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Why do most mammal species have dicks but 97% of bird species dont?
Idk, bro. Why don't you just ask God or something.
birds have to be as light as possible
waterfowl and ratites have dicks because they either dont fly, or dont fly as much
It's weird to think birds enjoy copulation with no penises involved. All they can do is scissor each other
Birds dont have a conscious experience, just sophisticated programming, so they dont require sexual pleasure to mate.
Birds get sexual pleasure, have you never seen a pet budgie humping things?
Imprinting algorithm failure leading to cascading malfunctions
cloacas are sensitive around the outside
Any animal that has sex or humps things experiences seuxal pleasure. That's the only reason sex happens in any species.
do NOT look up an ostrich's penis haha
I never said they didn't get pleasure, I just said it's weird to imagine.

What about those hermaphrodite animals that do penis fencing to avoid getting pregnant? Do you think the loser animal enjoys the feeling of being impregnated?

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