then yes
>>4925248Orcas mog any reptile or fish
>>4925994Wildebeests benefit from lions. They grow smarter and quicker from the pressure of being hunted.
>>4926587no. human rights are contract based. animals have none hence utilitarian bs can actually apply to them, in the same way we ask if the effort to throw away a piece of furniture and lost utility is worth reclaiming the space
>>4926688>human rights are contract basedno
>>4924752Culling predators is justified as long as it reduces violations. The predators he killed would have ended up killing thousands of other animals in their lifetime. The act of hunting can then be justified. However, this guy likely economically contributed to factory farming via his dietary choices which would have resulted in even more violations of smaller animals. Overall, I consider him less evil than the average normalfag KFC muncher. Atleast, he helped in reducing violations of hundreds of African prey. The average fag is too retarded and emotionally driven to reason these nuances.
>>4926787Wildebeests etc. have large, healthy populations, millions of geneticaly diverse animals. Lions leopards etc. 20.000 - 50.000
>>4926744>>4926587Found two more on Epstein's list.
>>4926787>least insane vegan
>>4926787All invalid because animals are not moral agents. Only human life is infinitely valuable. Everything else is monetary only.
>>4926762YesWe dont kill each other because we are sane and agree not to kill each otherIf you attempt to kill me, rape me, or steal from me because you breach the contract you lose 100% of your rights that moment and I can morally kill you because you have ceased to be human. I can not kill you later, or capture and torture you, because you can re-enter the contract by ceasing your behavior.
>>4926867But by this standard, communists and terrorists aren’t people!
>>4924752>Nooo it's cruel to shoot elephants and lions!>Pigs? we gas those to death>Male chicks? we throw them into blenders aliveRedditors such as (You) are such hypocrites
>>4926852>Evil to shoot a few animals>Good to throw male chicks into blenders alive to support our egg industry
>>4926867that's bullshit and you know it lol this has nothing to do with contracts and everything to do with inhibition and the ability to foresee consequences
>>4926875Mostly is the issue to kill for amusement and sport instead of consuming and using every part of the animal, plus while stock is numerous most of the big game animals that get hunted are at the brink of extinction due to habitat loss.
>>4926915Animals killed in trophy hunts are eaten by other animals or local africans, not thrown in landfills. >>4926876I prefer letting the males get a little bigger before decapitating them to get the free meat (imagine paying to feed chickens lmao) but a high speed grinder is probably slightly more humane than an axe
>>4926920The issue is that the egg laying breeds don’t efficiently turn feed into grain, they are bred to turn feed into eggs. So letting them mature is wasteful compared to growing meat birds instead, unless your inputs are free and you don’t give a shit about the output efficiency.
>feed into grainfeed into meat.
>>4926920>Animals killed in trophy hunts are eaten by other animals or local africans, not thrown in landfills.No, anon. No. Most trophies consist of only select parts of the animal, which are prepared for display by a taxidermist. >
>>4926951Yeah the head and the hide, the meat is usually eaten.
>>4926939Yeah but thats factory farming, it sucks. I dont pay to feed chickens. I just mow my lawn. Its enough nutrition to keep them alive until i’m hungry. But anyways, a high speed grinder thats 100000x your size is probably the least painful way to go. Your entire CNS would be paste in an instant.
>>4926951>whitey saves the least valuable parts of the animal>for a fee that goes to maintaining the preserve or helping people>rest returned to nature or used to save human beings from starvationIf trophy hunting were banned the africans would just exterminate the animals wholesale since they would no longer represent a resource, just like they already mass poison AWDs and Hyenas because trophy hunters don’t value them as much anyways. They are absolutely and purely pests that only hamper their efforts to develop a civilization. They dont have fuckin factory farms and vertical agriculture so all the megafauna wreck agricultural yields at will. Are you saying they should? Just wipe the fuckers out? Well. Sure! Go Africa!
ITT: people on the Animals & Nature board that hate Animals & Nature
>>4927071Sadly more common than you'd think.
>>4927071It's all just console wars and baitposting with a nature theme at this point.
>>4927071Trophy hunting funds conservationVegans are the real nature haters, because human predation is natural
>>4927235>hunting is bad because le animal dieYou’re either vegan (retarded) or retarded
>Reddit: the Thread
>>4925016>Paying for a hunting trip for specifically selected animals chosen because of the risk they pose to their own species is the same thing as paying to sexually abusing a young orphanHoly fuck you trannies are unhingedWhenever I feel even an ounce of pity or empathy, anons like you remind me that it's good they are despised and ridiculed.
>>4925243>I was thinking of replying, but realized I have no actual rebuttal so I will just call you a childish insult.
>>4927233>NaturalIn reality, most of these trophy hunters are basically just paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to private groups to shoot caged/ranch animals. Canned hunting happens quite a lot and these animals have no chance of escaping and are usually shot in large pens.Animals in canned hunts are all captive-bred, who can never be used for conservation (canned hunting is very common with lions). I have strong doubts that trophy hunting is as pure as you think since>a LOT of money involved>AfricaDoesn't take a genius to figure that out.Also, for the united states at least, the Humane Society found that about 94% of the funding for Conservation comes from activities completely unrelated from hunting of any kind, and trophy hunting for indigenous american carnivores (wolves, bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, etc.) goes to about 0.14% of the conservation here.Yeah it does bring in a lot of money, but keep in mind that most of it funnels back into regulating hunting to begin with since that is also highly expensive.
>>4927281Canned hunting funds conservation in africa. Not here. Africa does not have rich white childless liberals to fund literally everything. They don’t have idiots that shill pitbulls and drive up fatal dog attacks either, and likely never will. Good. >oh no an animal in a pen was killed!Story of every sheep, goat, cow, pig, and chicken in the last 10,000 years. They are animals. Who cares?
>>4927281based trophypsycho destroyer>>4927286cringe animal hater
>>4927323I dont hate animals. I love them for what they are - part of nature. A natural resource. Canned hunting is an important source of funds and arguably better than any factory farmed meat. Whats the real problem, you want to fuck a lion?
>>4927258>can't answer the question>trannies out of nowhereit's hilarious when pedophiles out themselves without even realizing lmao
>>4927324>Canned hunting is an important source of funds[citation needed]But i know you don't have one because you're here to argue out your ass and farm (You)'s.
>>4927325The answer is its always wrong to rape a person no matter how many charities you donate to but animals are just a resource and dont have moral standing. We can mass produce lions and they dont even care. If people shooting lions are not highly prone to becoming serial killers then there is no issue.
>>4927328Trophy hunts are the only reason africans haven’t nuked and paved lion and elephant habitat yet. They are the only reason they can afford to maintain those habitats and prefer it to developing them. Vegans and ARAs are retards. Animals are resources, not people.
>trophy hunting generates almost 400 mil in revenue for all subsaharan countries>animal populations must be culled so africans can develop the land outside of preserves, or else they overpopulate or go off the reservation>the funds from hunts are the reason african countries can afford to make 27-38% of their land protected instead of 5-10%>pure tourism is not an option, managed populations require culls, might as well let someone pay to do the cull instead of paying someone to do the cull>noooo but yer killing animuls>lions: *kills animals*
>>4927332>an estimated 98% of people who argue against me make up statistics
>>4927335You can simply look them up. End trophy hunts and africa has zero reason not to exterminate hyenas, AWDs, elephants and lions. They could develop more by claiming the land for agriculture and factories. The west might complain but china has good relations with the whole continent and gives them equipment and jobs instead of bags of wheat.
>>4927286>Canned hunting funds conservation in Africa.It directly does the opposite. Since the money made by it encourages building farms and reserves solely for the slaughter of the captive animals. Taking away land that could have instead been put towards rewilding.Because these animals are captive bred and the VAST majority of these reserves are privately owned by random people, the funds very much do not go towards conservation or even to the local area. This is where a lot of the problems for trophy hunting comes in. Botswana, for example, has no such controls on where the funds end up.In truth, the actual reason why trophy hunting is beneficial is the fact that it creates a lot of jobs for the local area, which disincentivizes locals from just hunting them. Also you have to also consider that, after all the years of being funded by trophy hunting.>african elephants>giraffes>african lions>rhinocerosare all still threatened or endangered.Also on this topic, I am not sure if there is any particular example of a formerly endangered population of wild animals, and that species was saved specifically from the funding of hunting it. An example would be in good defense of trophy hunts.
I don't think I could ever approve or condone the hunting/killing of lions, *for fun*. It just doesn't make any sense. They're already associated with majesty and are considered endangered. Elephants meanwhile are some of the most intelligent animals on Earth, and have incredible memories. Why would I ever want to harm any of these creatures unless it was in self defense? I don't understand it.
>>4927286>>4927324I don’t think you know what canned hunting is. It has nothing to do with conservation
>>4927362It's a simple answer: you don't have the defective brain of a psychopath.
>>4924800Outsmarting? get real, there's no tought in using guns, otherwise third world country wouldn't be a war zone
>>4924752So what happened to the guide? Is he being investigated?
>>4927431>kill a dumb animal>noooo psychopath!Bet you stepped on a bug recentlyThe difference is lions deserve it more than roaches
>it's still crying and pissing and begging for attentionactually lmao rn
>>4927233we already give billions to africa every fucking yearleast they could do is using a little of that money to save the animals without killing them for funds
>>4927233>nature>Killing a old ass lion with a rifle from dozens of metter away while you're in car ready to go if you miss and the lion get angry>nature
>>4927286>Africa does not have rich white childless liberals to fund literally everything.they have, our country give them billions of our taxpayers money every fucking year
>>4927362because you have a normal brain, not that of a psychopathAnd that your cock is a normal size so no need to overcompensate by doing "I KILLED A LION SEVERAL TENS OF METERS WITH A GUN I AM A BIG GUY MOMMY"
>>4927634Killing lions isnt a diagnostic criteria for psychopathy, samefagging lion fuckerIf you had empathy you would kill every lion on earth to stop their cycle of interspecies murder and brutal infanticide but apparently you want to bone simba
>>4927636explain to me how not wanting to kill a species = wanting to fuck them?nature is nature, lions act like lions, yes they don't necessarily do pretty things in the eyes of humans and? this is not a reason to exterminate them because "BUT MUH FEELING"
>>4927638>lion kills 6 babies>yay nature!>human pays an african a fortune to kill some lion, saving 60 african orphans from starvation>NOOOOOO NALA WAS MEANT TO BE MY WIFE!Lionfags, this is your mindset.
>>4927645and they for some reason complain more when its a captive liom instead of any part of nature
>>4927645>Number of lions in africa 100000 in the 70's, 30000 today>Number of africans in africa in the 70's 360 millions, 1.4 billions todayalso you must be incredibly naive to think that hunting money benefits poor little niglets dying of starvation and not to corrupt government, already receiving billions from our taxes
>>4924818Underrated as fuck
>>4927649Most of those lions were killed to clear the way for developing basic civilization and saving people from being eaten. You know, like europes lion population. No matter what a lot of lions need to go. Without trophy hunting it might as well be all of them. They attack people and livestock if their populations aren’t managed.
>>4927649wouldnt the correct course of action be addressing corruption instead of banning lion hunting and cutting off a non-donation revenue stream? its like you want africa to go all in with china and russiaif western countries criminalized traveling to africa to kill a lion they’d just kill them on their own and start putting EV factories on their territory.
>>4927636>A wild CATSCHIZO appers!Lol seriously though until you stop posting I'm going to hope you die.
>>4927653>africa>developing basic civilization anon please, stop being retarded, in the 70's we already made everything they needed and gifted them beside the independance, africans are just retarded and corrupt, yes 1 billions of africans life, is worthless, 1 lion is worth more
>>4927667>wouldnt the correct course of action be addressing corruptionanon it's africa, you would need to colonize it all again to clean it
>>4924752>>4924802>He went off on his own in search of crocodileI don't want to hate legal Trophy Hunters, because they are generally good for the local economy and in most cases their money goes to helping preserve local species, but god do these fags make it hard not to laugh at them.>>4924800>outsmartinglol, lmao even. African big game hunters that aren't actual poachers aren't "outsmarting" anything. They get led by a guide to a half tame lion and shoot it from 50 meters. You are in more danger from the wildlife going on an elk hunt in Montana or a black bear hunt in California than some theme park "hunt" in Tanzania or Botswana.
>>4925248This Mammalfags can only seethe and cry when the superior ARCHOSAUR CHADS take over their rightful place on top.
Fucked thread
>>4924802I can imagine the scene.The fucker probably spotted a croc, maybe even took an aim at it only to be surprised by a croc lurking right next to his feet and dragging him down.
>>4924789Its actually very close and what they are doing is actually essential work. What happens is there are supposed to be certain numbers of various animals within preserves so instead of the rangers just killing them rich people pay to do their jobs for them which funds the preserves.
>>4926768Cope. Mammalfags can do nothing but cower in fear at the inevitable reptile uprising
>>4926940Feed into seed.
>>4928064>but god do these fags make it hard not to laugh at them.I laugh at them all the time.
>>4928130>>4928130>I can imagine the scene.>The fucker probably spotted a croc, maybe even took an aim at it only to be surprised by a croc lurking right next to his feet and dragging him down.Nice. Just like this scene from Jurassic Park:
*cucks you out of defeating your ultimate rival**sorry crocs, maybe next epoch
>>4927485>Guy wonders off on his own>Gets eatenI don't the guide could have done anything in that case.If you hunt for fun you should be ready for this type of risk.
>>4930708>wonders off
>>4924752Trophy hunting drove the elephants insane so they started raping and killing rhinos
>>4925982>if you had to live near lions youd want them all killed. your ancestors did this to wolves, lions, and hyenas already.TRVKE
>>4925645>the economies of developing nations.What if I don't care about the economies of developing nations?
>>4924800Nigga even a retard like you could kill a lion with a gun.
>>4926787Predators are superior to herbivores and should kill as much of them as necessary to prevent them from uprooting the ecosystem
>>4932865>superiorcringe childish view
>>4932868grass munching faggot view
>>4932872case in point, stupid child
>>4932874You can only fag out over a word because you know I'm right. Herbivores depend on carnivores to keep their populations healthy and strong. Nature needs them to prevent herbivores from overunning the ecosystem and starving to death.
>>4932876Rabbit evolve large litters to compensate for predators. They don't need the flesh parasites, flesh parasites merely evolved to exploit them.
>>4932865What predators killing other predators or even members of their own species?
>>4932865How do you explain this then?
>>4933174Yeah rabbits are fit and highly adaptable to deal with predators. Otherwise they wouldn't have developed speed, flighty attitudes, burrowing habits, sharp senses, high population counts, etc.. none of these adaptations would be selected for without the threat of raptors, mustelids and whatever else preys on them. You're literally proving my point that being predated shaped them into better lifeforms. No rabbit would even come into existence without predators butchering their less succesful ancestors.
>>4933185Same effect. Interspecies competition means only the fittest of a species will survive and reproduce or even reach adulthood in the case of male lions that have a significant mortality rate. Herbivores do this too by either straight up killing their own kind if they are in competition or by abandoning their own offspring to die if they are deemed unfit.
>>4933459Cheetas are competition for food or food themselves. Why shouldn't it eat one if it's a bigger predator and benefit the Lions own chances of survival? Keep in mind animals have no sense of human morality.
>>4933500Ironically species that are more K-selected can more easily become endangered by sudden habitat loss or a spate of poaching (great apes, elephants) because they have fewer offspring and have to invest more time in rearing them while k-selected species like rabbits can more quickly propagate themselves
>>4935115>k-selected species like rabbitsthat should say r-selected species like rabbits*
>>4928138The work itself makes sense, but calling them trophies is weak as hell. It implies they have something to take pride in, something more than "I paid more money than you make in a year so I could shoot an animal that didn't even know I exist," it's like a douchier version of American Pickers. I like the conservation work that comes with it, so I'm not gonna cry for the abolition of trophy hunting, but there's no universe where I'll ever respect it.
>>4924752Colorado shitlibs want to ban mountain lion hunting as well:
>>4935629Good. Apex predators should not be hunted at all. Fuck /pol/cucks.
>>4935630If you're White, you're a disgrace to your ancestors who removed these threats from Europe so that European civilization could thrive.
>>4935630Species which have been known to kill humans need to have their populations strictly managed and culled if they get too close to human residences. If you disagree, we'll send all the grizzly bears and mountain lions to your house so you can feed them yourself. Literally.
>>4935633>goes deep into the wild to kill a mt. lion>YOU DON'T LIKE IT? WHY DON'T I PUT ALL THESE PREDATORS IN YOUR BACKYARD???
>>4935657I was responding to this anon >>4935630 who clearly stated "apex predators should not be hunted at all."
>>4935629Supporting professional hunters is essential for both safety and conservation.
>>4924816so sick of these fat retarded faggots typing on their keyboards and RPing as badass alpha males
>>4925101wait when you guys say "tranny" do you ACTUALLY think that the person you're talking to is transI thought it was just a genericized insult like "faggot"
>>4935630apex predators are mainly hunted in carefully controlled numbers as part of conservation effortsNothing like sabotaging wildlife preserves to pwn the right!
>>4936411three things going on:1- canary and/or shibboleth verifying the integrity of the platform and loyalty of the poster2- trannies using it constantly to try and dilute it or get it word filtered3- hostile users attempting to associate site culture with trannies for COINTELPRO
>>4936424Yeah cleetus driving deep into the mountains to kill a lion for bragging rights is totalky conservation, trust me bro.
>>4924752justice! I hope he suffered immensely
>>4925717>you just hate it when rich people donate money to africans yes.
>>4936883Why do you think anyone with a gun who enjoys hunting is named Cleetus? Tell me youre a pampered urbanite starbucks lib without telling me
>>4937777>braindead trumpcuck too stupid to understand it's not to be taken literaly
Options as an aging lion:>Shot by some rich fuckwit, a clean death you don't even see coming>Eaten alive, testicles first, by the new leader of the prideKnow what? I'm going to say it; I'd take the bullet.
>>4924752>Get fucked!>>4925248>But reptiles will come back and take over what belongs to usI sure love interacting with humans in here!
>>4938307it's funny because it's true. this probably is a more dignified and painless death for the lion.
>>4925192Hey I'm from /pol/ too! I'm anarchocapitalist that's why you're based!
>>4938449that's a cute croc
>>4935317a trophy doesnt necessarily mean you did something hard, its just the spoils of something you took.If you punch someone strapped to a chair, the tooth you punched out you took with you is still a trophy.The idea of trophies being GIVEN for something is a much latter idea then something being TAKEN. its from the idea of collecting spoils of war. even if its from some malnurished pesent with a half a leg and you gangraped him with 2 other oiled up hoplites.
>>4940007You are correct, but that doesn't make them any less of a bunch of queers.
>>4940493Im just saying the term is appropriate.More of a terminological niggle then anything else. I hate when people narrow the meaning of words thus killing the actual intents behind them with newspeak that only serves to foster indignation instead of the actual sentiment behind them.One of my hobbies is reading old books and there are a lot of words we've fucked over with over specific preconceptions since then that use to be used in a really raw dynamic and not at all unilateral way.
>>4924801>Body plan virtually unchanged 200 million years - still thriving.>In contrast most other species go extinct within 15 million years.Literally just built different.
>>4927335He's correct. Hunters give back to the economy.
>trying to restart a month old arguementi can't imagine living like that while also being a conscious being. I'd just kill myself desu, it can't be worth living as that much of a pathetic human.
>>4941587Some people only visit this board sporadically and don't see a thread until a month or two after it's been posted.
>>4924752All animals fear the real superpredator: Man>Lions have long been perceived as Africa’s, if not the world’s, most fearsome terrestrial predator,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 the “king of beasts”. Wildlife’s fear of humans may, however, be far more powerful and all-prevailing1,10 as recent global surveys show that humans kill prey at much higher rates than other predators,10,11,12 due partly to technologies such as hunting with dogs or guns.11,13,14,15 >We comprehensively experimentally tested whether wildlife’s fear of humans exceeds even that of lions, by quantifying fear responses1 in the majority of carnivore and ungulate species (n = 19) inhabiting South Africa`s Greater Kruger National Park (GKNP),9,15,16,17 using automated camera-speaker systems9,18 at waterholes during the dry season that broadcast playbacks of humans, lions, hunting sounds (dogs, gunshots) or non-predator controls (birds).9,19,20,21,22 Fear of humans significantly exceeded that of lions throughout the savanna mammal community. >As a whole (n = 4,238 independent trials), wildlife were twice as likely to run (p < 0.001) and abandoned waterholes in 40% faster time (p < 0.001) in response to humans than to lions (or hunting sounds). Fully 95% of species ran more from humans than lions (significantly in giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudu, warthog, and impala) or abandoned waterholes faster (significantly in rhinoceroses and elephants). Our results greatly strengthen the growing experimental evidence that wildlife worldwide fear the human “super predator” far more than other predators,1,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 and the very substantial fear of humans demonstrated can be expected to cause considerable ecological impacts,1,6,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 presenting challenges for tourism-dependent conservation,1,36,37 particularly in Africa.38,39
>>4924752TIME TO GO A-HUNTIN'>Since 1973, Wyoming has managed mountain lions in a way that promotes their existence, using regulations that have allowed the native felines to bounce back from extreme scarcity. Cougars were once wiped out of large areas of the state where they now thrive, like the Black Hills, during an earlier era of unrestricted killing.>But a proposal that will be considered by the Wyoming Legislature calls for returning to the time when the cats could be killed without limit. House Bill 286, “Mountain lion hunting season-changes,” would throw out the fundamental structure of current lion management regulations: Cougar killing would be fair game 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department would be prohibited from imposing any limits on cats killed at the local and statewide levels. >Additionally, wildlife managers would be forced to allow lion trapping, a now-prohibited pursuit that results in cats, and other animals, being killed indiscriminately, regardless of their age or sex. Furthermore, mountain lion hunters would no longer need a dedicated license — any person with a valid antelope, deer or elk tag could kill an unlimited number of the stealthy felines legally. >The sweeping overhaul to modern lion management is the idea of Rep. Mike Schmid, an oil and gas industry businessman, Wyoming State Trappers Association board member and Wyoming Freedom Caucus-aligned Republican who hails from La Barge.
>>4942343>>4943197>felid hate zoophile schizo's ban has expires
>>4943203Its the predator hate rightoid schizo, who is also the vegan schizo and the feather schizo and the cat schizo. Go back to schizo school, kid.When you see her, call her an israeli bot. Its funny.
>>4943203>post from January 30 and post from February 1stWhat ban?
>>4924752Crocodiles are truly Nature's finest Darwin Award filter.
>>4943197Israeli bot.
>>4942343>Fully 95% of species ran more from humans than lions (significantly in giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudu, warthog, and impala)Damn
>>4943197>hunter dies from croc attack>LMFAO it's legal to kill cougars in Wyoming anytime now U MAD BRO??????There's a reason nobody likes you. That reason is you acting like this.
>>4943477Hunting is a very popular pastime and many people like and admire hunters
>>4943529Where did I imply anything to the contrary?
>>4943529Hunting is fine, you are a fag who has never been outdoors or held a gun
>>4924925basedliteral flesh automatons, they should be eradicated along with other pests
>>4943573I agree except we should start with you. I might forget about the rest desu
>>4943573American crocodiles live near Florida urban areas without any serious issues. They mostly leave humans alone.
>>4928115>crocodiles were around at the same as the dinosaurs>crocodiles are related to dinos and birds (archosaurs)>yet crocodiles don't have feathersHow come scutes aren't the default assumption for dinosaurs rather than feathers?
>>4944252Because big scutes and osteoderms preserve really well. There’s a reason we know ankylosaurus had them but not T. rex
>>4944252Don’t be ridiculous anon, they had scales not scutes. Has the schizo taught you nothing?
>>4924801Smarter than you
>>4944252>>4944598It would be funny if the real answer was a secret third thing that's neither scales nor feathers
>>4944252Archosaur is about as descriptive as 'mammaliaform' which could be anything from a platypus to a humpback whale.(it is specifically broken up into two separate branches, archosaurs closer to crocodiles, often called pseudosuchians, and then the other branch has avemetatarsalia which is dinosaurs and pterosaurs.)
>>4945175>a secret third thingNipples? What if dinosaurs were absolutely covered in nipples? What if nipples evolved before milk? How could milk be delivered without nipples? One had to come first. I don't see why dinos couldn't have been covered in fleshy little protrusions. Maybe female dinos found it hot.
>>4924816I would have loved to put a metal bar inside the hunter's anus infront of his wife and children
>>4945630This is more sociopathic than what any hunter does
>>4943197this got blocked btw
>>4942343it's because of the foreign noises they're not used to, shrimple as
>>492478920k to poach more like>post of over a month agoDamn
>>4924752This is why you need hunters.While leopards are sometimes killed for their valuable pelts, Waseem says the majority of recorded cases are acts of retaliation – triggered by attacks on people or, more frequently, their farm animals. Before the 1990s, human-leopard conflict was rare, but rapid deforestation (Pakistan’s forest now covers less than 5% of its land, compared with an international average of 31%) has pushed leopards closer to human settlements. In the Galiyat area, in the north-western province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, this conflict escalated dramatically in the 2000s, culminating in a rash of human fatalities. One leopard, nicknamed “the Ghost of the Galiyats” is reported to have killed six women before being trapped and killed by police in 2005.Women face a heightened risk of leopard attacks. In rural communities, they are typically responsible for collecting water and firewood, a task that can require walking several kilometres through forested areas and stopping at water sources. To a leopard, these movements may resemble those of prey.
>>4948228More like this is why you need forests
>>4948228>turd wurlders cut down all their forests>forest animals are forced to kill farm animals and people>OMG BIG SCARY CATS KILL THEM ALL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOk retard.
>>4948643>nooo you need to halt economic progress. think of the leopards. haha ak47 go brrrrrr night night kittycat
>>4948643>>turd wurlders cut down all their forests>>forest animals are forced to kill farm animals and people>>OMG BIG SCARY CATS KILL THEM ALL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAThis is exactly what Europeans did over the centuries in Europe. Why do you think only "turd worlders" do this? They're just emulating Europeans here.
>>4939735Thank you very much, anon.It took me 1 000 000 000 hours in Paint to produce it.Picrel is what I wish I could do one day, though.
>>4948651Why are you posting about killing animals to make room for profit on the animals and nature board?
>>4927040>They are absolutely and purely pests that only hamper their efforts to develop a civilization.If they could develop a civilization they would have wiped out those "pests" thousands of years ago, especially considering they had a decent headstart on everyone else who has actually developed a civilization.
>>4949122based Africans remaining in mud huts so that elephants and rhinos wouldn't go extinct
>>4948279You need hunters as well
>>4951084>only 200-400 leopards left in PakistanHmmm yes we really need hunters to curb the numbers of those almost extinct animals
>>4924752Why do people get so upset by trophy hunters so much? Farmers kill millions of animals for food that we waste most of. The guy was an asshole sure, but the reaction from places like Reddit is so cringe imo
>>4952683agreed, hunters aren't the problem
>>4933459Damn that cheetah has seen some shit
>>4938449funny image. Thanks for making it.
>>4952683difference is, farmers do it for our own good, we do need to eat meatbut hunting is only for fun, its stupid
>>4952683Farmers also bred the animals they kill, I have yet to see a hunter doing animal husbandry of the things he kills.