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What fish should I add to my tank? I have a 10 gallon tank and I have two Moorish Idols so far
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the first would be great if it could happen, but the second is nearly assured. there are claims out there that feeding fiber helps, however that was figured.
Unicorn tang
Looks stupid and cool at the same time
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Mola Mola
Might need a sump tank for that.

Anyone know what animal could make this noise?


It’s been coming from the creepy abandoned house across the street. Recording is shit but it sounds loud as fuck in person and has been doing this for a few hours at irregular intervals.
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Was this really so urgent you had to find out at 3AM
indoor impact driver
brown recluse
Its me, Im sorry

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What the fuck man.
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Berlin wall fell
Just don't touch it at all, man. Call animal control and let them euthanize it. Sure it'll take a bit longer but as much as I feel for the critter I ain't going nowhere near it.
In my old apartment complex there was a rabid baby raccoon stumbling around the parking lot. I was too young and dumb at the time to realize what was wrong so I just watched it from my bedroom window, which it came pretty close to.

About an hour later a shotgun went off right outside my front door. It was the police who came to take it out, right in front of everyone. Sad day for the raccoon but looking at this thread I guess there were no other options.
how can poor people start to work and contribute if they're ill and unable to afford treatment? you need a healthy population to keep a country functional
>Implying they would contribute
The problem is they persistently refuse to because it's not as fun as getting drunk, having 8 kids, and living off food stamps because that makes them independent and free. This unique culture is why americans hate welfare.

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Fennec family edition
Previous: >>4700705
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There is no place in the world where any big cat outcompetes a canids.
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>the fog union has our support
that seems unlikely
nice paws

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Cat people be like
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bitch your house stinks. clean your room
Always with the filthy piss and shit crumbs everywhere
Not sure why they feel the need to document it and make it public
That barely decipherable picture of the zoomed in flap that looks like a litterbox covered in shit dirt? Why didnt you zoom out a bit to give some context about what we were looking at? Is it because it would show how filthy and disgusting your cat person house is?
>Just take it out and reheat the rice to sterilize it. It's fine.
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>made popular by Harry Potter
Yes, you are right
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Name 1 reason why you cant like cats AND dogs.

Pro tip: you cant.
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You didnt refute my claims
I said cats are dumber
You said im retarded because i said dogs are dumber
I said normal hygiene is enough
You said it isnt, failing to specify why
I dont know why youre comparing dogs to parrots here
When a parrot is not a mammal
Cats and dogs are comparable in intellegence
Even though dogs are smarter
Thats because theyre both mammals

Shouldve bought a better LLM
>who think cats dont need to be cleaned up after
>But they dont? What are you supposed to clean?
Wash out your litterbox toxo
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Cat owners are all slobs. There's a reason their houses always smell so bad. No wonder they start malding at the suggestion they should clean up once in a while.
Pitbulls hate whites, they always kill white children

Has anyone been to a cat cafe and was it worth it? There's one in the city closest to me and they charge you just for playing/petting with the cats
>>$25 for 30mins
>>$40 for 1 hr
>>$45 for an hour long puzzle activity
>>$60 for a 2hr movie screening
And you have to buy at least 1 drink or snack per hour from their cafe. The main reason I wanted to go is all the cats are available for adoption.
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Dogs smell great. Do the criminally inclined have a gene for disliking dog aromas?
wait until you hear about dogs + cafe
Another victim of consumerism. I'm sorry for you anon. You could just go to a cat shelter if your goal is to be surrounded by cats.

Also why can't more people see how unnatural and wrong it is to keep all those animals in a closed space exploited by selfish humans?
With cats it is at least a bit more acceptable because cats can be domesticated, then there's stupid shit like fukuro cafe. It is straight up abuse towards wildlife.
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>Hey I have this great idea for a business
>Think cat hoarder but also food and drinks
Cat people are retarded
My goal is to adopt one and the shelter's require all these references I don't have. Figured this would be easier. A lot of these cafe cats were headed towards euthanasia. And I agree about fukuro and the fox village

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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Buuuuuullllshiiiiiiit. I drink a bottle of organic mare milk at least once a month.

Jamiroquai looking fresh with his horse
Ehhhh I guess I can kind of see it if I squint
The reason Mongolians ferment their milk is because they don’t have the genes for lactase permanence, so they use microbes to make it digestible for them.
It is sweeter than cow milk though, which is one of the reasons it can ferment to alcohol, you can’t make kumis with cow milk (you can with yak and sheep milk though).
Definitely sweeter.

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I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorite animal
For example,
>If their favorite animal is a fox, they're a furry
>If it's a wolf, they were the weird kid in school
>Horse, they want to be dicked down by a horse
>Cat, they're feminine or a woman
>Dog, they're very basic
What do you think? What are some other examples?
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Whats with /an/ and hating cats?
Most simultaneously attractive and evil person I met adored snakes. Real Eve in the garden shit.
cats are an environmental disaster, /an/ is supposed to care about nature
Cats are an environmental disaster like carbon is. Carbon isn't doing shit, it's the specific way humans are putting carbon in the environment in combination with other activities that disrupt it.

If you stop letting the cats out, stop feeding them, and pick up the trash, the feral cat population totally vanishes. Once someone did an experiment in the australian outback to determine how invasive cats were. There was a fence, and on one side of the fence, farmers shot dingos and said "no, these are wild dogs not real dingos, actually dingos are a very established invasive species and totally threaten native animals! we should kill even more dingos!". On the other side of the fence, the dingos were left alone, and few people lived.

On the dingo side, the 'invasive' cat population totally vanished for years, only reappearing sporadically, for no clear reason except maybe, someones unfixed cats escaped.
>shoot the cats predator
>release cats "because they will get rid of the mice"
>now you have tons of cats and tons of mice
>keep doing this despite persistent proof the cats have never gotten rid of mice and population surveys show the mouse population actually continues growing
human logic

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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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Ohhhhh. Servo actuated air horn + video camera so you can leave the apartment.
sleep under a space blanket
I've used a shock collar for a cat because they were on the counter and turning on the garbage disposal. Which could end very badly because they weren't showing fear around the noise and sometimes stuff is left in the sink and falls in. They turn out fine, just don't use it for anything you don't want them to treat like it's potentially deadly and don't be in the same room when it goes off.
>don't be in the same room when it goes off.
When the electricity is turned on the cat glows so bright it will sunburn your eyes. Similar to welding.

So not only are cats passively useless spongers, they are actively detrimental to people's health.


If I'm ever forced to look after a cat I'm going to feed a vegan diet - not because I give a shit about animal agriculture but out of spite. It's about time they got a taste of their own medicine.
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>cats are actually cleaner than dogs who lick their balls and ass!!
>uh actually cats are not really clean but you just need to wash your hands every 2 minutes!!!
so you do that?
>uhmmm akshually cats are very clean and you don't need to clean out their litterbox every single time right after they went poopies
but what about their paws who go into their litterbox and then when they walk everywhere
>uhm my heckin cute kitter doesn't climb/play/walk anywhere. he/she is a good kitty and would never do anything bad
>"mr whiskers! get off the kitchen counter!"
>"mr whiskers! come give me cuddles!! oooohhh beeeg stretchies!"
you guys are weird
>*visible steam shoots out from ears and nose*

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just keep your cats inside your property, its simple

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birdwatching thread
what are your recent lifers etc
I am going to arizona this summer I hope to see varied bunting
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Merlin can identify the sounds and Xenocanto is good for finding examples.
>Merlin says Bewick's Wren
Thanks. I was hoping it was a red crossbill. I had just listened to some sound samples of it before going out then caught this and thought it was the same. Wren makes sense though, since it has the trill.

I'll check out Xenocanto
It's been 8 years and I still can't find a sharp-shinned hawk. Got hundreds of Cooper's though.
whats the bump limit on /an/

>A dog thinks "These humans give me pets and lots of food. They must be God."

>A cat thinks "These humans give me pets and lots of food. I must be God."

do you agree?
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No, dogs are meatriders, cats are haters
Reminder: if you hate cats, you are NOT white
If you think otherwise you are NOT white
Domestic cats were cucked by humans lol
Return to the savanah cat
>source? I made it up
Cats don't even have causal understanding. yes, they're dumb. That's the entire point of the cat. They are dumb. Dumb animals have very few needs you need to meet. You don't have to drag a cat everywhere showing them the wide world for their brain to be happy. You just buy some kitty gym equipment and get another cat or two and then your life from then on is cleanup duty and petting.

Define "hate cats" because all the nutzis such as yourself tend to define it as anything short of worshiping them.

PS: I punched a nazi in 2023 and the police refused to arrest me

I would give another chance to the classic non-avian theropods. So, my choice includes two big guys:
two medium-sized predators:
and a small, clever rascal:
Yes, they are a few tens of millions of years too late and are unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence. But do they really need to?

*Yes, I learned about Imperobator from that really questionably-scientific show made by a slopmaker from Disney. Don’t judge me, I'm not a professional paleontologist.
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all of the giant crocodiles
Dilophosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Allosaurus, Albertosaurus, Imperobator
Extremely based.
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1: a species of crustacean eating mosasaurid, currently there are no large crustacean eaters that weren’t fish

2: Passenger pigeons: hate starlings, simple as

3:leviathan whale: ocean is in need of a whale predator, but I don’t want to prove the stupid megladon people right.

4: xyphactinus: hate dolphins, and I think these are the only predator that has the chance to outcompete and eat them. Also would make sport fishing interesting again lol

5: koolasuchus
>hate dolphins
Love u

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