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to be honest one of the few good things about summer is the gulls
cant wait for them to return
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I thought that was just a bad visual novel
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what would happen if i boop one of gulls?

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Boobies are very important
I want to touch a booby
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For me? Its Cock of the Rock.
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birds are not that important (BANTI)
you are not that important
jiggle physics

From the domestication of the dog to the concept of werewolves to even pagan deities, canines occupy a special place in the human mind. Why is this?

(And about werewolves, why are they the go-to for animal-man hybrids and other hybrids like human-bear/lion/fish/boar/etc. creatures aren't nearly so popular?)
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so were any humans that didn't bow to the same statues or make the same funny monkey noises as each other
Humans don't just love canines. Once upon a time humans loved all animals and lived in peace with them. Canine worship is a recent thing. There is nothing special about dogs. You can easily befriend any other animal, it's just that we wiped all of the other species off the face of the earth and now they only exist in zoos where they are caged, understimulated and depressed
This. Certain canines like coyotes, jackals, wolves, bears and pitbulls are either or hated and exterminated or both in the modern day. Its stupid to think there's anything special about dogs/wolves that endears us to them. If anything, it's because we've bred them to be unnatural, pathetic creatures with little resemblance to their natural species of origin. We've trapped them, bred them and made them nonthreatening. This doesn't apply to pitbulls though which is why they're so widely hated
>Wolves and jackals
If you are talking about livestock sure.

>Its stupid to think there's anything special about dogs/wolves that endears us to them. If anything, it's because we've bred them to be unnatural, pathetic creatures with little resemblance to their natural species of origin.
Dogs were essential as far back as early nomadic cultures before the advent of agriculture. Their social structure and practicality is what makes them endearing along with thousands of years of societal/cultural evolution alongside their own evolution into different breeds. Regardless of how stupid modern dogs may be, they are still highly intelligent in comparison to most other companion animals humans have domesticated.
“We” are not a bunch of malnourished peasants and sheep fuckers. Those were dark times for everything.

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that is awesome
i should try this with my portable boxcutter some day whenever I need to swat a couple of bothersome flies
You got some lucky quads, hopefully you succeed
I became pretty skilled at clapping deer flies over the summers in my youth. They are relentless little niggers, they wont give up no matter how many types you slap them away. You gotta crush them.
I like mosquitoes. They breed in my koi pond and I don't even have to buy fish food because the larva and algae are good enough. I haven't fed them in two years.
I wish to procreate with this creature

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Tsuchinoko if he real.
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I don't understand this reference

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>every other insect
>EWWWW get it away from me! GROSS!
>MMMM, put this bee butt juice into my mouth! Yum-yum! Nests for larvae? Yeah, gonna eat those too!
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This does not make sense to me. Squares work because almost all shapes of compareble size can be contained inside of a square's area, circles included. So if a hexagon is just a more efficent circle that must logicaly mean that squares still carry over as a more efficient shape right?
Hexagons have the shortest edge length that will enclose an area and tile the plane of any polygon. That's why it's the most efficient.
I feel like my understanding of reality has collapsed in on itself like a crumpled box.
It's not that difficult. The only regular polygons that tile the plane are squares, equilateral triangles, and hexagons. Which one has the shortest edge length of the three? Hexagons. The reason that matters is because edges are shared with adjacent polygons. That's where the efficiency comes from. You got hung up because you were thinking of the efficiency of a single cell.
>You got hung up because you were thinking of the efficiency of a single cell.
Yeah that makes sense.

Any reason why orange cats are unusually stupid and aggressive? We have one that has wanted to kill kittens twice, shoved claws in our dogs assholes and eyes and mauled my sister ripping her clothes and skin and making her cry. Moms a retarded cat simp and we cant get rid of it so im looking into ways to make him miserable.
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I think a barn cat is more efficient than a dog barn, mostly because cats have good nightvision and are skilled ambushers. Also dogs cant jump on hay balls or whatever, their hunting ground is limited to... the ground. And barns are always full of stuff.
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Barn cats kill very little and don't destroy burrows.

>Dogs can't jump on "hay balls or whatever"
Lmao. What's with catfags and thinking every dog is a fat golden retriever?
I know many dogs are great jumpers, but it's different than fast climbing on an hay ball or the tall tire of a tractor. In a place full of stuff where both rats and cats can climb on, small dogs have a disadvantage.
And yet they do a better job because they are significantly more intelligent and driven than cats, which function more like snap traps that roll to a different corner sometimes.

That's another thing dogs do that cats don't. Hunt intelligently. They can just model things in their heads better so it's far harder for a mouse to escape a dog, while running between a cats legs has a proven track record for them.
Terriers are way more efficient than cats but cats are lower maintenance and you can leave them outside. Get both if possible and have the dog do the day shift and the cat do the night shift.

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I refuse to believe that pugs are actual dogs, they're demons spawned from hell

all dogs do this
>they're technically mastiffs
still blows my mind
>breathing is painful
>looking at stuff is painful
>skin folds are painful
>suffer most of his life and then dies
Amusing creatures
>suffer most of his life and then dies
Does not stop the little fucker enjoying life though, how about you anon?

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kakapo is my favourite
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Have you guys heard about the Monk parakeet populations in New York or Chicago?

They've been living up north for decades. They survive the winters because they're the only parrot species that makes nests, and not just any nests, these big communal apartment like nests. They like making these on power transformers because they generate heat and the nests keep the heat in.
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based kakabro sitting next to his poo in his neet dungeon
>clean it up jannie
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Slow and steady will win the race to page 10
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almost there!!!
nu uh
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I'm thinking of volunteering because I want to spend more time around animals. I can't afford a pet and my apartment doesn't allow anything beyond a cat or dog.

I'm scared they'll just make me do menial tasks and I won't actually get to interact with any animals. I'm not afraid of work but I imagine everyone wants to be a cat socializer and work directly with the animals. Shelters don't even let you see the animals anymore, apparently most are by appointment only.

Is this a good way for me to spend more time with animals or should I try something else. Also since I'm asking on 4chan it should be obvious that I have no friends with pets I can visit.
oh you poor soul, of course if you volunteer they'll make you clean up shit for 8 hours a day, still i think that's a pretty useful thing to have on your resume, and it might help you with actually finding a work that'll let you work with animals for a living
No volunteer operation worth it's salt would allow untrained and unvetted volunteers work with animals straight away. Can you imagine how dangerous that would be? No, >>4847527 is right, you'll be doing menial tasks first, like shoveling poop and maybe assisting the employees. After a few months they might trust you to do more important jobs.
But >>4847527 is also correct in that it could lead to further employment. A friend of mine has been volunteering with a wildlife rescue for literally years with 0 prior education and they recently offered him a paid position. It can happen.
As long as your cool being a cleaner for awhile, sure. I started volunteering at 18, and it's always what the newbies do. Keep at it. You can eventually work your way up. People don't tend to last real long. It can be heartbreaking shit, but knowing you're doing what YOU can feels pretty awesome. Lots of people say they want to help, but most don't know the bad side of it (or at least aren't thinking about it when they sign on).

Give it try. You'll help some critters. You'll cry some. But it's good.
Volunteered at a shelter for a bit and all I did was clean cat shit for hours and it's heart breaking when you can't pet or play with the cats, just put them back in their cages. Risk of getting mauled by some retarded shitbull is super risky now that they clog up every shelter too. Stick with the kitties you'll live longer but you will clean a lot of cat shit...

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Your cat wouldn't hesitate to eat you if it were the size of a lion.
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Anon, are you aware of how many people get attacked by dogs each year?
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dont frogs eat eachother?
And my dog would kill me by accident if it suddenly grew to the size of a Lion.
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quiet humie you wouldnt get it

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Chimps are fascinating creatures, and I don't think they deserve the nasty reputation they have on this board.
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I really need to expand my chimp gallery
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The anthropomorphizing crowd are going too far imo. It isn't anthropomorphizing to recognise the emotions in animals and relate to it.
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You deserve the best.
You deserve Fancy Feast
why do like 99% of all cat foods have gravy? Even otherwise good brands have flavors ruined by that pointless filler.
Gravy is cheap and bulks out the weight. Its like watering down beer, filling gold bars with sand or mixing coke with baby powder.
I give my cat fried turkey and red wine. She is in her early 20's and still hunts rats.
I can’t imagine feeding your pet, whether it’s a dog or cat, this kind of canned slop. Kibble is similarly full of garbage since there’s zero standards to be met, they’re probably mixing in ground plastic and industrial by-products. Fitting that “dog food” is purchased mostly by fat retards who don’t even care what they put in their own bodies, never mind those of their pets. Learn how to feed your pets properly.

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they're so based
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