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You've been assigned to a Biodome in Arizona: the dome encompasses an area of 10 acres and is a little over 100ft (30 meters) tall at its' highest point. Besides being significantly larger than the last Biodome it's also a single connected enclosed 'dome' like pic related, as opposed to multiple connected domes. The purpose of the Biodome is the same as the last: to design and engineer a completely self-sustained contained ecosystem that a small team of people could live in for 'ideally' 5 years. The Biodome has a small living quarters tucked away with individual apartments for about 10 people, electricity and internet is provided and there's a basic plumbing system, but no additional 'outside' water will be provided once the thing is sealed.

This is where you come in /an/: your job is to design the novel ecosystem within the Biodome.
-What flora and fauna would you pick?
-What kind of crops and livestock would you include/recommend?
-What kind of biome would you put together?
-What kind of terraforming (such as a pond or a terrace), features, or equipment (like fans, additional lights, etc) would you have installed to ensure conditions?

How do you make it work, /an/?
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>What about a system like a rice paddy

I think aquaponics is absolutely the way to go in this situation, that rice would be an excellent choice for a crop, and having something like a shrimp/fish rotation would probably be a great idea as well. I think the original Biospherians actually made mostly correct choices with crops and the only thing I'd have changed is adopting a more tropical/South East Asian diet: sweet potatoes, yams, lots of rice and cassava, leafy greens, plantains and bananas, etc..

For a project like this though I'd be really paranoid about grasses.
One of the stupidest things the Biospherians did unintentionally was plant grass. Grasses are really aggressive, they choke out more oygen productive plants like herbs and ferns, and I'd worry their thin roots would dig deep into the ground and potentially disturb the integrity of the Biodome. They blamed winter and concrete for the original asphyxiation of the Biosphere, but I blame the small water habitat limiting algae population and grasses smothering more efficient forest floor herb/leafy plants from producing oxygen.

Granted, if none of those things are an issue with rice, and corn for that matter, I'd absolutely be favor of including those two grasses. From what I've read the original team suffered unnecessarily due to their lack of experience in sustenance gardening causing them to be in a constant state of half-starvation until they learned how to farm. Even then, however, they still complained endlessly of constant "partial hunger" due to a low caloric diet. I think some experience, a larger hydroponics/paddy system, and the addition of corn, would hopefully feed a team more effectively.
No. It is fickle and needs WAY too much nutrient input to be productive and also needs soaking in super alkaline water (doesn’t take up much space to store plenty of lime for this, but is a difficult to renew resource in a dome) to make its nutrients bioavailable if you wanted it to be a main part of your diet. Pellagra is what happens to you when you try to survive off of corn without nixtamalizing it first.
half acre aquaponics system for fresh food
half acre potatoes
9acres mixed pasture grazing guinea pigs
>cuy con papas and a veggie side every day
If there is a safe way to pickle food, a spineless okra variety seems like a good choice to grow. They’re fast growing and super productive while taking little effort or skill to grow; one plant will produce more okra faster than one person will be willing to eat them. It self-volunteers new plants pretty readily from pods that are missed and the whole plant is edible, though the older parts aren’t palatable. They’re good for making soups thicker and more hearty tasting. The young seeds have a surprising amount of easily digestible nutrition as well as being tasty. It makes a fantastic pickle, but trying to cook the pods needs something acidic to keep them from turning into a lump of snot. Some spineless varieties taste great raw though.
Without grasses and corn though, what will you end up feeding the animals you need? Even chickens and 'easier' livestock need roughage.

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I dont know what it is, looking at pictures of bears calm me and give me this serene feeling.

Post pictures of bears here.
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Hardly something unheard of. Lots of animals do the same. Seems to be pretty effective since they keep doing it
Me too. But sunbears and slothbears are not cute.
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I concur wholeheartedly.
Corruption is a bitch
How has he not been mauled yet?
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No, they're sluts.

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How tasty are bugs really? Are they crunchy, meaty or grubby? Why do most human cultures have taboos surounding bug diets?
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>turn poop into drinking water!!
You already drink recycled water. Unless you believe in homeopathy water memory shit, why would you care?
Water is water.

>Eating insects can help tackle food insecurity
Food insecurity means there's not enough food. If you don't live in a country that needs billions in food aid to survive, they're not talking about you.

>Air Protein, creates meat from air
It's a microbe that turns CO2 into protein powder. If you're icky about bugs being mashed into filler powder, wouldn't you rather something like this?

Literally just a plant.

Who gives a fuck about any of this?

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>How tasty are bugs really? Are they crunchy, meaty or grubby?

Bugs generally taste awful: they're pointy, crunchy (or chewy), and full of goop uncooked. Cooked bugs are marginally better: still crunchy, no longer gooby, but it's all crunch with maybe a nutty or mushroomy flavor that ranges depending on whatever the bug has eaten. Lots of insects though are bitter, mostly because there's no real way to de-poop them besides starving them.
EXCEPT: >>4831438 CICADAS. Cicadas do, unironically, taste something like shrimp and are somewhat palatable. They achieve this though by spending 3-17 years doing nothing but fattening themselves on tree sap underground.

>Why do most human cultures have taboos surounding bug diets?

Because bugs are gross and taste yucky - furthermore, we already know the 'meat alternative' people will actually choose and it's rats.
Poverty in South East Asia, China, and parts of Africa, have independently seen people come to the same decision, "I guess I'll farm rats." Rats are fine living in cramped conditions, are surprisingly receptive to domestication and become quite fat, pleasant, and endearing livestock, and their flesh is nourishing and tasty. Pic related is one of the plump little darlings in question.
>Why do most human cultures have taboos surounding bug diets?
its the jewish ones really, shellfish are just bugs, theyre giant sea roachs, they eat everything off the ocean floor, which infinitely more dirty since the ocean is filled with feces, urine, corpses, and semen of hundreds of creatures
They really aren't, swimming requires a shitload of lean muscle vs scurrying around on land, that's why shrimp have a lot of very tasty muscle tissue for actuating their tail. Compare that against picrel, mostly organs and exoskeleton. And all food animals eat incredibly nasty shit, angloids literally unleashed a 100% lethal primordial abomination by feeding rotten brain matter to cattle lmao
and the head, or the torso, of crustaceans has all the organs, and the taste can vary depending on how the guts were flooded or not, but it usually tastes like the ocean or dirt, which some people dont like, but organs is tasty

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Photos, memes, videos, copypastas, anything that is iconic /an/ content
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Audibly fuck yeahed
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No one's going to post that one that went like, "I'll shoot your ass if I catch you sh*tting your dog?"
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New thread to replace the old one that maxed-out and was archived
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strangely one of the friendliest birds on the planet. they love humans and form bonds with them easily. trusted humans have sometimes been led to their young just to show them off as a proud parent seemingly. Would love to have a wildlife sanctuary with a bunch of these running around.
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Im thinking about upping my dogs weight vest to 70 lbs, is it safe to give them creatine and will it have the same effects as it does in humans? I dont want to ruin his kidneys
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get those gains bro
Dog kidneys/livers are different, but considering they're heavy meat eaters, they should be able to handle some creatine. Prepare for the shits big time to be honest.
To make him SMASHED and SLAMMED
if you want strong dogs feed him 1-1.2g per lb bodyweight in protein like a bodybuilder would eat. Good protein sources are egg whites, chicken, steak, depends what they digest best. Dont bother with creatine just carnivoremaxx your dog with quality protein
is this supposed to be funny? cuz its not

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What's the biggest/most fearsome animal you could fend off with a glaive? You don't have to kill it, just make it stop fucking with you.
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Git gud fgt, lrn2dps
If people cared about purely DPS everyone would play hbg and solo hunt to get those stupid fast clear times and flinch that bitch so hard it can't retaliate. This is more about fluid play and executing a hunt flawlessly like a matador and getting the most rewards from a hunt through part breaks. But as far as dps in team play goes: If your teammates have to sheath to heal it's dps down. If they can't keep their gauges up because you're all too spread out and the monster is all over the place it's dps down. If you're not interrupting it's lengthy attacks it's dps down. If you're not immobilizing it as often as possible to get off big combos it's dps down. If you're not keeping them topped off to get peak performance or you're not keeping the monster enraged to get agitator it's dps down. If you're not keeping it's weak points softened it's dps down. Getting a fluid hunt and using mantles, items and statuses is all part of dps. Doing brain dead lala combos only stopping to sharpen or heal is in every way worse for the team dps.
An elephant
Quite a lot of them. I think maybe up to a lion.
After that is brown bears and tigers, and I think those would just have 0 fear of you and attack anyway. Could probably kill a tiger with it though. Spear would be better though, better stabbing at range than slicing.
Brown recluse

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Which one of you anons can tell me what this is that fell on me from a poplar or birch tree. Pic rel.
Thank you in advance!
It’s kinda long about 2-2.5 inches.
Definitely some kind of caterpillar
Avoid touching it unnecessarily/without protection. The fuzzy bits can potentially give you a rash
Brown recluse
iNaturalist says it's genus Citheronia, silk moth

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Are Hippos the strongest land animal next to Elephants?
>have been found to lift all four limbs off the ground when moving quickly, according to a statement from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in the UK.
>After analyzing videos showing 169 movement cycles from 32 hippos, researchers found that the fastest-moving animals spend around 15% of each stride off the ground.
I can jump

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Accept no substitute edition
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Thanks. I've had a rough week. Here's a photo of her. She's the brown one photobombing. I lost the white rat this week too.
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Is this a rodent general or rats only?

Asking for a piggie fren...
I don't see a reason not to go to back to, /Ret/ general but other rodent friends welcome.
Be warned, we're terrible at pig advice in this general but piggers get an answer eventually.
I want a battlerat that I can train to bravely defend my property from loathsome villians
I am a private investigator and i just completed an investigation into some shady corporate types and I've just passed on my findings to a liquidator.
what would you fine gentlemen recommend?
Maybe, don't do that?
Domestics are fairly small and aren't very hardy.
Have you considered a recreational mustelide for this purpose?
Weasels & ferrets conceal carry very naturally

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New thread to replace the one that reached its post limit.

And which was still going surprisingly strong.

Let's keep showing that we care about them.
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Bloody oath. Whenever you shit you should try to make it a statement piece. I certainly do.
So does the Australian pelican, Pelecanus conspicillatus. Pic related.
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i miss them
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Post birds, appreciate birds
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Piles of feathers is probably hawks, they pluck their prey, cats just play with it and maybe it eat.
This one was fascinated by my camera
>wind turbines like killing golden eagles and large, low flying migrators
Fucking sociopathic windmills.
The shared unit is dead birds.

You could estimate the surface area of glass uh...surfaces, break it down to dead birds/m2 and compare that to dead birds/cat.

Same way you can also get the average dead birds/windmill.

Identifying the 13% of super predator windmills that are responsible for 50% of bird kills is a secondary step you take when comparing windmills to windmills. There you can find a common unit such as MWh or rotor span. Or maybe you find that the windmills that kill the most birds are of a certain height. Whatever it is, it is possible to compare bird killers with each other even if these bird killers are otherwise completely different from each other.
there's a few tern colonies on some supermarket roofs around here

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/moo/ - cowe general

talk about god's gift to the universe
post cows, pet cows, feed cows, love cows, worship cows sirs, play with cows, take care of cows.
how is Tuna doing?
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bump 4 cowe
>no new tuna webms
it's fucking over isn't it?
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the sight brings me comfort

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My chihuahua dog seems to have a small bone sticking out of his chest, what does this mean?
porcupine quill

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Deer Thread
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Get on the floor
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Can a goat and a deer make a foal?
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>hunting deer with a .22
even roe deer call for .223
Cuddle time

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