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Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?
He is a kot with funny ears, found abandoned in some bushes, dirty, covered in fleas in mid-July. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.

Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.

Originally posted him here back in July seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
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Out of fresh Jefreys for the time being, working on getting more
Is his health good now?
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so far so good
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self portrait with extreme realism
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Wait... So you're a white man living in China with 3 cats and a Chinese waifu?
Cute little fella.
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Well, if you want to put it like that…
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>Hair color ?
Goes with Jefrey's eyes

>Skin tone?
Goes nicely with Jefrey's mozzarella

>Shirt situation?
A E S T H E T I C pairing with Jefrey's nose

Based looksmaxxing OP and Jefrey combo
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In regards to that mother cat and kittens I found yesterday, I went back multiple times to look for them again and they weren’t there anymore. The center didn’t pick them up either unfortunately, their catcher is off in another area for a few days. Gonna go back every day until I leave in hopes that I find them again.
He gets the aesthetics from me
>and so now you’re stuck with him
Oh noes! WhatEVER you do, don't more Jefrey posting!! The horror.

> bless you for saving Jefrey, anon
Jefy vid

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still sounds like a babby
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UPDATE: I found the kittens. Captured one, took him all the way down to the center, then they told me to bring him back because he’s too young. They are going to try and capture the whole family at once on Thursday/Friday. Plopped out another giant can of cat food for them in the meantime.

Look at this little guy.
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Godspeed, little dude
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OK back to Jefrey.

Jefrey eating corn. Will post videos later today.
Jefy eating corn

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Eating an orange… personally never seen a cat do that. I thought they all hated citrus.
Cats that love corn are great, but you'll never be able to have it again without him begging.
My wife is the corn lover, I can take it or leave it. So that’s her problem lol
Is he ok? I thought citrus was poisonous to cats.
I double checked, I think a single piece won't be super harmful. But avoid it in the long term because it can cause digestive issues.
OK I didn’t know that, thanks for telling me. We won’t give him any more.

BTW he’s already stealing my wife’s corn right from off the stove before she could even get to it… he’s turning into an absolute corn fiend already
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>This person accessed your phone
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Perfectly balanced
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why is his head shaped like that
having been cut by can lids which can be rather sharp, I feel somewhat nervous with it just lying there
Not sure what you see but the can lid is nowhere in that picture
love this photo of him
he's so long
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ah, pardon me, it seems i mistook
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Ladies and gentlemen… WE GOT EM’!

Not Jefrey related but we got ALL the cats and they’re on their way down to the center right now. The mom, the dad, and the 3 kittens. We captured a total of 5.

The last black kitten was hiding really good but the Thai dude finally found him amongst the tall grass. Fucking needle in a haystack but he managed it.
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Went down to the center to check in on them moments ago, and apparently it was 2 moms with 3 kittens, and they were just living together as one unit in the tall grasses next to the beach.

Pretty happy, made my day, I think the kittens can be adopted out since they're still young and can be acclimated to humans. Even the two mothers weren't really fighting back.
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I hope Jefrey had a nice day today.
mmmmm balls!
lol lesbian cats
they must like pussy.
Good luck little kittens
more pics
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Damn he got bigger
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He’s running around bouncing off the fucking walls now that I’m back
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Unfortunately once they caught them, that was it, couldn’t go in to see them again. Last I heard the two moms were waiting to get spayed.
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He doesn’t listen
Cute and wholesome Jefer.
Lil guy missed ya

gormless looking creature

time to get the water spray bottle
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>deebly goncerned
silly peanut, cats can't eat plants!
Are you okay?
love when orange cats always look like silly rotisserie chickens or thanksgiving turkeys from the back.
Scary Jef
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>make sure your jefrey is plugged in and charging when not in use
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this is mean and rude
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lmao gay ass cat
The droppy ears make him look sad all the time :(
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He has a great life don’t worry
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he must be a great climber
Nigga that's nuts.
HA! I get it
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Who or what is he mad at?
Us, because I arrived to the office late and he only got to play outside for about 30 minutes before we took him home
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I am grateful for the Jefery posting. Thank you.
what does this facial expression mean
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He was just upset we drove away after only being outside for half an hour
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Eventful day so far. He ran up some stairs and onto the balcony of some unoccupied apartment. Thankfully he came down on his own.

He then saw a really beautiful girl cat with green eyes he became enamored with.

Then he got mad dogged by the giant fluffy cat Taco and some corgi dog, and that time he willingly came with me back to the office.
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The girl cat
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spot the stupid ass
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spent a brief time at the playground
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looking at me looking at him through the plastic bubble
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Jefy stalking the girl cat like a ninja
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Warmest spot in town
Jef got to work in that rizz
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not canon, jefrey is gay
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Not sure why he does it but he loves the capybara still. He carries it around, trills, grooms it, cuddles it etc. Even to say the word “capybara” causes him to trill and get excited.
iPad kid watching his sloppa
please understand OP peanut has autism and his capy soothes him
the morpher
why is he wearing a necklace
GPS tracker in case we lose him
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peanut the clown
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sleep tight, pupper
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Is this his final form?
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Jefrey got GigaVaxxed today and is having trouble staying warm
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He’s nowhere near his final form yet
Look at that happy boy
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I spy a tail!
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Jefy video, highly recommend you watch it with sound

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His smug aura mocks me
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Still can’t believe somebody just threw this guy away.
Do NOT steal the Jefy's ball.
the yule collar makes him suffer so much that he altered the space around him
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square head
Is there any way I can watch these without downloading them
yeah it's annoying AF
OP make a Jefy youtube or something
i didn't need to download anything wtf
Jesus Christ. Do you people need to have your poopy diapers changed and bumbums wiped for you, too?
Click 'convert' and watch the video there. That's what I've been doing since PeanutPapa started posting .mov files.
I don't have enough videos of him to justify making a youtube really. I'll think about it though. In the meantime just delete them after download, I won't get mad.
Now that I'm thinking about it though, I'll consider making one if enough people here actually want me to. So voice your opinion. Yea or Nay?
Yeah, sure, ynot. Don't 'spect me too subscribe, tho. I've had my YouTube since its inception and have literally never subscribed to anyone and only commented three times.
Not even for lil' Jefy? :(
What do you want, a fucking medal, no one gives a shit faggot.
Alright, I made a YouTube channel, and uploaded a short to it. I'll start poastin' Jefy vids there from now on. Go like and subscribe.

I don't have a youtube but I guess now I have to make one.
I'll give two shits. One for me and one for the one you won't : 3
Jefy will appreciate it
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pls upload them as normal videos
Can you even do that if it's under a minute long or whatever? Let me look into it. I thought I just uploaded them normally and it just auto posted them as shorts. Sorry, I don't have another YouTube channel so I don't know how it works.
I got some shit to do so I'll look at it later or tomorrow. If anyone knows how to disable the shorts feature in YouTube studio, you can spoonfeed me here if you want. Tik Tok / YouTube shorts have been absolute cancer and I hate the format so fucking much.
You cant

These tech illiterates dont know how to change the URL or use the userscript
What the fuck are you babbling about.
>he doesnt know
lmao enjoy your shorts

hint: its a viewer option, not an uploader option, learn to read and then install gentoo
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>There are people on this board who wish death upon this face
looks like nasi pecel, a type of salad with rice, fruit, vegetables and peanut dressing
Jesus Christ, first you cunts don't know how to watch .mov in browser without an extension and now, you don't know how to watch a YT video without it being a short? Fuck me, people are so goddamn dumb these days.
Here. Non-shorts version of the video:
huh..you're right. i fucking hate salad.
like he said, you're tech illiterate
Not having a plug in or some script bullshit to view a 4chan cat vid and not caring about youtube shorts isn't tech illiteracy you smarmy fuck
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Come on guys, such a dumb thing to be flinging shit about.

Jefy's got 5 subscribers and almost 1000 views between the two videos. And some Polish person even commented! No idea if these stats are good but I'll take em'. Now I understand why so many grifters just go on youtube and put up animal videos.
>mispelling corm
I am disappointed in you.
>its a viewer option, not an uploader option, learn to read
How is it that it says YOUTUBE SHORT performance right here on the uploaders dashboard then faggot? >>4921767

JFC you retard talking out of your ass.
Lol tech illiterates filtered by cat videos

- Sent from my GNU/Dog
How is it that >>4921512 links to a non-shorts version of the video, then?
JFC you retard talking out of your ass.

I'm not even that other guy, but holy fucking fuck, you people are stupidly unobservant. Like... how do you look at a shorts URL and not immediately figure out how to link to a regular video? The URL format is literally YT + /shorts/ and then a regular YT video address. Of course removing the "/shorts/" part would make it normal.
calm down lol
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why is he dressed like that!!!!
he's gay
Peanut (aka Jefrey Epstein II) is sponsored by a christmas decorations company, he has to wear that or he will be forced to make a 30 seconds ad about Raid: shadow legends.
jefrey peanstein
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No, that can't be the truth. But those quints... they aren't lying, are they?
Been watching this thread since the 1st day of the 2nd one, I mostly just look at the pics so it was nice to see this and hear Jefrey for the first time.
jefrey is gay and jewish, cursed timeline
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Glad to hear it
>peanut has entered his alcoholic arc
Thank you for uploading it, I love his trills

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