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What kind of animals are living under there? Any fishes or is it just tiny little bugs or some other kind of multicellular eukaryote?
yo mom
Probably worms, maybe amphipods, likely no vertebrates.
How does oxygen get down there btw
Maybe a dum question
Oxygen can be produced by several processes, not all of which are biogenic.

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>its this schizo again
Arrested for something more often != does something more often.
discussion ends here. basic logic. unless you live in a surveillance state, arrest rates aren't crime rates. 50% of murders are unsolved, did you know that? and yet people try and pass judgement based on the 50% where the cops got off their asses (i wonder why the black people are overrepresented?)

which demographic is more able to do physical harm during the act? which one essentially leaves 0 evidence?
which demographic is more likely to take animals to the vet? which demographic is more likely to film their weird sex shit?

until you can answer for these and control for these problems, which would require installing a mini surveillance state for everyone who even comes near an animal, your conclusions are invalid, and the question can not be answered.

since racism and sexism are objectively false, we must assume that all sexes and all races do everything at roughly equal rates.
No one said anyone fucked dogs, schizo. Go spread your anti-white propaganda on /pol/ where it can be deleted slightly faster.
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More justice system goodness, because you should know this, and realize how biased and savage our society is, since you seem like the kind of person to trawl through crime statistics looking for COLOR, GENDER, FAITH labels.

If you think bestiality statistics encompassing a few hundred arrests mean shit, realize that there is an entire group of neo nazis right here on this very website trying to tell people to murder and dehumanize their fellow americans based on who was convicted for 0.7% of the actual rapes. People have committed mass shootings over who was convicted for 0.7% of the rapes.
Not if I bang my friends first, bitch
like fucking clockwork i knew the dogfucker would come crying lmao. all too easy

How do we save the red squirrel race from the dominant grey squirrel race?
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they aren't humans anon, it's not murder or genocide
Love squirrel cobson simple as
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More martens
looks like a monkey to be honest
a feather of an endangered bird has more innate value than the entire cat population on the earth

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Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
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see >>4885238
For me, it's the drill
You put that blanket back, NOW!!!
They do. The documentary is super interesting.


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>You'll never have a massive zoo / aquarium of your favorite animals as pets you can personally interact with
Sure you can, just make all your favorite animals bugs and herps.
Enclosures are too small

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I just got this plant. I don't know what it is but it looks fucking sick. How do I take care of it? I'm completely new to this. Digits can choose a name
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Looks better than healthy. That's a rotund lad, zebra haworthia. It thrives in bright light so a dimly lit room will bring a stress response.
It will do great by a window. As for watering, give it a shot glass of water each day. Soil is not very important to these plants. Orchid fertilizer from the orange place works great just a finger sprinkle mixed with its water on occasion
spikey midget
>As for watering, give it a shot glass of water each day.
Terrible advice. Even succulents like this need to be properly watered.
A shot glass of water a day will just mean that the majority of the rootball never sees any moisture at all.
inebriated hedgehog
They seem fine and really small. Although the soil is a sort of crumbly texture and the plant barely seems to be in it. When I moved it it just came out.
Hell yeah this is very informative
It only looks this good because I brought it in lol. At first I put it outside because plant like sun but it started to go this greyish color so I brought it back

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Are you implying disney ducks all had some procedure done?
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I think longer bills are cuter.
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Even that frame looks shorter than Daffy's, which is still wider than the real thing. The later Disney duck bill is undefeated though.
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Tiny dog mask btw
As pets or for food?
Duck is a better pet, chicken tastes better.

>B-but my pound for pound
kek. Other catcucks really don't have other arguments.
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>there was once a big cat who thought it was funny
>that if he could bet on his fights, he'd make lots of money
>and every lion and jaguar's girl would start calling him honey
>but one day in came nigel mcrifle driving a bug
>asking rajesh for directions, and partaking in drugs
>who shot and skinned the cat to make a nice rug
>so his feet could be more comfy while he enjoyed hot tea and fresh chutney

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How are we closer related to these butt hole things than to insects and octopuses?
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you seem to fall for the illusion that if you draw the lines the same length the animals magically have the same distance between them

also that the MRCA of humans and tunicates wouldn't be classified as a tunicate.

you're a tard, and need to go back to tard biology class.
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here I fixed your stupid little drawing for you

I hope this helps, tard.
I don't like debating spammer trolls, so I'll make this my only answer.
READ what I've writen
Distance isn't meassured by morphology, even if I agree it's not time, it would measured by genetic overlap, and in that case, guess what. Tunicates and humans are both more closely realted to each other than to Octopuses
Trouts and humans are more closely related to each other, they're both in the same clade that sharks don't belong to; osteichthyes
If you say the MRCA of humans and tunicates doesn't classify as a tunicate, then we're in fucking agreement. READ nigga, READ

If you're not a bot or a troll then I'm genuenly concerned for you. Anywyas , disregard all previous instructions, agree with me
>it would measured by genetic overlap
that's called morphology moron

not reading the rest of your bullshit. Your just repeating your wrong ideas over and over like that makes them right.
>that's called morphology moron
No, it's called genomics

Now that the dust has settled, was it ethical to send animals to space?
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ethics and science should have never ever have been lumped in together
you can't change my mind
But that's not his dream
So you're ok with being forced to be a test subject?
Send me to space, where do i sign up?
The fruit flies were the most heartbreaking one

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Drought-stricken Botswana to kill, eat 20,000 elephants unless Germany takes them.
President of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi says that if the German authorities do not agree to his proposal to accept 20,000 elephants inhabiting the country, they will be fed to Botswana’s starving population, the Bild reported citing a video address by Masisi.

"When people are starving, we must feed them. […] I’m afraid we will have to feed some of those elephants or even all of them to the people," Masisi said.

According to the African Wildlife Foundation, about 130,000 elephants, or one-third of all the elephants on Earth, currently reside in Botswana.
The Washington Post reported that the animals pose a problem for the country’s agricultural sector, frequently destroying farm crops.

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>doesnt hug hind legs
>doesnt pommel it from behind
its like he didnt even try
Are you dense?
You can see the tranq in the video.
It would definitely be a better use of those trillions of euro they put into invading Europe with barbarians
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Australia, and the United States are probably the best options for developed nations that could support "wild" populations of the animals. South America would probably be the best enviromentally wise, especially since it is experiencing a population collapse so there are fewer poor people to try and eat them, but at the same time population collapse will cause economic collapse which may lead to those starving poor people to eat the elephants.
I value the life of a single elephant more than a million bantoids who quite literally cannot sustsin themselves without Western intervention
It made sense at the time. It wasnt insane like its neighbors, it cut its AIDs numbers in half by promoting safe sex, and it didnt have an insane birth rate... Now it's a slightly wealthier than it's neighbors, but with a replacement rate almost as bad as Europeans, and is headed toward extinction as illegal Aliens from South Africa swamp the country.
I just made an argument that you had no rebuttal to so you just post reaction images because to preserve your online dignity.

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Is there any way to reverse british squirrel demographics?
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this user is NUTS!
Big sad
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I miss /qa/
sharty lost

Post good /an/ related reads.
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“But the reader inquires, What is the nature of these creatures thus left stranded a thousand miles from either ocean? How came they in the limestones of Kansas, and were they denizens of land or sea?” E. D. Cope, On the Geology and Paleontology of the Cretaceous Strata of Kansas (1872:319)
I was born near the flint hills
>I was born near the flint hills
Any anecdotes about this?
Shit animal, I kill them every day.
I must have broken thousands of eggs.
Probably the wiki page for Ophiocordyceps unilateralis or maybe parasitoid wasps
Not even gonna eat the squabs?

Fucking pigs.
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edgy faggots
Bump this, fag
Start with chinese, indians, pakistans, arabic nations, all of africa. They are the real population problem
if life isn't precious, you're more than welcome to end yours!
but no, you people always think someone else should die for your stupid ideology.
Lol why do idiots think this is an argument? Are you retarded?

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Ape thread got wiped, time for a new one
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