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Ive noticed that black and brown dogs are more likely to be ugly and lighter colored dogs are more likely to be cute. Anyone else?

Even with mixed color dogs like huskies and collies, more grey than black and more white than grey makes for a cuter dog.
>average brown/black german shepherd: drooping lips, malformed and trollish snout, gross spine curve, too heavy set
>average white german shepherd: tight lips, sharp features, athletic build
its trve
eyes look bigger
The faces on those brown dogs are hideous. Why do people breed ugly drooling dogs?
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>he doesn't like black Belgian shepherds
shit taste
Black and brown dogs look way better than the majority of light-coloured dogs I've seen.
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Red master race
The brown one gives some strong old man vibes. Look at that guy.

Holy fuck what a beauty.
But yeah, generally, black > all;
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They're really majestic.
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>Long obvious hair all over the house and on clothes
>black > all
Shame it's the most impractical colour. Black dogs are cucked by the sun.
ugly = masculine and scary
cute = feminine and weak
in light colored animals the facial features are more visible
that dog is kinda ugly
Sounds like nonsense. I go by what is practical and in practical terms solid or brindle browns will always be superior because it's a neutral colour that stands out the least when shed. Same reason why short single coats are better as well.
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This is called black dog syndrome and it's because the lighter colored dogs and cats are perceived to be better looking, easier to train and friendlier.

Just checking in.

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