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headshitter edition

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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at first I thought she was eating them. I'm sorta new to this, not sure what should be happening. do I really need to hatch brine shrimp for their survival? I've not really observed her chewing and spitting out food for them to eat, but they do swim around her mouth and gills and they seem to get some food particles. I also see them grazing on aglae here and there.
Yeah I found my male Cacatuoides dead 2 days after the 2 females laid eggs. Very suspicious.
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Rearing the two clutches I was using "First Bites" from Hikari at first, then slowly added in BBS until they were big enough to eat them, then microworms, white worms, tiny pellets and flakes etc.

Any smaller than first bites is specialist culturing.
fuck me that looks absolutely beautiful
i've always dreamed of having a tank this style, just sort of a wide, shallow kiddie-pool size tank that looks like you just ripped a piece of a lake
>What you guys do with your dead fish? burry them?
Fresh: I tend to bury if the shrimp don't get to it fast enough.
Salt: the inverts are so fast about it that I rarely even see a body.

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/an/ webm thread

previous: >>4897608
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Since like yesterday, new features remember?
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>still no sound allowed outside the gif boards
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they're called pavement apes for a reason

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Indigo Edition

previous: >>4881506

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the Reptilia and Amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions

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I feel like any remotely serious ant terrarium/properly cared for colony would produce enough to feed a small lizard.
How do you even go about tracking down a rare species?
like what?
like a photo where your mom is less than 300lbs
most formivores (idk if this is actually a word but ant-eater is already an animal) eat a fucking ton of prey though. if farming ants was an optimal/efficient way to produce feeders nobody would be fucking around with fruit walks.

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>pittbulls are violent
When will this lie end?
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>18 people dead in 3 years - 10 from dogs likely trained or abused to attack
I know its sad and all but isnt this freak accident tier?

You could save more lives by flat out banning positive punishment based training. The chavs would just go back to smacking german and belgian shepherds to make them mean. At least this way you can tell chav/immigrant dogs from the pets owned by actual human beings.
Oops, typo

For reference this is about a tenth of the fatalities caused by foodborne toxoplasmosis, something spread solely by the archaic, ineffective, and potentially abusive practice of allowing cats to roam.
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The disagreements online and confusion pertaining to this issue isn't so much snowflake "pitmommies" having a spat but rather English speaking countries outside North America classify it differently. In Australia, New Zealand, UK etc. the word Pitbull and all legislation on it only ever means the American Pitbull Terrier type. Pitbull targeted bans in these counties only restrict the APBT. No other dog breeds are referred to as Pitbull. A Staffy is just a Staffy etc. Pitbull is not a breed group in these countries instead they use the more accurate "Bull and Terrier" group. So this is just America's little problem, simply ban the APBT and get over it.
>Yes, staffordshire bull terriers are pit bulls
Not in my country :)
We use Pitbull as a blanket term in the US because they are a heavily mutted landrace breed here, not a fancy pedigreed import bought up by gangsters.
this. you have some "real" kennels in the shithole part (the south) and then 99% of the dogs conform to exactly 0 standard but "KILL TO WIN FIGHT TO KILL"

BSL doesnt work because no standard = lie and call it a rottweiler mix

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Maru edition.
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Posting my chubber 15 year old kot. I'm so thankful she's still around and healthy, even though I have to buy her some anti-flea medication and I'm broke as fuck...
I don't know anon, I give my kot little pieces of ham from time to time.
Obviously giving a cat an entire packet of ham is insane, but giving them a small treat shouldn't hurt.
I'd be more worried of giving a cat something that isn't meat, like milk or cheese or even wheat products. My ex's cat used to love eating cookies for some reason.
The cat was orange, if it's of any relevancy.
I'm truly sorry anon. Losing a pet is traumatic even for the strongest adults. Some asshole in my neighbourhood has been poisoning cats and even kitties, and someone even managed to shoot a cat with a rifle some time ago. I will never understand assholes who hate innocent animals who don't do any harm on purpose.
I just hold the ham under running water for a second to wash away the nasty salt juice
Another cat numbs the pain harder. Sorry for your loss.
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Why is he laying like that
to cool down

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> Babirusa
> Tusks grow into its brain and kills it.
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Then what's the "point" of adult stage? I mean, it seems to be wasteful to go through all of that developmental cycle to create non-reproductive adult forms. I know evolution isn't strictly logical, but usually there is some order to it.
>Since adults do not have a role in reproduction, they are not a physiological part of the life cycle. Thus, the rarity of adult development in the natural world may be an evolutionary response to the lack of their reproductive role. In laboratory settings, development into adults can be induced by high temperatures, but this also results in high mortality because only one out of hundreds of heat-treated larvae will survive and pupate into an adult.
>The adult females live for about six days and males only live for around 12 hours, with a strongly biased sex ratio towards females. The adults of both sexes are sterile and are vestigial remnants of a time when the life cycle involved sexual reproduction. The loss of sexual reproduction is likely associated with its infection by Wolbachia bacteria.
Okay, Wikipedia explains it
Crazy stuff
billions of years of survival pressure and mutations
>boom, headshot
This is genuinely unreadable.
>Göd, why have you forsaken me? Was my lust for oats too ströng?

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Previous thread reached image limit
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Coming up with filenames is hard.
what if you used human blood for a transfusion? and vice versa
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I love how graceful they look even when doing the silliest poses
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How tall can they get?

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Big cats thread

Previous: >>4866060
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It's not fair. Why are they so fluffy and yet so hilariously violent?
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Just how they are

Did /an/ just almost die? My platypus thread was over 100 days old and got pruned/deleted with like half of the threads on the board. What the sneck?

I''m going tp post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread got it's leg caught in a jeffries tube. >>4793406. 300 seconds to post. Good gracious. Who did I piss off or are "we" getting attaced again?
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They evolved ahead of pokeball technology. They are clever like that.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
ORB? I actualy don't know that one.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder want a platypus
I hope everone celibrating turkey day is thawing their bird already.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

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October 1st is a day to recognize that raccoons are cute and smart but kind of jerks.
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>be drinking lots and lots of alcohol
>projectile vomit all over my front porch
>"goddamnit I'm gonna have to clean that up tomorrow..."
>go to sleep
>wake up at 5 am
>raccoon licked up all my vomit
thanks, bro
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the absolute mirth
Kek, what a great pic
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What's the evolutionary advantage of being incredibly goofy?
the universal flow favors a level of goofiness

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I see how normalfags wouldn't be able to understand why we should stop breeding pitbulls, but I think they're genuinely retarded for owning pugs.
>yeah I know we humans bred this species to suffer from severe breathing problems, hip dislocation and 15 other genetic health problems, but tee hee my pug is so cuddly and friendly, he just looks so happy to be here even though he's constantly suffering ^.^
How can you see how evil and selfish you sound when you say shit like this? Fucking psychopathic assholes.
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Torture by definition has highs and lows. Its more like a disability
Pain is just overwhelming sensation, is it not? A man who has never felt anything at all might feel "pain" at being in your shoes. Suffering is obviously relative
I don't think an animal that has had trouble breathing it's entire life is suffering to itself
You could observe it and think "aw, poor thing" but you're an idiot if you think the dog thinks that way
Screenshot or gtfo
You know compared with other generationally inbred dogs with a host of genetic defects
it’s a fucking miracle that those things live from 10 to 15 years if properly exercised
Somehow the American bullies a vet freind has had in have had more severe lethality on genetic issues than pugs
With most of the pugs being easily fixed by affordable surgery
Real wonder of nature that we have created a dog that deformed which still functions 80% fine
kill yourself
this is like saying the same about ppl who eat meat. its fucked ig but its just human nature to not care dawg idk what else to tell u

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How did they get there?
My theory is that early hominids dragged them there for a laugh.
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Pop quiz: Is this a freshwater fish or an abyssal fish?
Baikal is deep enough for it to be both
I wish earth had more ecosystems that have been extremely isolated for very, very long times. Pangea was a mistake.
There's always caves
how have they not inbred themselves to extinction

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>Google if animal is a good pet
>Results say soem shit like "No it's a wild animal and does not make a good." And so on and so on
>Videos I see online with people keekping the animals as pets say otherwise
I'm convinced theirs just some kind of scheme going on here. I get that the average person probably can't keep most animals as pets but if you put in the effort there's no reason it shouldn't be possible.
Of course excluding money and ludicrous animals like Gorillas, Chimps and lions.
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>Many people have kept pet chimps without it biting off their face
And many people have kept pet chimps until it bit off their faces.
You're judging based off of social media, lmao. Try to do some critical thinking. In general, I agree that a lot of animals don't make good pets, and it's not just a good/bad owner issue. However I'm not in favor of government overregulating it; they do not have the resources allocated to put forth good standards nor enforce them, so we have blanket bans on a lot of shit that doesn't need banning (and likely vice versa), and SUPER irregular application of the law.
I think virtually all endemic and non-threatened birds are suitable as pets. Like, I can have a canary but it's illegal to keep a chaffinch? Suuure.

And if you can keep a macaw you should definitely be able to keep a jackdaw.
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>Google if opossums are good to keep
>first displayed result says no
>check source
I love the theory that virginia possums were domesticated by various native americans. I honestly believe it with how bumbling and unafraid they typically are of people.

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>cat gets cuddlier when it's cold
>intentionally keep the thermostat low

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A State of Being Edition
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That must be such a miserable existence, poor dog.
Lao is a professional skeemer at just 4 years old, he knows a good toadie when he sees one
Good shit
imagine the smallest one getting railed by the biggest one

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