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Animals aren't people, don't forget that.
thats right

really only three or four animals are preferable to people (non-mastiff dogs, parrots, cheetahs, and certain breeds of housecat). the rest are best viewed from a distance.
Never relax.
He relaxed.
Yes I am
Animals confuse me
people can also decide to kill other people for apparently no reason
Of course it is a white person. Why are you this way? You have got dogs cats horses etc. Life is not jungle book and you are not mowgli.
>Of course it is a white person.
well of course, most people are white after all.
>trust an animal
>from africa
>that isn't so small that it couldn't kill you if it wanted to
>Tries to hate white people over dumb shit
>totally forgets about the hispanic drug lord who had personal hippos
>has never seen an arab prince, the kazakh rich kids who have pet lions, or these guys
Men like playing with dangerous animals and pretending it isn't a big deal

it would be more worrying if white people weren't doing this. mastery over beasts is the most fundamentally human thing on earth.
>Of course it is a white person.
The country with the highest amount of importing of exotic and endangered animals for the illegal pet trade by absolute numbers, per capita, AND money spent is Saudi Arabia. Note I typed pet trade, not for extra dumb shit like making your pee pee hard (that would be China).
When arabian has a pet lion or a Tiger it is kept in a cage or a park. They do not go inside with the animal and talk babies with it and poke it on the nose as if it was a little white. Only european does that and calls it tragic when they are bitten badly or even eaten.
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yeah, arabs always know what they are doing
Add domesticated rats to that list, you'd be surprised both how affectionate they are, as well as trainable
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>They are not?
I saw a probably young or female wild boar the other day while trekking with my wife. She wanted to go near to pet it but I told her to fuck off and leave it alone because you never know. But I guess warthogs are more dangerous.
I would sooner trust a wolf over anything with ten inch tusks
At least one has to do something more deliberate than headbutt you to death
They live for such a short time.
>it decided
(x) doubt
That hog has no brain functions
>creepy dude one day decide they want to try what human flesh taste like
All races have these, they just don't make the news because they don't want to encourage racism among whites.

Kind of like how they racewash crime reports (and now, dog attacks, out of 10 outlets reporting a dog attack maybe 1 says it was a pitbull). Social engineering is acceptable now.
People are animals too, don't forget that.
If it is female it's either with a pack or it's neurotic because it either has gotten seperated or it has young children to protect. And while sows and adolescent boars might not be able to disembowel you they can still do serious damage if you let them.
Don't know about warthogs, but pigs tend to freeze completely for about a second when deciding to attack you. This doesn't include the animals that are already raging, are just communicate-headbutting you, or have gotten startled. Obviously it's still a pig and the dumb retard crying about his fur baby cruelly betraying him had it coming, but they aren't unthinking automatons either.
Hogs are smart, between an average dog and a border collie. They probably decide to attack, sometimes, but animals are still not conscious enough to override instinctive urges just like unhappy drug addicts aren't conscious deeply enough or often enough to override their neurologically burned in urges.

Hogs are also nothing like humans or dogs, temperament wise. Humans and dogs are both cooperative, hierarchical animals. Despite their intelligence, the most sophisticated social unit among hogs is a group of females protecting their offspring. Mostly, from males, who will kill and eat them - and if the females feel they won't be able to successfully rear the offspring they also kill and eat them, pretty late in life too.
Can this happen with a regular hog? They can get angry too, and massive. Less tusk but bigger/fatter?
Uncastrated adult males only, and there is a big variance between individuals in tusk growth, but yes absolutely.
domesticated pigs are much less likely to just randomly go psycho mode and try to kill your for walking into their pen

as far as I can tell from this story, unless the victim is lying, this hog was friendly like a dog for years, he'd lay in the field by it and pet it and give it treats and shit, then one day something set it off and it decided it was gonna kill, which is really strange considering warthogs are really intelligent animals https://youtu.be/OXW_1i1pA0w?t=35

moral of the story is don't trust any large african animal that isn't a cheetah (they've been kept as pets by many high civilizations for thousands of years anbd are really docile towards humans for whatever reason)
I wonder if I could get a big yard and teach a cheetah to play fetch. I would love to have one as a pet but they definitely need space to run.
Of all the dangerous African animals to befriend why would you risk your life over an ugly-ass warthog?
>domesticated pigs are much less likely to just randomly go psycho mode and try to kill your for walking into their pen
Keep in mind domestic pigs are slaughtered at 6 months and 130 kg, when they can weigh half a ton when fully grown. As for the sows and boars, while almost none of them will charge you for no reason, you still don't want to be the most exciting thing in their pen. Innocent curiosity can quickly turn into trying to assert dominance, and you won't be able to signal submittance the way another pig would.
Why did it attack him though? I thought hogs were smart enough to know that he wasn’t a problem
My dog is more of a person than you.
Anyone would've killed shannen, she was an abusive munchausen syndrome psychopath, she got what she deserved
Reading the Park Ranger incident report for that attack was brutal
Sad they had to shoot the second bear that just wandered by and was like "fuck it, Ill take a small nibble"
Come on, you mean to tell me you DON'T have some level of curiosity towards the flavors of various cuts of longpig?
Not even close.
certain snakes are pretty chill too.
go back to red dit you absolute degenerate furry
post hidden
no animal is truly smart because theyre all vulnerable to their instincts, its like a flip switch they cant avoid
guy probably moved in a funny way that made the boar's brain react like he was trying to assert dominance
remember, animals dont have verbal language and reasonable thinking. whatever info comes through their sensory organs trigger automatic reactions
Until they slither around your throat and make a knot
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Hippos are your friend
When Werner Herzog decides that something is too gnarly to publish you know it's bad.
When I was younger I daydreamed about picking up my date in a sportscar to impress her.
But now...
Nah, people are animals. Just look up any story of someone killing their best friend one day for almost no reason. Happens all the time.
The hippo randomly snapped and killed him one day lol
Pigs are intelligent. That guy probably deserved it.
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Reprobates/psychopaths/faggots are animals and brute beasts, but not all people are animals.

>Pigs are intelligent.
Raise your standards for intelligence and get off Tiktok.
Loose pigs were known to eat children in medieval times.
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Only lrd
thanks anyway <3
>blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
First time I've ever seen that
Exactly, that's why they're better
Nah man, that was fake news. You should really go hug one especially the wild ones, they're extra friendly
Retard thought he could befriend grizzlies. Eventually he and his girlfriend were killed and partially eaten. Camcorder caught 6 minutes of audio of the attack. I heard it years ago, it is pretty brutal.
Timothy is a better person than you ever will be.
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>You sound like a man of taste.
Reminder he'd been hanging out with wild bears for a decade without incident and was killed by a bear he didn't know after being forced to stay longer into winter than he had wanted to. Not recommending emulating his behaviour, but it's not fair to dismiss him as completely delusional either.
>orced to stay longer into winter than he had wanted to

>eaten in early October

ngmi, anon
>after being forced to stay longer
He was waiting to see a particular bear, not really forced as far as I know.
Why are people like this with bears? I saw the same shit when that bear cannibalized the other bear during Fat Bear Week. Did they have a teddy bear as a child and refuse to accept that real bears aren't like that?
your people are so awesome you have to come here and talk to us in broken english. Fuck off you unwanted retard
Why can't I ride a hippo?
I bet he tried to fuck it and it ripped his femoral artery
Now if only you were this careful with your pet trains.
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>Be ancestor to white northern Europeans
>It's gets fuckbullshit levels of cold for half of the year
>Literally can't grow shit
>The only way to survive is if these animals that make milk don't fucking die
>Need to take care of them, scavenge nonsense to help them eat
>Another animal helps me hunt for shit
>I've lived like this for fucking years
>My neighbors who could care for these animals just fucking died from starvation

To be of white, European stock is to be forever locked into a state of nature-based empathy that honestly is stronger than most human/human empathy. That's why white people keep voting for policy that directly inhibits them in favor of lesser developed races because white people instinctively see it as "helping livestock" which will help them thrive later.

This sense of animal empathy extends to less conventional species as well because of the off-chance that it just so happens to add to survival. That's why white people are the main consumers of pets and pet trade stuff. This is also why white people feel uncomfortable in households without plants and animals because whites know you're fucked on an instinct level.

Hispanics are honorary whites here thanks to all the ancestral gene pool fuckery from the Spanish.
Explain Indians and their cow fetish
Agrarian-based survival mechanism.

>Be ancient Indian
>Lmao cultural caste system that basically limits what I can and can't have
>at least 4000 years of this
>if this animal gets hurt or dies I basically lose not only my livelihood but also thr ability to eat and people will socially isolate me

>be lowest of the shadrach
>barely given anything to eat
>upper caste basically takes everything and scolds me for it because I reincarnated in a lower rung
>Literally psychologically broken and attacked because of something I apparently did in a past life (I'm not sure what but it must have been awful)
>I'm a terrible person for being this low on the shudras and I'm starving

Something like that
Caste systems, never ever not even once.
wtf I hate caste system now
Yamnaya ancestry (even if dilute) and "culture". They literally worship some WSH gods to this day.
Pigeons, doves, and canaries are way better pets than parrots. Don't forget, the only semi domesticated parrot species is the budgie.
>gets run over by a train
Any large animal is dangerous because of how easily they can kill you, intentionally or accidentally. I keep domestic pigs and sometimes the boars will charge you and want to mess you up. While attacks are rare, he’s still a moron for not being more careful around his warthog.
>Of course it is a white person. Why are you this way? You have got dogs cats horses etc. Life is not jungle book and you are not mowg-ACK
>I heard it years ago, it is pretty brutal.

No you didn't, that shit's fake. Herzog heard it the rest of us never will.
Fucking German sperg needs to RELEASE THE AUDIO
>you know what, I really miss the kids
>if you ever find them, give me a call will ya?
>Ill be probably be doing some stuff around volcano in the meantime
>will check on them later for sure
Was shedding away our natural strength in order to be able to use tools worth it?
>Why are people like this with bears
>eaten in early October
In frozen shithole Alaska, yes
I didn't get my girlfriend killed by my stupidity like Timothy did
What exactly did Timothy accomplish?
first person whose death was recorded on an audio source
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It isn't his property or in his possession.
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and raccys
Humans do the same thing bro
lmao didn't that bear get killed later though?
-- I asked Austin if he thinks Waylon regretted attacking him before he was killed. He went silent for a few seconds before responding. “I don’t think it was Waylon who attacked me,” he said. “I was attacked by a warthog.”

He said it best. The animal lost association with its parent, like all/most animals do. It "forgot" itself. Most animals don't retain bonds that way. They're meant to continue on and move forward. Why would a dear distinguish its mother from any other bear?
okay, that's basically a boar, keeping one of those was dumb
that would be a good idea for a viscera cleanup detail map
This looks edited. I know it’s not but still
If you're a monkeyfag, fuck you.
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He didn't die hungry.
Steve Irwin was a chad and /our guy/
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how do you die to a warthog?
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>Steve's heart wasn't the only thing I penetrated.
Parrots are vicious and make an absolute racket constantly. They're shit.
pigger registered a NAP violation and went hog wild
Parrots are more intelligent than cats or dogs. You just need to take care of them properly, which most people can't because the parrot has a higher IQ than them.
if the parrot has such a high IQ why can't it take care of itself? checkmate atheists
People get killed by their spouses all the time.
Bears are a lot like big dogs until they aren't.
Because animal cognition is a clusterfuck. You can theoretically have an animal that is as smart as a human but has no self concept and no real creative thought. You can have an animal that has the self concept and inner world of a human with less intelligence than a cat living in perpetual fear and confusion. You can have two animals of equal overall intelligence who trade the top dog spot depending on which skill you test. There are forms of animal retardation and upbringing-dependent animal IQ that man is willfully ignorant of. And in some cases, humans are dumber than chimps and orangutans.
lol you must be trolling none of those animals are dangerous. ok maybe a mastiff, but i have a friend with two massive english mastiff, and i have a argentinian mastiff.. and they are all great dogs. plus, friendly fights between big dogs is never not fun to watch. i have a tiny french bulldoge as well and hes the alpha. its hilarious to watch. i just know how to train while not being an asshole hehe, very useful skill.
Whats your resoning for posting this here? What point are you trying to make?
Its easier to find a man who was killed by the wife he thought loved him than a man killed by the pig he thought loved him

The murder rate of pitbulls is several hundred times lower than that of humans.
>be texas moron
>buy baby of large nomadic foraging animal
>lull yourself into false sense of security
>learn nothing about baby animal's maturation behaviors or adult instincts
>baby grows up; grows through puberty; wants to become independent
>get attacked; die
english mastiffs are only bad dogs because they're retarded
my grandparents have one and she is scared of everything
I'd like to say she wouldn't hurt a fly, but that's only because of how slow and timid she is
this. as much as I admire people that develop such a deep connection with animals and stuff,part of me still think that in cases like this they had it coming.
Darwin awards after all
This was clearly a self-defence situation.
it's not like any human that's ever know any human for years has killed each other. ever.
it just doesn't happen. in the history of all mankind, a friend betraying a friend has never happened. It would be a trope if it was im sure.
et tu human?

this thread is fucking retarded.
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>this thread is fucking retarded.

So that is the reason you came to post ITT?
Can you list examples for every case you listed? I'm genuinely curious
I came to point out the hypocritical and lying OP. a brief second of any worldly observation would tell you he is wrong. but he managed to get all the way here and post his gibberish without ever having the critical thought to question his own statement.

you are retarded for attacking me and not the liar.
I've seen the full video of this.
It's a brutal fucking kill.
At first, the tiger appears confused and attacks him, kind of half-heartedly, then backs off when he screams or something (it was a webm; no audio).
But when the tiger finally goes for him, it grabs his head and neck in his mouth and carries him off into the woods (inside the zoo enclosure) with extreme speed.
It's in a terraced enclosure with multiple levels, and the tiger jumps easily from level to level and the guy's limp body is striking against the walls with every leap.
He's like a rag doll.
he didn't die
>raised hog for 5 years from a piglet after his mother died
>attack was sudden and was from behind
>dude's parents killed the hog while he was in the hospital to check for rabies, came back negative
>was possibly sexual aggression since he was feeding a female pig before it happened, but the female pig wasn't a warthog, and the feeding schedule had been routine for years
>he doesn't keep warthogs anymore
This guy has some interesting things to say.
man in the past I could watch shit like that all day but now the story is enough for me. There are some animals you just don't fuck with, if you dream of fighting Tigers you should know your place, or get a gun at least
Have you guys ever seen one of the two floridians who stuck their hands in a tiger cage to pet it?
Both incidents happened within a month of each other
I only feel bad for the Tiger the cops killed to save his stupid skin
It's still a shame they felt like the bears had to be killed.
At the end of the day, can you really blame the grizzlies?
They're just doing what they do in nature.
do that with a saltwater crocodile, then talk
No matter how much you try to avoid it indians are directly descended from white people.
That doesn't mean they are entirely like white people but that whites or indians can turn into the other easily enough if they have time and pressure.
No, some Indians might have ancient steppe ancestry from thousands of years ago, but most of them are descended from the brown aboriginal population that inhabited the subcontinent before the light-skinned Aryans invaded. White people would not turn into brown Indians unless they also mixed with a brown aboriginal population.
>I came to point out the hypocritical and lying OP. a brief second of any worldly observation would tell you he is wrong. but he managed to get all the way here and post his gibberish without ever having the critical thought to question his own statement.
>you are retarded for attacking me and not the liar.
I know most of you wont have read the article, so I decided to just post some highlights.

>The attack had shredded his lower body and filled his boots with blood, and then left gaping holes in his torso and neck.

>“People are so mean to each other for no reason, but animals, they’ve always felt peaceful to me,” he told me as he fixed a fence on the edge of the ranch, keeping one eye on an anxious herd of African kudu apparently upset by the presence of his all-terrain vehicle. “And unlike people, they almost always give back what you put into them.”

>But there was one animal that Austin poured more of himself into than any other: Waylon. Their bond formed on a cold December night in 2017, seconds after the tiny warthog took its first breath. The piglet’s mother had died in labor, but Austin immediately assumed her place, cradling the hamster-size infant in one hand and a bottle of milk in the other. He moved the animal into his parents’ home, creating a makeshift nursery out of a plastic container, hay, and baby blankets. Eventually, as the weather outside warmed, Austin built the warthog a small wooden house beside his parents’ home, where the pig was able to spend his days gaining strength and roughhousing with the family’s bulldog. Austin decided to name the rambunctious warthog as an homage to another unruly figure, outlaw country legend Waylon Jennings.

>Waylon soon grew to be “two hundred fifty pounds of pure protein,” as Austin likes to say—more than an average-sized NFL linebacker.
>Waylon had appeared to be his typical friendly self that October day at his dinnertime. He greeted Austin at the front gate, happily accepted some back scratches, and trotted beside him as the two walked to a nearby feeding trough. About twenty minutes after he’d arrived, Austin had just finished feeding Daisy, a potbellied pig he’s owned since she was a piglet, in an adjacent pen. He reentered the warthog enclosure and was walking toward his all-terrain vehicle, parked at the gate.

>Suddenly his right leg crumpled behind him and he found himself tumbling forward, landing some fifteen feet away. As Austin gathered his bearings, Waylon’s bulky, gray head emerged from a swirling cloud of dust near his feet. Before Austin could stand up and run, Waylon thrust his face between the rancher’s lower legs and began violently swinging his tusks back and forth. One tusk stabbed Austin twice in the right calf and the other once in the left calf. His right leg was gashed from the knee to the upper thigh, an injury so wide that Austin was later able to put his hand inside it. He remembers the sensation of cool air hitting warm muscle and the realization that blood was pouring out of his jeans and filling his boots.

>For a split second, Austin thought the incident might come to an abrupt end, that Waylon had merely decided to deliver a forceful message—“This is my pen and I’m the man around here now!”—in the only way he knew. But a momentary glimpse of the warthog’s narrowed, rage-filled eyes dispelled that notion. As Austin attempted to scoot backward, he realized that Waylon wasn’t stopping. The warthog was barreling forward, attempting to pin his owner to the ground. “He was in murder mode,” Austin said.
you want to get to know me better?
Manhood damage warning.
>Before Austin could fight back, Waylon hooked his owner four more times in the upper left leg and genitals. Several more stab wounds to his upper right leg followed in rapid succession. Reflexively, Austin attempted to gouge out the warthog’s eyes, but he was blocked by bony facial armor. Austin grabbed on to Waylon’s tusks instead, slicing open his wrist. After three more gashes in his abdomen, Austin attempted to put Waylon in a headlock. But the animal jerked upward, plunging his tusk into Austin’s voice box, leaving a quarter-size hole in his neck from which a piece of an artery dangled like a grisly necklace. The blow knocked him onto his back, leaving his entire body exposed to the rampaging boar.

>Somehow, when he needed it most, Austin caught a break. Lying on his back and bleeding out, he may have looked dead to Waylon. The warthog relented, momentarily. Pumped full of adrenaline, Austin staggered to his feet and clambered halfway up an eight-foot fence using a foothold. It would take five tries to swing his body over the top.

>By the time he made it to the pen, Shane felt like he’d walked into a gruesome crime scene. His first instinct was to push the tissue back inside Austin’s body, as if trying to put his son back together. “It was horrible,” Shane said. “I just knew I needed to get him to the hospital as soon as possible.”
>Doctors would later tell the Riley family that by the time Austin reached University Hospital in San Antonio, thirty minutes away, he’d lost nearly half his blood; much more, they said, and he would have died. Even more shocking was that Waylon’s tusks came within millimeters of severing multiple arteries. It would take doctors eleven surgeries to repair the damage to Austin’s body. Though the official count stands at fifteen, neither Austin nor his doctors could be entirely sure of exactly how many times Waylon gored his owner. Some wounds were just too messy for them to be certain.

>The night of the attack, Austin’s parents asked an exotic-animal broker who worked with Austin to kill Waylon. Afterward, Waylon’s head was cut off and sent to a lab so he could be tested for rabies. The results came back negative. His slaughter was partly an act of revenge but also an acknowledgment that the warthog could never be allowed around humans again. Shane and Gail deleted all photos of the animal from their phones. Unwilling to be in the presence of another warthog, Austin had Peaches relocated to another ranch.

Honestly one of the more brutal animal attack stories I've read. Up there with the black bear eating the dude's leg while he was still alive. Him surviving is insane.
Why does anybody ever get close to a dangerous wild animal when stories like this are so abundant
thank god for that
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not all mastiffs are pitties. i have met many well behaved mastiffs, currently own one who yes is a monster if shes mad but it takes alot to piss her off. it was kinda fun when my frenchie pissed her off and got fucking chewed on lol. know your role you little shit. i like my dogs a bit savage anyways. and btw tigers, lions, bears they all can be tamed just never expose them to violence. same as us humans. gotta be an alpha tho, never run, never be scared. the world is your oyster but only if you are brave. alpha life.
>Manhood damage warning
Kinda disappointed after how much detail went into writing everything else that it was only a slight mention of the word "genitals".
At the bare minimum I expected something like
>his mangled manhood dangled precariously by only an artery and his urethra, his scrotum split wide like an unzipped beanbag car, his testicles twisted into a pretzel
Ya know, something that would even make Lenexwants go "yikes!"
man discovers the difference between tamed and domesticated
People can do that too though
have some decency, huh?
I mean, just the idea of getting gored in the nether regions is uncomfortable enough. It's the first thing I worried about when I heard it started at his legs while he was on his back.

I am left guiltily curious as to the extent of the damage. The article says the attack brought him closer with his girlfriend, so I don't imagine it's completely out of action.
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why are people like this
the animal didn't "forget" it was tamed, it randomly got angry and snapped
people do this too, but instead of fucking goring you then just shout and stomp around
I hate bears. Too human.
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Humans routinely kill each other and animals without warning.
I raise birds. Do you ever get outside more than a 2 hour nature walk friend?
?? The bear didn't even recognize itself in the mirror
Did you read about that South African man with a pet hippo?
>thats right
>really only three or four animals are preferable to people
Most human beings are pretty shit though?
I saw a video of a guy that tried to pet a lion and it bit one of his fingers. For some reason you can see a very long string come out of his severed finger. Later i found out that was a tendon that connects to to the shoulder so he lost all mobility in that arm
>the main consumers of pets
What the fuck anon
White people are the only ones who do all the dumb animal shit while simultaneously believing they shouldnt. The whole world fucks around with animals. Only you whites say WOW WE ARE SUCH DUMB PEOPLE when it goes south.
Northeast asians invented dogs just by being nice to cute wolves
South asians domesticated chickens
Jeets and pakis domesticated cattle
Blacks domesticated the ass and housecats

Europeans did domesticate a few and can trace their ancestry to indo-iranian and northeast asians who went exploring and wiped out the OG europeans but you are not special at all
Oh yes harsh conditions such as
>no storm no flood worst is a Blizzard which is not so bad as you already inside and no electricity to be disrupted
>natural refridgerated for three to four months
>plenty Timber for heating and smoking fuel
>many natural cavern for storing of Wine and Vegetable
>few dangerous animal only a Wolf moose bears all prefer avoid to Humans and stay in their forest no large creature like an Elephant or a hippo or Lions and Tigers that eat people on purpose
>very few disease and it hard for them to spread you only got Black Plague from a Mongols and only in big city
>no work to be done in Winter just feast and sleep
>cannot fight a War in Fall or the Winter so half of year is safe
Settler Difficulty
This is what I always try to tell my fellow white people but they insist on allowing protohumans to take up our land with the belief that they can train them to be good.
You can easily greentext living near an active volcano like its a nothingburger and yet you aren’t going primitive in northern sweden yourself
>You can easily greentext living near an active volcano like its a nothingburger
Ok why arent you doing it? Volcanos are harmless just get out of the way when the ground starts shaking lmao whiny fucking numales cant handle a little geology lol lmao
What is even your argument meant to be fella? It is even easier to live these places now they had been Domestic and had got electricity. Go away stupid man you dont know anything.
Looks like owning pets is mostly a White and Hispanic thing
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raccoons are tho
Unless it's someone's last name white isn't a proper noun. Stop capitalizing it.
>thinking a hog will not turn on you
jesus christ the autism, one of the few animals known to be truly omnivore and willing to eat anything.
>the autism
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
well, it really is. IIRC volcanoes are surrounded by very fertile soil so it'd be a great place to start a civilization. Sure you may get an eruption but those ones are very rare. You trade in hundreds of good years for MAYBE having a catastrophic day but by that point your civilization should've spread already
If an animal can be tamed it can be domesticated
Whoopsies, it looks like you did a racism. I hope you think a little more carefully and learn to respect all peoples and cultures before the next time you post, you could have seriously hurt somebody!
horses? goats? sheep? chickens? rabbits? cows? donkeys? mules? guinea pigs? bearded dragons?

...what are you smoking anon
It's a zoophile you can ignore him
nta but cheetahs actually tame very well, the Egyptians did it for thousands of years, they only roadblock to domestication is that they breed in captivity about as well as pandas
never let a man eater go, once it learns we're a decent source of emergency protein they're likely to do it again but with less desperation and more eagerly and the issue can snowball
the bears did nothing wrong
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yeah, it's possible to blame the grizzlies
butthurt detected
>Blacks domesticated the ass and housecats

wasn't that the ancient Egyptians?
>discounts the entirety of birbs
Chickens? Ducks? Songbirds and pigeons? Crows that are basically children mentally instead of the puppies that we force to cosplay as children? Raptors who, after training, would land so gently on their human trainers as to not hurt them with their talons?

Yeah, stfu with your mammalian propaganda. Outside of fucking Canada with their geese and swans, birds make agreeable pets
Did a white guy fuck your arranged wife before you took her home or what?
>>changed his life forever
>>got killed

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He wasn't killed, just severely injured in his genital area.
And then we domesticated you. At least we tried, you're still kinda stuck in the stone age. Cavemen with cell phones
I don't get it
That's called tradition, and community oriented living. Disenfranchised discord tranny mutts like you would never understand that there's something other than living on rails so you can grow up to be cog number sixteen hundred thousand in mister Shekelberg's yacht machine. Great life huh.
If parrots had someone train them the way we trained kids in school while also changing your home to work with a parrots skills and strengths you could theoretically have a parrot work a job and cook for itself
that fact you don't know how retarded this post is hilarious, you're making things up in your head anon
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>Later i found out that was a tendon that connects to to the shoulder so he lost all mobility in that arm
lost to warthogs lol
also while hogs are probably hardier than some animals i always find the idea of a captive wild animal killing the owner and then they just kind of sit around and maybe even die since they aren't being fed any more
>Did they have a teddy bear as a child and refuse to accept that real bears aren't like that?
pretty much
some people are just so stupid they CANNOT imagine that some (most) animals aren't cuddly and can and will kill you if they get the chance
crocs would be too dumb to realise the human is a source of a food and not THE food
Hey, if you aren't racist to whites already, you'll get eaten next
Only 6% of people on Earth are White. Literally a minority group

>your land
People like you belong on a reserve.
Chicken is unchained and survives without a useful ground it could get stuff chickens eat or feel comfy. Literally wasteland. But it makes it way and that's just fine - in hard times and unchained.
The cassowary could finish the old man with one swift kick
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Peter the horse is here
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wrong webm fuck
youre absolutely retarded if you think that life is easy as you say
who raped you faggot?
Stay in school.
Bears have basically the same amount of functional gray matter as a house cat, in a body 50 times as large. But what they do have is laser focused on what is essential for survival and anything outside the norm is grounds for freakout.
Many ungulates make my skin crawl. The way they move is uncanny and they're usually big enough to kill you in an instant. The diseases and parasites they have don't help their image.
>The diseases and parasites they have don't help their image.

Cats are far worse in this regard
>cats out of nowhere
least obsessed buttsniffer
They aren't people but that level of assholery? Why did he suddenly decide to absolutely obliterate his buddy?
Why do brownoids pretend this shit also doesn't happen to them? Millions of chinks, jeets and nigs die every year messing with animals they shouldn't. A white guy believing he domesticated a wild animal is no more and indicator of our racial proclivity than those millions of unsung brown retards do for you.
Why do you sniff horse butts?
Dog owners know they need to clean up after their pet. Cat owners actually enjoy the smell of cat feces.
>dogs owners clean up
as if ther isn't a constant conflict about dog owners covering parks, trails and even other people's yards in dogshit
a minority of retards with dogs (who know they are doing something wrong) is nothing compared to the absolute plague of cat shit and cat piss that britain has to put up with. no one exactly follows their cats around and extracts the tapeworm infested, awful smelling surprises from flower beds and childrens sand boxes.

no one ever says "i have to leave my dogs shit there, its how he feels free, he needs this"
but a lot of people, the majority of cat owners in the UK actually, say that about letting their cats roam and trespass unattended. and yet we still have rats. more rats than ever. it turns out rats become attracted to cat smells, and especially food left out for cats. lot of good they're doing!

if we were to tally up the deaths and developmental issues caused by toxoplasmosis (it only affects children) it would surely equal or exceed the toll of having XL bullies, german military dogs, and new world style pitbull breeds in society instead of just shooting them on sight.

the takeaway: if you aren't an OCD clean freak, your pets should be confiscated and euthanized.

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