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Its clearly inspired. How is it a new species then?
There's no point in having eyes if you can't see shit. Might as well trade them for different senses.
The furry argentinian redfin
red knittedfish
he cute

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What Spider is this?

I found it on my wall, I never knew you get Spider's this big in the UK, is it venomous?
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I'd say it's just a domestic or giant house spider. Those suckers can get pretty big, but they are no more dangerous than an orb weaver.
Brown Recluse, extremely dangerous with a caustic bite that will melt the flesh off your bones, if it’s shown itself it means it has already reproduced and knows there’s nothing you can do
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>tfw brown recluse killed my dog
Big Ass Spider
Gay spider

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>surrender the nuts or die

Vgh.. Sqvirrels..
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imagine being a grownup, designing these images and saving them on your devices, then posting them.
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>you have the sense of humor of a 6 year old if you unironically like soijacks

At least we have a sense for humor.
it's the perfect meme format for mentally deficient artistically illiterate nonwhite turd worlders. the hardest part of the meme, typically the face, was already done by those more talented so all you need to do is c/p it around in whatever image program. i mean look at >>4777778. all they did was google "beaver", erased the head and pasted the soijak in. honestly i'm surprised corporations aren't using soijaks more because of how easy they are. maybe they do idk, i don't use twitter.

my name is Marco Flamingo
can you show me some cool pictures of flamingos? They’re my favorite bird
>/an/ now has false flag spammers like /fit/ and /soc/
ffs get a fucking life
Was me asking for flamingo pics really a problem? Idiot

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>Visit any forum on the internet about animals
>Look at front page
>HELP! My dog has an open wound in its head? Is he ok? Look at these pictures of his wounds!
>Here is my adorable cat who is dead :( they got decapitated and raped to death
>NOTICE: Chinese people skin dogs and cats that is sad :(
>maybe 10% actual discussion about animals, even less about wild animals
what causes this?

Silver Pheasant
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Any interest held by women will be lowered to such levels of discourse
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>My rescue dog gets cancer
>Buy dog insurance and take a couple days off work to run him around from vet to vet, spending thousands of dollars to actually get that diagnosis
>Learn it's cancer, cry and try and make him comfortable
>risk/benefit analysis to his happiness for unironically doing chemotherapy as I wait for doctor to get back with the specifics
>watch him hourly to see if he's in pain or any bad symptoms emerge
>Can't pee or shit
>take to emergency ward to euthanize and pet him as he goes
>Chink in asia unironically blow torches them cause they think it makes them taste better
what's this called?
Oversocialization. You place too much value on a dog. That's all well and good, but it becomes a problem when you start shitting on other niggas who just want to eat.
I think they can eat dogs without blow torching them to death too though

Any anteater chads here? What do you feed them? Any special needs?
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why not have both?
>no weird joints
Ahhh I love my state! Never updated species whitelists for the win!
Nigga you literally can't own anything here. All (mammals, fish, lizard, insects) native animals are illegal in most states. It is only enforced if you make a scene though.
Some peta retards or similar must've slid their anti animals in captivity rhetoric into the green ideology, because every normie believes that harvesting any wild animal from the wild to for husbandry makes you a selfish tiger king narcisist who is killing the environment, thus even random minnows being illegal to catch and keep in your fish tank.
dogs can kill you, horses and cows can kill you. Moot point

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Why did they do it?
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Every company in recent years does this. Simplify everything and make it uglier
>nothing to say
That’s what I thought cuck
Different logos for different purposes. Right on their homepage, they still have the cat and dog. Although it is in the new color; imagine it is largely driven to differentiate themselves from PetSmart, which had the same color scheme. Feel free to continue feeding your schizo fantasies though.
When I was a kid, I would confuse Petco and Pepco with each other. One time, I saw a Pepco truck doing maintenance on our street, and I thought someone got a dog.

Now with this logo change, it's almost exactly like the Pepco logo

but does the oni mask offer tactical advantage?
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It looks like bird shit. It's camouflage. Many such cases.
Humans stop bumping into their webs and destroying their work.
Happened at least 5 times to me.
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Idk but it's a theme
If you're in a zelda game, yes.
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Probably not, but who cares.

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>electric industry self reports animal deaths
they do bro
Reporting damage on public infrastructure gets you funding to fix that shit.
>why don’t the birds just not fly into the turbines??
I thought of putting a mesh "cage" around them like we do with electric fans for household use and maybe add some reflective streamers, but they've apparently found a cheaper solution is to paint part of one of the blades black or something and that's enough to signal to the birds to change course.
Neither of these links imply this

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These things are legit the most retarded, passive animals I've ever met. Holy fuck. 90% of calves don't even make the first year. If they see one grizzly, the herd just scatters leaving the calves to their fate.

What's even more retarded? The calves are blind and confused so they think the Grizzly is a fellow ox, so they stay around as the Grizzly just instinctively kills them one by one.

Legit the most rage inducing documentaries I've witnessed on animals. Fuck these retarded hairy ass cows.
They're goats
I just looked this up and it's actually true. These things are more closely related to goats then they are to cows. What the fuck?
I only found out recently myself.
Show off.
I don't know if any of that is true but yarn made from their hair is expensive af
I have a scarf and gloves made of qiviut yarn and they're very light, have a natural 'give' to them that other natural yarn products don't have and they're quite warm so at least they've got a use.
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Actually muskoxen are famous for forming protective circles around their calves and youre a faggot

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In your eyes would it be an up- or downgrade if rabbits stopped lolloping and instead stood up and suddenly started walking like everyone else, like cats for example
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Spoilers for Dungeon Meshi
Wtf bro!!
That's horseshit, but I believe it.
I can hear this picture.

Damn barking jumprat. That won't be my fren...

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I might sound breedist at first. I have only encountered one zuchon and didn't know what they were until encountering the one I did. But, this stupid thing is the absolute bane of my existence sometimes!

That stupid puppy barks at the door when even the smallest stimulus comes around the road. Sometimes it makes a super loud screeching bark that I can hear even when I am listening to heavy metal music at near-max volume. This thing will jump on the table and eat my food. This thing chews on FUCKING EVERYTHING!

I fucking hate that stupid puppy! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KEEP YOUR FILTHY TEETH AWAY FROM MY EXPENSIVE EBAY COLLECTION!!! I swear to fucking God I will stomp kick that puppy in the throat next time I see its stupid face whine at me!

Sorry, I just HATE that puppy. I don't hate all dogs and in fact am quite fond of more mellow ones. Just this one stupid zuchon I have to see every day, I wanted to vent about it but had no other place to do so because everyone else in my life loves that stupid bitch because it's cute.
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> I only listen to blues
I have listened to BB King and Stevie Ray Vaughan. How is it that blues music magically makes dogs like you but not me?
You listen to metal and dogs dislike shit taste
You hate your parents' puppy not the "breed".
Not a thing.
Chihuahua-anon tier retard thread about fantasizing about hurting an animal, on the animal and nature board of course.
Post IQ

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THIS is what I mean when I say I want a miniature dog as a pet.
to think this thing is descended from wolves
wtf is this real?
I don’t think this is real
Do you have a single source to back that up

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Okay, retard question here most probably, but still.
I have this tiny chihuahua-mix(i think?) dog. Technically, it was my mom's, but im taking care of her after she passed away. Shes getting old, I think she just turned 12 this month, but shes still pretty energetic and seems quite healthy.
Anyway, shes been eating pretty much only kibble her whole life. Purina Pro-plan, mostly, since thats what her vet recomments, but im trying to mix it up with other brands so she doesnt get bored. But I just feel sad for her, eating the same fucking dried meme food your whole life, even for a dog, this shit must be depressing... I tried making her food myself a few times, both chicken legs, boiled them, boiled some rice, and some veggies that are okay for dogs to eat(mostly tried with green beans) and she absolutely loved it.
But then, every time I go to the vet, she seethes at me and tells me to never feed her "human" food...
I dont get it, is she actually right or is it some shill trick to make me keep buying expensive dog food from her?
I mean on one hand, I can see it, there are probably plenty of vitamins, minerals and whatever nutrition that the dogs needs that I would probably not incorporate in her homemade food properly, but on the other, dogs existed for millions of years, its not like they were doing bad before kibble was invented, surely.. And its not like I trust all those meme brands to really be "THE BEST FOR THE DOG" as their advertise, they literally put the cheapest garbage meat and veggie leftovers in their production.
I feel the dog knows better what she needs, I can see the difference in the enjoynment she gobbles the homemade slop I make her, or even begs me to give her a bite of whatever Im eating compared to the same boring kibble she eats every day, but i might be just wrong, i dont know
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your tinfoil hat sir
>is it some shill trick to make me keep buying expensive dog food from her?
yes. she's not "in on it" as much as you'd think. they get them in vet school. she genuinely believes she's instructing you to do what's in the dog's best interest by feeding it literal trash.
>there are probably plenty of vitamins, minerals and whatever nutrition that the dogs needs that I would probably not incorporate in her homemade food properly,
also correct. there aren't easy answers here. is not insurmountable, just isn't easy.
prove him wrong
>yes. she's not "in on it" as much as you'd think. they get them in vet school. she genuinely believes she's instructing you to do what's in the dog's best interest by feeding it literal trash.
Sad but probably true. It’s pretty much up to you to do your own due diligence and find out what’s true or not
My dogs have cleaned our plates and eaten the leftovers for a decade now, I'll post again and let you know when they die

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So this afternoon (around 18:30) i took a picture of this amazing view of a complete rainbow (if you look well enough you can even see the moon between the first and the second one).

When i looked at the photo i noticed that the color of the sky changes a lot over and under the rainbow. I've never seen (or noticed?) something like this.
What is even stranger is the fact that the sun was setting on the opposite side of the sky, so you would expect the sky's colours to get gradually darker when approaching the horizon under the rainbow. But this picture depicts the opposite: they are brighter under the bow and darker over it

I'm quite new to 4chan, so i dont know where i should post this. I will put it for now in /sci and /an. Thanks for the attention
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Because the moon is actually fucking small in the sky.
Try holding a green pea at you arm's reach and compare both.
Camera perspective distortion
I just went outside an hour ago and the moon is fuckhuge. And bright too, since it's getting close to being full. It hurt my eyes to look at it.
at the risk of sounding retarded i think the rainbow is the outer edge of the entire diffraction phenomenon
>at risk of sounding retarded
Brother this is an anonymous image board. Nothing follows you.
I do think you are right, btw

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