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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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what'd it absorb?

What are the differences in "character" between bears and canines? They seem really similar psychologically
Bears are more similar to felines than anything OP. They even have compareble cognitive compacity
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they're caniforms so year
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Literally the first result.
Toxoplasmosis fags btfo!
They're most related to weasels in both their solitary pump and dump lifestyle and genetics. Which is somewhat cat-like.
I think what Anom meant is that bears are much more cat-like mentally due to similar social structures (or lack thereof). OP's question wasn't about pure genetic relation, but about behavioral similarity.
I'll compare 2 in my area, black bears vs coyotes

- bears are more solitary, coyotes travel in packs
- bears are opportunistic omnivores and forage berries, garbage, etc. coyotes mostly hunt.
- bears don't make a sound except occasional grunting and moaning, coyotes often howl and yip.

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New thread to replace the one that reached its post limit.

And which was still going surprisingly strong.

Let's keep showing that we care about them.
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*record scratch*
I got some of these near one of my fishing spots. If you do a headbob at them they'll start bobbing back and making their croaking noises.
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anyone know what kind of maple this is?
Sugar maple. Take good care of it and it will grow beautiful branches and give good autumn color. Water it once every week or two with a full watering can of water with 1 iron pill mixed in and about 1/4 cup urine.

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>there are an estimated 10-20,000,000,000,000 ants on earth

Is it safe to say it’s ant’s world? They are the most dominant species on earth.
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>swims around you
>The enlightened know it's the fungus's world.
This man is a knower
I could easily tank 2000 ants
even 4k, assuming half of humanity is unable to fight back, seems pretty doable.

krill are the most populous species on the planet
I think there's more than 10 ants but yeah

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Summer Fun Edition
As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content

Previous: >>4823086
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Taking pictures
pro tip: never mix up Russian domesticated foxes (smell but generally won't bite) and wild foxes (smell and are rabid)
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>new thread
>same drama

What whale is it?, Does it exists?
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NTA but I remember there was another fantastic creatute in that book, one that appears once and it's never mentioned again
A very surreal part of the book
Something like a kraken, probably much bigget than moby dick
I thought that was very weird
Does anybody remembers that part of the book?
It was a demon
Ahab was in the right for wanting to kill that goddamned whale.
Hope you never had a burger, cause bud I’m telling you, they are sentient too.
I do agree that whaling is unethical and abhorrent. So are zoos.

>He followed me into my yard and is now inside my home. I tried asking neighbors if it belongs to anyone and so far nothing
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That is one old ass dog.
Seems that way. Had to carry him when i took him out for a walk.
Faggot thread
>seething because he has not got a free basset

Waiting on responses, some folk I'm glad I'm taking care of him,but no actual leads on the actual owners. Had to calm the old boy down due to a local flash flood in the area riling him up to howl. My own shih tzu has never howled yet/before. I'll try to get him checked for a chip as soon as I can, hopefully tomorrow.

Is it common for run aways/strays to not have their collar on them?

Studies have shown cat owners to be more intelligent than dog owners

google it
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It's not implied. You are mentally ill if you see meanings and context that is not there.
OP here

That was not the study I meant
4kike's jewish tranny child rapist mods are the cancer killing 4chan.
it's meaningless regardless if you apply basic critical thought which if you did you would not have made this shit thread and got dunked on by your dog loving superiors

catfag iq distribution = iq 100-110
doggod iq distriution = iq 5-200
deal w/ it

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post your drawings or any /an/ related art you like!
also thoughts on my dinosaur /an/?
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Give him a Hejazi hat/headdress
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ill get to draw
soon.... waging is killing me...
a ant

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Animalbros, how will we recover?

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Adopted my first cat yesterday :3
Her name is Honey
She was extremely shy at first and just wanted to sit in the corner but got very curious throughout the night and eventually ended up in my bed with lots of attention, went to sleep purring. I love her and I can't wait to get off work to go see her
Has anyone else recently adopted of purchased a new friend?
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Here he is doing his third favorite activity aside from sleeping and viciously attacking milk bottles - taking a wicked piss while half-asleep. He's figuring out that you have to go to a specific place to piss, so Im building him a tiny litter box to use in his new slightly larger enclosure (he was so young he couldn't thermoregulate so I have him in an old hospital enclosure for a snake, complete with thermostatted heat lamp.
Cute kot, much happiness to you two anon.
Good on you for taking care of the little dude.
Why did you quote the slogan for a brand of woman's razor?
Nothing like starting the day off with a piping hot mug of urine.

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>shhhhhhhhhhhhhHHH sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs sShHhSs
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you retards might want to get your ears checked, these guys clearly go ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:DDDD
>Verification not reqiured, i win
took the dog out to piss this morning and this one cicada buzz tone was so high pitched and unique that I thought a fellow synth fag was fucking with FM out on his back porch
Sound varies from species to species. The one OP https://youtu.be/Zdm9ow1HV-4?si=6Rzt5Z3hjRm7T3nD
They are very cute insects, ngl. And they are literally harmless to anything. Only some people get annoyed by their loud sounds.

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Apart from maybe some useful bugs like bees or spiders and cephalopods (squids, cuttlefish). I don't consider other invertebrates as alive and I don't feel bad about killing them. They are like machines to me without a brain.
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I tormented insects in the past, thinking they are not conscious, I'm just taking apart bio machines. But there is growing evidence of insect consciousness so I reflect on this with deep guilt.
>growing evidence of insect consciousness
There are different levels of consciousness which are often no where near compareble to human or most mamals. It was not a nice thing to do anon, but you were likely young and as you said you did so under the idea that they were barely sentient. You cannot be blamed too much for that.
I don't remember my age but it was over 18. I had no excuse, I feel horrible about it now. Or why I did it. Some macabre game I played.
Now I am kind to all living beings, plants or insects well, except killing some pests like mosquitoes and ants that settled in the home, but that isn't done out of malice either just inconvenience.

I hope I can atone for past cruel acts in some way.

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I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that there are large animals that spend their entire lives with nothing but open ocean above, below, and all around them. They spend their entire lives floating around in a blue void. No environmental visual stimuli. Not even getting into the creatures who live deeper than sunlight can reach but still not on the floor. Then, one day, something eats you, and that's it.
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Ignoring the life and teensy bits of opal, there’s still plenty of visual stimuli. I don’t think our eyes are adapted to see it well, but themoclines and haloclines are still pretty visually striking. Even just the little puddles of soft rain pooling on the ocean’s surface is pretty cool; there’s a video of sea snakes drinking rain that shows it off fairly well. There’s also layers and currents that are drastically chemically distinct from one another. Depth also does some fucky things chemistry-wise, like dissolving all calcium and preventing it from accumulating as sediment.
Most fish congregate around structures such as rock, reef, vegetation bed.
They only really go through completely open water when they migrating/traveling between those structures
It's a shame there's so much sound pollution in the ocean now. Being able to communicate over thousands of miles must help make the emptiness less lonesome.
The Deep Scattering Layer might as well be considered a landmark in the open ocean. For many creatures, that moving band is often dense enough it could seen as a floor or a celling.
we're talking pelagic here nigger, not coastal.

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