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What is this dog doing?
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That's the lead actor from the upcoming block buster "German Shepards 2077" (by netflix)
Hij heeft een ernstig probleem
Relieving the chronic pain caused by immoral breeding.
Push ups

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Dognosaurus edition

/dog/ leash law compliance and sporting gear:
/dog/ car safety:

/dog/ approved training:

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i spend a lot of money on cameras
But have you spent enough? I think more than a people are waiting for you to get a phase one camera for dog photography.

If it wasn't like 1k a day to rent one I would absolutely troll /p/ by renting one for a day to do a dog photo shoot.
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>but have you spent enough

I am done with nice cameras. Only average cameras now.
I don't recall you posting any mf images. Will this be your first?

I HATE the ergonomics of those damn cameras for handheld shooting so much. Grab a grip for it if you plan to do any handheld stuff.
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This is what dog looks like on medium format film if anyone is wondering. Rolleiflex 2.8 planar and portra + strobes.

8x10 dog picture soon. It will be epic.

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I dont know what it is, looking at pictures of bears calm me and give me this serene feeling.

Post pictures of bears here.
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I played BG3, I know what comes next
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/v/ was fun that month

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Horse General

Pony Horse Edition

>4817028 thread that lay down for even a second
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i meant i feel as if he is challenging me to a race
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Argentina's Vicepresident
floppy ship
damehood gone
>damehood privileges revoked

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Yes hello I would like videos of hippos attacking, mauling, and killing human beings. Maybe you can send some catboxes danke

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>I'm just here to suck your blood, have sex on you and have 3000 kids!
So literally Mexicans

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Found this bite on my leg and don’t know if it’s from a spider or a bat. My wife thinks it’s a spider bite but I want to see if anyone recognizes it.
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You got chiggers, little shits will bite you a couple times before figuring out you're not deer
You sure those are from the same thing?
Well I don't know does it look like it?
You a vampire yet?
No. Sadly. Although I guess I’ll have to wait a year to see if it really was a bat bite. I never recalled seeing any bats or anything so it was probably nothing but I’ll make posts going through dying of rabies if it ends up killing me for any anons interested.

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Fox Paw Edition
Post and discuss foxes, but make sure to filter all tripcode users and report all potential fetish content. In any case, let’s give our all in making /fox/ a wholesome place.

Previous: >>4837854
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Schniff sniff where the bnuuy wabbits at
Let's go.
Can we get the webm of the young fox playing in the snow?
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It would be tempting. But I would have to had done a little more worse than I've done better to take that walk. Everyone I remember and don't would have to be gone. Maybe then I'd go.
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>not wanting to see zoophile erp is "/pol/"

This is an interesting tactic you're employing. Maybe this means something to someone somehow.

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why do frogs and some bugs sit there and let death take them?
why does a praying mantis just stand still and allow a swarm of ants to dismantle it?
why do frogs blankly stare at imminent doom?
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What? most encounters with frogs leave me startled where they start screaming and jumping randomly in zig zags
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Anuran race is the most superior race
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New thread to replace the old one that maxed-out and was archived
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Is it possible for humans to breed a new species of monkey that can be used for slave labor or serve in military
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Who says we aren’t those very specimens op mid considering?
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its called goyim and depending on your religion YOU are the slave to (((them)))
I always wanted a monkey friend to drink and party with, but I don’t want him going insane and mauling my friends.
I know that feel.
>tame wild animal and it never attempts to harm you
>still tries to kill everyone else

Post owls, discuss owls.
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i love the barn owl so much and with all my heart it's unreal
I love 'em.
Makes me wonder if people are capable of hating owls, they are just so cool.
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owls are evil
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owls have no penis

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My cat won't stop pissing on the couch. I've spayed her, deep-cleaned the couch multiple times and have tried all those odor removing enzymatic sprays and have enough litter boxes in the house that I clean everyday, but she just won't stop
Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give her away
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Bleach your cat
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Can we get a photo of her with her masterpiece, for the collection?
Spay her again. Once clearly was not enough.
Go to the vet, she could be associating pain with the litter box and could have something wrong.
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My cat has been acting weird, should I put her on SSRIs?

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