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She picked up a bad habit from another dog of barking at dogs when she goes to play. This scares some dogs, and other dogs don't always wanna play. I'm thinking of using beeps feedback because she associates that with her shock collar. But then again I'd have to do it manually since bark collar would trigger if other dogs bark. Or I could muzzle train her, but I'd hate to do that. She's not aggressive just playful pup.
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Is she really doing anything wrong?
Not really, she barks and this triggers aggressive dogs to attack her. She's not aggressive herself, despite some puppy play biting and wrestling. I just don't want her barking and biting old dogs, aggressive dogs etc. Unfortunately these people still bring their shitter dogs to the park and make it my problem. Had an incident today where this lady couldn't control her two huskies because she was too weak and I had to pull them off my dog by the scruff of their neck. Had to recollar one because it slipped out and almost ran away.
Is the dog park the main place you take her? Is there anywhere else she can go, preferably one in which she can socialize?
Dog park best place to socialize other dogs bro. I take her everywhere tho. Shes friendly.
Maybe go to the dog park at a different time so that you don't see the other people you don't like.

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Say something nice about him.
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boing boing boing
probably already met with other fishers before and know they are harmless providers of food
What do they smell like?
bump for more stoat vids

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Post animals that are cannibals.

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You won't ever see an intelligent parrot species doing it though.
Intelligent parots are mostly herbivores. I don't know if cannibalism was ever documented in kea parrots.
Orangutans and hippos don't eat meat very often but have still been known to engage in cannibalism occasionally. Same for gorillas, prairie dogs, and rabbits, which are herbivores.
Kestrels are metal

Would you rather be a falcon (speedmaxxed birb) or an eagle (strengthmaxxed birb)?
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An eagle would kill this dog as easy as a pibble kills a baby
Probably a peregrine falcon. They seem to move around easier, including between continents.
Eagle, falcons get eaten by owls.
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Falcon, gotta go fast.

But among all birds I'd want to be an albatross.
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I'd be chadmaxxed goose

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What are some things you wish were still paleontologically or zoologically true?

Things like turtle being anapsids
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or terror birds re-evolving dinosaur like arms

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Being an ornithologist must be exausting, studing such small and spry creatures
Beautiful birb
>I heard it'll drive you cuckoo.

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Basset hound ed.
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If the poop was not good/solid and left residue, yes. Otherwise no
Looks like a real one to me. Get a DNA test if you want to be sure.

God no. Something is wrong if you need to.
prong collar has been the best investment I've made so far with my dog. 4 months of stop and go walking with a harness with and this guy wasn't learning that pulling means no walk. But still continued to pull, a week into a prong collar and he no longer pulls what a blessing.
Now switch to a martingale, chud.
New bread

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I think Loons are a pretty underrated Bird.
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what's up faggots
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>stray dog walks into camera view
what a bigoted pooch
Another shitty dog spam thread
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my dog sleeping

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Here's a video of a leopard getting BTFO by a honey badger:

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Baboons will often kidnap and kill lion cubs and leopard cubs to eliminate future threats. Very smart animals:


Primates are hard-wired to go to war with big cats. It's the same reason our ancestors extirpated lions from Europe:

Ocelots are too beta predators rather than apex predators, but it's still fun to see one lose a fight to a SLOTH:

Yak chases off snow leopard:

good job for momma yak, but why all the other retards just standing around

And I thought pandas and koalas were lazy fucks.
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Parrots are on an other level, they are the best birds.
More proof of low intelligence. They behave like reptiles.
Tigers are dumb even by felid standards
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ban expired? Any new eagle eating cats pics to post?

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Glad to have a man as prominent as Rogan blasting out this important message to his tens of millions of followers. This policy is a disaster and Republicans are uniting more and more against it.
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>muh conservatives
just stop being sidebrained. obviously nobody is as bad as the magacult but a lot of liberals also oppose wolf reintroduction when it's near them.
But the reality is with appropriate countermeasures wolf predation isn't really that hard to manage for ranchers and the ecosystem services benefits far outweigh that cost. If part of an introduction program has to be compensating ranchers to build better infrastructure and (partially) compensating losses to wolves so be it.
that chart is also somewhat dishonest because obviously cattle losses to wolves has been severely depressed because most of the places cattle are raised in the USA have extirpated wolves, and wolves are far more effective predators of livestock than coyotes/coywolves. Having worked directly in this field, there was a big uptick in my local area like 5 or 6 years after reintroduction but then it declined again and balanced out as ranchers adopted countermeasures. Once the population is relatively healthy a rancher shooting one every so often isn't going to be an issue anyways.
Ranchers don’t need compensated at all. The government is not obligated to protect every gay hobby. There are plenty of smarter, safer, more efficient ways to raise meat without letting cows fuck off and shit all over public lands.

Its like people who think their perpetually outdoors cats and dogs need the government to save them from coyotes. They need to keep their pets inside and stop being lazy, or just not have pets.
In amurika, if you say "lets not sell weed near residential areas and schools, and ban selling crack pipes and bongs in gas stations" you get "but muh livelihood, muh freedom" complaints

Amurikans are therefore incapable of allowing democracy to take away their lazy mans farming hobby
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Of course!
should release more predators to deal with the illegals and tent cities

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I've never seen this species before and I found it roaming on my bathroom floor. It looks like it could be venomous and it doesn't look like it's native to Britain which is where I live. What species is it and should I be concerned?
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I had to look it up and it's venomous a not native to Britain, how do I get rid of it?
Don gloves and long sleeves. Broom it away from any web. Block its escape and cover in a jar or similar. Broom the jar as you rotate it 180 degeess up. Fasten lid. Place jar in freezer overnight or longer. Empty jar into outdoor waste bin. Wash jar for reuse. Next few weeks monitor area for baby spiders. If they appear, call exterminator. If not, fergeddabouttit.
Looks like a woodlouse spider. Their bite is painful but not dangerous.
Seconding woodlouse spider. Looks nothing like a recluse, especially with those chelicerae.
In Australia, we just stomp on them or commando slap them. You can also use a deodorant can and lighter.

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why are these weird arid places there?
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>That’s like saying the Gibson desert is great because there’s no immigrants
It's is. No one likes being near gross immigrants, the less the better in all circumstances. It's a type of pollution and Sydney is the most rife with it. 43% is a disgusting state of affairs that automatically negates any perceived positives.
What's with that spot in Alaska?
The atacama desert exists because of the Andes which prevent regular rainfall as far as I know. It's really cool.
Cope harder. Any city worth anything is going to have some immigrants as trade off. There are more immigrants in Sydney and Melbourne because people actually want to move there. If even the Indians don’t want to live there then it’s a shithole
>that one little spot in Ecuador
What are they hiding from us

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A hard beak.
The ability to turn the hopper over.
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They're very beautiful despite how alien they look.
this one looks stupid
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im so glad to catch glowies releasing new animals into the public consciousness.
>insect with a lure on its head
You retards need to fire your designer because no one is buying this shit.

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