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My cat won't stop pissing on the couch. I've spayed her, deep-cleaned the couch multiple times and have tried all those odor removing enzymatic sprays and have enough litter boxes in the house that I clean everyday, but she just won't stop
Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give her away
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Bleach your cat
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Can we get a photo of her with her masterpiece, for the collection?
Spay her again. Once clearly was not enough.
Go to the vet, she could be associating pain with the litter box and could have something wrong.
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My cat has been acting weird, should I put her on SSRIs?

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o-oh my....
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>Why are birdfags always subhuman degenerates?
As far as I can tell that's just /an/ !
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This thread has been up for 10 months.
That's how you can tell it could be worse, a lot worse.
Perfect height

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Cats belong outside. If you can't stand the idea of your cat killing small animals or getting hit by a car then you shouldn't have a cat.
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I let my cats play and hunt outside with my supervision so nothing happens to them
How? Do you have a really tightly fenced back yard?
>keep cat outside
>she's a lazy fuck that stays in the backyard and doesn't hunt anything
>refuses to eat anything that isn't bologna

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Nande in the city
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What if I'm blind and have a seeing eye emu? An eye-mu, if you will?
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What does /an/ think of squirrels?
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Yo, can a brother get an ID on this squirrel?
Japanese dwarf flying squirrel
>dog up my plants to stash food
>throw acorns at me
>make tons of noise
FUCK squirrels
Whoops. Meant to say "dig".
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>Yo wussup squiggas, itz ya boi ThuggNutz

Open road edition

previous: >>4816660

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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The schizo is too busy being mad at dogs and paleontology. you're safe for now.

the raids correlated with a lack of paleontology threads... hint.
This was a complete safe haven before someone fed a schizo.
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Outdoor rabbits
gosh I wish bunnies were real...
that's unfortunate

Fiery Fella Edition

previous: >>4836578

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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I think red runers are also illegal here, and they're another I can't find in stock anywhere, BUT, I have found someone trustworthy selling "feeder roaches" nudge nudge wink wink
Could try fruit flies since you can just leave them in there without worry of them chewing on the geckos
sadly, he deaded last night.
Breeder has agreed to give me another one when his next batch is ready.
Sad to hear, at least your other one is eating well.
Sadly he was probably never going to make it if he was that young and you just got him

>Um axchually, Alligatoroids are warmblooded
>These aren't your grandpa's crocodilians!
So now even living groups of reptiles we 100% know are coldblooded are being painted as warmblooded to keep the featherfaggotry alive? The Dinosaur Renaissance and its consequences have been a disaster for paleontology.
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>I lost
I know. You lost when instead of reading the paper, you started wailing and gnashing your teeth over wanting a photo of a feathered crocodile.

The funniest part is it doesn't matter what you believe about that research. The fossils of feathered dinosaurs are very much real.
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taking offense to "tyrannosaurines" is like taking offense to "alligatoroids"...
He likes being bullied
>*after basking *on land *in direct sunlight
They retain heat for some time when they go into the water, that’s one of the main reasons they bask
>I seriously hope you don't think Alligators are endotherms now.
As has been said several times, nobody said this and you’re retarded for thinking that’s what the artist was trying to communicate

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>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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>bought a big ass cat tree
>never plays on it, however he exclusively sleeps on the top most perch every day

Honestly this is almost worse than him not using it because now it's just a glorified cat bed I can't justify getting rid of.
>never plays on it
I get the feeling from this and also things other people say, that some people imagine that cats find toys and equipment fun in the way we humans can sit down with video games.
In my experience it really is nothing like that at all. My cats don't "play" with the cat tree either, but I hold a cloth stuffed fish behind one of the pillars and have it peek out, then they will go investigate and bat at it. Then I have it peek out from some other location, like the tube-thing in that person's pic above, and they have a blast.
Or in chasing string, I'll have that dastardly string end up on the top of the cat tree so they have to jump up to get it, then over to the top of the couch, etc. Letting them catch it sometimes and giving some scritches and praise helps a lot too (also this is why laser pointers completely suck as cat toys.)

I just can't imagine people being like "Look I have a basket of these toys, why isn't my cat playing with them" when I've found pretty much all play for them is interactive.
Didn't mean to wall of text you specifically, just rambling on that topic.

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"wildlife rehab" edition

About three hours ago I found a bird (House Finch). He was trapped inside and (presumably) bumped into a bunch of windows in an attempt to escape. I found him conscious but concussed on the floor on his back. Right now he's sleeping in a bed made of paper towels inside this box. I opened the box up an hour ago to improve his quarters by adding more bedding and moving the original box into the current (larger) box but he remained asleep. He had moved into a corner and looked like he was getting some pretty good sleep, but the fact that a bird was undisturbed by me was a little concerning.

Is there anything else I should do to improve his situation? Should I attempt to insulate/warm the box further? It's ~70F indoors.

If the opportunity arises I'll take some pictures of him to post in the thread, but I'd rather not needlessly open up the box to disturb him right now. In the morning I think I'll give him a little dish of water.
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Not so much guilt, but a sense of responsibility for a creature I care about. Do you not care for the lives around you?
I called you crazy because how you act makes no sense. Like the products you buy from shops cause a lot of suffering to birds, so you don't care about birds.
What products are you referring to?
Finding out is much more effective use of time than what you did. Many ways to care.
Already done.

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snake ID please

in Florida.

don't want to kill him if I don't have to but I have a small dog this fucker took a pretty bitey stance
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>faggot self-bumping his lame bait thread
fuck your dog bitch
OP here, I also decided to kill my dog and get an objectively superior cat, and now that the snake is gone I can let him roam outside.
I dont care if it's a teacup chihuahua puppy with a bone disorder, your dog would ANNIHILATE a ratsnake without even intending to, and the ratsnake wouldnt be able to do a thing to it. Stop being a faggot.
>known to imitate rattlesnakes
the tail shake actually predates the evolution of the rattle, it serves as a distraction/lure when something a foot to the left of the snake suddenly moves through the leaves

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What is the worst creature to exist on this earth?
>inb4 hurrrr hoomans
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Guinea worm
That's literally needed to create everything. The air is filled with fungi spores. It's the only reason composting works in the first place. If fungi died right now that'd be it.
Bed bugs are definitely it. Those things are demons straight from hell.
Mycobacterium spp, the whole genus is clearly not the work of a benevolent god. Unless "creature" means "eucaryote" ?
a woman

Why do yuropoors hate their cats so much?
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>Nihilism wouldn't care about your murder fetish
The teenage buddhist-tier equivalencies are what I was referring to.

>I care about life. Individuals in nature compete with each other constantly. I don't care if the animal killing bird A is another copy of bird A or a new bird B. It's just life. Let nature be and evolve on its own.
By that logic you should have no objection to my position or actions.
I do, because you're a genetic dead end, and those "bad" animals aren't.
I don't have a cat, because I live in an apartment
I would never keep a cat in an apartment in the middle of a city where they can't roam freely, people who do are sick, selfish, ignorant, and borderline evil
Cats don't care about roaming freely. Every indoor cat I've known has been extremely happy and well socialized. Indoor/outdoors and outdoor-onlies always act like PTSD victims towards strangers (gee i wonder).
They might care about dying horribly
indoor/outdoor cats do not act like ptsd victims
happiest cats I've ever met
you brainwashed delusional freak

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