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Ape thread got wiped, time for a new one
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servals or smth
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Which otters do you like?
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Would you care to explain how answer B is wrong?
You think sea otters know how absolutely adorable they are?
homosapiens aren't even close to being diverse enough to have any similarity to what constitutes dog breeds

especially given that modern dog breed evolution was selectively accelerated by us. we INVENTED dopey drooly pugs and psychotic pibbuls very recently.

anyway i don't think dogs are all that different intellectually even if some look utterly retarded or randomly maul babies
favorotie otter speices?
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hey there babeh

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Animals aren't people, don't forget that.
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>Waylon had appeared to be his typical friendly self that October day at his dinnertime. He greeted Austin at the front gate, happily accepted some back scratches, and trotted beside him as the two walked to a nearby feeding trough. About twenty minutes after he’d arrived, Austin had just finished feeding Daisy, a potbellied pig he’s owned since she was a piglet, in an adjacent pen. He reentered the warthog enclosure and was walking toward his all-terrain vehicle, parked at the gate.

>Suddenly his right leg crumpled behind him and he found himself tumbling forward, landing some fifteen feet away. As Austin gathered his bearings, Waylon’s bulky, gray head emerged from a swirling cloud of dust near his feet. Before Austin could stand up and run, Waylon thrust his face between the rancher’s lower legs and began violently swinging his tusks back and forth. One tusk stabbed Austin twice in the right calf and the other once in the left calf. His right leg was gashed from the knee to the upper thigh, an injury so wide that Austin was later able to put his hand inside it. He remembers the sensation of cool air hitting warm muscle and the realization that blood was pouring out of his jeans and filling his boots.

>For a split second, Austin thought the incident might come to an abrupt end, that Waylon had merely decided to deliver a forceful message—“This is my pen and I’m the man around here now!”—in the only way he knew. But a momentary glimpse of the warthog’s narrowed, rage-filled eyes dispelled that notion. As Austin attempted to scoot backward, he realized that Waylon wasn’t stopping. The warthog was barreling forward, attempting to pin his owner to the ground. “He was in murder mode,” Austin said.
you want to get to know me better?
Manhood damage warning.
>Before Austin could fight back, Waylon hooked his owner four more times in the upper left leg and genitals. Several more stab wounds to his upper right leg followed in rapid succession. Reflexively, Austin attempted to gouge out the warthog’s eyes, but he was blocked by bony facial armor. Austin grabbed on to Waylon’s tusks instead, slicing open his wrist. After three more gashes in his abdomen, Austin attempted to put Waylon in a headlock. But the animal jerked upward, plunging his tusk into Austin’s voice box, leaving a quarter-size hole in his neck from which a piece of an artery dangled like a grisly necklace. The blow knocked him onto his back, leaving his entire body exposed to the rampaging boar.

>Somehow, when he needed it most, Austin caught a break. Lying on his back and bleeding out, he may have looked dead to Waylon. The warthog relented, momentarily. Pumped full of adrenaline, Austin staggered to his feet and clambered halfway up an eight-foot fence using a foothold. It would take five tries to swing his body over the top.

>By the time he made it to the pen, Shane felt like he’d walked into a gruesome crime scene. His first instinct was to push the tissue back inside Austin’s body, as if trying to put his son back together. “It was horrible,” Shane said. “I just knew I needed to get him to the hospital as soon as possible.”
>Doctors would later tell the Riley family that by the time Austin reached University Hospital in San Antonio, thirty minutes away, he’d lost nearly half his blood; much more, they said, and he would have died. Even more shocking was that Waylon’s tusks came within millimeters of severing multiple arteries. It would take doctors eleven surgeries to repair the damage to Austin’s body. Though the official count stands at fifteen, neither Austin nor his doctors could be entirely sure of exactly how many times Waylon gored his owner. Some wounds were just too messy for them to be certain.

>The night of the attack, Austin’s parents asked an exotic-animal broker who worked with Austin to kill Waylon. Afterward, Waylon’s head was cut off and sent to a lab so he could be tested for rabies. The results came back negative. His slaughter was partly an act of revenge but also an acknowledgment that the warthog could never be allowed around humans again. Shane and Gail deleted all photos of the animal from their phones. Unwilling to be in the presence of another warthog, Austin had Peaches relocated to another ranch.

Honestly one of the more brutal animal attack stories I've read. Up there with the black bear eating the dude's leg while he was still alive. Him surviving is insane.
Why does anybody ever get close to a dangerous wild animal when stories like this are so abundant

Will it ever be topped? Why is it so good, in spite of it's flaws?
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The Ankylosaurus is pretty stinky too. I really like art that takes the iconic 10/10 colorations from WWD and puts them in better looking designs
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I didn't know the walking with cinematic universe had that many shows. I was only aware of Dinosaurs and Beasts.
the salt plain battle was the peak of paleodocs. nowadays they'd be too preoccupied with making dinosaurs "aCt LiKe REAL aNiMAlS"

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Floppy Fennec Edition

Previous: >>4879599
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This Goth girl shows a vid of a fox
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A book I can recommend, /fox/:
Neither would be healthy! Natural fruits like raspberries are the proper option!
A fox is currently shouting on the street just outside our house

I can't see him because it's dark but I can hear the bastard
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This guy again: >>4909166

It's now a day later and I can hear a fox this evening too

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A few weeks ago some anon posted thier cat, thora. Ever since I saw her I can't stop thinking about her, wondering what she smells and feels like she's not like any other cat to me, she's special and I wanna eventually meet her and get to know her. If this anon is reading this now please post more pics of thora, she's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen.
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You guys aren't cat owner... right?
Cats are easy as sin to get and keep. What do you think?
The guy who always thinks he’s surrounded by dogfuckers unironically rapes his cat and links /dog/ to a thread full of dog porn that he seems to frequent along with that anya/horse fucker

They do actually have pets
i have a tom
She kinda thicc too

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Wait it's all just bigger guys eating smaller guys
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not for me. I'm gonna be turned into a diamond
future generations can bite my shine diamond ass and break their teeth
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I'll just turn you into diamond water
No actually, quite often it's several smaller guys eating a big guy

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>"The world is cruel and unjust, everything and everyone is out killing or being killed, there is no concern outside for mates and offspring"
>Leopard Seal tries to feed photographer penguins, despite it having no benefit whatsoever
What the fuck
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maybe the women enjoy it, bigot
No ape is wholesome. I honestly never want to be close to one.
now the question i have here is: how many animals achieve successful penetrative rape? like actual dick in vagina/asshole, not just humping for domination. probably not that many since there's size differences but i imagine the elephant here could get the rhino's asshole/pussy if determined enough.
>everytime I see something that vaguely conforms to my view I remember it, everytime it contradicts it I forget about it or twist it to something that conforms it

also t
Yup. It's why /adv/ and /r9k/ are just an endless stream of "why do all women [negative cherrypicked example]?"

Post birds, appreciate birds
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>live in midgard
>local corvids seem to wake up with the sun around 7-8
>they go about their day, trying to find food that isn't there
>sun goes down around 4-5 in the afternoon
>well lads, time to pack it up
>i guess they now spend the night just sitting in their nest for over 12 hours
>in the cold and without any food
>and it's not even winter yet
how do they survive?
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Identify possible environmental causes why a bird could get infected, then eliminate them.
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why are they so fat

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does my budgie look fat
It looks american
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the bird is ((round)).

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Are dolphins evil?
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The only species capable of evil or good.
Dogs do lots of good
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hubbaduh hubbaduh
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if life begins at conception, does that mean that every future member of a colony exists from the moment a queen ant is inseminated during its nuptial flight?

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Just a thread for the discussion of animal sheltering and animal welfare in general. Share experiences, thoughts, opinions, news, etc. Ask questions, maybe they'll get answers.

Here are a few questions to kick things off -
>Have you ever been to a shelter before?
>Have you or anyone you've known adopted an animal?
>Any preconceived notions you had about said shelter that were wrong?
>Anything you wish you knew before going to the shelter?

3-3-3 Rule

Puppy Blues

Need Help?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You should get inspiration from a Path of Exile boss.
That is literally what they did in CO since like the 90's. It was severe enough that their legislature included service dogs and a very very wide range of dogs. Quebec did the same and saw an increase in hospitalizations. Look at the UK having banned the breed aggressively for decades, and they're a small island that can really control it. It is obviously not working.
You should instead gain inspiration from places that seem to have shit under control, and why. Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway.
It might also be worth looking into some countries that have an even worse issue, as their problems may be exaggerated and more easily recognized, like the phillipines, india, romania, etc.
>picking out puppies for rescue in a very under funded inner city municipal shelter
>they say to pick whatever we want (strange, there are usually off-limit animals for stray holds, adoption pending, etc)
>they throw all of their young puppies (<8w) in one giant pen
>well shit I guess we'll take these guys
>go to parvo test them because they seem lethargic
>every single one pops a positive
>during testing, an owner comes up to pick up their 5w old spaniel puppy that they somehow lost last night and was picked up by ACO (I guess they're ignoring the mandatory stray hold)
>go to tell the employee aside that this puppy was a hard parvo positive
>they never tell the owner
Very rarely have I gone to a 'high kill' shelter and it lived up to it's nefarious reputation. This is one of those times. Easily the worst shelter I have ever had to step foot in. Their live release rate is in like the 30% range and it seems to largely be their fault.
The problem is the NOTRUEPIBBLE squad
>uh its a totally different dog because they cant be blue its out of standard
>white german shepherd: *bites you*
>GSD people: yes, they are dangerous dogs that need strict training.
CO ban was so wide in it's description that a doxie was euth because of it. So it doesn't explain why that ban never worked. It's under their dangerous dog act.

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Hello fellow /an/imals. I am simply here to humbly begin an opossum/possum thread. Let's not get caught up in the frivolity of the difference, both are welcome. I don't have alot to start the thread with, but I will contribute everything I do have. enjoy your day, and boop a opossum!
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Haven't heard that song in ages
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yes, they do, if raised by you from a baby. look at all the pet opossum in the thread for verification.
I hear their health and temprament declines rapidly at age 2 despite a 4yr avg lifespan, this true?

post cows. appreciate cows.
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I have a sudden need to move to the countryside
>POV: Heaven
could the same not be said of almost any cow? is that not, forgive the pun, why they are so endearing?
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could not have said it better myself
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>accidentally kills you
what now?

In a world first, a Homotherium/Scimitar-toothed cat mummy has been found in the Siberian permafrost.

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It's overall anatomy is surprisingly doglike which i guess is what prompted Peters' schizo episode because convergent evolution is not a thing apparently
>and should have a margin of error that’s at minimum 1/3rd of that
>5 digits
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Turning a spoon into a fork is easy, you just hammer it flat, cut the scoop into tines and file them into shape then put some curve back in. Turning a fork into a spoon would be much harder.
>1/3rd of 30,000 = 10,000
Looks like 5 digits to me

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