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Yes, that's really Moo Deng:


Elephants, koalas, and pandas also do this.
Coprophagic animals always viscerally disgusted me. I know there's some reason for it but still.
Hippos also spray diarrhea and fling it around with their tail to mark their territory or something. Filthy beasts. Moo Deng (more like Poo Deng) arrested and executed.
Pesto chads won
African Hippos shit so much in the water that it can suffocate the fish and other marine life;


>Eventually, hippos' group toilets are "flushed" as powerful, episodic rainstorms wash away the chemical soup of their fecal deposits. These so-called "flushing flows" carry the muck downstream, where the infusion of feces-rich and oxygen-poor water suffocates fish populations, study co-author Emma Rosi, a freshwater ecologist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York, said in a statement.

>Over three years, the scientists observed 55 flushing flows at hippo pools in the region, noting their impact on water conditions farther down the river. They found that the amount of dissolved oxygen in downstream water plummeted after 49 of those flows, and 13 times it dropped low enough to cause mass fish die-offs, the researchers wrote in the study.
wouldn't you think they would have evolved to deal with it
>wouldn't you think they would have evolved to deal with it
Poo DUNG sisters.... our response?
So? We eat shit too.
hippos are foul animals
Dogs eat shit too and dogfags will have a melty if you bring it up
hippos literally swim in shit, projectile spray diarrhea shit in every direction and cover themselves in it >>4883909
They're animals. Do you expect them to hold college diplomas and be upstanding members of society or something?
Many animals don't eat feces. Have you tried liking patrician animals that don't eat shit?
>Coprophagic animals always viscerally disgusted me. I know there's some reason for it but still.
The fact that beavers still eat poop, combined with how they
>evolved to have cloacas, so they're shat out of their mothers at birth
>rub stuff from their asshole all over them
Makes it hard for me to believe they're really cleaner than rats
All likable animals eat shit. Elephants, rats and dogs for example.
So do indians
Elephants and rats aren't likable and dogs are for retards
>rub stuff from their asshole all over them
it doesn't come from their asshole, if it makes a difference to you
Few animals don’t eat feces, even human do in some circumstances
Cats don't
Damn even animal celebs can be cancelled for their fetishes
The loathsome dung eater.
Yes they do
Smol man and beeg bebe will take over the world because I said so and because it came to me in a dream.
Prove that cats eat feces
so, why does he still has baby feathers despite being so big?
Ohh christ that's disgusting
I wonder if animals get made fun of for eating shit
I mean they rely on smell a lot. Mother animals kill their babies if they don't smell right. Imagine you return to the nest or den and your mouth smells like literal shit. Your fellow animal will think you are to be avoided and will bully you till you leave.
Assuming it's an animal that doesn't eat shit on the regular.
Not my problem
That's actually how baby Koala bears catch Chlamydia from their moms. Nature can be really gross, I get it, but sometimes I wish there were nature channels that only show the non-gross non-gorey stuff, like, the channel for cute animals and beautiful nature scenery.
Catfags will give this thing a kiss on the mouth right after
Hate to break this to ya guys, but some humans have been known to literally eat shit.
If you still like poo deng after this your hard drive needs to be search for copious amounts of coprophagia and scat, their eating habits, diet and time in the bathroom should also be monitored. Just saying, kinda sus
Blacks don't eat poop, unless they are mentally ill, eating cow poop is a uniquely Hindu Indian thing because cows are holy to them and/or their ancient priests are sadistic pranksters. Nigerians do see cow urine as medicine though, and to be fair, some of our medication was originally derived from horse urine, but we don't just chug it.

Premarin, an HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for menopausal women, is extracted from horse urine, specifically pregnant mares:

There was also this village in China that would boil chicken eggs in the urine collected from little boys as Chinese medicine thing.

The actual eating of feces though, that's really unique to Hindu Indians. There is the world's most expensive coffee beans, Kopi luwak, or civet coffee, made of partially digested coffee beans after it's been through the digestive tracts of the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), wiki has a picture of what it looks like, don't be eating when you view.


I think the cow dung eating thing is a mix of poverty, famine, and religious restriction. Even if the Hindu Indians do get some nutrient from cow poop because they won't eat cow, can't afford other meats, or won't even eat any animals as some Hindus are total vegetarian or even vegan...the poop is NOT what humans are supposed to be getting our nutrients from, we are supposed to eat meat, from grazing animals like the cow, deer, goats, wilderbeast, mammoths, we got our big brains, we are social animals, dogs are our companions, because we need to be able to hunt the big grazing animals and eating them allow us to be able enough to continue to hunt them. Serious the idea of eating, of ANYBODY eating, cow dung disgusts me, even though cows are vegetarians so it doesn't smell as bad as pig shit, but ew, but for scientific curiousity I do want people who aren't Indians conducting a research study on it
Hippos are truly the Indians of the animal world.
Anon, he was just being le epic edgy /pol/ racist.
You didn't need to pull out the citations, just call him an obsessed faggot and move on. Nice effort though.
>implying humans aren't the only species that fully understands how gross poop is
Even animals who use latrines will still dig through or roll in shit
Humans are unique in their poop being extremely toxic. We are worse than swine. Our manure on its own can kill us.

Meanwhile chimps can eat and handle their own shit with impunity without getting sick.

For most animals, their poop either isn't that toxic, or their digestive tract is so harsh and fast moving that unless the turd has been festering for a while, they can't get sick from what toxins are in it.
Castoreum comes from glands at the base of the tail (basically the beavers taint) it also smells like vanilla. It used to be used as a vanilla flavoring.
Chickens will encourage their baby chicks to eat their poop in the first week or so- it helps to jumpstart their gut flora and give them a stronger start in life. Probably a different deal for mammals, tho.

Also happy birthday 4chan, here's a bump for a literal shitpost.
Hoping the reality of what hippos actually are will cause twitter tranny demons to finally leave this fucking hippo alone
start doing this ------>

grocery stores HATE this trick
Gross animals
>implying they don't have the nastiest fetishes you can think of
Why do you think they left Tumblr after they banned porn?
Why is human shit so much more toxic?
our waste system is pretty brutal.
Disgusting shit animal
Well it depends, you can theoretically eat limited quantities of your own shit with no ill effects unless you already had something else going with your gut. What really fucks us up is being exposed to other people's shit which can both spread disease and fuck up your gut biome. But in general our body is pretty good about digestion and disposing of waste and toxins through our shit and piss respectively which generally means our waste isn't stuff you want back in your body.
I fucking knew it. I fucking knew all along it was okay to eat a little bit. Fuck everyone that ever lied to me. Fuck them. Fuck you aaaaaaaaaalllllllll
Well of course not. People have using thier own shit to farm crops for thousands of years but still there are no real upsides to directly eating your own shit only risks
Share these facts on every Moo Deng post you see on social media
Are the Moo Deng memes finally subsiding? Tired of this animal.
>arrest and execute an animal for behaving like an animal without harming anyone
Words weren't made for your kind, you Harambe killer. You also eat shit, in any sense of the word, read your food packages, and don't get me started on how smelling works to a shart-farter like you. Biodegrade already

Do you also like cockroaches?
Yeah, she's a baby hippo
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I'm not
She's cute and round
That's an ugly, fat, and disgusting animal
Just like humans fr
Only redditors like moo deng, not /an/ so fuck off back there
Lots animals do that. Dogs, cats, rabbits...
In fact, you ate shit when you were still in the womb.
Moo Dung is Reddit incarnate
>Coprophagic animals always viscerally disgusted me.

this is disgusting
why arent more animals coprophagic? just evolve stronger stomach acid bro. turds are everywhere. imagine if dogs ate shit as often as toxoplasmosis victims say they did. you wouldnt step in dog or hobo shit ever

shit imagine turdburds, pecking every turd into oblivion like the vultures of #2. the world would be so clean!
Cats eat more shit than dogs
This is correct sar
Imagine dying from an avalanche of hippo dung
You can train dogs not to do it, but some dog owners unfortunately don’t.
She eats shit just like me
Moo Deng haters backfire again
are you posting from India?
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>/an/ seethin about moo deng
4chan is an anti-Moo Deng board
He's a manchild, just like you anon. It's time to get a job.
Hippos are possibly the most disgusting piece of shit animals in the whole world.
>disgusting fat bratwurst shape
>retarded shaped mouth with retarded teeth
>ridiculous retarded shrek ears
>retarded pig tail
>whole life is literally swimming in pools of feces and/or contributing to the deposit of feces
>shit diarrhea and spread it around with helicopter tail
>unreasonably, unjustifiably, uncomprehensibly aggressive
If I had the chance I'd hunt them all into extinction.
What do these things taste like? Are they all fat? All muscle? Poisonous? Their skin is supposedly too tough to even pierce with spears and stuff, right?
she probably tastes like pork with more of a slimy texture
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is this meme finally over?
Shit animal for a s SHIT meme
It was over once government agencies started posting Poo Dung memes
Pesto is still going strong
but still cute
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There's not a single person in the world who would defend india/indians except indians. There's not a single person who would add india to any conversation except indians. There's not a single person who would give excuses to the state of india but indians. There's not a single person who would blame "the pakis" but indians. There's not a single person who would try to explain how india is different from pakistan/bangladesh but indians.

Keep an eye out for indian behavior, no matter where the poster says he is from or how his name/profile pic looks like, if they so much as bring up india in any way, they are indians. Don't believe that someone who speaks english is American/European. Blaming "the pakis" is something that only has meaning to indians because no one in the world cares or knows enough about any of them to know any differences. Anyone who blames indian hate as "angry canadians" is an indian because taking pride of their invasion is indian behavior, they see it as "colonizing the colonizers". If you ever see anyone post any anti-christianity they are invariably indians, no one else does this(except jews but keep an eye out for "christcuck", this is an indian phrase). Anyone who would blame britain for the state of india is an indian because they are incapable of self-reflection. Anyone who brings up "indians are CEO" are indians because they take credit from others. Anyone who tries to give a legitimate reason to eat cow shit by mentioning bioavailability of vitamins is an indian because no normal human in the world could be convinced to eat cow shit. Pay attention to the seething your posts will attract if you say key indian triggering words, they will begin to spam the threads to "defend" themselves: saying anything bad about india, posting pictures of indians, posting pictures of pakistanis and claim they are indian(you won't even know they aren't), say anything bad about cow shit, say anything about hinduism, talk about eating shit
>oh I beg your pardon, these water grasses make me so oh dear
>Ahh yes quite pungent
Repost with proper link

Jeeeezus Chroist
watch Africa Adio, there's a scene where they ruthlessly hunt hippos severely depleting the population.
You mean:
Hippos are shit tier
Moo Dung is over
EWWWWWWW but also awwww :)
We need to do something about Escobar's hippos
Hippofags will defend this
based anon
what does poo taste like?
like chocolate
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Moo Deng bros... Not like this...
Why are they feeding a hippo cake?
>liberals now unironically want to murder this hippo because of this
Americans are such funny creatures
It's traumatized and is exhibiting deviant behavior. What do you expect an animal trapped inside with nothing to do or experience to do.
No fucking way are beavers cleaner than rats, rats piss and shit in a designated area and never eat their own feces.
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>Elephants, koalas, and pandas also do this.

Dogs love it too, and they do it way more often compared to those three.
A baby hippo is smarter than most political analysts.
she was right
Loving squirrels is also far right behaviour
It's Hippo food in the shape of a cake, not actual cake
what exactly is "Hippo food"?
Copious amounts of SHIT
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at least she'll stop eating people, except the indian ones
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Moo Deng bros.... We've been lied to...
I fucking hate uppity animals who live on our charity and act like ungrateful shits.
Duh. These animals live in poo water. their gut bacteria flows in that water. they need to get the bacteria although I don't remember if they even drink milk
Why wouldn't it drink milk?
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Is Moo Deng /ourgirl/?
ok hans
disliking dogs is for the dysgenic
cats lick the shit they leave over their fur from the litterbox. they're always covered in shit especially their paws
you're mentally ill
only X fags like that shitty beast
>you ate shit when you were still in the womb.
doesn't happen
how many cats do you have
Lol, no.
Redditors have sworn eternal hysterical hatred to Moo Deng because she ate a cake when orange man's name on it.
4chan isn't a board retardo, its a site.
She's eating him!
And then she's going to eat us!
>And when he loses she'll be eaten
That fucking little shit, my sister had a rabbit and it popped everywhere and when I tried to clean the poop it would attack me jumping against my leg and the broom

I don't have any pets, why?
uh oh stinky cutie patootie :)
it's a message board
it's this hippo's fault that Trump was elected
You lost.
This thread was made before the election
dont act like dogniggers dont do the same.
Humans are a particularly nasty species, we've picked up over 1600 major parasites over the past 50k years as we spread over all biomes of the world, learned to eat new plants and entered intimate relationships with all kinds of animals.
Even our closest relatives like Chimps and Bonobos can chew their own shit for fun without catching anything.
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I hate this stupid fucking hippo
Should be kicked like a football
Agreed. Tired of seeing it.
haha ew
She's eating shit, just like all the Trump voters who thought he would be America First this time
Nothing wrong with this. Cats need to eat as well.
Theyre like the pajeets of Africa

Is this the hippo version of rigor mortis?

Hippos are full of shit
That lion enjoyed it
I cannot believe that you retards have made a baby water hog politically polarized.
why is this animal still on Google trends? what is so special about it? there are American zoos with pygmy hippos as well.
Pesto should've been the one
fat and ugly people are a common sight in america but not asia
Imagine suffocating under hippo poop
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>when you forgot about her during Christmas.
it would be extremely pungent
She's big and fat now
going for the genitals, this is a killer
>rats piss and shit in a designated area and never eat their own feces.

This thread is still up loool
Moo Deng won.
Hippos are cannibals as well:

Hungry hungry hippos will eat pretty much anything.
Every animal is cannibalistic you retard.
Not true at all. Cope, hippotard
Uh oh stinky
the majority of carnivorous mammals are cannibalistic under natural (survival) conditions including humans
Human cannibalism isn't normal

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