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Megaquarium, Zoo Tycoon, Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, Jurassic World Evolution, Planet Zoo, and many many more, whatchu playing?

For me, I've been getting back into Megaquarium
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I love the music in this game. It's chill with digital versions of traditional instruments. It's very 2000s.
I remember this. Why do I remember this?
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Hello fellow Insaniquarium brother.
It came out on the epic store when it was unpopular, had a full price for a "finished game" yet crashed or didn't work at all.

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Sup /an/
Just got a new shirt today :D
Post your /an/imal related clothing.
I kneel.
where to cop?
>someone actually spent money getting a batch of these printed
Yeah and it was funny the first time you posted it
which you also did without emojis

this post is so much worse in every way
pure attention whoring


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Oh lawd he comin if he were real
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>Oh lawd his hearts cloggin'
>Oh lawd his joints poppin'
>Oh lawd his belly bloatin'
>Oh lawd his owners griftin'
>Oh lawd redditors upvotin'
>Oh lawd OPs tubby chasin'
Could be worse, could be mutt's law
put on a shirt nigga

Did anyone else think fish were the coolest shit ever as a kid because of Feeding Frenzy?
fish were cool because of jaws, not whatever that shit is.
and maybe street sharks
Based OP inspired by a flash game.
Dude same I used to think the barracuda was so badass
I can still hear the sound effect where you do that move where your character darts across the screen to instantly eat everything smaller than it

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What would be the best dog breed to accompany you while exploring the post-apocalypse American wasteland /an/?
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you are a weak bad person if a dog isn't loyal
A pitbull
>randomly attack NPCs, turning everyone hostile
seems like a good way to commit suicide
A little biased, but I think a small companion hound would be perfect because it gets lonely in the apocalypse and a well-tempered dog like a hound can provide a little buddy, their size will also help you ration food, and obviously, they will lead you to food sources, whether it be animals or a dumpster burger.
I heard the Azawakh sighthound was actually used by African tribal persons because it would hunt and retrieve game to them, literally feeding its family. African sighthounds are close second if they were readily available.

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New Stem Tetrapod just dropped
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So this was not a temnospondyl, or was it?
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Nowadays have more stem tetrapods than STEM women.
wait, why does it have two types of teeth, isnt that a little weird for non mammals

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The absolutely dumbest most midwit take on featherfaggotry is that dinosaurs can just magically have feathers if the climate "feels" cold to the midwit, regardless of ancestry. They'll even claim some species in the same family "must've had feathers" because they lived in a colder climate than other scaled members of their own family. This is the level modern paleontology is working on.

>Oh but it's not the researchers that think this way!
Yes it is. Researchers are no smarter than the general population. They are reddit incarnate.
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>dino lady: PHYSICS IS FAKE
Recent comments about fusion reactors being delayed by midwits studying irrelevant lizards have elicited a change!

Paleontology is a worthless non science. Go be a botanist or something fuck
What a sloppy whore.
Most people call that "women".

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Thoughts about human zoos?
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In the absence of goyim, the Jews start jewing each other. Many such cases.
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hasn't that always been the case? israeli jews look down on american jews? this is no different than any other subgroup within a larger designation looking down on each other (protestants vs. catholics, the 2 biggest buddhist sects that i don't know the name of, etc.)
Make of my story what you will.
Also, the students were the Israelis
My wife studied in one of the two big prestigious universities in the UK. Tour guides would be taken through the colleges and look at and take pictures of the students as if they were exhibits. It pissed my wife off.

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ITT please post WebMs of animals fighting

It can be play fighting or serious fighting
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You once were a pedgeon
And now you will be gone.
Lions only hunt hippos if they're out of the water, which unironically they just jump on it's back and whats it going to do, it's not an elephant that's really hard to get onto an unreachable spot, it's only option is to get back in the water. Which means lions aren't going unless it's in a really bad spot. Giraffes are probably the most dangerous animal lions will hunt regularly when going after calfs
taking a wrong exit on the way to Wrigley Field
Is that a fucking venom symbiote?
They fuckin

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>runs across your ceiling for no reason
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The what?
They're pretty fragile actually. I tried to pick one up with some tissue paper and it turned to dust.
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This is not the way. You must try to dodge the chancla and then run like the wind. But this maneuver also has its risks. I once saw my aunt knock my cousin off her bike with a flying sandal, boomerang style.
There’s something about the Hispanic mind that needs strict discipline or else it acts out, so yeah it’s pretty much necessary,
The what?
Yeah if I had to have some kind of natural “pest control” I’d want it to be a lizard and not one of these things
Sadly I have regular centipedes instead and those are worse in like every way so I just kill them too
I had one of these in my apartment and it would jumpscare me randomly in the night.
One time it came out in broad daylight moving with an odd jittery motion much more slowly than it usually does. I later saw it torn in half on the floor of my hallway. Probs had a horrific parasite inside or something and now there's a huge horsehair worm lurking somewhere in my apartment
>There’s something about the Hispanic mind...
Yeah, probably. I'm from Europe originally so I'm not as familiar with Hispanics and their various cultures as people who are from this side of the pond and grew up around them.
We have various vipers in my country as we as black widows and something we call the "violin spider" because we as a country are known for violins and these spiders are known to hide in violins. They're called the "Mediterranean recluse" in English. There's plenty of venomous animals in Europe.

Had to move one so my robotic lawnmower wouldn't run over it.
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i thought i heard the old man say
leave her johnny leave her
One thing I always found interesting about Jackdaws is their eyes change blue (young) to white (adult).
They are based
There are hundreds of them here and they'll walk right up to people and not care
I had a starling walk across my foot the other day. I was sitting in the park watching my kid climb a statue when this fucking starling just hopped onto my shoe, looked up at me, then hopped off before fucking off altogether. I like starlings when they're not screaming.

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>When did a crow last kill an eagle
Since eagles get old and sick too, it happens sometimes for sure.

Slow and steady will win the race to page 10
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heccin' turtlay
The spam?
Yeah, we remember.
Harebros being real quiet

I think they're gone...

Wanna smoke some drugs?
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The Emperor of Beasts edition

previous: >>4801361

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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So true
How long has he been doing this?
>How long has he been doing this?
I'm not sure. A few years? I only became aware of him in the last year or so.
This rabbit looks very happy
*pet both

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How come the world never seems to run out of fish if millions are pulled out of the waters every day?
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China has always had a very high population relative to the rest of the world because of their large and fertile river deltas and floodplains and relative political unity and stability compared to, say, Europe as a whole.
>are you denying Stormfront users have been coordinating to colonize 4chan?
Yes. The only time that even remotely was true happened was over a decade ago. It’s not 2007. Stormfront is not a valid boogeyman for you to cry and fear monger about. This stuff was so endemic to the site /pol/ had to be created as an offshoot of /news/ because of it and as a concession for them. You definitely weren’t around for that though. The only users actively trying to coordinate to colonize 4chan *right now* are bunkertroons and redditors, with a healthy dash of discorders too, one of which you definitely belong to. Probably all knowing you lot.
>like you who vote in elections and think politics are real
Nice projection.
>posts le niggerwalk meme
You sure showed me. We were truly a place of acceptance before the chuddie invasion.
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Overfishing is leading to an explosion in the octopus population.
>india and china and soon africa are overpopulated, not the world.
Every Western country has been overpopulated since the 70s at least
>We were truly a place of acceptance before the chuddie invasion.
You weren't here

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