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>those little leg fins
Mf is the missing link.
thats a cartoony fella
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i don't see the resemblence
fishy mcfishface
I fucking hate twitter faggots trending out on sea pigs and other guys we’ve known about for ages

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Fennec family edition
Previous: >>4700705
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I want to kiss a fox.
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I like dogs
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I want to be a fox.
Why is there a /fox/ general? Foxes are canines and belong in /dog/ general.

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Anyone else do this braindead hobby? Found 48/55 herp species in my state and am autistically obsessed with finding all of them in the wild. Herping finds + questions + methods welcome
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Bump, found this last year crossing a road.
10/10 pic anon well done
i had this as a 'pet'
not recommend
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I tried getting into this a couple of years ago. I wasn't very successful so I kind of gave up. All I was able to find were a few box turtles, a single rough earth snake, and a fuck ton of redback salamanders. Probably would have gotten more out of it if I'd had friends to do it with but I'm a lonely 4channer so that wasn't really an option.

I'd be curious to know what types of spots you guys usually go to. I mostly stuck to state parks since this is Tennessee and I don't want to get shot because I accidentally wandered onto someone's property. I've heard that road cruising at night is pretty good for finding herps but again this seems like something that would be better with a group of people.

It looks green from above water as well in my region of the world some season of the year. It’s algae.

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>pigs are just dogs that people decided to eat because they were fatter
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>There are even more exotic suggestions, such as David Pearce’s famous argument for genetically editing carnivorous animals to make them vegetarian and usher in a glorious era of peace between the lion and the antelope.
Something tells me David Pearce doesn't know shit about ecology
thank allah i don't
>noooo you can't just delete my off-topic post that's against the rules how can this be happening to me
>Plants suffer too, it's ok to persecute animals.
Animals suffer too, is it ok to persecute humans?

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birdwatching thread
what are your recent lifers etc
I am going to arizona this summer I hope to see varied bunting
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They were house finches. Only one grosbeak and a couple of sparrows today, the juncos have taken over.
Oh you're doing all that shit after the fact, I see. Yeah no wonder you're having a hard time. The app's intended use at least in my interpretation is to record observations while birding, not after the fact.
>is that a somewhat rare bird? we need proof or youre a liar
I'm still mad at ebird for not officially recognizing a sighting I had in 2018 even though I included a picture. No response at all, just completely ignored while all the other people's sightings, even without pics, got approved.
Some reviewers are better than others. the reviewer for a couple counties over from me was not confirming Common Crane sightings despite identical examples from the Macauley Library and a bird guide from Mongolia giving his opinion that it was not a Common x Sandhill hybrid. I have also seen a Cooper's Hawk confirmed as a Red-Shouldered Hawk and it had a clear photo attached. Another reason I don't even bother with eBird. I just use Rare Bird Whatsapp groups for alerts.
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I saw this dapper guy recently

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what's the cutest animal in your opinion and why is it a raccoon?
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they’re in the running for sure
Little fluffy googly eyed puffballs with wings.
Baculum aka penis bone
After seeing >>4775637 and remembering these floofy fucks exist, I might have difficulty in keeping to my original statement >>4775560

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Please a adopt a dog or a cat from your local shelter.
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They aren't my cats. I don't own them. I feed them. They occasionally sit on me when it's cold.
I'm not taking someone's pit/mutt mix. I real dogs that can be trained. Shelters need to ramp up how many animals they put down.
Bro you live in a developed world where your pets don't need their nuts to survive. Stop thinking about their balls so much it's kinda sus.
The castration of animal "pets" is a barbaric practice motivated by the belief that it makes them more docile. It's a violation of their bodily autonomy and should be illegal.
Maybe you should be put down

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thats a seagull
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Was it autism?
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>dotards on /an/
One world is much like another.
she's a fucking lesbian, death to this bitch
lmao calm down incel
that's a dude
>see a woman
>think of men
got some bad news anon...

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>*builds a nest in your yard*
>"this is mine now. fight me"
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kek, so what are wasps good for anyway?
Some are chill pollinators, and controllers of pests. Not all, mind you. They also look really cool.
what a fucking king you are
they ARE pests

Dog hate thread?
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>Is it a dog?
>Stocky build?
>Compact snout?
>Did it do something naughty?
>It's a shitbull
What the fuck even is that
That dog looks retarded so it’s the owners fault
I don't like my neighbors dog because it always barks at me and nips my legs if I go on the property. But it lets me pet it if I go in their house so idk.
He seems regretful
His tiny pitbull brain thought it had something to do with toddlers and was disappoint

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I have this big cactus in my yard but don't know what species it belongs to. /an/ can you help me?
Brown recluse
gay cactus
C. phillipsorum

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o-oh my....
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>SB's are 2 smol for human dongs
>I spoke to God on an LSD trip
Most LSD is now made in Israel - after the DEA arrested the one single guy who was responsible for 90% of its global production in 2000 (while living inside of a decomissioned nuclear missile silo at that), stop consuming Jew-made narcotics you pseudointellectual fucktard!
[spoiler]Should I know?[/spoiler]
Small dick for the win !

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if stereoscopic sight, opposable thumb, an an omnivore diet are required to be a humanoid intelligent species, then why didn't other mammals develop like humans did? what do we have that they lack?
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