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>"i hate cats, they're terrible animals!"
>always said by someone who didn't respect a cat's boundaries, or who yelled at a cat to obey them, so the cat didn't like them

Man I have never met a single person who hates cats who wasn't a fucking sociopath.
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>Wife's family gets new, second, kitten
>Wonderful and sweet little rescue who's full of energy and loves being near people
>Whines for you to pet her if she's sleeping near you
>In an incident with the old cat I push my luck and try to physically separate them with my hands
>Kitten claws me, ouch
>Month later visit my brother, show him the scars
>"Haha, I pushed my luck and got punished for it. Incredibly sweet cat, though, she'll follow you everywhere to-"
>"Does not seem very sweet. If a cat tried to do that to me I would simply kill it."
My wife did not come with me on that trip.
You literally have female brain you toxofaggot KEK.

You forgot that you're in charge of your pet not him. What an absolute fucking gay fag boy you are.
>toxo toxo toxo!
watch, she's going to call you reddit next kek
I'm a man with working balls you schizophrenic idiot. I regularly dispatch stray cats and sometimes even someone's pet(ruler) simply to spite gay retards like you.
cats are retarded and worthless animals

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For me it's the hartebeest. Looks like a gnu drawn badly.
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Those things are CUTE.
Adorable. Looks so much like an Opussum.
The rock isn't even that tall, why didn't a dog just jump down dragging them down with it?
A leopard would have done that but the dogs are not that agile and would break a leg.
The purple frog is pretty weird

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Shrimp farms are probably the closest things to hell on earth.

Imagine that you came across 1,500 shrimp about to be painfully killed. They were going to be thrown onto ice where slowly, agonizingly, over the course of 20 minutes, they’d suffocate and freeze to death at the same time, a bit like suffocating in a suitcase in the middle of Antarctica. Imagine them struggling, gasping, without enough air, fighting for their lives, but it’s no use.

Fortunately, there’s a machine that will stun every shrimp, so that they’ll be unconscious during their deaths rather than in extreme agony. But the machine is broken. To fix it, you’d have to spend a dollar. Should you do so? We can even sweeten the deal and imagine that the machine won’t just be used this year—it will be used year after year, saving 1,500 shrimp per year.

It seems obvious that you should spend the dollar. Extreme agony is bad. If you can prevent literally thousands of animals from being in extreme agony for the cost of a dollar—for around a fourth of the cost of a cup of coffee—of course you should do so! It’s common sense. In fact, this would be the best dollar you spent all year—every penny would save 16 shrimp from an agonizing death per year!

I asked ChatGPT to make an image of 1,500 shrimp in a lecture hall—here’s the image, but it’s only of ~200 shrimp, so you really save much more than this:

A large lecture hall filled with 1,600 shrimp, each seated in rows as if attending a class. The shrimp vary slightly in size and have expressive eyes, some holding tiny notebooks or pencils. The lecture hall is designed with realistic details like wooden desks, chairs, and a large chalkboard at the front. Warm lighting fills the room, creating a whimsical yet realistic scene of shrimp attending a lecture. Overhead, a large projector displays a slide with shrimp-related topics. High level of detail, 3D style. (Above image is not realistic—shrimp do not actually attend lectures).
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OP, thank you for this (i didn't read the whole ethics argument, but I'm sold anyway). I'm the one who made a thread a month or two ago about wanting to reduce suffering in animals used for food without being a vegan. This is exactly the kind of organization I'm glad to see. I'm going to look more into this.

Is there a way to find out whether a particular brand of shrimp I buy uses stunners?
They're bugs they don't suffer their lives are pointless anyway
You're a low T gay faggot unironically.
>low T
Forget low, I don't think OP has any T at all.
You're very welcome.
I'm not sure about sourcing sorry
I got blood work done and my testosterone, B12, vitamin D, iron etc are fine

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New thread to replace the one that was lost in the great delete.
Anhingas welcome also.
Promoting Cormorant awareness and appreciation, one post at a time.
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Pic from last Sunday
Good one

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RIP that one anon's petrel thread from 2023

I'll make you this new one.
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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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Give it a much light as you can without putting it in direct sunlight and give it a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus. Fruit puree is great, but you're probably over feeding it which can cause different problems. The aspirin won't really do anything for you outside of germination or when your plant is sick.
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Way too much water
Pic related: my dieffenbachia. I know the soil type is wrong. It's just like the top half inch because I didn't know better and put some soil in it from another pot because I thought it didn't have enough soil. The soil under it is "peaty".
It's almost done with a new leaf, the one in the middle.
Thanks, I guess I'll just buy some fertilizer.
The fruit puree is a fine fertilizer. You just don't want to use too much or you'll burn the plant.
Thank you!

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>the closest they are related is the phylum level
>its like saying eating beef is the same as eating rats because they're both chordates
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Thank you, frogman, for rightfully declaring this thread as a pile of shit.
OP already did that by posting retard frog
why should i eat ze bugz and live in ze pod when i can have a chicken do that for me
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Ancient Edition

previous: >>4912115

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the Reptilia and Amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions

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Why are snakes considered on the whole so much more dense than lizards when if you give a (comfortable) snake some kind of new toy or terrain it will generally investigate and interact with it wheras lizards dont give a shit about anything unless they want to eat it or they think it wants to eat them, which is exactly what people say about snakes?
I've never seen a lizard do anything with any kind of enrichment items like snakes will, they barely seem to be aware of the world around them if its not moving
thanks fellas, flat rocks it is. hopefully will have the energy today to go on out and collect
Dubias having such long flexible necks under their shells always looks so weird
x-posting here from /aq/ because i know you guys use heater lamps more. usually you'd use a thermostat but the bowl is tiny and i'd need a light anyway. what's the minimum requirement lamp i'd need to keep about 6 liters of water at 21~24 ºC? my house is probably at around 15ºC most times.
I am once again asking if chinese cave geckos need friends to be happy or if they can live full thriving lives alone

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It's Cold - Let Them Inside Edition

Love Foxes, Pawst Foxes

Previously on /fox/:
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Having fun?
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Having FUR
isn't hard
when you've got a library card
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Great, you can be the big spoon.

Lets say you want to abandon your suburban life and abandon your college studies when you're just 4 classes from graduation with a BA in history, unsure if your degree with finally get you a sedentary cushiony job and live on your own with a house and nice things.

You then you decide you want to move to the Mojave desert in a semi primitive or the sandiest desert in the USA. By semi primitive I am meaning that you live as a nomad in a traditional tent and you have satalite internet and you just smoke weed and pop shrooms every day and you live off meat and plants.
Is this your new wannabe logfag bait? One thread at a time dumb newfag.
why the aislop?
the entire post is probably a bot post tbdesu
you already made one thread about this, why did you make another?

What if orcas are actually smarter than us but they simply lack the environment and biology to develop civilization?
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Mustelids tend to be dumb, a lot of them win fights with bigger animals by being too dumb to understand the concept of giving up.
>they win fights instead of pussying out therefore they are dumb
Or, they’re smart enough to win.
>Despite their reputation as the world’s most fearless animals, honey badgers try to avoid trouble. I have seen them bolt for a hole after sniffing fresh lion or leopard tracks.

>Honey badgers usually only attack when surprised by predators, which often happens when they are digging – with poor eyesight and their noses in the ground, they can be oblivious to their surroundings. When startled they rush at their assailants, releasing a potent scent from their anal glands, rattling and standing tall with their hackles raised. This usually scares the predator away.



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metal cats edition


Food & Nutrition

Outside Enrichment

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when transporting cats (or any small animal in a carrier I guess) should you buckle them in with a seatbelt or have the carrier just loose in the seat? Maybe on the floor of the car? I was taking my cat the vet earlier this week and some asshole pulled out in front of me, causing me to brake hard and my cat to fall from the seat to the floor (she wasn't hurt) so I'm wondering what I should do for next time.
I always put a belt around the box just in case.
box belongs on the floor
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I got some springs for my bros. I'm loving the ai sloppa on the box.
did you really pay for that shit?
my cat is fine with the rings that come on milk jugs

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Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth

>The Speculative Evolution forums, full of resources and ongoing projects


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Oh aye? Don't leave me hanging if you have recommendations. I'm really eager to throw them into my Aztec alternative world setting.
Yes, a shit ton actually
The New Dinosaurs by Douglas Dixon
Thanks man.
I appreciate the hell out of it.
Dr. Polaris' old Alter Earth series was great. Unfortunately it only goes to the Oligocene and then he abandoned the project

Tales of Kaimere is good, though it's a seed world project with magic in it so that might alter things

Not sure you can get much from Dragons of the Cenozoic, since it's still in the early Paleocene, and the spicy space ball did hit, but a few little dudes survived so all the dinosaurs are basically turkeys with teeth at this point.

Cryptadia is pretty heavily influenced by African Cryptids, but it might be a good source

The GOAT will always be the Speculative Dinosaur Project... unfortunately lots of content from it has been lost in the years since the project broke down.
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I really like this

There's a fucked up weird lifecycle with people trading sick and gangsters.

Apparently the way this works is that someone drugs someone so they're sick whenever they breathe in smoke or there's some other cue, and then they use behavioral conditioning on them like a dog not to do that. Until the person makes enough money to afford their own dog which is associated with someone that's sick and they do that until they're killed by the next person to be sickened to the point where they need to work to afford a dog.

This is a.weitd and gross thing. Nurses in San Francisco have sprayed down emergency rooms with air fresheners when "dogs" with lung disease start acting up (these are.people) and then everyone puts a mask on.

Is this what COVID is?
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Remember that when you cash in your chips in to shoot a bunch of glowies, not a bunch of children. They will try to convince you otherwise. Stay strong soldier.
Do you like cats or dogs better?
anyone got some spare tinfoil so I can make a hat?
Sure, just gotta smoke my meth out of it first, then you can have it
shit, all I have is aluminum foil

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No /bun/?
Lets fix that

Sleeping bun edition
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Nothing personal kid
me and who
i believe bnuy and kit kind can live together in harmony
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>meanwhile at the science laboratory
Why do you keep posting this and why does it keep getting deleted?

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