WHAT IS SPECULATIVE EVOLUTION?Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.RESOURCES:https://speculativeevolution.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Tutorial>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a projecthttp://planetfuraha.blogspot.com/>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depthhttps://specevo.jcink.net/>The Speculative Evolution forums, full of resources and ongoing projectsRECOMMENDED PROJECTS:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4948516>This was not always the case.yeah, it wasn't always the case, but what Happened to all those non Carnivoran carnivores? Carnivorans outcompeted all the small to medium sized Creodonts and only the Hyaenodonts survived because of island isolation in Africa to become giants who didn't compete with Carnivorans for resources which allowed them to migrate back into Eurasia and persist for longer. >megafaunal herbivores are much more diverse with (until humans showed up) ground sloths and proboscideans flightless birds like ostritches and rheasWe do not live in a world of island continents anymore. The Megalocnids evolved on an island continent where the native notoungulates had just been clobbered by the Grande Coupure and their lower metabolism allowed them to get big on fewer resources. By the time of the GABI, they were already heavily derived megafaunal herbivores making it impossible to muscle them out from that niche. Similarly, Proboscidean Afrotheres became megafaunal herbivores on Island Africa allowing them to take advantage of the decline of the Paraceratheriids caused by climate change. Not even going to address the ostriches and rhea comment, because I already stated I was talking about mammals guilds.In Eurasia there are 4 genera of Cervids, 7 genera of bovids, and 3 genera of Chevrotain that are under 50 kilos most of which are not threatened and many of which are even smaller at under 30 kilos. The continuity of the Afroeurasian landmass means they will have the ability to travel almost anywhere in the Eastern hemisphere save Australia and other islands in a post extinction event world.Again, like I said in my previous post, the Americas with the their small number of small Artiodactyls (Pudu, Mazama, and three different genus of Peccary) but diverse cast of Caviomorphs are the best place to hope for a mixed megafaunal herbivore guild.I was criticizing the "Rodents inherit the earth" trope not saying megafaunal rodents can't exist
>>4948271Speaking of which, god I fucking hate how stupid dinosaurs in Dragon Ball look.
>>4949177they're just wacky cartoon dinosaurs based on the pop culture depictions at the time, you have to remember that people ACTUALLY thought they looked like that more or less at the time. Plus there's nothing wrong with them being inaccurate in an anime or cartoon, outdated designs as inspiration for modern fiction is fun. Just look at primal, those designs were ALL outdated despite the fact that they're more recent than the design you gave as an example, but it's still fine - it's stylized, it's fun. It's also not spec evo, but it doesn't have to be.
>>4947058MUH WARRIORS!
previously on /jg/ >>4913581Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?He was found abandoned in some bushes late one night, filthy and covered in fleas back in mid-July 2024. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.Originally posted him here back in July 2024 seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
>>4948997I hope he doesn't lose his spunkyness>>4949002she pretty, I can see jefrey going full gremlin mode over her>>4949078damn he got that angry fluff tail
>>4949386Yeah, my vet told me to get my cat neutered when he was six months old.
I can't believe the woke mob is canceling Jefrey just for being male
>>4949926This cat was around too, prettier imo but I’m not attracted to female cats like Jefy is, so I can’t judge a man for his taste
>>4949957he could tell the other female cat was a slut
Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their upcoming antics in 2025?
Newborn Orangs look like tiny old men.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCN_Q2XuEJE
Orangutans have three gendersManWomanApecelChuds btfo
>>4949930precious baby needs gentle taps on the backburpy baby
Idk alot but man theese threads usually make laugh like hyena so lets get one going iv had a really terrible day :(
>>4948655>had a terrible day and it’s only 2Sorry to hear about that anon, hope it gets better. Does anyone know the definitional difference between a smash and a slam?
>>4948700Smash is face caved in slam is torso forced towards ground
>>4948700So your pic is abit more of a slam
skull crawler
Stop eating chicken
>>4940957Stop eating fish too. Fisheries are evil.
>>4947638try turkey
>>4941478Mamma mia!
All this pseudobabble and moralfagging ITT when the simple truth is that if you're not visually appealing then you don't deserve to exist. Applies to every creature including humans.
>>4949945Womanliest woman post on 4chan.
>"the charges,officer?"
>>4949737Attempting to crash the Space Colony ARK into Earth.
1 count of aggravated impersonation of a platypus
>>4949737bending hell
>>4949737Public nudity
You know what time it is?
>bird rapist thread
How do you decide which animal species is "great" and which one is "lessser" in terms of naming
greater yellow headed vultures are slightly bigger than lesser yellow headed vultures
>>4949438Well, it's all in context of the Most Weasel (God rest his soul)
>>4949920>long-tailed weasels, the largest extant species of weasel in North Americawhen AI fucks up
>>4949924What in the shitting fuck of a cunt are you on about, ya dumb twat?
>>49499201 - this why Latin binomial exists.2 - it was probably named that after a type or early specimen compared with other weasels at the time of collection and description. There are many examples of this kind of weirdness. The northern mockingbird, for one, is found all across the United States, Mexico, Cuba, and only barely in Canada. It is only "northern" in the sense that it was initially collected in the carolinas.
Crab appreciation thread.
>>4949681What is the final solution to the false crab problem?
>>4949720>flips you overHOISTED BY YOUR OWN PITARD
>>4949793Giant industrial ovens.And tartar sauce.
>>4949681Better crabitalism than catitalism
>>4949720thanks, i stole it>>4949793simple, fake a fake crab
Discuss the apes of Africa and Asia.
>>4931498Based. Just like me.
Post baby animals that almost look like different species from their adult forms.
>>4949817bluefin tuna can get as big as a small car but they come from eggs even smaller than what you see in this vid (~1mm diameter)
>>4948222The adult form, for completeness' sake
>>4949910I see what you did there.
Would I get banned for posting Juliana Wetmore's baby pictures? Cuz she looked like a pink turtle at birth due to her Treacher/Collins syndrome but now just looks like a human girl with a whole frog for a head
we are losing the battle...
>>4949874The schizo lives up to his name. Very nice.
jews probably raped that dog as a puppy
>>4949852lets see your retard bark hound know when to shut the fuck up and not get you killed when any large animal is outside. retard faggot
>>4949923Moses and Muhammad wouldn't win a fight against a pitbull anon.Sorry to burst your bubble.
>>4949923dog websitego back
Not so chill and unproblematic now huh https://www.instagram.com/zarnab.lashaari/reel/DEwGloHpOwb/
Nothing wrong with attacking women.
The camera angle instantly makes me assume something went down right before the start of the video, or that the animal has a negative history with people. Maybe the local little shits threw rocks at it one time too many.Either way, they 100% messed with it and expected this behaviour, because like >>4946918 says, you really have to go to great lengths for a fucking capybara to see red like this.
>>4946557Considering how bad rodent bites can be, that shit mustve hurt
El carpincho de los ojos tristes vive solo necesita amor
>>4946557https://english.elpais.com/international/2025-02-14/too-many-capybaras-rodents-face-vasectomies-in-luxury-argentine-community.htmlNordelta is one of Argentina’s best-known gated communities. Built two decades ago on a wetland neighboring the Luján River, north of Buenos Aires, it now has 45,000 wealthy inhabitants, living in landscaped homes with views of lakes and streams. The habitat has changed in the past 20 years, but it is still a tempting one for one of its former occupants, the capybaras, whose numbers have tripled to more than 1,000 in just over three years. Most neighbors have gone from viewing these giant rodents with sympathy to reporting attacks on pets and destruction of plants. Many are now demanding something be done.The Buenos Aires government has just approved wildlife population control plans that include selective sterilization and contraceptives with which they hope to reduce the rate of reproduction and solve the growing coexistence problem.Cantón adds that the biggest coexistence problem occurs with dogs because both dogs and capybaras are territorial animals: “People reinforce the fences of their houses to avoid confrontation with their dogs and also altercations involving children because although the capybara is not aggressive, a female with young will become aggressive if approached.”Some environmentalists are calling for no action to be taken against capybaras and, instead, for a law to be passed to protect the wetlands and prevent any construction on them, questioning the environmental sustainability plans that allowed neighborhoods like Nordelta to crop up. Others point out that there are people who want to live in nature, while wanting to get rid of its natural inhabitants, whether they be capybaras in Nordelta or foxes in nearby neighborhoods.
Why are vegan animals so big?
>>4949865if I found a stranger in my house in the middle of the night that would definitely be bait.
>>4949864You reminded me of the Steller's sea cow and now I'm bummed out. There's much we don't know about them and how they differed from existing sirenians. Also we'll never know how orcas hunted them.
>>4949866He would lure you outside with bags of Liquorice left at you front door at 3am. Then, with you distracted, he would steal all the orange juice in your fridge for sustenance. >>4949867Yeah, they were good parents too apparently. I always vouch for animals that are good parents.
>>4949867>Also we'll never know how orcas hunted them.Probably with some difficulty. Isolating the young from the adults and then going after them, maybe. That'd match the descriptions we got about their behaviour:"Steller's sea cow may have exhibited parental care, and the young were kept at the front of the herd for protection against predators. Steller reported that as a female was being captured, a group of other sea cows attacked the hunting boat by ramming and rocking it, and after the hunt, her mate followed the boat to shore, even after the captured animal had died."Steller's sea cow was ridiculously big. Two, maybe up to three times the weight of a male adult sea elephant. And Orcas have difficulty with hunting those:http://eleseal.org/kw/kw_hunting.htmlGetting mobbed by half a dozen 5- 10 ton animals while trying to kill one of them through its ridiculously thick blubber and unable to drown it because it's buoyant would give even an Orca pause, I think.
>>4949908True, but obviously there was a massive intelligence difference between Orcas and Steller's Sea Cow.
>>4923764To induce ovulation. The mom doesn't really care, and the male lion gets laid
>>4943977That's just what happens in mass extinctions. Can't be helped.
>>4944404African and Indian lions probably had enough contact with humans to co-evolve with them.
>>4948307Why are lions so based? Can we take the lionpill?
>>4948332>>4948352Don't care, at least you dropped the "ermmm akshually lions aren't cannibals" cope