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>I have to leave my country and go in a very hot one
>20+ flight hours is not gonna be good for my cats
>20 degree heat all year round is not gonna be good for them either
>It means that only way is I have to give them away to someone
>my oldest memory is getting the first of them
>got my first job to buy meds for them
>literally saved one of them from river
>I basically lived my whole life with them
>all of them lived together most of their life
>very low chances all of them get adopted by one person since they are very different
>less than 5 months left to do something about it
I swear to god I'm gonna kil myself on the plane.
I don't want to make them go through so much stress and make their life harder by making them live in always hot country, but I don't think if giving them away is any better.
What do I do?
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>20 degree heat all year round is not gonna be good for them either
20c is only about 68f, either you meant to say something higher or you think that's really hot for some reason
When I moved out of my family's house, there was this semi feral house cat that would only allow me to pet her. When I came back after 3 years, not only did she let me pet her, she actually would seek me out after only being in the house for 10 minutes - this cat that some people haven't seen in years it was so skittish, came out for me in under half an hour. So they at least have a 3 year memory.

>What do I do
If the place you're moving to you'll be at for the foreseeable future, i don't know why you wouldn't bring them with you. A one-time shitty flight with some sleepy meds vs spending the rest of their life with you. 20F or 20C really isn't that bad if they're going to have indoor access, and isn't even an issue if they will be indoors only. If you want to bring them with you you'll need to figure that out quick though - a lot of countries have rules and regulations on traveling with animals. China for example requires all animals to get a rabies vaccine 6 months or something before travel EVEN IF the animal is UTD on rabies vax.
If you're moving and will only be there a few years or don't have a clue what you're doing then yeah rehoming may be for the best.
If you need to leave them, I highly recommend looking into supported self rehome programs in your area. There are websites for owners rehoming pets. You can check with local rescues and shelters for do not adopt lists. I think what is more important than a rehoming fee is just having a long conversation to make sure they are the right fit for the cat.
Whatever you decide, you need to start making moves now.
Egyptians have had cats for 8 millenia. Maybe Google a few pics of Egypt and ask yourself whether your cats can survive summer in the UK aka 20C.

Spoiler: they'll laugh at you for having sweaty balls and rightfully so.
OP please ask this question of ChatGPT so he will explain in a few more fucks than me, why this is stupid.
Every single cat species will be fine at 20c and 20f.
Especially if they can just stay at home. which all cats can easily adjust to.
just take the damn cats.
possible dogredditor posts. everyone keep safe.

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Toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis

Do you trolls have any new material?

46 million households in the US alone have at least one cat. Oh, it can't be because people can love animals and cats are cute, it's because of a disease none of you can define. Wow!

Trolls have infested the board and the cancer has metasticized.
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True, all of their posts are in ESL broken english
You toxofags keep responding to it. Why would we need new material?
anyone engaged in the pet console war is either literally mentally ill (retarded) or non white (also retarded) so any insult becomes meaningless white noise and once you realize that
if you still feel the urge to reply the 4chan x hide post button is right there
Saar! Saar, I Am BEG YOU
I am employe with google.com and hope you reconsidaar your hate and welcom toxo threads from a friend
hi again dogredditor

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I want to kiss my cat on the lips (no homo)

he's just so precious

he's an orange tabby

(pic is not my cat)
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I'd rather people take my body as a medicine than use tigers for it.
I feel the urge to kiss that tiger
Imagine taking this bait
wow im suprised that dogredditor hasnt posted in this thread yet
Damn you are really having a meltdown

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had anyone else noticed the local stray cats seem to be missing more often? Im used to them going away for a while since theyre nomadic and all but I've been leaving cat food in my backyard for a couple nights now and it ends up being ant food. it used to take like 5 minutes for a cat to show up. I heard this is happening all over the country, whats going on?
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what do you mean?
Yes. There were a few stray cats that people would leave food out for and they all went missing recently.
I used to live with a black family and the landlady would spray pesticide in the faces of local cats cause she thought they were eating her trash. i have never seen cats eat trash before desu
Inb4 you and your constant need to bring up /pol/ into every fucking thing
reminder to not reply to dogredditor
if you wanna know how to spot him look up dogredditor on desuarchive

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what makes male cats want to mate if they don't get any orgasmic feeling
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They're masochists and love pain
I think there's some "scientific" meme that only heckin humies experience orgasms idk
>Why do females ___?
Who fucking cares?
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I care.
Go back to your incel forum and watch your beheadings, scum

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Looks like the inland taipan might be getting its first fatality
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We need his hospital room #. Is that company that mails zoo shit still running?
It's been two weeks anon.
Everyone knows about the demon core dumbass the Japanese made it into a meme.
t. /k/

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has anyone seen the anon article from the woman who stopped giving a shit about her cat after giving birth? They're now covering her and their own asses, and brushing it under the rug, when she should be in jail by her own admission/ in her own words. She abuses, tortures and neglects her senior cat and has no desire to change her behavior. This isn't edgy commentary, it's animal abuse. They are profiting off of animal abuse.
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I'm no tourist, I think animals are valuable and fascinating. I'm especially interested in wild animals and usually post in threads related to them. That being said I would never put any animal above my family and children and the fact that so many people do shows just how much of a demonic and demented society we've turned into. The further we stray from God the more we worship false chimera idols just like they did in biblical times, only this time it comes in the form of modern pet worship culture
>Women are retarded
>More news at 11:00
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Reditards need to go. If anyone should be harassed it's the evil government of Ohio and Springfield.
Wish I could be there for your empty funeral.

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Say that you can transform into any animal. Which animal would be most suited for harassing minorities? Assuming there's no time limit for the transformation, of course.
Some type of parasite or bacteria since they cannot into hygiene.
Goat, to trick them into zoological deviancy.
Probably a chimp
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Cheetah :)
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Haast's eagle

Horse General

Rancho Relaxo edition

>>4837006 - thread that was nuked by the mod's global purge
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A horse leaves this world. Its body will not go to waste.
an intruder is snoofed into submission
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Remember when we watched Evenstar live until she gave birth 3 years ago?
What happened to her? The links aren't working anymore
>offspring is a fully grown horse by now
Bros we're getting old
Ah... the classic that started it all...

How many animals can you name off of the top of your head
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Jackie Chan
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Osprey, red-tailed hawk, California condor, mule deer, ten-band junebug, cellar spider, elephant, dolphin, sea urchin, cricket, cicada, earthworm, ringworm, heartworm, kingfisher, cormorant, crow, raven, weasel, beaver, nutria, seastar, octopus, silverfish, cutlass fish, oarfish, sperm whale, blue whale, humpback whale, orangutan, human, macaque, panda, hummingbird, albatross, black widow, pillbug, gopher, gopher snake, king snake, boa constrictor, rattlesnake, salamander, rain toad, tree frog, bullfrog, cat, dog, hamster, guinea pig, horse, pig, cow, chicken, turkey, pheasant, fox, wolf, tardigrade, jellyfish, tubeworm, goblin shark, hammerhead shark, great white shark, tiger shark, cookie cutter shark, polar bear, black bear, grizzly bear, koala, magpie, kangaroo, platypus, ox, bison, tiger, lion, cougar, coyote, scorpion, horned lizard, monitor lizard, gila monster, legless lizard, mudskipper, axolotl, zebra, ibex, beecatcher, antelope, goat, badger, tarantula, cupboard spider, centipede, termite, ant, snail, sea slug, sea snail, hermit crab, crab, lobster, shrimp, krill, eel, sea snake, bald eagle, golden eagle, turkey vulture, pony, donkey, beluga, narwhal, sea otter, river otter, preying mantis, rabbit, rat, mouse, puffin, marten, ferret, wolverine, capybara, alligator, crocodile, turtle, tortoise, sea turtle, duck, goose, swan, tiger butterfly, monarch butterfly, atlas moth, mosquito, dragonfly, damselfly, housefly, ensign wasp, wasp, honeybee, carpenter bee, yellow jacket, hornet, flat-headed leafhopper, grasshopper, jewel beetle, ladybug, hippo, rhino, kudu, bonobo, gorilla, lemur, giraffe, bedbug, louse, moose, reindeer, stellar's jay, woodpecker, barn owl, horned owl, snowy owl, wolf bat, vampire bat, flying squirrel, flying snake, seal, sea lion, catfish, mackerel, tuna, swordfish, clown fish, porpoise, tarantula wasp, trap door spider, brown recluse, sand crab, sand hopper, anemone, barracuda, squid, penguin, killer whale, salmon, trout, frog
dog, uhh, frog,, uh cat and uhhh fishe
average /an/ poster
alligator, caiman, crocodile, frog, gecko, a monitor lizard is fine too, newt, salamander, skinks, snakes, toad, tortoise, turtle,

anteater, antelope, armadillo, giraffe, elephant, hippos, meercats, sloth, rhino, wildebeest, zebra

beaver, otter, mink, muskrat, nutria

bison, bull/cow, camel, caribou (reindeer), deer/stag, donkey, goat, horse, llama, moose, mule (donkey x horse), pig (boar), sheep (lamb),

boobies, canaries, cardinals, catbirds, chickadee, chickens, cowbirds, creepers, crows, cuckoos, dove/pigeon, ducks, falcons, eagles, finches, flamingoes, geese, hawks, heron, jays, kingfisher, larks, loons, peacock, quail, ravens, red-winged blackbirds, robins, sparrows, stocks, swans, turkey, warblers, wrens,

capybaras, chinchilla, chipmunk, hamster, hedgehogs, mole, mouse, rabbit, rat, squirrels (red, grey, and black)

cat, cheetah, cougar (mountain lion), jaguars, leopards, lion, lynx, panther, puma, tiger

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New Beginnings Edition

previous: >>4853541 (lost in the great purge)

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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Why is my pixie frog acting afraid of me? He used to go crazy when It was feeding time but now when I open his enclosure to feed him he freaks out and runs into his hide.
I used to just put the cricket in there and he'd devour it without question but now I have to poke his face with it for him to eat it.
It is just him on his shedding period or something?
Do you guys think my salamander would rather live life free in the wild or being submerged in my tank with and doing nothing chilling with by himself or with shrimp all day only to get fed an earthworm once every week?
freedom for life is also the freedom to die, im not really sure how to mentally stimulate a salamander, because im not going to be the mengele for salamanders, and aside from just looking for food or just chill im not really sure what else a salamander does in the wild, if you want to simulate a predator, you can just poke it a stick i guess. i suppose you could rearrange the tank when you clean it so its kind of a new locale
Your salamander doesnt understand those concepts, but if it could, it would pick what is important to it - security and regularly accessible food.
The idea of some freedom and nobility in the wild is an invention by humanity pulling a "grass is greener" on civilization. Nature fucking sucks. If you're lucky you die delirious and in pain from an infection. If you're unlucky you're torn apart by a predator while alive and screaming in agony.
jfc he's so stupid, I don't have a Tegu and even I know they have a puberty period where they turn into complete psychos that want to kill everything.
He has to have done little to no research out of watching Clint Reptiles shit videos on Tegus to think they'd just be instantly tamed.

are locust swarms 100% anarchic or do they have some sort of hierarchy similar to a school of sardines or a flock of migratory birds?
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>too little food?
>transform into a form that requires much much more food
I still don't understand it
they're the indians and africans of insect world
They are trying to eat each other
Both of these are correct
>food is scarce
>transform into a form that will outcompete your peers for food
>yeah the ecosystem in general starves even faster this way but that's not YOUR problem
>bug that elects to remain in the efficient form gets eaten and removes that tendency from the gene pool

What is this fucking shit ?
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Have these been caught on video? I used to think they were a hoax because I couldn't find nothing online except that photo and drawings years ago.
Here's one:

>Flying squids of the family Ommastrephidae have been observed to cover distances as long as 30m above the surface of the water, presumably to avoid predators or save energy as they migrate across vast expanses of ocean, uniquely utilizing jet-propelled aerial locomotion.
It looks like which exact species of squid are able to do this isn't very well known.
Nice, I finally got to see them.
>its not clear which species can do this
It's pretty rare since most squid don't tend to hang out at shallow depths during the day and you have to be pointing a high quality camera where it's happening before it's happening or you missed it. I've heard multiple species of squid can do it but just one or two seem to specialize in doing it.
God has a sense of humor.

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what the fuck are they?
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i did not authorize my picture taken
Vetulicola cuneata
My ancestor :)
cuneata ToT

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>Some kids are born, through a strechy hole
>Ohh that dilated vagoo.
>And when the doc says, just one more push
>the baby comes straight out to you
>But that ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate mom no...
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God's design is perfect. If you don't Understand something, doesn't mean it's flawed. Man has never designed a lifeform from scratch so who are we to criticize? Perhaps the death rates at birth are some kind of control mechanism implemented by God, we can only guess, but never criticize for that requires the ability to do better.
trvth nvke
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Real and true. Amen.
>So after giving birth the hyena's pseudopenis stretches and splits into a mangled sleeve
Does this actually happen? I honestly kind of doubt it. There's absolutely no reason a female shouldn't be able to give birth to young naturally. Females are the primary raisers of children in almost every species. Spotted hyena mothers seem like they're doing a good job with whatever junk they've got.
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Yes it does. But spotted hyenas are quite robust, so if the blood loss doesn't kill her outright she's usually fine. And the survival rate for all births after the first is much higher.


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