I love my shih apso more than words can express, but he has one behavior that seems to fly in the face of dog pack psychology.Namely, if you are new in the household, and are staying the night, he will go out of his way to cuddle up next to you and be glued to your hip. He will ignore those who feed him, walk him, and take care of him - he will spend all his time with the "new guy." At first I thought - well, maybe he spends all his time with newcomers because they don't discipline him and are more likely to give him treats - but that's not it. Even if you act coldly to him and don't give him anything, even attention, if you've got reverse seniority he'll be with you.It strikes me as an inversion of dog pack mentality. Newcomers should be viewed with wariness and are certainly not "pack leaders", but my little shit just fucking loves them. He loves me too - but for some reason has a pathological need to be with "new friends!" What do you think is going on - why is he like that?
>>4949635Your designer Dog just as happens to descend from East Asian toy sentries. Tibetans and Chinese used them since time immemorial to alert Palaces and Settlements to possible intruders and would be rewarded with scraps, food means way more to such breeds than social standing for this reason.
>>4949638Easy with the perojative, I got him from a shelter. Though I have considered getting only Shih Apsos from now on because of how great he is.
Thinking about it in terms of incentives(because I've determined that food is not the motivation behind his friendliness towards newcomers) maybe watch dogs just are incentized to preserve harmony? They were bred by Buddhist monks after all
>>4949639>>4949637Nah just telling it how it is, looks like a lovely Dog irrespective of heritage or perceptions of such. My point was the breeds are closely related therefore fits the bill to the Kitchen Midden Dog Archetype. Clickers do work especially with toy sentries and they're right.
>>4949640If it's a pup it can be trained for sentry purposes with food as positive reinforcement. But they are aware of their small size therefore keeping the peace is more conducive to the Animals health so it's a matter of convincing the Dog.
Humiliation ritual.
>>4948062I would have picked that dogs shit up and fed it to him
>>4948060>catfags tacitly admitting they don't clean their pet's litterboxes and just let their home smell like shit
If there isn’t a garbage can on every corner, I’m not picking it up. I will not carry warm dog shit in my hand for the entire time I’m walking my dog.
post real animals
>>4949599he looks like he works too hard
>>4949612more likeHARDLY WORKIN' lmao
>>4949613Now that. Is funny.
I recently moved to an old house, which I will be significantly renovating, so it's currently totally cluttered with building materials and my stuff I brought. It's been completely overrun by mice.It started weeks ago with just a few mice, I kept catching and throwing them out, but the were coming back, or new ones kept coming. I didn't want to use poison, because when one died it took me days to find while I couldn't stand the smell and I also watched a mouse who ate too little poison dying for hours. they unsurprisingly reproduced and now there's a shitload of small mice running around and droppings everywhere, I suspect that now there's probably almost 20 of mice total and I'm losing my mind. I now finally managed to find and close up the probable openings they used and I'm wondering what to do with them. I'd like to avoid killing them if possible, because the small ones are very trusting and even try to huddle up to me if I sit still (I know they're just vermin and I'm being retarded, but still), but throwing them out at this point is probably a bad death sentence anyway.I wonder if it's feasible to keep them in a huge cage throughout the winter, but I suspect they'll suffer in captivity and it'd be more humane to kill them. if so, what's the best way to do it to ensure they won't decompose in various nooks?
>>4946648kek. a mouse chewed though the charging cord of my computer mouse btw
>>4887688Anyone denying this has too much ego tied up in an overgrown tree shrew. Also, dogs don’t protect people.
It's time to make a Rat King.
>>4948935I suspect I have one. it's way to smart for a mouse, no trap works, no sign of its presence other than disappearing food I set up to avoid it rummaging through my cabinets, it doesn't even poop in the open and with mice I had to be careful not to step on them by accident
Shoebill thread
anyone get a primordial, gut-like fear of these guys? I think there's some sort of primitive instinct that our ancestors were threatened by their ancestors. They are remnants of dinosaurs or something like that and it causes a discomfort. anyone want to elaborate?
>>4948394Their sharply angled supraorbital ridges give them a fierce, scowling look when viewed from the front from a high angle.But look at the same Bird at a lower angle or from the side, and they give a more amiable impression.A seemingly smiling Dolphin can sometimes be a pissed-off SOB, whereas a scowling Vulture can be overflowing with affection.
There's been a new rex femur discovered. Real or Gay?
>>4948644trees don't have bones anymore, they have evolved, didn't you learn anything at math class?
>>4948422>>4948461Why was T. rex so cool, bros?
>>4948694It was a pleasant surprise to learn that the real animal was a lot more impressive than the theme park monster in Jurassic Park. The Dilophosaur is another good example of the real thing being more dangerous.
¶ There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4 AV)
>>4949592Unusual interpretation of a giant but very well
>>4948807Didn't this also happened to bees? Or kind of. Male bees can only produce daughters with their sperm.
>>4948807There's a video.https://youtu.be/dl8PfIW7bp0?si=51MfzFogiI-T8iQL
>>4948807Looks like human men have to take over
>>4949440Sigh... I guess I could do it.
>>4948858>Poops in your face
>>4948854I love european hedgies.
>>4948857Electric hands typed this post
>cousin has a super fat dachshund chihuahua mix>I'm torn between telling him he needs to stop feeding it so damn much and encouraging him to feed it more just to see how fat it can getWhat do I do /an/?(pic not his, but it's getting close to this)
>>4949536does your cousin normally do what you encourage him to do? That doesn't seem normal. People don't usually take advice from kindly but ignorant relatives.just start feeding the dog treats every time you come around. Take responsibility for the outcome you want to see.
what plants should i get for keeping a gargoyle gecko? i want real plants because i like how they look better and i need plants for them to climb on and live in n stuff
>>4948897good this bitch is dying now suddenly after i just moved the soil once, what a bitch plant
>>4948871lots of people swear by bromeliads for more tropical arboreal critters, and those are available basically anywhere. Makes sense - likes the same level of humidity your herp will, big broad mostly vertical leaves, colorful.
>>4948986The drawback is that, for gargoyles, you'll see a lot of pock marks all over the leaves, since gargoyles' claws have a much more significant influence on their ability to climb as compared to, for example, a crested. If you don't mind that, though, they're excellent additions.
>>4949167yeah im waiting for them to be ready, the store near me ran out ig
>>4948871The umbrella tree Heptapleurum/Schefflerum actinophylla is native to their wild range and is a really popular one. It grows well in a viv but you’ll need to keep pruning it to size. A lot of chameleon keepers use it
>Are you a truffle?
Negative. I am a meat popsicle.
>>4948295It's a genuine pig
>>4948609I do not see any sticker of authenticity on it.
It's literally all just shitbull propaganda wtf
>>4947999Trips don't lie
>>4948013Woman translation
>>4947878More like they keep infantilizing, period.
>>4947809I started noticing when videos of obvious Staffordshire Bull Terriers were rarely labelled Staffy but instead "pittie or pibble" even though the sent videos and owners are from countries where more typical Pit bulls are banned and reviled. I know North America considers Pit bull a "type" but still doesn't change the fact the channel is purposely erasing the identity of a actual breed to prop up unpredictable and dangerous Pit bull mutts.
These could be real.What if we just don't know it yet?What would you do anon?
>>4947667I see your Snat and raise you a Snuck (or Snoose if you want to be like that)
are these real?
>>4947667anon, answer yourself am I even a fish? Or am I a swimming cheeto? What even am I? And most importantly... do I even exist? Could such a goofy being ever be real? Or am I just a figment of your imagination, an image loaded incorrectly..
>>4949129Yes, I made them in a lab and then released them into the wild for a joke.
>>4947667Ahh a Cake, rare indeed.
First thread was a success. Let's do it again with more species. Orca - 21,000,000,000 Human - 16,340,000,000Pilot whale - 13,966,000,000Bottlenose dolphin - 12,700,000,000Beluga - 10,000,000,000Sea otter - 10,000,000,000 Western gorilla - 9,100,000,000Orangutan - 8,900,000,000Chimpanzee - 7,400,000,000Asian elephant - 6,775,000,000Bonobo - 6,250,000,000 Blue whale - 5,000,000,000 Elephant seal - 3,994,000,000 Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4947407>you wont see a cetacean workin hard yet they get more food than yo mamaexcept when the Southern Resident orcas be starvin to extinction
>>4935634>I see it as the spirit of God or something like His uncreated energies that animates that intelligence, either way He's involved there personally. Perhaps He does give every single one of them a spiritual agency, a consciousness with intentionality, that’s simple and unified. Cool fan theory, but it's all feel-good sounding bullshit you made up to try and keep your magic jewish skydaddy real in your mind.
>>4943717Why are dogniggers so irrationally hostile to cats?
>>4949454the are mentally illcats have the same neuron count as other unremarkable predators like the raccoon dog
>>4949454No one mentioned dogs but probably because even putting it in a corny, trying too hard way makes you seethe about dogs and that's funny, you thin skinned bitchYou are physically incapable of not taking the bait.
Here's a video of a leopard getting BTFO by a honey badger:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLG_Q8FJda0
>>4949022Forgot to include the post-crocvictory images
>>4949022kek butthurt much
>>4949026The Tiger's butt is hurting definitely