Shoebill thread
Dinosaurs are real...
>want to watch stork videos>half of the results is shoebill videosexcuse me but wtf?
Yeah, these things are very theropod-esque.
>>4875167Imagine that if it has teeth. This is what T=Rex would have looked like if it were alive
>>4893253>that if it has teethLike a goose?
>>4876701Majestic without a care. Love these guys
Is it true they like bowing?
>>4918029pov: you are fish
>>4875163when all humans go extinct, these birds will become the new masters of the world
>>4919829If gigachad was a bird
>>4939500I see no god here, except for me
>>4875973Their fun to look at.
>>4942687Imagine the psychology of someone who would take the time to draw this
>>4942704id say i like his ideas
>>4942704>>4942687lmao based