I like bees. They're the only insects I feel sympathy for.
Why? Ants, beetles and moths are cool too.
I’m disappointed in you anon
>>4935028technically they're bugs not insects
i can respect all arthropods except for parasitic wasps
>>4935042>antsBrainless retards and insufferable vermin.>beetlesI've nothing against them. They look kind of ugly but at least they keep to themselves>MothsSame as ants.
>>4935085>They look kind of uglyyoure ugly
>>4935090Okay but so are they
We all love beesWe all appreciate beesThanks for your hard work, fellas
>>4935051They're not bugs because they're not in the order hemiptera, they're in hymenoptera. They are in the class insecta. You got it backwards.
>>4935098They look too much like cockroaches, specifically the oriental ones. But at least they know to only chill outside in gardens and stuff instead of invading human kitchens and bathrooms.
>>4935173>instead of invading human kitchens and bathroomsyou couldnt be more wrong. If I open a window at night during summer, 14787111844212 brown beetles enter my house instantly
>>4935085I mean ants are brainless retards by themselves, but as an entire colony they are a force to be reckoned with. Plus they're cool. I like their whole group thing.Beetles aren't ugly. That is a horrible take.Ok maybe moths are stupid but they're cute and beautiful. Low intelligence doesn't mean you should hate them.
>>4935051Bees are insects. Bugs are of the order Hemiptera, which themselves are insects.
>>4935243Hemiptera are "True Bugs". The colloquial term "bug" does not refer to anything specific, and is more of a feeling than a classification.check out this cute bug enjoying some mango juice
bugs are cute!
What's your favourite bee?
>>4935229fucking june bugs, man.i hate them too.have you ever tried any repellent for them?
>>4935269thats cute? youre deranged. if that thing had the option it would crawl inside my jap's eye without a second's hesitation
>>4935269Awww>>4935361The humble bumble
>>4935076>oh no it’s anon, time to leave!
Any bug that starts as a larva is gross.
>>4937336Uuuuuhh, didn't meant to post that one.Ooops.Have the actual image, I guess.
>>4935028Jumping spiders.
>>4935028>fat & ugly>vegan>hairy all over>secrete wax all over; terrible hygiene>eat only sugary sweetsThey're the fat, liberal women of the insect world. Meanwhile wasps>slim & attractive>raises its young properly, with meat>barely any hair on its body>properly grooms itself>knows how to live off the land; hunts its own foodWasps are the rural tomboys of the insect world.
>>4937336>>4937337Thank you whoever deleted the image.
>>4937344I have a ton of those around. They are so cute.And some of them are pretty big too. At least bigger than I thought they got.
>>4937337be honest anonyou want to fug the bug
gaya sd
fuck boy
I like huskies
Do you make an effort to attract bees?Last year the hairy-footed flower bee finally moved into the bowl of dirt I had prepared for her but there was still no sign of carpender bees despite all the dead wood I collected. I guess I need more summer flowers.
>>4935028>watch skies>eat flies>forecast rain>blueA real bro
Kind of related, this was on my jacket this morningHow was your morning /an/?
Bees? Love them.Ants? Love them.Wasps? Love them.Sawflies? Love them.Hornets? Love them.All hymenopteran are good hymenopteran.
Might as well contribute. When I was a kid I thought these were male bees.
>>4935361This one's a really good pick. Most bees are vegans, but this one returned to its roots as a parasite.
No bee thread will ever die while I'm around.
>>4943809It does look pretty deranged.
Thyreus Nitidulus/Neon Cloak-and-Dagger Bee
Megachile Willughbiella/Willughby's Leafcutter Bee
Bombus Terrestris Canariensis/Canary Islands Bumble Bee
Centris Erythrosara/Orange-Legged Giant-Oil-Digger
>>4935028I don't like them but I like honey so I tolerate them
>>4935051>bugs not insectsHuh? I thought bugs were just a more casual word for insects?
>>4937359>Wasps are the rural tomboys of the insect world.How to get angry wasp wife?
>>4946748Handfeed them.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGJUREA0cmQ
>>4946734it ismidwits just like to "um actually" with the True Bugs order of insects
idk bro, bugs are pretty fucking cool if they don't go out of their way to sting you
>>4937344Those aren't insects dummy.
>>4946799>midwits just like to "um actually" with the True Bugs order of insectsCongratulations you just described every taxonomist.