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Confirmed newfaggot
They'll find their own grit just fine. You could buy a bag of crushed oyster shells to help them with calcium for egg laying. Putting out your eggshells helps with that too.
hummingbird buzzed me a couple times last week. havent put out the feeder in a while. ill get him more drink once i hit the grocery store.
There has been a mass die-off recently, if you are west of the rockies it's going to be a while before you see any more birds.
Because they'll find their way into your place, tear up your stuff, and poo all over everything.

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Discuss the apes of Africa and Asia.
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I think it's neat how smart they are.
This orangutan chewed up a liana plant and put it on a facial wound for the plant's medical properties. That's some ancient hereditary knowledge.
I'd want a Gorilla to have my back in a fight, an Orangutan to pal around with on weekends, and a Chimpanzee to stay as far away from me as possible.
Why are gorillas the only ape that don't have that weird distended anus?
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Let's say I want to abandon the sapien species and get a teepee or whatever tents are used to keep the inside from getting to hot, how do people like Bedouins that are nomads get by?

All I want is a cushiony ancient style tent and satalite internet and just smoke weed and pop shrooms every day and be my autistic self that western society complains about lol.
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>i want to abandon the sapien species and live how the sapien species lived for millenia!
Probably not.
>how do people like Bedouins that are nomads get by?
Nomadic societies rely on strong communities and hard work for survival. As a lazy autistic stoner your effect on the community is as a detrimental leech. Communes of like-minded stoners and shroomers never last long and experience a far lower quality of life compared to peoples like Bedouins or Mongols.

Your best bet is to get a job and rent a camper van on the weekends. Otherwise you could try joining the thousands of vanlife/tentlife influencers and hope you get lucky to earn enough to survive; but that too requires a level of work eithic and willpower that you lack.
go to socal and be homeless
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If you're not entirely nomadic it's a lot easier to have a comfortable climate digging a bunker/burying a trailer or tunneling your way into the side of stable cliff in a region that doesn't have earth quakes. Also try to do it somewhere that has low radon levels.
>All I want is a cushiony ancient style tent and satalite internet and just smoke weed and pop shrooms every day and be my autistic self that western society complains about lol.
and how do you think you're going to pay for all that?
I'll just rob people like Arabs or outlaws used to do back in the day, I just need to start a drug cartel

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>*record scratch*
>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation.
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Catfags open silly cat threads.
This is a pityflag thread.
The local zoosadist loves baby monkey distress as much as they love baby lion death and falcon vs kitten videos.

There being a leopard don't make it a "catfag" thread.
I've posted videos of hawks preying on outdoor cats and I had nothing to do with this thread. You're just talking to yourself now.
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arachnophobia is a legacy of our reptile brain
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>>spiders always were just small insects
brainless retard moron piece of shit idiot

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How can you not believe in demons if this one lives around us?
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that's clearly a dragon not a demon
>venomous snake kills people when it bites them
Shocker. It’s almost like anything highly venomous can do that. Mambas are goofy looking and would much rather run away than bite
Why do white "people" love putting themselves into pointless danger? Go get mauled by a bear Timothy.
Not enough people blame Adam for not failing the shit test.

I like bees. They're the only insects I feel sympathy for.
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What's your favourite bee?
fucking june bugs, man.
i hate them too.
have you ever tried any repellent for them?
thats cute? youre deranged. if that thing had the option it would crawl inside my jap's eye without a second's hesitation
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The humble bumble

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embrace chaos edition

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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>I think the surface agitation from the filter is killing my red root floaters
It can be done with moderate flow from a hob filter or agitation from a sponge filter. The trick is to take a floating feeder ring, secure it in whatever area of the surface gets the least agitation from your filter, add whatever floater you have inside the ring. Tie a suction cup to the ring and stick the cup to one of the side walls so it stays put. Also, and this may sound counter-intuitive, duck weed can actually help you encourage growth of the more delicate floating plant species. The way this works is duckweed will surround your other floating plants in such a way that it shields them from surface agitation. You do need an excess of duckweed for this to trick work though. And you have to routinely remove some of the duckweed so it doesn't just outcompete everything and take over (which it will).
Absolutely not, that's enough fish to need the filter.

You also need the agitation to keep the water oxygenated. Maybe try putting in one of those "floater barriers" to help the floaters hold in place.

Shrimp will eat their dead fellows almost before the latter stop moving. If the shrimp wasn't eaten by the salamander but died, its body would have disappeared in a few hours.
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
i've come to terms with the fact that if i release my crystal red shrimp from their maternity when they're mature, the betta in the tank is just gonna eat/harass them until they're either all gone or so hidden i never even see them anyway.
so now i'm thinking of setting up a ~6L shrimp bowl. my house is cold as fuck so i thought of getting some of those heater lamps. how do i know how potent a lamp to get to keep it appropriately warm without it being overkill?

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previously on /jg/ >>4913581

Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?
He was found abandoned in some bushes late one night, filthy and covered in fleas back in mid-July 2024. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.

Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.

Originally posted him here back in July 2024 seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
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Right... that's for the best
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I’m heading on a weeklong trip with my wife, in the meantime one of her friends is gonna housesit for us, so Jefrey may be more radio silent than normal til next weekend.
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Aw ok

Sleep tight kitter
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post lookathimgos itt
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bastard son of daffy duck and roadrunner
That's the niftiest shit I've seen in a while. I don't know why no one's responding, but I am because that shit was neat.
thats so fucking cool
"look at him go" means it focuses on something moving, retards
I'm sorry your phone couldn't load the gif.

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Why the long teeth?
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weren't the teeth the result of some kind of weird sexual selection instead of actual benefit for hunting? I mean they could barely fit anything in their mouth because the huge teeth were in the way
>I mean they could barely fit anything in their mouth because the huge teeth were in the way
Not true because the mouth could open really wide
how much of these skulls are even real? can we even be sure of it?
doesn't look like it could bite very well
>how much of these skulls are even real?
all of them
they usually find them in caves or tar pits where the whole skull is preserved

Fucking pigs.
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poltards will go to the grave denying climate change
hopefully sooner rather than later
In what way did this appeal to authority, but actually just media spew confirm to you that ocean or air temps around the antarctic is increasing, considering all it did say was ((climate change))
How do you explain sea ice melt when the sea and air temps are stable and well below the level needed for ice melt year round?
How do we even know what is "normal" in the antarctic in the first place? We just barely started paying attention down there.
Basically, you're a midwit who will believe any story your dad or whoever you think you can trust tells you. A modern day retard.
>How do you explain sea ice melt when the sea and air temps are stable and well below the level needed for ice melt year round?
Ocean currents.
I didn't read the rest because it's obvious you don't even know what you don't know when it comes to earth sciences and it would have been even more embarassing on your behalf. Pick up a book before pretending you know shit next time retardus maximus.
The ocean currents that are frigid and stable and form a belt around Antarctica?
Don't spew midwit bullshit like a filthy redditor, pick up a book? what book? junior high nature ((science))? If you want to actually know anything about climate you need tens of thousands of books over hundreds of subjects.
You just consoom pop ((science)) articles. You see some "expert" on tv doing some "expert" analysis on a topic as massive and poorly understood as global climate and you sheepishly nod in acceptance. Disregarding that no single human alive today could possibly have expertise in climate change. It's a conglomerate of laymen and experts who trust that what their peers say are roughly correct as to build a unified theory. They themselves do not have the expertise to tell if what they chose to trust in is good science or not, nor do they have time or incentive to figure it out.

And then there is you, unable to think for yourself you trust in the ((science)) that is now deeply mired in policy and prestige. Not even the least bit perturbed that he hold belief in an unfalsifiable premise, since if someone did disprove climate change, it would mean the end of trillions of dollars of jobs, research, grants, fundings and the end of thousands of political and professional careers. Meaning any evidence to the contrary has massive incentive to have it buried and the people behind it discredited.
But hey, you get to think you are right when you know jack all. cool right?

Allosaurus is resting.
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Nigga literally looks like a fluffy Allosaurus.
For the skull it is mostly fused nasals and robust premaxilla. In many tyrannosauroids, the paired nasal bones are extensively fused into a single, strengthened structure. Additionally, the premaxilla (the bone at the very tip of the snout) and the first few teeth in this region are shaped differently than in carnosaurs: they often have a distinctive D‑shaped cross section.
Honestly, I can't imagine a more horrible fate for a theropod, than "evolving" into an Abelisaurid.
part of that nu-gen of dinos they made up for cartoons. flat scaly skin made for easier drawing load on the artists.
None of that's usually true of basal coelurosaurs. It's not even usually true of basal tyrannosauroids. What you're describing is advanced tyrannosaurids.
>The teeth tend to be uniform in size and design with a D-shaped cross section.
>Allosaurus fragilis a Revised Osteology- Madsen, 1976
Premaxillary teeth with a D-shaped cross section are found in Allosaurus and several other carnosaurs. As is a robust premaxilla and often fused nasals.

did other human species die out from being total uggos? i couldn't fuck any of these
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I don't know if you meant to set up a "your mom" joke, but you'd do very well to use this setup for one irl
The proliferation of supposed species in human history is a political rather than a scientific choice, because no one dares to say "races" if they want to keep their job, and because the classifications are based on such scant evidence as fragments of bone.. There is not one bit of evidence that any of those depicted in OP's pic would have been unable to interbreed with so-called modern humans if they had been contemporaries. Indeed, there is genomic evidence that some of them did, such as neanderthal in Eurasia and erectus in Africa.
Maybe we just find them ugly because they are just a different species and we haven't seen them irl. Also paleo artists are frauds and I am willing to bet these recreations are nowhere close to what they actually looked like.
erectus literally just look like some average nigga
I personally subscribe to Sam O Nella's sexy neanderthal theory, the idea here is that homo sapien women saw neanderthal men with their strong jaws, big muscles and other features we consider attractive now but exaggerated and decided they'd make for good dads to have kids with, and homo sapien men, being as horny as they are, saw neanderthal women and simply figured ''why not'', granted the ones in OPs pic are very ugly but I've seen pretty enough female neanderthal reconstructions

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Cliff Gray appeared on Joe Rogan and demonstrated convincingly that human-managed population control of elk was highly successful up until the 1960s. The meat from the culled elk was even given to the local Indian reservations for consumption. Then "animal rights" activists demanded an end to the practices, and that was the real cause of the problems with the elk population.

The alleged benefits that wolves bring to the ecosystem are mostly manufactured and promoted by NGOs to take money from suckers. Watch his video here:

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i don't give a shit
tearing down all of yellowstone and turning it into battery farms would probably be even more 'highly successful' and you could give a lot more food to even more minorities, but if that's what i was after then i wouldn't give a shit about national parks in the first place
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/THREAD. get fucked you bald cucks!
I didn't know people opposed this at all and got so mad about it. get fucked retard.
You’d need more contact with "ranchers" that are really just one family trying to pretend to be pioneers rather than serious businessmen. That’s the group losing out here. A bunch of free range one with nature liberals that beg for coyote genocide and kill their neighbors dogs because they won’t even pen in some chickens.
>Joe Rogan
stopped reading there

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Dude this looks like a fucking penis!
Is anyone else seeing this? It is straight up just a penis a penis between two clams!
How are those called geoducks it should be named penis since it looks exactly like a penis and just like a penis it also squirts water!
How can nature create an animal that looks and acts exactly like a penis this is blowing my mind!
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It is quite good. It tastes like a really nice clam with a solid and tender abalone sort of texture. I made a carpaccio type of dish with it. Delicious.
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Interesing how you never hear about Father Nature.
He went for a pack of smokes and a coke vanilla 550mya. Still waiting.
Father time
yeah you actually very seldom see them in markets here because they can sell them for way more to chinese people. they're a weird niche product here but a delicacy there because of course animal looks like penis = it make my penis big.

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