Tapirs have some of the largest cocks in the animal kingdom, and they are also prehensile and can ejaculate at will. A tapir can theoretically blind you with cum and chokeslam you with his dick, all while laughing at you nasally and calling you pathetic in a homosexual accent
anyone have the back scratch webm?
They are related to horses and since they're not real lookers and get laughed at by horses they had to compensate SOMEHOW
>>4924924>>4924929haha that's crazy
>>492533075 ants died by penis smash that day
Wait>>4926882was meant for >>4926864
>>4924924>a homosexual accentYou mean French?
>>4924963you can tell they're related to horses
>that doujin by chikiko
>>4924924>can ejaculate at willand yet they choose not to cum as often as they can
>>4924924>blasts cum>choke slams you>refuses to elaborate
>>4927602post it faggot
faggots in /vt/
you just know...
>>4924924apparently their flesh taste so bad that a jaguar will only consider it viable prey if it's close to starve to death
>>4924929Why the fuck would you try to scratch your back with your dick?
>>4929643can't reach with your hooves
>>4924924Tfw no tapir bf