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Leave Earhart to me.
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They don’t always do the picturesque clinging to tree thing when on exhibit. They’re usually burrow under the potting soil in the exhibit or hang out in a tiny cave. Also the exhibits usually have potted plants at most. No room for the huge coconut palm or pandanus trees that they like to cling on/ eat fruit off of.
Why do crustacean threads always have a ridiculous discussion.. SERIOUSLY why can't we have a normal crab thread for once :(
So to actually have a interesting /AN/ discussion!

>How possible is to domesticate a coconut crab, in an ideal setting were we could breed them?
>Why do crustacean threads always have a ridiculous discussion.. SERIOUSLY why can't we have a normal crab thread for once :(
feeling crabby?
Heh nice one anon
these things are so badass

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Horse General

Winter of our Hopelessness

Thread that got made to lie down for a German show - >>4911995
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>Idiot trying to throw innocent pony out of the horse market for not wearing a mask
It was a stupid time to be alive.
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Do any of you get paid to horse?
do horses feel sadness?
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Nothing but

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How come a mushroom be so ominous? How does it look so threatening? Why does it look so evil and their vibe is so wrong its beyond human language comprehension? This mushrooms looks like it could and would unleash the hell when you look at it wrong.
Answer me /an/ons
looks cute to me.
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he may look like a mean and evil ol' shroom on the outside, but once you get to know him you'll find out he's actually a real fun guy
he's quite poisonous

What if orcas are actually smarter than us but they simply lack the environment and biology to develop civilization?
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>you would expect them to behave like a monkey
ok but consider
the monkeys do not behave like that because they are intelligent and intelligent things are very self inspecting.
they behave like that because they are monkeys and have an urge to pick parasites and dirt out of monkey fur and have a deeply rooted urge to look for things to pick.

an animal that is simply intelligent would just stare at themselves being able to take in all information visually and calmly without engaging in uncomfortable contortions or acting surprised that they have a body part

humans have unfortunately conflated primate grooming instincts with self awareness for being too stupid to imagine self awareness existing without being a primate (unable to admit that they are primates with primate instincts)
No I pick at zits because i am so smart and that makes me clean. Humans dont have instincts shut up commie
>ok but consider
>the monkeys do not behave like that because they are intelligent and intelligent things are very self inspecting.
They literally do that.
Humans do that. Just put a mirror in front of a one or two year old.

For any animal that hasn't seen a mirror before you are going to have a short period of confusion in smart animals, a longer period of confusion in dumber animals and the dumbest will never work out that they are looking at themselves.
>society is.. le bad!
Anon, there's a point where you gotta hit the brakes on the contrarian bus. The computers we're using to communicate with each other right now would not exist without society, and I doubt either one of us would survive for long without modern advancements. I'd rather us not be subject to predation from big cats and bears.
>For any animal that hasn't seen a mirror before you are going to have a short period of confusion in smart animals
This. Gorillas in captivity have passed the test yet a wild gorilla will initially react to a mirror like it’s another gorilla. An upright mirror in the jungle is not equivalent to a reflection on a pond, so they’re not going to understand it immediately

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why are humans the only species with such gigantic discrepancy in dick size between individuals?

Horses and donkeys? All meter long floor sweepers.
Elephants? All tree trunks.
Wolves? Solid sized rockets
Gorillas? All micropenises
Humans? Anywhere from 3 to 9 inches with girth that is as equally variable. 200% difference in size is God's morbid joke.

And im not even counting micropenises which are endocrine disease due to toxic environment but even that just says something and probably happened before industrial revolution too.

Could agricultural revolution have something to do with it, like with million other nerfs? Is it so complicated to maintain consistent flow of hormones and resources responsible for genitals during the fetal development? If the height isn't so variable why such a simple organ like dick is?
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Everyone walking around in the locker room with an erected penis
X - doubt
i'm saying it's confirmation bias, you're way more interested in human dicks, have observed far more human dicks, and think it's different from cow balls or kangaroo tails or dog feet when those things vary the same way

imagine you told a foot fetishist all human feet were about the same, he'd probably slap you, but to a normal person who doesn't care they are about the same
religions and cultures that ban or strongly discourage premarital sex. women up with a man who's not so well endowed but doesn't find out until after the knot is tied. multiple centuries of that leads to tiny peeners.
All threads are incel threads.
You should suck start a shotgun and blow your fucking brains out.

we are losing the battle...
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dog website

go back
>oscar for dogs
Maybe I will finally watch it then.
>r/dog free
Do you really need an entire subs just to tell others you don't have a dog? Being childfree, I get it, since there is still societal pressure to have kids, but nobody gives a fuck if you have a dog or not.
who is "we"? Did you mean to say 'oui" like the French faggot you are? Figures a filthy Frenchie would be starting console wars on /an/ :/

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aq you lazy bones edition
Bunch of links nobody needs or cares about it reads

How do you guys like my new Betta? I named him Liu Feng, he's the biggest betta I have ever seen in my life.
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There's some dutch guy in youtube that grabs water from parks and putd them on jars you can start with that.
>they are always sold as like kiddie's first aquarium pets.
In terms of aquatic pets they're most definitely in the top 1% of low maintenance animals. The reason they're sold the way they are is because they're dirt cheap and almost guaranteed to hatch no matter how badly the average retard fucks up, so your kid WILL get to have a cool pet for about a week before they all die out because someone put tap water in the tank or something. The funny thing is the actual maintenance required to keep them alive indefinitely is so insanely simple they could easily put it in the instruction booklet or even sell branded tank equipment.
Isn't that like animal cruelty or whatever? Just buying em to let em die.. or are shrimp seen as too stupid and not worth caring for
They're brine shrimp. They're bred on an industrial scale for fish food. The few people who find them cute/cool enough to keep indefinitely as pets are literally the only people giving these captive bred species a nice life.
I had an explosion in my golden mystery snail population because I missed a clutch of eggs and now have a hundred or so baby snails in my 30 gallon tank. The tank only houses cherry shrimp and (originally) 4 golden mystery snails.
What do I do with the excess snails once they reach a larger size and can be collected?
Should I donate/sell them to my local pet store?

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Baby Monkey Lives Matter
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They're pedosadists who are too cowardly to watch actual hurtcore
A website that lets anyone watch baby monkeys being tortured, that doesn't require accounts or vetting, and that won't get immediately reported and taken down? Are you dumb or something?
You were supposed to be saving a copy of every video you came across. Serves you right for relying on others.
You're such a little rat bastard
>get pet monkey
Oh my god you’re such a bad person that’s unacceptable

>release back into the wild
Oh my god you’re such a bad person that’s unacceptable


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This is an anomalocaris. Say something nice about him.
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That's actually really nice. Shows off its soft-skinned nature, which is often ignored, too.
Oh hell yeah, inject me with that web 1.0
I think it's attack on titan soiling the bed
I'm surprised people like old websites that much. Thought it was just me.
Nah, remember that here in 4chan the amount of autistic retards is overwhelming, of course we are gonna like the old 3d renders of cambric creatures on old janky websites!

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What made them famous?
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How are they famous if I've never heard of them
these kittens caught the btk killer
lmao 2cat
Thomas, I'm a little concerned about the stock market crash! William, but we're cats, GREAT!


that's all i heard about this meme

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Fat tree lol
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imagine the radius of it's roots
Imagine if that was you and some little gnome built an outhouse in your colon.

This dingo is removing an invasive pest. By preying on cats, dingoes are rescuing the Night Parrot, one of the rarest species in the world, from extinction.

>Having identified the night parrots by sound, the team moved on to studying threats to the endangered species using camera traps. They found that dingoes were the most present predators in the area—but the large, wild dogs were busy eating feral cats, which the team suspects are the real key predators of night parrots. So dingoes, they suggest, are actually protecting the night parrot population.


Other canids like coyotes and huskies also help keep the outdoor cat population in check.
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Dingoes benefiting Australia is an entirely different issue altogether. Australia is completely overtaken by non-native animals like foxes, cats, goats, donkeys, deer and dingoes keep all of those in check since the extinction of the tassie tiger.

Lynx bring the same benefit as any apex predator do to an ecosystem, controlling and improving the fitness of herbivore populations.
They also have large teritories, are solitary and breed slower, impacting farmers much less than wolves would. Wolves can wipe out a flock of sheep, lynx don't.
>Lynx bring the same benefit as any apex predator do to an ecosystem, controlling and improving the fitness of herbivore populations.

Total BULLSHIT. You just assert this and expect us to believe it. Scotland has not been overrun by herbivores since the eradication of lynx.
Seems like there IS a problem.
More proof dingoes are awesome:


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My mum lives on a canal and there used to be a lot of crabs living in the mud and rocks near the shore and in the shallow water. When I was a kid you could go and pick up any muddy rock and a few baby crabs would skitter away.

However, there's not nearly as many of them these days because of people overfishing them with crab pots, and perhaps predation by stingrays.

I wanted to know if I can sink some "crab shelters" in the shallow water so the crabs have safe places to live and breed. I was thinking about buying some thick plastic pots, cutting them in half, and setting them in place in the shallow water with some rocks so they don't wash away.

Would this work? Would the plastic be suitable enough? Should I get some concrete pipes instead and cut it into segments and cut in half? (Thinking about temperature regulation).
I don't know shit about crabs but they seem to live under the jetty and the boat ramp so they obviously enjoy cool dark places.

Thank you
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Also, the shoreline has risen quite a lot since I was a kid, and there's not nearly as much muddy, rocky shoreline available for baby crabs to live anymore.
Do you think if I wheelbarrowed a whole lot of rocks down to the water's edge, that it would work to give the baby crabs more places to live and hide?

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post moustaches
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mr rager
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Stop eating chicken
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Stop eating fish too. Fisheries are evil.
try turkey
Mamma mia!
All this pseudobabble and moralfagging ITT when the simple truth is that if you're not visually appealing then you don't deserve to exist. Applies to every creature including humans.
Womanliest woman post on 4chan.

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