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>how do you do fellow theropods?

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"Don't talk to me or my sons ever again" addition

/dog/ clothing, for work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman

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>he doesn’t use the favela method
Broom + dog
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>his dog reacts to fireworks
Skill issue
Heterochromia gang
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>his dog is dumb enough to freak out over muffled loud noises that can't hurt them
My dog while fireworks go off:

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I always wanted a cute pet hedgehog (they're banned in California), but in every webm I see they seem to be vicious little cunts, like the small yappy dogs of small animals.
What was his fucking problem
They're cantankerous little shits.
They literally evolved so that nothing would touch them what the fuck did you expect?
Please be ready to pay the toll collector and don't make him reach in:
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Heghegs are shitty pets. They're cute but they're just like hamsters where they're just really dumb and potentially aggressive little shits that only ever tolerate your existence at best.

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Post bugs. Appreciate bugs.
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Sure. Here's a successful wild pairing i got a little over a week ago.
She called in 4 wild males at once, it was really cool to see so many flying around together.
This species is pretty uncommon here, but i found a forest where i've gotten successful pairings every year since 2015.
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And here's a male that eclosed last year from the brood I reared in 2022. Probably the most insane coloration i've ever seen on a male.
>man wtf
It was dead, by the way. I am not cruel.
That’s amazing, very jealous
Wow he’s beautiful! He’s like a Halloween edition
Okay I suppose that’s excusable then
Valgus hemipterus

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Keep it shrimple edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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blueboi was out and about today looking for snacks and got a decent snap.
Blue is a little blwon out with the flash but that orange/red/blue so pretty.
So, borrowed a PARWise from a friend.
You know, I don't want to have too much light.

How the fuck was anything growing in here for 5 months.
Rip shrimpies
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We have the technology.
We do not, however, have funding for a 45 day larval stage.
So I bought a heater for my goldie so I can give him some friends. He hasn't been growing much, but when he grows, I plan on keeping him in a separate (bigger) tank. It's a Lil 25l tank.

In the meantime, I'm considering getting shrimp and maybe a couple of mollies (2 or 3 at most). Tetras are too small, so when he moves out into a bigger tank, I'll add them. Thoughts?

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I'm the first one to call out concern trolls claiming most dinosaurs are named from a knucklebone, because that's false, but THIS is just fucking ridiculous. Shit like this should be stopped from happening.
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>optimism makes you a femcel
Don't forget all the cultural tribal names lmao I'm glad anons have caught on to this cancer. It has to stop.

This was evil and disrespectful. Names that aren't relevant to the source material should be disqualified, like all the shit on that list. Tyrannosaurus rex was Lizard-king Tyrant. Befitting for the King of the great reptiles of Maastrichtian Laramidia.
Tell us about the things you hate, paleoschizo

tell us hundreds of times every day.
Pretend we can change the things you hate. Pretend we like you enough to change the things you hate.

No scientist has ever heard of you, but if they did they'd make some stupid names just to piss you off. Because you're a fetid little cunt.
Tyrantlizard King.
its actually disturbing how much thought incels put into trying to decide on "feminine thought patterns" and superficially, it makes no sense

but one day, you might accidentally end up on /lgbt/ by misclicking and hitting a banner ad, or you'll go there to troll hard while on your friends wifi, and you'll probably see something. they are very, very concerned with what's "fembrained" or not, either because the homosexuals are repressing their troon urges, or because the troons are grasping at excuses to ruin their bodies. and it'll click. a disproportionate amount of incels turn out to be trans or gay. incels are actually all fags. the reason women don't like them is because women can smell and subconsciously sense mens sexual arousal, and homosexuals don't exhibit it around women. to a woman, a gay man trying to be straight is in a sort of uncanny valley so incels never get laid. gay men also have no instinctive drive to pursue women so they rarely ever try.

i literally can not imagine how a straight man could go more than 25 years without having sex with a woman at least once. it's like a dog that never barks.

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I don't think people give enough credit to bony fishes for how scary they can be. Nobody's denying that sharks are imposing as hell, but there's a certain visceral fear I get when I think about goliath groupers. The way they use their swim bladders to bark, the way they do mock charges while opening their gill flaps, their lightning fast gulp, it's all just so intimidating. Then there's the Kaluga which is basically the only sturgeon species that actively hunts fish instead of invertebrates and has been known to eat seals. Their giant bodies and peg-like teeth which are unique to them, their armor plated skin they use to ram things too large to bite, and the fact that they live in freshwater which makes them far more likely to run into humans than a shark. Anyone else get what I mean here?
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>and has been known to eat seals
No it does not you liar
Yeah it does loser
Orcas do not face anything as agile or as deadly as a goddam mosasaurus you moron. Being intelligent, they would at best chase one off as a group or get the fuck out of there if they spotted one. On the other hand, a mosasaurus would absolutely go for the kill on a calf, sub adult or an average sized adult, which it could dispatch quickly and return to feed on later.
Orcas can only kill something bigger than them as a pod and it takes them hours to do so. With their tiny jaws their best attack is ramming into and attempting to drown their prey. Literally blessed with no competition, the most onions predator in history.
hearty chuckle
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1,105 / 5,000
> "The name Diuqin means bird of prey in the Mapuzungun language; and lechiguanae in reference to Lechiguana, a witch from the Argentine film Nazareno Cruz and the Wolf, who foretold bad omens to Nazareno. So Diuqin lechiguanae means The Bird of Prey of the witch or The bird of prey of the Lechiguana," explained the National University of Comahue in a press release.
> "This species, unknown until now to science, was between 2.5 and 3 meters tall, weighed around 100 kilograms, had small, hollow bones, as well as sharp teeth, pointed claws and a very low but elongated skull"
> "The Diuqin lechiguanae is the seventh species of the Unenlaginos (half-bird) family to be discovered in Argentina. However, its particular anatomical features had not been recorded before in other known dinosaurs.
The fossil remains analyzed were discovered in the isthmus of the Mari Menuco and Barreales Lakes, in the province of Neuquén, and are part of the paleontological collection of the Museum of Natural Sciences of the National University of Comahue."
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All of you are idiots and names should be in Latin or Greek. Spanish is the shittiest language in the world.
You're right. Ignore the tourists.
Almost true. Except vietnamese exists.
Tell us all about the stuff you hate, paleoschizo

we're dying to hear all about the things that tick you off.
>the dookie milk lizard


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cute art
I find this image viscerally unsettling.
T. Several thousand plankton in a trench coat
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I swear this country is designed to bleed me dry of every ounce of disposable income
Why did something with that face plan not last until modern day?

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Best friends edition

previous: >>4806271

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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fyi, lori torrini kicks the shit out of McCurley when it comes to animal taming. she also works with horses, and the consequences of fucking up with them are far worse than with most reptiles.
forgot the link
My leopard gecko is blind and sometimes I get scared because she sleeps on her back
Is that normal? The first night I got her I thought she had a stroke because I've never seen a gecko sleep like that, she had her foot up and her head against the back of her hide and she was on her side
And then when I tried to wake her up she hissed at me
She seems otherwise healthy
Chams are extremely weird about airflow and humidity, they basically combust if they don't have the airflow of a mesh enclosure.
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Exactly this - they're coming from high in the trees, in rainforests, which means they need medium-level, consistent humidity and constant airflow. With an auto-mister (or even fogger, though those are generally useless or even harmful for most animals) and a couple of computer fans, plus a mesh top and ventilation somewhere along the sides (picrel as absolute minimum), you can make it work in a big ass glass box, but even then the same setup in mesh is superior for everything except ease of maintaining temp.

Chamleons in general are way higher difficulty than their presence in big box stores suggest. Probably because the big ones are generally hardy enough - or have a slow enough metabolism - to make it a few months to a year before the bad husbandry shuts down their organs, but should live 6-10 years in good condition.

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It's over for this baby elephant
Autism has no boundaries.
nothing autistic about mourning an elephant
The elephant has autism numb nuts.
>It's over for this baby elephant
He's dead

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Elegant Creature Edition
As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content
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Highly cultured people.
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nomfable butts
chompable even
What is wrong, fren?
massage fox paws

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Who was in the wrong here?
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yes, Jesus was Jewish.
so christians are jews, got it.
The cameraman.
Just bap the monke on the hands wtf, are they stupid
I hate hate hate hate hate monkeys but that little bitch got what she deserved. I hope her parents were fined or arrested for negligence, too. Maybe she'll learn not to be such a stupid fucking cunt then.

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post frogs

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>No big cat thread
Uh... pantherabros?
Post wild felines, big or small.
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Desert lions
Do you think a human has ever fucked a big cat
Yes humans have done the deed with everything.
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I can't say for sure, but I don't think it's possible to put it in even in the biggest female. According to some 'scientific sources', a tiger dick is about 2/3 in size of an average human (and lion is smaller than that).

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