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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their thoughtful thunkings?
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not him but I had a dream last night that I was walking through a market in thailand and there was an orangutan's head for sale behind some glass
people were buying slices of the head like it was meatloaf
the orangutan's baby was trapped in a cage above the display
I was filming the whole thing so I could come back and rescue the baby and get the whole place shut down
but it turned out to just be a shaved baby gibbon wearing an orange toupee
am him, i know it sounds like i’m making this shit up, but i just woke up from a “planet of the apes” style, ape world takeover dream. strangely though it’s always about gorillas and not chimps or orangs.
>Prepare for major gooning session
>Take 2 cialis
You need to stop gooning

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Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here

prev >>4801311
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havent really posted on /an/ frequently since 2021 or so but I made this gif
the dog itself looks like a ball sack
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you've seen them smashed

you've seen them slammed

and now they're SCRUNCHED

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Post some songs about animals.

I've listened to these two songs about every week for the past year because they remind me of my cat that died in December.

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songs about albatrosses
PIL - Albatross
Fleetwood Mac - Albatross
there's a Taylor Swift one as well, but I hate that cunt.
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>A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?
Renaldo & The Loaf – Song of the Lungfish (full EP)
In honour of recent events: Ted Nugent live from Detroit (1987) – Great White Buffalo
More Andrew Bird:
• Spare-Ohs (live, as he wonders around Montmartre)
• Gypsy Moth (an instrumental)
• Rare Birds (another instrumental, this one interspersed with actual birdsong)

>buffalo & cattle can't reproduce
>but bison & cattle can
just wait til you hear about biology classes, you'll love them

post order chiroptera
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Nice going genius, you hit the bump limit. Now this thread's gonna 404 because of yoy.
Incredibly so
bat bump

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>They still use "he" as the default pronoun for animals even though most animals are female
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theyre literally animals
looking up the definition of words in old dictionaries has shown me how the modern dictionary/definition racket has become blatantly prescriptive
marx started it, if you go back and read his works a good majority of it is him explaining to people how words ACKshually mean something different, its a fairly clever tactic that understands that its easier to get people to change their definition of a word than it is to get them to change their ideological mindset/worldview; yet after they accept the changed definition they start to change their worldview for themselves
>This is ARE site
The /pol/tards cannot even speak English correctly.
Bold assumption that I'm using English all the time

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Lord forgive us for what we have done to your creations.

post abominations
Why is it standing on a towl
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and the towel is probably for all the fluids this thing surely leaks. Or maybe it's to cushion that club foot.
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This shit needs to be fucking outlawed. Designer pets are cruel beyond belief. If you want something for it's aesthetics, get a fucking aquarium.

*shits everywhere*
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Now I wanna know how common that is
Could be a difference in diet? Who knows
>that ending
holy fuck
chiken relaxed too much
>implying they dont bathe as well
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Don't forget the 6 gazillion fleas too

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Do people really cry because of a pet acting retarded?
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those are teen moms dude chill
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See this is exactly the kind of detached and delusional thought patterns I'm talking about. This post here is my 2nd post in this thread but whomever this is (guessing it's one of the zoophiles in question) has been sheltered for so long that they think they are being harassed by only one person when in reality it's multiple people sick of their degenerate bullshit.
its a malding femcel just ignore her.
Not anyone involved in this discussion (until this post), but its just people calling each other zoophiles rather than being a zoophile themselves.

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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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they are so beautiful!
They certainly will now. In reality, I didn't even 'purchase' them so to speak, as they were actually just given to me by a pajeet and his wife who had them with over 2 dozen other birds in an aviary that was far too small. He told me me that if I didn't take them, they'd be killed and eaten.

I'm extremely glad I was told about them when I was. They're safe now.

Watching them allopreen and hearing their lovely little coos bring me great ease.
Very beautiful. Are they hand tame?
Considering they've been domesticated since Mesopotamia, they hardly need it. They weren't extensively hand-tamed at their original home, but were handled very easily.
I plan on hand taming them fully, which shouldn't take more than a week or two.

Abigail takes better to my hand stroking her and is less afraid than Noah.
why are jeets like this?

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My chihuahua wants to kill herself everytime I clean her teeth. I do my best, I use nice dog tooth paste and a tiny brush and a finger cover brush, and I get really generous with liver treats but every moment of the process is agony.

She's a rescue so I didn't get to start off with her young and get her into the habit of cleaning teeth. Looking online, every service is either unlicensed dog abuse or dog dentistry for rich people. And the vet is charging like $1200 a pop to remove bum teeth. If I bring her in to have them do the cleaning they're going to want to pull her teeth and charge me for it.

I don't have the cash for that, but I am scared she's gonna get a tooth ache that spreads to her brain and kills her. I'm thinking of getting the dog a script for doggy trazadone to just knock the dog out once a week to get in their and clean the shit out of her teeth myself.

Any advice?
Here's an advice, stop being a neurotic fucking retard.
>I am scared she's gonna get a tooth ache that spreads to her brain and kills he
Ignoring couple thousand others ways she could die. She is always wearing a helmet right?
Just pull them out op
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Sorry about this post I failed to realized how retarded you are.
Touching a rotten tooth in hopes of it helping her, as if washing is going to help. Sad for the tortured creature but also funny.
>I don't have the cash for that
Choose who you can afford and go with it.
Solution? Stop owning a psychopathic rat dressed up as a canine.

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o-oh my....
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Fuck regulations.
Everything I like is either expensive, illegal or both.
You're not supposed to let a shitpost change your opinion, you stupid old crusty crab!
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But it does look like some old fag. You can't deny it.
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Road-trip edition
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thanks. i hate it :I
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Rare brown splash cornish.

hi stinky
Yo, stink-ass.
I think oneyplays made a song about him

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The tortoise and the hare if they real.
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>goes to epic haxxer forum
>throw a pseudo-intellectual Rick and Morty Copypasta-tier temper tantrum over a joke about a fucking lagomorph and a turtle
Stick your mouth onto the tail-pipe of your car after starting it, and inhale until you see nothing but the void, and then flames.
It's a tortoise, not a turtle.
Tortoises are literally just land turtles dude.
>-I said, after blasting a load in your mother's ass

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