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A State of Being Edition
Just need some growth hormones and we are ready to go
His name is fitting, he looks like he hates everything
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>aw gee wiz, dobe, i don't know what you see in her always, like, grubbing around for dough
>I get that it's a PYRAMID SKEEM, but I just don't understand who the breeders are actually SKEEMing?

Breeders sell these dogs (and their semen) for a ridiculous amount of money. People see this, then buy these dogs (for a ridiculous amount of money) thinking they too can make money. The problem is, if they don't already have internet clout, they aren't going to sell their dogs for nearly as much, if at all.

I met an exotic bully breeder that bought 2 dogs for around 20k, and they bred their dogs twice. They never sold a single puppy, they can't even give them away. Cuz the idiot doesn't play the game on instagram, he thought people would just flock to him because he had some big name bullies.
>never sold a single puppy, they can't even give them away
What happened to them? Shame there arnt any dedicated toad shelters out there if problems like this exist.
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Last I heard they were keeping all 15 dogs and separating the males and females with a crate and rotate deal going on. I imagine one slip up though and we'll be seeing all the toads in local animal control.
A couple threads back there was a honorary toad on death row. Unlike frenchies that everyone wants, people only want toads to breed for the pyramid skeem so once they get in shelters they are completely useless since they get fixed before going home.
>Last I heard they were keeping all 15 dogs and separating the males and females with a crate and rotate deal going on.
Dumb shit actually thinks they can breed on their own kek
Isn't that a ponzi skeem though?
no a Ponzi scheme is when a money managers keeps taking peoples money to pay back previous people’s interest. they don’t invest any of it except on themselves and pay small amounts to investors. It only works if the manager can continue to get new investors who pay a ton up front with tiny payments in return annually.
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Maybe if he wasnt so retarded he would know how bad it really was for him and actually feel his joint pain
Has anyone here actually seen one of thise specimens in person?
I've seen varying degrees of SMASHED in shelters, usually not as bad as RedRum or some of the deformed guys - I imagine ones that bad get PTS due to the cost of dealing with bone deformities. Pic related is more the caliber I see actually available in shelters.

Issue is when these guys show up at shelters, in my experience they are always labeled as pit bulls. Even though it would be closer to call them American Bully (Most shelter software doesn't have this but Petfinder does), or even English bulldog or French bulldog, I only ever see them called Pit Bulls. Staff generally calls them micro or pocket pit bulls, which software also doesn't recognize.
their lives are too short, it would be like spotting a rare butterfly.
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Toadline ducks are a thing, apparently. I found this on another board where an anon described days duck as inbred and it clearly shows in the body. Such a shame.
There is an untapped market here for shelters specialising in exotic bullies...
>Toadline ducks are a thing, apparently.
Ducks are royally fucked when it comes to breeding. Pic rel is a runner duck which is a breed that has been specifically bred to have a permanent upright posture. They are physically incapable of flying because of it and they have the pigeon approach to laying eggs (just drop them where you please and scuttle off). Also their name is quite literal, they are the only duck breed capable of running. No joke. All other duck breeds have a waddle but because runner ducks have a striding gait thanks to their unnatural posture they have ability to stride fast enough that it becomes a run. We have made them trade their flight perms for the ability to run for dear life when a farmer comes out with the old cleaver.
Bros why aren't other breeds SQUISHED and SQUASHED?
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this dog obviously has a moose somewhere in it's family tree
Mooseline is the new toadline
if your Moose is under 8ft and isn't at least 2x Road Lasagna or 3x Windshield smasher don't @ me peasant
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Jfc there actually is a gmo wolf even MORE fucked than pugs...??
Genetic waste
>dubs followed by satan trips
Uh oh
Listen satan, just because humans can be capable of evil does not somehow vindicate your position. Besides Pugs are pretty healthy lifespan wise.
Where do the afro ducks with the hole in their skull fit into the skeem?
>its ok if they suffer their whole lives because they have full lifespans!
at least toadlines have a mercifully short existence
How many pugs do you own sadist?
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I honestly wish one of those breeders would do a DNA health test. Exotic Bullies actually have a better muzzle ratio than French Bulldogs. A lot of them are about as wide as an English Bulldog but less dense and heavy. So you'd think their lifespan and QOL would be at least around that of an English Bulldog which is what, 8y? Yet these things live like half that.
I honestly think the early death is from the rampant fucking inbreeding. I don't think their physical structure (except the extreme cases) has much to do with it.
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>How many pugs do you own sadist?
None. I have no skin in the game I just spout the truth where I see it.
Ironically, the modern bulldog looks like it has a healthier build compared to the olde standard which had insane proportions. Its just the muzzle and hind which is a problem.
It’s not the truth. Living in agony is worse than dying.
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It is the truth Mr Satan.

They do not live in agony, they live a life of reduced breathing capacity. When you are short on air you don't experience pain, you experience minor dizzyness or confusion or feignting in severe cases. The body also adapts itself overtime to reduced breathing capacity at the cost of energy levels. Toss in the fact that mammals have been observed consitently to adapt to unideal living standards consistently, whether materially or health related, and still feel content, I think the moral grand standing around pugs to be stupid.
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>forgot I typed consistently twice
>bio-engineered digger jaw
>they can get used to being exhausted all the time to the point of mild retardation, therefore it's ok!
If i broke my child's legs at birth because i thought it would look cute, does them being able to adapt to life in a wheelchair mean i did nothing wrong? That's what you are arguing right now. You're psychotic.
Someone post Big Hoss... please...
Pimpy son OPP
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>If i broke my child's legs at birth because i thought it would look cute, does them being able to adapt to life in a wheelchair mean i did nothing wrong?
No becuase that is an non-compareble argument that you have made up to try and be emotive enough to replace your first point which I pointed out to be ridiculous. Also woah you really got me there on feignting, first consistenly now that how will I ever recover! They are just pugs anon. They outlive retrievers and shepherds I think they are doing ok all things considered. Until they reach toad or bulldog levels of premature deaths there is nothing to be up in arms about.
>that is an non-compareble argument that you have made up
It is an exactly compareable arguement: you are condemning a creature at birth to a lower quality of life than it should otherwise have for the sole reason of "awwwwww look at the little guy :3"
>inb4 durrr humans live longer
>inb4 pugs are born with their disabilities
not the point and irrelevant, stop advocating for cruel breeding practices or stop replying to me and get off /an/
I would also like to point out that trolling outside of /b/ is a bannable offence, for no particular reason whatsoever.
>Toxofag tries to justify pugs
Well, my husky is getting hungry, so I guess i'll leave some salmon out at night.,. and then, after I see some edible visitors, let mishka have at them. Pest control!
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>It is an exactly compareable arguement
No its demonstrably not. A dog is not your child. A dog being born with breed characteristics is not the same as breaking your child's legs. You think it is a comparable argument because you are a retard.
>stop advocating for cruel breeding practices or stop replying to me and get off /an/
Uh oh! Is the iddle widdle faggot who thinks his fluffy doggos are his children also thinks this is his space he can ban me from because of the heckin puggos and any view contrary to his is trolling? Get a fucking grip lmao

I own everything I say, including you being a retarded faggot over pugs.
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Are there any toads where they have gone for big stature over micro or pocket? Or does the SLAMMING naturally created only stunted proportions?
All your fucked up experiments are going to be euthanised lol. Nothing you say is gonna matter they're gonna be ash bro
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Toads? No not technically.
Toad comes from Toad Line, which is a lineage of Exotic Bullies. Exotic Bullies are smashed and slammed American Pocket Bully, and I'm positive Exotics also have some frenchie and maybe bulldog in there too.

There are other types of American Bullies, but they aren't going to be nearly as smashed or slammed. I think the Extreme Bully probably comes the close to being slammed, but not smashed
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>that fucking chart
Holy shit. It looks like a time series chart for the development of super mutants
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My sides
>A dog is not your child
Irrelevant, this is obvious to non-retards
>A dog being born with breed characteristics is not the same as breaking your child's legs.
It is when your "breed characteristics" are intentionally crippling. Since your 5 braincells seem unable to wrap your head around a very straightforward metaphor, let me spell it out for you as I would for an 11 year old: breeding a dog with a stunted respiratory tract is functionally identical to smashing its face at birth, like intentionally breeding a child with disabled legs is functionally identical to breaking them at birth. The fact that one act is more violent does not change the outcome, or malicious intent. Replace "broken legs" with "utterly fucked facial/sinus structure" and the arguement does not change even slightly.
>everything else
The fact that you are completely incapable or unwilling to grasp any of what i just spelled out for you while still being able to form coherent sentences forces me to assume one of two things:
a) you are extremely emotionally invested in pugs being ethically bred (they are not) and thus own one and somehow sleep peacefully while listening to the sounds of labored breathing like a psychopath, or
b) are being intentionally dense so you can create more opportunities to randomly hurl insults at me in hopes that it will make me agitated for no reason other than to entertain yourself because you are lacking in empathy and seeing people angry makes you happy, like a psychopath
My conclusion: you are a utterly deranged freak that has no business posting on a forum dedicated to animals and nature. I reccomend serious self-reflection and reevaluation of your life values. Good luck anon.
What is the demeanor of toadlines like? Are they aggro like chihuahuas or are they just placid retards like pugs?
I ran into some guy with a fucked up ass bulldog today and the little guy just walked over to me so he could walk into my leg and slobber all over my hand. Does a dog being bred like that make it more friendly/docile than a normal pitbull?
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>makes an equivalence that is not at all applicable
>its an abstract point of metaphor now
You bring this up because I pointed out that pugs "living in agony" was not accurate, so now what you are doing is trying to find some secondary argument because you lost the first and foremost argument regarding pugs and reduced breathing capacity. Your new argument is retarded and redundant because the outcome is different if you break a pugs face vs a pug with genetically stunted facial structure. They are both entirely different ethical arguments as a violent enviromental factor is completely different in its ramifications compared to a genetic factor. But because you are a retard who does not understand nuance they sound the same to you and has the emotive impact you want, but regardless the second outcome with genetics is still answered by my first argument which is the only health cost which underpins all of this is reduced breath capacity, something I have layed out to be easily adaptable. It makes them lazy fucks. Thats it.

>you are extremely emotionally invested in pugs being ethically bred
I do not actually like pugs, or any small dog for that matter. I am more of a Spitz kinda guy.
>are being intentionally dense so you can create more opportunities to randomly hurl insults
If you are going to act like a retarded faggot people are going to call you a retarded faggot. It is that simple. You are the one that has gotten this worked up around pugs.
>you are a utterly deranged freak that has no business posting on a forum dedicated to animals and nature. I reccomend serious self-reflection and reevaluation of your life values. Good luck anon.
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>placid retards like pugs
One of the worst animals I've ever had to handle was an aggressive pug. It would seek you out like a missle to attack you. Normal muzzles don't fit, the ones made for flat faces block air flow which that dog was so angry it was already struggling to breathe and turning blue. I know breed standard dictates that they should be friendly, but in the right hands they can still be aggressive.
Anyway from what I've seen in videos these things are pretty complacent. American Bullies are already pretty friendly, and if they have Frenchie and English Bulldog mixed in, those dogs are also known to be fairly stranger friendly companion dogs. I don't think the breeders give a fuck about the temperament, I think this just sort of happened due to the foundation stock.
>You bring this up because I pointed out that pugs "living in agony" was not accurate
It is accurate because they can't fucking breathe right. Saying something doesn't automatically make it true. I know it does in your mentally ill fantasy land, but in reality most pugs are constantly struggling to get air. It does not matter if they don't realize they are suffering. We gave them a subpar life and forced them to adapt to it. That, in any rational, sane mind, is cruel.
>blablabla i don't understand metaphors
It's funny how you accuse me of not understanding nuance, but start blathering on about "hurrrrrr it's not EXACTLY THE SAME YOU'RE WRONG N DUM OK?????". No, physically crippling is not the exact same act as genetically crippling. You are right. Congrats. Gold star. You also completely missed the fucking point where it doesn't matter because the intentions and results are identical. That's the point of a metaphor, to try and explain something complex (it really isn't) or unrelatable to somebody who is having trouble grasping a concept. Except you are a supremely autistic and cannot comprehend how two concepts are similar enough to translate a point because yes, two different acts are not the same identical act. Lets look at another metaphor I made up on the spot to see if you understand. "Putting gas in your car is like putting food in your body; both you and your car need fuel to run on". Putting gas in my car is not the exact same thing as eating food. Gasoline is not food. Your body is not a car. This is extremely obvious to people with properly functioning brains, and was never implied. This also does not invalidate the metaphor of trying to explain why we put gas in our cars. This is the same way I am trying to explain to you that crippling a creature for the duration of its life for funsies is abhorrent. Whether they were bred to be crippled or physically crippled is completely irrelevant to the point being made. (1/?)
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Just like how pointing out that stuffing a cheeseburger into a car's gas tank won't make it run is completely irrelevent to the refuelling metaphor, and doing so makes no sense and reveals you to be a pedantic, developementally stunted moron. You dense motherfucker.
>is the only health cost which underpins all of this is reduced breath capacity, something I have layed out to be easily adaptable. It makes them lazy fucks. Thats it.
As I said, forcing a creature to adapt to a significantly lower standard of living than it would otherwise have because it looks funny is terribly unethical. And yes, it is a significantly lower standard of living because the dog cannot properly exercise, is going to be prone to respiratory ailments, and be slightly retarded due to poor oxygen intake in formative years. All of which, again, serves no purpose other than making a weird looking dog look weird. Stop downplaying intentional birth defects. You are lacking in morals. Your only leg to stand on is "actually its not TOO bad". It is bad, and so are you for defending it. Go away.
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>thread about laughably dumb animal breeds
>look inside
>ultra long console wars
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>It is accurate because they can't fucking breathe right
They can breathe. Reduced breathing capacity does not mean they are unable to breath, that would be asphyxiation.
>in reality most pugs are constantly struggling to get air
Exaggerated, if you are forcing them to over exert in relation to their needs maybe or have one so slammed it has chromosomes2 but that is applicable to virtually all breeds.
>That, in any rational, sane mind, is cruel
We do as we like to just about every other organism, dogs are not special. And again pugs are some of the better ones in terms of health. If they weren't they would not be living as long as they do.
>You also completely missed the fucking point where it doesn't matter because the intentions and results are identical
And you missed me disagreeing that the intentions or results would be the same, and even if they were it would go back to the first argument around the result of breathing capacity. Intending to assault a dog is ethically different to a breeding standard, even if hypothetically the result is the same (it isn't).
>That's the point of a metaphor, to try and explain something complex (it really isn't) or unrelatable to somebody who is having trouble grasping a concept
I know what a metaphor is, I am telling you the one you presented is a shit one and does not prove your argument.
>Lets look at another metaphor I made up on the spot to see if you understand
lol no
>As I said, forcing a creature to adapt to a significantly lower standard of living than it would otherwise have because it looks funny is terribly unethical
I do not care whether your ethics makes you want to burst a blood vessel over pugs, its certainly very funny though. A pug's existence is far better off compared to most other dogs or animals influenced by humans which people often overlook the conditions of. But pugs are one of those things that drive you to spergout on a toadline thread lmao
>Go away.
Not your personal space fag
how to skeem?
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>Cross breed a bulldog (or frenchie) with a bullyinbreed 3 times
>Post insta beauty shots of the specimens
>Collect semen
>Ship semen past US customs to foreign buyers
>Get into agreement to collect the semen of the international specimens made using your semen
>Use foreign semen with own lineage
>Inbreed a few more times
Its that easy friend
can they still swim?
I'm glad.
toadline final form
When life ... SMASHES you and SLAMS you onto the pavement, you skeem it into bone girth.
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AI does a pretty good job of capturing the skeem
the stance isn't wide enough yet, gotta train the AI some more
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Do "people" really pay $10,000 for these fucked up dysgenic doglets?
Not 10k. It is often around 1-3k and the 10k price tags are to bait "lowball offers" of a couple thousand from people yet to learn the hard truth of how the "skeem" works. I would also add that even "confirmed" purchases of offers in the several thousand are easy as fuck to fake and to inflate as a gentlemans agreement. It benefits the buyer to play along as they can you use the purchase to create a hoodrich playa street cred mythos and it gives them justification to overprice their future litters using theie newly acquired overpriced semen.
>you use
freudian slip
Considering how inbred these dogs are and how much health issues they have, the best thing to do would be to put tjem out of their misery.

It breaks my heart to see any dog live like this. They’re in pain just by living.
I think we need to stop playing god with nature.

Sure, that’s how we got dogs in the first place, but these are just abominations
Nah, dogs self domesticated and went from wolf thing to husky thing. Humans did nothing but exist and give food to cute friendly animals. This is the same way we got ferrets and cats.

humans did everything beyond that stabe very much on purpose (toadlines, persians, mastiffs, sphinxes, chihuahuas, scottish folds…)
What's the current status of the Toadline community?

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