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What's the best dog breed for a solo female van lifer? Looking for protection mostly but also trainablity and able to live in a van/outside most of the time
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What's the difference?
One's for running, the other for hunting
Unironically pitbull
Maybe if you want her to be mauled
>Just get a taser and pepper spray.
You mean a gun. Unironically too many random cereal killers roaming round here. Wake up in the morning eat your lucky charms cereal.

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Post birds, appreciate birds
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This little guy would have been eaten by a coyote or something, but I saved him.
Looks like a towhee.
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blue jay
My blue jay traffic went from eating all their peanuts twice a day (with a noontime refill) to barely touching them. Happens every year, they had their babies and went off to molt so they're being scarce. And every year I get worried that they're gone.
I went to a bird of prey centre and renewed my love of birds, they had enclosures for like 50 birds and I got to hold a peregrine falcon, red tailed hawk and tawny owl. My favourite was the ten year old tawny owl that was starting to lose his vision because he just wanted to sit next to my chest as close as possible and pretend I was a tree

Found this kitten a couple nights ago, appears to be about 3 weeks old. Seems too old to have its ears still folded. Does this mean it's definitely one of those folded ear cats that gets bone and cartilage problems down the line, or is there a chance they can still fold up and he's gonna be OK? I'm worried about him, I want him to be OK.

Pls halp
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I don’t know, can you?
Peanut Jefrey Attorney at Law
Super cute, OP!

I'm only guessing, but I think he might have a bit of Oriental Shorthair in him, enough to give him a slightly funny face (it looks quite long for a kitten) and floppy ears.

If he's indeed stricken with the Scottish Fold condition, then it's not as bad in him as it is in breed standard animals, the kittens have ears much more tightly folded ears than his.

Either way, I think he'll be okay. Good job helping him!
I don’t think the ears are caused by that breed, I think it’s more likely just a mix of Scottish fold and a long-faced domestic short hair. His ears are small and floppy
Remember to neuter it BEFORE it reaches sexual maturity
If you allow it to mature it will turn into an aggressive pissing monster

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Accept no substitute edition
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aw poor lil guy. looks like he has massive balls lol
give him lots of love
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Wai do dey eat da poopoo?
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No cooler name has ever been given to anything in the history of mankind.
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How could anything this big and heavy ever actively hunt prey? It seems like it would be so slow and cumbersome that any sort of "chase" would be out of the question. Just look how awkward an elephant is. This would be 4x worse, at least.
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>Most anticipated dino fight happens again decades later
>Trannysaurus wrecks gets clapped again.
Oh nonono. jobrex bros why do we keep losing?
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Slow, Blind, Stupid. These are the defining traits of Cuckasaurus Rex. They were ambush predators because no way in hell could these noobs beat anything in a 1v1.
It was literally just a couple of vertebrae. It's been discarded for ages now.
Funnily enough, Manospondylus wasn't even described as a theropod initially. Ol' Cope thought it was a ceratopsian. It wasn't until 1907 that it was identified as a theropod at all.
People will be contrarians over anything these days.

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your mom ha ha
>Is coffee good for you?
Wtf is this image lol looks like you mom
I would pay a bunch of money just to smell that butt

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Which one and why?
I'll take moss over bees any day. Hate bees.
>makes cryptic statement
>gives absolutely zero reasoning why
how to spot a retard with wrong opinions

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how do u get rid of sow bugs in home
vacuum them up

for precious cats.

My Maine Coons have fleas and it doesn't seem to bother them much; they don't scratch that much and you wouldn't ever guess they had any. But you dig around in their fur, they're there.

I have read some pretty grim reviews of flea treatments, it seems like that shit nearly kills the fucking cat each time you dose them.

Currently I'm minded to just leave them as they are - it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. But if there was a Safe and Effective treatment option I would consider it.

What do you guys do about fleas on your cats? Have they had any bad reactions to it?
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>Use vet-approved treatments

A little vague there, sir

>fumigate your entire house

lmao, no thx
Whats with cats and fleas? I know the old world saying is "sleep with dogs wake with fleas" but i've never known a dog with fleas. On the other hand every other time I adopt a cat, they get fleas.
>vet-approved treatments
You what, I would have assumed this is a solved problem by now what meds do I need to get fleas off my cat.
Not OP but I have 3 cats that randomly got fleas. they are indoor cats though.
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I recently rescued a kitten that was totally ravaged by fleas. If you can bathe them, use Dawn dish soap—just the regular kind, not scented or anything else. First, make a ring around their neck with the water and soap so the fleas can’t crawl into their ears. Then, wash their whole body with it a couple of times. The chemicals in Dawn are harmless to adult cats and permeate the fleas’ exoskeletons, causing them to drown.

This kitten was born outside and has been out there since, and the fleas haven't returned.

Just don’t wash their faces with it because it can sting their noses/eyes
fleas are attracted to feces

post order chiroptera
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but with less rape
bat bump
How's he doing?
rat hate

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Post bugs. Appreciate bugs.
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I have blue death feigning beetles and the tiny males are always trying to do this to the female beets but the females are just so much bigger and have absolutely 0 interest so they literally just walk away. Sometimes the males end up tipping over the girls but they just get up anyways. It's all funny. It's especially cute when the male tries to get onto the female and ends up literally getting on top of the female, and she just starts walking around with him on her back. I love beets
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what bug is this
>that’s disgusting
It looks like he is wearing a cute snug puffy hoody. You simple have no soul or taste (or both)
Why did they shoot him anons?
some kind of longhorn, youll have to check your local species after that

I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit >>4684291
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
Now you can have one that glows in the dark and might fluoresce under UV light.
Many animals do. They can see in a broader spectrum than we do without special lighting. It works like nite camouflage in theory. I'm actually glad it took "science" this long to check a platypus with a blacklight.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.

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Are Fungi/Mushrooms sentient? Or, at least, is a particular species/type sentient?
I feel like something needs to at least have a centralized brain to process sentience. Fungus seem closer to nerve nets.
No, fungus don't even have brains and there's no way we could be puppeteering billions of humans.
Yes, they're sentient. Even microbes tend to be sentient. Are they sapient, like us? No.
Sentience isn't sapience. Merely being able to respond to their environment will qualify as sentience.
>"sentient - able to perceive or feel things."
If everything is vibrating constantly, and fungus utilizes vibration for communication like we do, and it's really healthy, and it's one of the building blocks of life, then fungus and vibration are the keys.
kek I love these posts

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Do you prefer pack loyalty or motherly love?
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stealth dog fucker thread
my family has 2 intact female dogs. they get along pretty well, fights are rare. when in heat they mount each other
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For me, it's motherly love
fuck off
Two questions:
1. My Google fu is weak and I couldn't find a source for your gender statistics, could you please link it?
2. What are the bite stats of each gender by breed?

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to be honest one of the few good things about summer is the gulls
cant wait for them to return
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I thought that was just a bad visual novel
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what would happen if i boop one of gulls?

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