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why are women like this?
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Given they’re keeping a turtle in the same tank as cichlids with that filter and those lights I imagine they have no idea what material it is
Jfc, I didn't notice the filter and assumed they had a sump or canister. He must be doing roughly twice weekly big water changes to keep it livable, that fucking sucks. Can't imagine doing that much maintenance for a single tank.
>tank several sizes too small for any one of its occupants, let alone all of them together
>space made even smaller by a retard haphazardly filling it with actual garbage
>garbage tank doesn't even look good, so tank owner is not only retarded, but tastless too
get off reddit and take a shower, fag.
>He must be doing roughly twice weekly big water changes to keep it livable
Or not, and they’re all just living in filth
Is she your gf op

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I just found out my dog, 7 years old, has a ruptured ACL in his right hind leg. Surgery was quoted around $4k. I have him on pain meds now and some anti-inflammatory chews as well. I do not want him to suffer or even have his other knee to blow out. Does anyone have any good advice or gone through this before?

I was looking at knee braces for dogs to help brace the joints, hoping to ease the pain to let it heal. But from what I am reading, surgery is the real only option to have him get his full range of motion back again. He's too good of a boy to have this ruin the rest of his years.
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Happened to my male boxer on both hind legs first one around 3-4 yrs second about 18 months later. Financially raped me but hands down the best money I’ve spent imo. Had a female boxer loose the use of her hind legs for the last cpl years of her life and spending the money on his surgery’s was the easiest decision I’ve ever made desu
You read right. A torn ACL is commonly known as one of those things you have to get a surgery for (atleast for humans)
he's a dane lab mix, he's about 96 lbs

Ya, I am feeling more towards that way as well, do not really care the cost desu as long as he's happy
Look into a pet brace. It's what we did for our corgi when he was 10 years old and blew out his ACL.
thanks for that link, unfortunately the website is showing a common database connection error, so either their WordPress took a shit, or the SQL server its on is crashed. Will have to wait until its up again to look

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Why did he do it?
What would've happen if he didnt do it?
>What would've happen if he didnt do it?
I would've been happier
>What would've happen if he didnt do it?
Everything would have been fine. He didn't need to do this. I dare say it didn't even improve his own life at the time.

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Can animals understand your mood? a few days ago I was depressed and a stray cat purred me, and while I was sitting on a bench a dog put his head on my lap (I patted him)
Yes they can.
Dogs can 100% understand your distress, really good at reading your face and mannerism.
Cats, to an extent. Cats do rub on each other when one of their buddies is sick or dying, not a stretch to say that this applies to humans if they act slow and low energy.
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I miss him so much bros.
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>I didn't realize his statue had been removed
What the fuck?? Why???
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Gorillas are born to suffer

Reddit: The Gorilla
I can attest to this since I live in Dayton and go there pretty often, it was removed a few years back atp.
I dunno, probably because people defaced it or it gave passerby a bad impression of the zoo or parents complained or they just decided to for shits and giggles.
Just like me fr

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>cat sits on my lap
>bites me when i pet her
any tips?
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>>bites me when i pet her
>any tips?
yea, don't. the cat owns you, not the other way around
It's hard enough to draw blood usually. Once she clamped pretty hard and I needed stitches.
pin that bitch to the ground (your lap in this case), but not hard obviously and be careful, but just enough to assert dominance.
Kill it lmao what is wrong with you?

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my budgie loves broccoli
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He is based.
I love broccoli too.
Im pretty sure that exists
>He even has toys in his cage for further stimulation. He is just retarded.
if he is healthy then it further proof its behavior complex. maby he is over simulated? mine had the complex. i took all the toys out, then added one by one. by deduction i found mirrors/ropes/soft/colorful toys gave him trigger the complex. so i changed toys (dull color/hard toys/no rope/no mirror) until he gradually stopped.
> fights with birds far greater in size
some birds behave like that, it don't mean they are stupid. just wired differently overly territorial. big parrots bite humans who are much bigger too. i had a cockatiel who was afraid of my budgie.
I will take a look and see if removing some of the toys will change his behavior. If it is a complex it is the only thing I can think of as his sleep is regular as far as I am aware
trial and error find what makes him tick, mine did it so much his ass bled. any repetitive behaviour may turn to a complex ( feather plucking/excessive preening/regurgitation/nesting/humping)

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I want a dwarf tarantula.
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Why not big jumping spiders?
they're cute but they dont live very long
The main selling point of tarantulas are how big they are
What's the point of keeping a small tarantula? Might as well keep a different spider

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I do it every Friday to celebrate the weekend. Normally it's a cheaper cut like Flank steak though.
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>shut up me
You'll never realize how transparent that is
you're in a thread about feeding dogs steak
and you're bitching about vegans

are you fucking retarded?
Holy short term memory loss

Eat more meat and you might not be so forgetful
based af
this better for the dog. skip the steak, organ meats are definitely better.
also ive seen stuff that says domestic dogs dont do super well with raw meat and it should be partially cooked but i dont know how true this is so look it up if you're worried about it.
I boil mine

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"haha, look at him go!" thread
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I don't think great whites fuck with schools of small fish. I've only seen them eat seals and tuna and shit. Also, what's the downside to fucking with the biggest aminal in existence? What's that blue bitch gonna do?
another happy landing
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Hey, /an/. You guys heard of Wally the "emotional support" alligator? On May this year, Wally was stolen from his owner Joie Henney by some lowlife piece of skunk shit "prankster" who dumped Wally into someone's backyard to scare them. Animal control was called and they dumped Wally into a nearby swamp. As an alligator that was raised almost his entire life in captivity, poor Wally won't know how to do "proper alligator" things and he sadly may die. I'm not sure if Wally really is dead (hopefully not), but I hope that Wally (if he is still alive) is found and returned to Joie or even better, brought to a proper animal sanctuary where they'll take care of him. As for the motherfucker that stole Wally, I know that Wally has never bit anyone before, not even little kids, I wish that Wally get's to bite that cunt's ballsack once he is found by the authorities. Justice for Wally the alligator!

Sause: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-02/emotional-support-alligator-wallygator-is-missing/103795670

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Roadrunner appreciation thread.
Meepfrens please show your respect.
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i want one for cuddles and snuggles
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little dinosaurs

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All while you have some giant bugs hanging out of your eyes slowly eating them and making you blind. Pretty kino in all honesty.
Will he ever know peace?
At least they don't really need eyesight to snack on dead whales.
Seems pretty peaceful desu
No they evolved those for a reason.

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Epic. Any Creepypasta linked to this?
damn thats a big bee
Seeing no bees this year
big honey took them all
le heckin chud toad and then he dead!!!!

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FUCK dog racists.
It's not "racism", because animals dont have races, they have breeds. They were forcibly mated brother to sister, father to daughter, to produce a population with consistent behavioral and physical characteristics

For instance all pitbulls are untrustworthy vermin that sometimes kill and eat their owners and their owners families
All labs like picking stuff up and bringing it back to their friends
All mini austalian shepherds are homosexuals and gravitate towards pride parades

Even among cats
All the orange ones are dumb
All the calico ones are irrational aggressive bitches
All the black ones make too much noise and piss in your plants
wtf its all true?
When I travel to other cities I bring laced treats and give them to any bully breed I see in public. I doubt it’s enough to kill them, just enough to get them to shit and puke all over their pitmommy’s hovel.
I swapped some words in my mind before reading your post
>Even the normal sized aussies are gay
Mini aussies had to get it from somewhere right

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