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Cliff Gray appeared on Joe Rogan and demonstrated convincingly that human-managed population control of elk was highly successful up until the 1960s. The meat from the culled elk was even given to the local Indian reservations for consumption. Then "animal rights" activists demanded an end to the practices, and that was the real cause of the problems with the elk population.

The alleged benefits that wolves bring to the ecosystem are mostly manufactured and promoted by NGOs to take money from suckers. Watch his video here:

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>28 minutes of YT hunter waffling on
He's just upset he doesn't get to kill the Elk himself. He even says he's apart of the ecosystem lol. Wolves fit more into an ecosystem than fag hunters using guns. Also "re-introducing", so wolves were there before and a native species anyway. I really don't give af about hunters or ranchers having a cry.
You didn't refute anything he said. And yes, humans are a part of their local ecosystems. Why is that strange?

The tide is turning AGAINST wolves in Colorado. Be sure to support the Republican politicians who oppose the disastrous wolf reintroduction policy:


>Patrick Davis, Campaign Manager for Colorado Advocates for Smart Wolf Policy and the man spearheading the movement, said he believes the tide has turned in Colorado. He said there are fewer people excited about wolf reintroduction than there are in support of it now.

>"I believe that Front Range voters are starting to read those stories and be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow Coloradans and not necessarily the hopes and dreams of the pro-wolf community," Davis said.

>"Our goal is to reverse a wrong that we believe happened in 2020 and maybe start fresh," Davis said. "I don't know where it goes from there, but our first step is to stop the bleeding and to get the wolf reintroduction repealed in November of 2026."

>Of the 10 wolves released into Colorado’s central mountains a year ago, three are dead and one remains in captivity, along with four of her pups, after a series of livestock killings involving her pack. Nine known wolves remain wild: six adults from the 2023 releases, two wolves remaining from a pack that migrated south from Wyoming and a pup that was left behind when the rest of the depredating pack was removed from the wild.

>Participants’ answers in the poll largely depended on their political party. Eighty-one percent of Democrats, 33% of Republicans and 51% of unaffiliated voters said continuing the reintroduction was a good idea.

It's only the urbanite late-sipping liberal faggots who support wolves in Colorado. The people who actually have to deal with wolves don't want them reintroduced.
>/pol/tards for the destruction of ecological systems

no surprises here
So why were elk overpopulated?
Because then hunting guides didn't have to get real jobs if there were too many elk. That's it. A bunch of mountain cabin, trailer park do-nothing pot smokers and their indian pals wanted easy money and food off the top for contributing jack shit to the USA. Trophy hunting isn't even shit to the economy. Sport hunters are a minority. People that want to look at a god damn forest instead of an overgrazed riverbank are the majority.

So why were wolves REALLY bad?
Because "ranchers" who contribute maybe 2% to the US beef supply wouldnt have to stop playing mexican cowboy and put their cattle in fences if wolves werent around.

We can fucking see em. The stuff shaved head shit beard cigar-sucking bitch boys are actually whining about is the cost to trailer trash that wanted to play around instead of working a real job for a real white man and contribute some actual STEEL AND GEARS productivity to america instead of feather-indian one with nature bullshit.

Fuck ranchers. Get a real god damn job. Biggest whiners in the US after people that want to work from home to flip burgers.
Feedlots make money. A ranch is so worthless you might as well be chief biggem smokem chasing buffalo.
Tourism makes money. Hunters are just tourism minus all the people. That's why the "hippy" forest is important. It makes money.

Or, go all new school "republican", return to tradition, and watch as elon musk and bill gates buy you out and sell the whole beef industry to non-american feedlots. Vid related, this is where your beef is going to come from. Wolves wreck ranches, but they can't get near these. These guys make more beef, per day, per mile, than any ranch. You leave the wolves alone to the tourist fags and put some fences and troughs up on your pastures, OR US BEEF DIES.
Enjoy being the organic free range shit no one buys. Maybe YOU'RE the goddamn hippy.
>Shitlib supports a policy as long as he doesn't have to deal with the consequences

Many such cases.
Correct. They actually are the hippies.
>muh traditional lifestyle duuuude
Enjoy your dead sperms and mercury poisoning thanks to your corporate worship rightoid brainrot.
What does wolf reintroduction have to do with dead sperms and mercury poisoning?
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>Ranchers crying
Just build proper fences for livestock retard. Wolves > Ranchoids and their LARP fest.
All your 4chan posts about how bad ranchers are have accomplished nothing and will accomplish nothing and there will be ranchers forever no matter what you do
rightoid pro-corporate anti-enviromentalist views
>So why were elk overpopulated?
>Because then hunting guides didn't have to get real jobs if there were too many elk. That's it. A bunch of mountain cabin, trailer park do-nothing pot smokers and their indian pals

If you bothered to watch the video, you'd know that Yellowstone park rangers were doing a good job managing the elk population without any wolves around. Unless you think park ranger isn't a real job.
Ranchers need to learn what a livestock guardian dog is.
Why do all these guys look like that
>biggem smokem hairy feet tribe will exist forever, chief tell you just watch.
Ranchers are worthless welfare queens. Feedlots aren't just the future, they're the present. Brazil is taking over the beef industry while you're begging for wolf culls so you can keep using pastures and producing fewer cattle per square mile. Put up a fence, put out some troughs, hire a few guys to grab shovels. Get to it.

>Cows in the middle of nowhere are concentrated

The consequences of ranchers being pushed out or towards modernization is cheaper, higher quality beef from the US so you will never, ever have to eat bugs. Feedlots now. Ranches no more. Imagine farmers bitching about threats to their horses. Oh damn, hold on. They use tractors. Follow suit.
>Yellowstone park rangers were doing a good job
And yet the herds were oversized. Wolf reintroduction cut them back down to carrying capacity. Shaved head, shit beard bitch boys with pot in their cigars are now complaining that they cant hide in a cabin, work only half the year, and fuck their dog the other half. Big deal.

Excessive masturbation causes premature hair loss.

Feedlots are even worse for ecosystems.

>Feedlots are fenced-in outdoor areas where cows are crammed together to prevent them from exercising and obstructing the fattening process. The spaces are barren, lacking grass for cows to graze and trees for shade. Cattle have to stand in these small crowded areas in the ruminants of their own urine and faeces.

>Feedlots can get very muddy when it rains, causing cows to become wet, cold, and dirty. When it gets hot during droughts or summer, the lots become dusty and dry. With the lack of shade coupled with excessive weight brought on by being fed increasingly heavy diets, cows often experience heat stress problems that can sometimes prove fatal. Currently, there’s no legal requirement for farmers to provide shelter to cows in feedlots.

>Feedlots produce huge amounts of animal waste and other pollutants that can be harmful to the environment. Feedlot waste is likely to contain cleaning agents, silage leachate, chemicals used in livestock care, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, ammonia, heavy metals, and milkhouse waste.

>This waste is often stored for a while in waste storage pits or structures before disposal on farm fields. This is where feedlot waste enters surface water, contaminating it, causing water pollution. Runoff of feedlot waste into water streams can be detrimental to fish and other aquatic life and can cause “dead zones” in coastal areas. Feedlots also cause air pollution due to ammonia, particulate matter, odour, greenhouse gases, and volatile organic compounds emissions.
>And yet the herds were oversized.

No they weren't, dumbass. Not until the 1960s, when dopey political activists *caused the culls in Yellowstone to end* did problems with the elk population arise.

Watch the damn video.
>Feedlot cons: Cows are unhappy (dont give a shit) and there's pollution to manage (do it in the US so it's actually managed instead of in brazil, problem solved), muh cow farts
>Feedlot pros: More beef, cheaper beef, domestically produced, american jobs, american independence
Oh and you can have tourism dollars from normies looking at forests and wolves

Or shoot the wolves, keep ranching, and then bill gates and elon musk buy your land when you go out of business due to foreign beef being cheaper and more plentiful
then they put the wolves back, buy up the tourism industry, and grow corn and soi to sell to brazil and mexico so they can feed their cattle in inferior feedlots that pale in comparison to what a white man could build. All the money they make is never taxed, and they use it to import more cheap foreign labor and outsource more jobs so they can make even more money. Now that's CONSERVATISM! America loses, maybe 5 guys from america and a south african win, but you get to be a cowboy and that's what real winning is amirite? You have some 5 o clock shadow on your head so we can see your receding hairline, better go shave it again.
Don't give a fuck. Wolves are tourism money. Ranchers are a money black hole. Anything that is bad for ranchers, a bunch of larping welfare queens, is good for America.
>Wolves are tourism money.

No, they aren't. You can just go get a Siberian husky, who look just like smaller wolves but are much cuter.
>Anon doesn't realize how many White men are rocking the Joe Rogan dome these days

Soi latte liberal detected.
>Be sure to support the Republican politicians who oppose the disastrous wolf reintroduction policy
This is a false flag. Wolves are already on their way to Colorado through natural dispersal, so those with a vested interest in preventing wolves from being there initiated the first releases to make it so they were considered reintroduced and therefore allowed to be shot and a symbol of government overreach
>joe rogan
He literally had a wolf biologist on recently who put a nail through this shit. These people even suggest that wolves wipe out elk if left to their own devices and that the wolves reintroduced to Yellowstone were some kind of uber aggressive super wolves
>Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced on Sept. 12 that a third reintroduced wolf had died, meaning that 30% of the animals released in the state are now dead. The wolf’s tracking collar sent a mortality signal on Sept. 9, and wildlife officials confirmed the death, which occurred in Grand County, on Sept. 10.

>Another reintroduced wolf died earlier this spring, but that appeared to be from natural causes, likely a mountain lion attack.
>rewilded animals have high mortality
What else is new
Hunters contribute more than you do.

>Fewer elk would eventually mean fewer elk hunting licenses being sold, reducing the amount of conservation funding that Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) receives from legal, regulated hunting.

>CPW actually weighed in against the wolf reintroduction, but Colorado voters overruled the agency by approving Proposition 114 in 2020. The approval was by less than 1% of the total vote. Of course, the vast majority of these voters were from urban and suburban locales and were never going to experience these re-intros firsthand. Of course, the animal rights types who pushed Prop 114 also made the plan sound easy and without any real consequences.

>As noted on this NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum website, the Prop 114 vote “was the first time in history that a state’s authority to decide whether to introduce a species was taken from the state wildlife agency, Colorado Parks & Wildlife, and given to voters who know nothing about science-based wildlife management.”

>A recent article in the Colorado Sun cited a University of Montana study on the Montana wolf relocations that “concluded that more relocated wolves died and survivors often killed livestock in their new locations. Of the 88 translocated wolves in the 2005 study, 58 died after the trapping and moving.”

>Once these wolves began killing livestock, officials trapped and moved the adult pack members. In some cases, this meant the younger wolves that were not caught eventually died as they didn’t yet know how to effectively hunt.

>Abandoning scientific wildlife management in favor of ballot box biology might seem like an exercise in democracy. Yet in reality, this practice voids the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, which relies on the best available science and research to reach such important decisions. Emotional appeals and catch-phrases can sell ideas, but hard science is wildlife conservation’s best friend.
>nooo you need to prioritize my unproductive traditional hobby farm its one with nature
The jew fears the indoor cow farmer.
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The guys latest video on this issue is hilarious:
Having waco/ruby ridge fantasies, crying about fences, crying about livestock guardian dogs and how they might bite his kids lmao. I didn't realise ranchers were such drama queens.
1% of the cattle losses of 1% of the beef supply… lol who cares. Get a real farm.
He is literally a liberal. Republicans are bernie bros but racist and want open traditional agriculture and shrooms instead of UBI and HRT.
>noooo 15 wolves THE RANCHERS ARE DOOMED
Not too familiar with the issue, but don’t you guys get deer wasting and other horrid disease shit because hunters don’t go after the sick frail ones like wolves do? That or they don’t go after them at the same volume or something.
We should just kill all mammals. Ecosystems can get by just fine without them.
Yeah, hunters go for the thick-necked, shiny fur healthy young bucks, they are not gonna go for the skinny doe with mange.
Coyotes take care of the weak and sick animals.

Being Pro-Wolf is a LIBERAL DEMONRAT stance. Because they live in the urban areas far away from where the wolves will be.

88% percent of Democrats, but only 33% of Republicans said continuing the wolf reintroduction was a good idea.

Pro-Wolf people are LIARS.
You’re correct. Also none of these people seem to care about the existence of coyotes, mountain lions, bears, etc eating elk and livestock. People only throw a hissy fit about wolves
>none of these people seem to care about the existence of coyotes, mountain lions, bears

The same people who oppose wolf reintroduction also hunt coyotes, mountain lions, and grizzly bears.


>ummm ummm uuh da blujoos is lyin'
>nuh UH da redchud's is lyin' even biglier!!
Yeah they hunt them, but they don’t cry all day and night about how the mountain lions are depleting the elk
Probably because mountain lions don't propagate themselves as quickly as wolves can.
Neither propagate fast enough to wipe out their main prey
Just put up a fence. That's it, wolves can't open doors yet so the cows you're starving will be fine.
I'm simply not going to believe anything that comes from a liberal any more
>you can have tourism dollars from normies looking at forests and wolves

How much tourist money do wolves bring?
No. You are a liberal. You want wolves gone to protect a traditional hobby. That is peak DEI.
>duh gubmint needs to do all the elk hunting and protect my traditional lifestyle choices from the wolves to safeguard this treasured piece of mexican culture, the american vaquero but white! think about the greenhouse gases!
Ranchers aren’t important. Wolves are. No one wants to spend money doing wolves jobs. We can just tell ranchers to go fuck themselves and get beef from farmers that actually do real work.
Ranchers pay taxes wolves don't
Ranchers pay fewer taxes and contribute less to the economy than the alternatives.
A feedlot operator conforming to environmental protection regulations would produce more food on the same land and pay many, many more taxes, generate more economic activity, and create more jobs.
A crop farmer would produce more food on the same land and pay more taxes, generate more economic activity, and create more jobs.

Ranchers are leeches on this country that sit on land that could make money slowly drawing closer to being a bunch of native americans. A lot of them are so small they contribute nothing except for the land tax and basically run a petting zoo.
>heya hoya heya hoya me carem for cow spirit
Wolves save us millions in paying government workers to just do one of the wolves natural job. Wolves also extirpate coyotes and feral dogs, which are two animals that kill 30-100x more livestock than wolves and are sly enough to get into livestock operations that actually matter (feedlots).

Ranchers playing around with distant pastures and shitting up public land? They don't matter. Ranchers are so fucking retarded they lead their herds to wolf dens.

Correct. Ranchers are not important.
wolves are ~1% of livestock losses and primarily affect incompetent, lower class ranchers that are not significant contributors and live near wolf territory because they're not a real business and can't afford anything else. the ranchers losing whole herds to cattle are small family operations with almost zero employees. they could just as easily stop ranching, sell the business to a more competent producer, drive over to work in a factory (the return of american manufacturing), and actually make more money

>government please save the poor minority they are doing their best to live traditionally pls
Yes, wolf culls are liberal.
Lauren Boebert is a liberal?



>Republican Colorado U.S. Representatives Lauren Boebert, Jeff Crank, Gabe Evans and Jeff Hurd released a joint statement on Monday condemning the CPW operation for importing "foreign wolves" into the state, while demanding that the Department of the Interior intervene and that the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump "take immediate action by stopping further importation of these foreign predators into the United States."

>Boebert also sent a letter on Monday to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, demanding that she stop the wolf reintroduction program while arguing that Coloradans are "at risk of being deprived of access to both land and resources because of Colorado's importation of wolves which is taking place absent appropriate federal planning, protections, and oversight."

Hopefully TRUMP puts an end to this wolf reintroduction nonsense.
>Wants to play government nanny to protect a poor minority's attempts to cling to a traditional lifestyle
If wolf reintroduction were forcing native americans to give up traditional buffalo hunting and go get real jobs, who would complain? liberals or "conservatives"?

Why does it stop being liberal because it's small time ranchers giving up their traditions? because the poor minority votes red? lol

If a rancher is too poor and small to deal with wolves they should be bought out by a superior business and go get a real job
>If a rancher is too poor and small to deal with wolves they should be bought out by a superior business

Why do you love big business so much?
>UGH, BIG BUSINESS? Why do you like america making more stuff and more money so much?
Gee I dunno bernie. Maybe because I'm not a wishy washy commie retard.

People who can't compete in the world don't need government protection. They need to get good at what they do or sell their assets to someone who isn't retarded and go do something else.
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Wolf losses are disproportionately affecting small traditional farmers that dont even make enough money to buy better fencing, aka poor wypipo and hobby farms. Big deal. Wolf culls are just DEI for trailer trash. Real aryan entrepeneurs aren’t affected.
Based. He's prepared to take his stand.
>rightoids: blacks are bad because they’re violent instead of following the law and respecting democracy
The "majority" was a mere 51% and over 80% of them were shitlibs. That's who you're siding with.

The vast majority of Colorado conservatives OPPOSE wolf reintroduction.
>Wolves and Bears have lower casualties than vultures

>"Hunters contribute more than you do."
>"Fewer elk would eventually mean fewer elk hunting licenses being sold, reducing the amount of conservation funding that Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) receives from legal, regulated hunting."

Conservation funding from ANY kind of Hunting is a very small, small amount.

The Humane society found that 94% of funding for US conservation is unrelated to any activity involving hunting. Trophy hunting of native carnivores is 0.14%, so basically next to nothing. The reason for this is likely that the funds from hunting go back into regulating it in the first place, which is not cheap.

I'm not even against hunting, it has its place and is a resource that humans have practiced for a long time. But this idea that hunters are the omniscient founders of all things Conservation is blatantly false.

Instead of wolves, how about focusing on eradicating a species that actually does considerable damage to America's agriculture?
>across the US, feral swine cause an estimated ~$2 billion in damage annually.
>threaten ALL forms of agriculture (forestry, row crops, livestock, and pasture)
>Cover practically all of the deep south and California
>Still expanding
>you need to side with the lower income, lower IQ people because they voted for my favorite pro-israeli party
option C: who cares what democrats or republicans want, wolves and ecosystems that function without professional culls are based and ranchers that can't cope with them aren't important. wolves aren't a major concern to farmers that actually produce a significant amount of value because they can afford deterrents and better fencing.

99% of the time someone is complaining about wolves its a family ranch with two employees (the sons) and shitty fences made of rotting driftwood lol. like, just sell the cows, buy cars that aren't made of rust, and drive over to a real job producing something of value. or buy a computer and learn javascript to work from home and then you can continue never seeing another human face that isn't related to you. ranjeet can do it why can you?
Facts already established:
Wolves are less than 1% of cattle losses and primarily affect people who are lazy, stupid, and poor.
Hunters contribute less than 10% of conservation revenue.

Now for some more facts.

Wild boar are the main food source of the wolf. With wolves depressing boar populations, eradicating them ourselves would be significantly more possible.
Wolves form a barrier to expanding coyote populations and remove coyotes wherever they are present

The sad fact:
Rightoids purposefully introduce and bait boar and coyotes so they can shoot them for fun. They are basically the black people they complain about.
>conservatives: adapt or die.
i don't give a shit
tearing down all of yellowstone and turning it into battery farms would probably be even more 'highly successful' and you could give a lot more food to even more minorities, but if that's what i was after then i wouldn't give a shit about national parks in the first place
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/THREAD. get fucked you bald cucks!
I didn't know people opposed this at all and got so mad about it. get fucked retard.
You’d need more contact with "ranchers" that are really just one family trying to pretend to be pioneers rather than serious businessmen. That’s the group losing out here. A bunch of free range one with nature liberals that beg for coyote genocide and kill their neighbors dogs because they won’t even pen in some chickens.
>Joe Rogan
stopped reading there

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