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Why did humans have to massacre so many whales?
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why did whales have to be so plentiful and delicious? how dare they taunt us like that
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>stick to reading the earlier responses before the console war faggots arrive >catfags tend to be worse
you have to call balls and strikes
I consistently see about 50 times more people randomly seething about cats than people claiming cats don't kill wildlife, and when that does happen they get dogpiled instantly.
I have a question. So female humpback whales are slightly larger than male humpback whales even though males may fight each other and they also act as escorts to mothers and calves to protect the calf from predators. Is it a difference in how they're built? So females evolved to have more fat because of childbirth and that's why they're larger but males are still stronger because they have more muscle?

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its simple really, if its 3/4th of my weight or less I have a good chance to beat it up, if its more then 5/4th heavier then me, I have a bad chance to beat it up, if its roughly my same weight class, odds could go either way.

simple as.
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damn, I really like elephants now
>. Elephants don’t have thick armoured skin like rhinos
You have clearly never touched an elephant.
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Just smack it on the head.
Raiden vs. Senator Armstrong
Those people probably think they'll be too scared of the rat to fight and hereby lose by default. Mainly women.

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Could he stand his ground against a 20 feet long orca?
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>Poke it.
No, but orcas don't eat crocodiles either.
No. Orcas are more agile and stronger at the same size. It would open up the underbelly and win.
He'd win the home leg
>stand his ground
As that would have to be in the water to take on an orca, it would be impossible for that to 'stand its ground', and 'stand its water'? The orca has the advantage, so no.

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a cat could never do this.
Cats, its over

Go back to /bant/ newfag. Cats aren’t nature (manmade animal). This is a BIRD board.
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what if cat, but a bird?
IPs are hidden from users, only mods can see them. On top of that, IP blocks don't work in general, because spammers often rotate IPs and ranges to evade. For example, /vp/ has had a particularly notable spammer who has been evading daily somehow for almost a year now.
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That's a shame, I guess I'll just keep hiding posts and threads then.

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Tapirs have some of the largest cocks in the animal kingdom, and they are also prehensile and can ejaculate at will. A tapir can theoretically blind you with cum and chokeslam you with his dick, all while laughing at you nasally and calling you pathetic in a homosexual accent
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The correct question is why the hell wouldn't you
I'd be doing it constantly if I could
>and because big dicks are easier to grab and pull off
That just means easier brojobs.
>General trend among primates is that the more social the pairing enforcement is, the bigger the dicks, because pleasure is a major driver. The more it's based on violence, the smaller, both because pleasure stops being important and because big dicks are easier to grab and pull off.

>"da birds fly becos it social and flyin' is fun!!!"

No, you idiot.
Just use your brain for one second.
What was very common just two thousand years ago?
Oh, never-ending tribal warfare and rape.
Good luck raping anyone with a micropenis.
What sound do tapirs make?

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What's the deal with /an/'s unhealthy hatred towards cats?
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>cat man has shit eating fantasy
I love cats, but don't live in house/yard large and populous enough to accommodate one comfortably. I used and would like to again.
One of the mods here defends and supports it between dilating sessions, either because they think it either drives engagement (much like how suicide bombing drives engagement about Islam) or is funny. I've been banned multiple times for "troll posts" for telling consolewar fags to become an hero, but threads dedicated to laughing at felines being killed/evil stay up forever. Its not even consolewarring at this point because its been months since i've seen somebody here have a random meltie over canines. I wouldn't be surprised if they were intentionally trying to drive people away from the board/site at this point. Please remember that internet mods aren't people, and need to be treated as such.
It's an empty board and 2 schizos have a loud voice.

Not sure if here or /sci/ is the best place to ask this. I want to learn more about zoological epidemiology. I am NOT referring to zoonotic diseases that are passed from animals to humans. I am interested in diseases that occur in animal populations. I'm looking for information about both wild and captive populations and both infectious and, particularly, chronic diseases such as cancer and autoimmune disease.

Any good resources to help me out? Thank you!

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My female budgie has this unique way of eating her seeds. She takes a mouthful out and puts them on top of her seedbox and then uses it as a plate
>inb4 that cage is too small
It is not her their real cage, I bought a new male and keeping them separate atm to better tame male. And they are free to fly around the house most of the day

This is actually male's temp cage and she is eating here more than she eats in her cage, lol
mmmm that looks like a good tasty snack for my cat
That's an interesting and cute habbit, she is a gourmet.
What a refined lady of higher standing.
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is that a mirror behind the dish? my female budgie will take food and put it in front of the mirror to eat it sometimes
No it is just a wood sheet. The cage had a different seedbox but I replaced it. These new ones don't fit

Reminder that Freya the walrus did nothing wrong
>innocent animal exists
Reminder the Icelandics wiped out their native walrus population
i love walrud
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me to

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>a species of fully marine crocodilian called the Murua Gharial lived around the Solomon Islands in Papua New Guinea and only went extinct in the mid holocene
Why does nobody talk about this? There was a fully oceanic species of gharial that humans pushed to extinction. This plus the arboreal crocodilian in New Caledonia called Mekosuchus really means that we just barely missed out on some sickass crocodiles.
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He is correct. Intelligence came from south asia. Jeets were lorded over by an entirely different people for thousands of years. Think of them as less sanjay and rajesh, more Hammurabi and Ashurbanipal

There is a curious lack of clearly intelligent peoples before early indo-iranian civilization and all clearly intelligent peoples seem to have come from just one region
Sea turtles aren't considered amphibious despite the females going on land to lay eggs and neither are these guys. It's in the fucking name ***sea*** turtle for fucks sake.
Hammurabi was from the fertile crescent not the indus river valley though.
you're an idiot

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>giant rift valley lake in Africa
>longest lake in the world
>only about 100 meters less deep than lake Baikal
>could've been an extremely old lake which has the only other freshwater bathypelagic zone on earth besides lake Baikal
>but this time in a place that's tropical instead of freezing leading to even more biodiversity
>it's filled with fucking cichlids
>water below 500 meters is anoxic due to no proper circulation, making the deeper parts essentially lifeless besides bacteria
What a fucking waste genuinely. At least Gustave the killer croc was there ig.
Well, you know what they say, when life gives you 250+ species of cichlids...
Tanganyika's anything but a waste. Even with those flaws, it's still practically a coral reef in freshwater. It even has its own endemic sponges, jellyfish, crabs and snails that look like marine species.

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Ronald McDonald? Activation code understood.

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>scientific name is the same as the common name
What other animals have this?
any extinct animal

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>she is trying to get me to give her pizza
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The pizza is finished but she's still looking at me and doing paw signs? Wth does she want?
guessing she wants more pizza
I too would like some pizza
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Dogs like pizza too.

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