Everybody fantasizes about animals as smart as us because everyone wants an animal pal. Well the closest thing we have to that are Border Collies. I saw a video of one so smart a guy was walking it with another dog. He dropped both leashes at once. Husky kept walking. collie picked up its leash handle, gave it to the owner, saw the husky getting away, chased it, grabbed the huskie's leash handle, and walked it back to the owner. It was like 3 impressive feats in 20 seconds.But instead everyone wants a pitbull. Second place are labs, german shepherds, chiwawas, rotties, huskies, etc. Why does no one ever own collies? The world's smartest breed.
>>4929606Smart dogs take more work to keep properly. They need a certain lifestyle or they will start doing bad things.
>>4929606They require 2 hours of exercise a day and that's the minimum. They're a working breed that needs a lot of activity to stay happy. Plus all double coat breeds are more prone to trapping dirt, smells and will shed more visible hair.
Border collies and huskies are equally intelligent, but border collies have an infantile and slavish personality that genuinely gives a shit about your mere approval.If you hired two employees, which one would you think was smarter, with no prior knowledge of their background?>Employee 1: Memorizes all workplace rules and policies on week one, follows them to a T, points out when others neglect policy, always asks you if there is work to do, volunteers for overtime>Employee 2: Rough guesses workplace policy, tries to get away with everything, helps others dodge rule enforcement, always wants to leave early, steals from workObviously employee one, right?A serious dogfag would definitely say two is clearly stupid because obedience requires intelligence and he is just too stupid to know who his master is, and does not fulfill his purpose.Believe it or not most people prefer employee two as a friend, despite him being a horrible employee. This is why non-serious dog owners keep going for huskies and shit.Now, what if I told you employee two is an MIT graduate and math prodigy who gave an alternate proof of wedderburn's little theorem, and after you fire him, he's going to send YOU a severance package?
>>4929618>Border collies and huskies are equally intelligentStopped reading right there. Huskyfag delusions of grandeur.
>>4929627>huskychads: reason and logic>bordercucks: screenshot of a chatGPT query
>>4929611>>4929613Aren't basically all dogs work dogs?Even wiener dogs were bred to hunt.
>>4929606They are the most popular dog to me :)
>>4929638Then they're not particularly high maintenance like those posters said.
>>4929641>not particularly high maintenance>needs a bare minimum 2 hours exercise daily pick one
>>4929611This, the smartest dogs develop permanent mentall illness when subject to the life of most pets.They often make the worst pets and need more than a walk, food, and some snuggling, each day.The simple dog can get by on being alone most of the day while people work, a walk and attention, with some discipline. Be happy and lay by your feet if you gave enough exercise.Border collies turn into nuerotic psychos if they don't have a job. They start to overanalyze everything.They can be some of the most obedient, but also take a lot of attention to develop properly. More attention than most people with jobs and school can give, and more time than even those without want to give.Imagine an energetic child that cannot use electronics, read a book, or otherwise stimulate themselves indoors. A child that never goes to school, or work. And a child that must be entirely taught and stimulated by you without the help of teachers or other adults.That is a border collie, and they become just as damaged as a child in that scenario would if you locked them in a room with nothing to do most of the time while away, and then had other things you wanted to do most of the time when off work than interact with them.You cannot just rub thier belly while watching netflix like some bulldog or something and have them stay sane.All the qualities that make them energetic quick learners able to manage herds of livestock and seek approval and attention make them bad pets for the average person away from home and consumed with electronics or any hobby or chores when home.
>>4929618>>4929627Huskies are better at removing feline pests
>>4929650So's my Staffy but I don't pretend he's smarter than a Border Collie.
Intelligent animals make the absolute worst pets.
>>4929649this, we had one that would open the dishwasher and take clean dishes out, break them and eat the pieces. He turned on the gas stove and filled the house with gas once, accidentally I'm sure. Then he got epileptic, and after having the second treble fishing hook surgically removed from his stomach, because yeah he swallowed those too, we decided to have him put down. At age 3.
>>4929606A friend of a friend who's a dog trainer actually suggested I got myself a border Collie.I love these guys, they are so sweet, but I'm low energy as fuck and I'm not sure I'd be able to give it the levels of activity it needs.Then again, the opposite could happen I suppose. It would be nice if it got me into jogging or whatever, but I ain't risking the well being of a pet for a possibility.Anything like a Collie that doesn't need to run around for literal hours every day?
>>4929704Sounds like he was trying to kill himself.
>>4929606They are too small for
>>4929627Huskies are actually more intelligent >b-b-but they look at me like I'm a retard for ordering them to do dumb shit while my collie autistically obeys with no thought
>>4929606My slightly dumb dog is more loving and emotionally smart. She's smart enough without being needy can open doors talk etc but is still a doofusGot sick of yelling at her so I taught her sign language and she chases red lasers for fun lolBoarder collies are neurotic and annoying like a women no thanks
>>4929704Based suicidal dog Sorry about the epilepsy mines barely 2 and she got it 6mo ago she's a eng mastiff staffy eng cross we got it under control with medicine I wonder if most smart dogs get weird neurological diseases
My uncles Border Collie secretly escaped by opening a gate every time my uncle left for work and she came back right before he did and knew to shut the gate for deception. When he eventually found out and talked to far off rural neighbours who seemingly knew all about the dog he discovered she had been leading a double life for years. He was forced to secure her properly by the government so no more adventures.
>>4929704>accidentally I'm sureit was not
>>4929606too expensive. thats the real reasonbtw, huskyfags are cringe
>>4929606People want a dog that'll stare at a wall for 6 hours while their owner is at work and be perfectly happy.Border Collies are smart enough to get bored and unhappy without something to do. (throwing a ball 2-3 times does not count as something to do for a dog like that)I like em, but they're not good dogs for the typical dog owner.
>>4929704Sounds like your dog was actually some kind of OCD, not super intelligent. An intelligent animal wouldn't actively hurt himself that much. Its like when people say autists are smart for arranging blocks but a lot of them are genuinely stupid.>>4929649I had a husky and when other dogs would randomly scratch at a door if they wanted out, first he would try to operate the doorknob, and if he couldnt grip it or it was locked, he pried off the trim and started working at just one spot o the door until he made a hole.He would also open gates, but gave no fucks about shutting them because he gave no fucks about disapproval. When you scold a husky their response isn't "sorry", it's either "OH, SO IM THE PROBLEM? ARE YOU SURE?" or "please don't hit me again btw i might bite you if i think you'll try" if they're a rescue
>>4929830Well you know
>>4929704Sounds like your dog had pica
>>4929873No, I really don't.Are you using your dogs as beasts of burden or something?
>>4929606Smart animals make shitty pets
>>4929871My friend's pit does those things too, it's pretty fucking funny to watch.He even had to swap the front door's knob to one the dog couldn't operate and swap the gate for one that can only be opened if you have opposable thumbs.Funny thing is that the female pit and the lab are nowhere near as smart.
>>4929647>needs a bare minimum 2 hours exercise dailySo do humans.
>>4929746No, he was a happy boy, just crazy. I actually knew a suicidal dog who killed himself by car at age 1 or 2, he was angry he was a dog instead of a human. That dog was 1/4 border collie.
>>4929910Intelligence varies more within breeds than between breeds. Obedience performance is not an indicator of intelligence. The only actual canine intelligence ever done placed malinois way over border collies.
>>4930601>The only actual canine intelligence ever done placed malinois way over border collies.The only ever actual canine intelligence *study*? Is that what you mean to write?If so, gotta a link to that, sounds like an interesting read.
>>4929871Imo that's a thing with people too. We associate certain traits with being smart, like being autistic, nutty, OCD, obsessive, awkward, and regard people who display these traits (esp if they otherwise intelligent) as 'smart'Having worked with quite a few Math PhD's, who are actually fucking smart, the most surprising thing about them, is how normal they are.
>>4930825Even rats can have ocd.I don't think having that would make a human smarter.
>>4929618>Border collies and Huskies are equally intelligentSerious Huskyfag coping here. Border Collies are undisputedly the smartest dogs; after them you have Poodles and German Shepherds, then Retrievers and Pinschers and even the fucking Papillon, Corgi, Spaniel and Schnauzer. The Husky is 45th on the list.
>>4932115>unquestioning obedience = intelligenceand yet aussies are notoriously intelligent and right by huskies on that pseudoscientific load of lead poisoned boomer nonsense
>>4932126This always bothers me, too. In my experience, the smartest dogs are usually the most defiant. Not in a blind disobedience way, but in a way where they know how to outsmart the rules you set or see through tricks you try to pull on them. The smartest dogs will refuse to do tricks when they know you won't give them a treat, for example, and then people declare them stupid while praising the intelligence of a dog that just blindly obeys and falls for every dog training trick in the book.
>>4929606They're deranged little shitters. The smart ones are also rare and far between.
Cope huskies are unremarkable in intelligence. >But stubborn! Independent!You can make the same defense for beagles.
>>4932191Disobedient, scheming dogs > obedient, loyal dogs > those shitty loud ass yappers that middle aged white women have
The only top 10 lists you see huskies on anytime soon is top 10 human fatalities by breed
>>4932222Checked and confirmed
>>4932211Beagles are smarter than border collies.>>4932222Yeah, down by labs, despite being the umbrella label for 5 different breeds plus illegally owned wolf mixes. Non issue.
>>4932224So hard to accept your favorite wolfaboo breed is mediocre in all measures and makes a bad pet F
>>4932226Coping because you prefer the company of a dumbed down smelly slave to a real animal with needs and things to go wrong lmao>i cant lock this dog in a cage when im not using it or it goes insane and it doesnt follow my orders just because. BAD PET!
>>4932228Border collies, magnitudes smarter than huskies also make bad pets.
>>4932228You know everyone can tell you're just spewing garbage you read on the internet?
Ah moonmoon you came to the party too? I am so glad! Don't worry, We will bark slowly so you can understand <3
>All this childish seethe at the superior intelligence of huskiesDogfags hate nothing more than being reminded that their pets are just mentally ill slaves and they’d be unable to handle a real animal>>4932191Absolutely correct. Slaves are either dumb and easily fooled, or mentally ill like collies.
>>4932248>superior intelligence that only exists in your imagination
>>4932249>Bbbbbut border collies do tricks when i dont have treats because they know the importance of fellating my ego! That means they have superior "obedience intelligence"!Lovecraft was right about you dogcucks.
>>4932249The mentally ill catfag pretends to know things about dogs, but just looks incredibly stupid. What a spectacle to behold!
>>4932252Ironic how huskies (and shiba inus) are so often compared to cats. Sorry schizo you can't blame this on catfags, huskies are simply mediocore / shit dogs that make bad companions and are dumb.
>>4932253Huskies and shibs are not cat like at all. I was in agreement with you and mocking the catfaggot who foolishly revealed his hand, but I think you're also a gay little know nothing as well.
>mogs wolfaboo pet in learning ability, social intelligence and problem solvingproblem?
Manchild seethe confirms huskies are smart dogs and good pets>durrr slave dog betterGrow up, lol.
>>4932276>instantly devolves into cope and seetheConfirmation revoked. Doglet status confirmed.
>>4932278You’re incoherent. Typical of someone that can only handle a servile personality. >>4932255HuskyGODs and CatCHADs have an alliance, despite cats edibility.
>>4932283Enjoy living in your delusions and remarkably poor reading comprehension. I know it's scary when you people point them out. We are just here to help.
>>4932285You talk like a bitch. Daddy issues?
>>4932291lmao. Project harder, big boy.
>>4932240How do BC/Pap mixes do?
>>4932294I don’t flirt with fat chicks, sorry.
>>4932317Show some respect to your father.
>>4932321>comes off as a gay larperConcession accepted. This is worse than when people think admitting to fucking a fat chick constitutes a your mom burn.
>>4932340Again with the projection. We know. We know.
News from the /dog/ park: Whitegirl humped dalton and he got a boner
>>4933586People with disobedient, unruly cats are bad pet owners who don't know how to actually manage and train an intelligent, independent animal. Most cat owners are highly neglectful, too, falling into the "le cats only care about le food" meme and not showing the cat nearly enough affection or attention. A chronically misbehaving cat is a sign of a chronically neglected cat, it's purely reflection on the owner being a bad person.
>>4933586one of these has half as many cortical neurons as a chihuahua and lacks object permanence (the cat) and the other is actually intelligent.
>>4934256Chihuahuas are not dumb either, just neurotic. What makes you think cats don't have object permanence?
>>4934259They don’t have strong cause and effect either lelhttps://www.theguardian.com/science/2009/jun/16/psychologist-test-outsmarts-catsdo you understand the difference between an animal that disobeys because it cant understand whats going on and one that disobeys because it recognizes that it likely wont be rewarded for obedience?what does that say about unconditionally obedient dogs? are they very dumb, very trusting, or neurotic and codependent?Aussies rank near huskies in unconditional command obedience but are codependent velcro dogs that only failed because they disliked the pseud doing the experiment. The only reason they’re better in competition is their motivator is legal. Huskies only work for food and will leave the competition to beg the audience for snacks.
>>4934268They do have object permanence though.Dogs and elephants also fail cause and effect tests.
>>4934268Overly trusting. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34284633/I cant lie to a husky, they always know. I’m a dog groomer and try and use fake treat possession a lot and the huskies always call bullshit.
>>4934276>every dog passedoops you’re wrong
>>4934280Ah. I don't deny it but would be nice if the article linked the study. Earlier today I read about Thorndike's experiments which cats dogs and even elephants failed cause and effect tests.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317101470_Elephant_Cognition_A_Review_of_Recent_Experiments
>>4934285>a scientist was wrong once so all scientists are wrongVery trumpanzee like behavior. Dogs understand cause and effect. To what temporal distance their memory allows it is a different question. Elephants clearly understand cause and effect. Ethologists often make incorrect assumptions (borderline behaviorism) and botch their experiments.
>>4934290https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10071-004-0230-2According to this they fail the string test.But I do think they understand cause and effect. Cats also show understanding in different tests.
>>4933586>Dog simps are mentally illAnd water is wet
>>4934309>the phrase dog simps is all one guyGo back>>4934308If an animal fails the same test in another scenario, assume experimental poisoning. I did this test myself and the dog passed each one. The cat, starved before, did not.
>>4934308consider dogs lacked the visual acuity to see through his barrier well enough to recognize food so operated on smell for this one. this is why ethology is always fucking retarded.
>>4934313Delusional dogfag
I want a Doberman.
>>4929606Cause they are extremely high energy you fucking retard.
>>4934339Sounds like you're projecting.
>>4929606>Why aren't Border Collies the msot popular dog?because they're a lot of work
>>4929647no 15 minutes of sprinting is plenty. Don't blow out your dog's legs please.
>>4929606A. they're extremely athletic and active meaning they need a lot of physical stimulationB. they're intelligence also means they crave constant mental stimulation as wellYou can see how this combination would be a nightmare for a casual dog ownerGolden retrievers are essentially the "normal" version of a BC which is why they're way more popularSmart and athletic but not demanding on the same level
>>4929606Neurotic and autismal; it's a feature if you want to herd sheep but otherwise you're basically putting the equivalent stress of solitary confinement if you want one as a sit around the house, two walks a day pet
not enough collies in this collie thread
>>4934784Man I would absooutely love to have a Collie but I couldn't keep up with their energy.
>>4932248I had a border collie/retriever that was defiant.
>>4934239My family has had cats and dogs and it's so easy to not let your cat get fat. Whenever i see people with fat cats i cringe.
I feel like you guys are overstating yow much work these dogs need.
>>4934830Based on experience or?
>>4934830>Guys, I neglect my dog all the time and he just got used to it! What's the big deal?Your dog is unhappy, fat, unfit, and will die early due to chronic health problems.
>>4929649>take a lot of attention to develop properlyI've had working collies we call them a heading dog. I don't know how different your average pet bred border collie is but these are working lines. The thing with these dogs is they have a strong instinct to chase and herd. Quick movements catch their eye and they move to stop it in an instant, they also have an instinct to chase and potentially kill small animals if not taught properly. They look to their owner and work with them. They're happier not so much doing tricks but using these instincts i.e being directed out around some sheep controlling them and balancing on the other side of the sheep from the owner. This is in itself a hard physical activity for the dog as well. You don't so much teach them tricks to develop this you take them around some training sheep and teach them to work with you, your own movements are obviously influencing the stock as well and the dog. This is very stimulating for them because at any time a sheep might try to break out and they are doing a shit load of exercise and thinking to effectively read and control them and bring them towards the handler as well as following commands to stop or take a different side etc. Outside of this environment they could become a problem dog if they got bored chasing and biting things or being destructive obsessed with digging or something and clever enough to become an escape artistI've circled the dog in this pic to show the kind of range you can work them at. To get her out there I give a left command and she will run a big wide line around and gather the sheep. From there you have a lot of control you could give steady and walk them down the way they are going, you could give a right to kick her around the other side and bring them back and right up to you if you wanted or kick her through the fence with a left to get those other ones all heading the right way down to the track. They are amazing dogs and repay 10 fold the time you spend