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Here's a video of a leopard getting BTFO by a honey badger:

Crocodile gets stomped by elephant:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN2H11IZPBA [Embed]
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Pig humiliates black bear:

Black caiman gets smoked by giant otters:

Leopards are not the apex predator in places with honey badgers
Black bears are not apex predators
What regularly preys on black bears
maine hunters
I think what that anon means is that they're not necessarily "apex predators" despite being at or near the top of their local food chains, they mostly eat carrion and plant matter, and really only opportunistically hunt live prey.
The point of this thread is seeing big powerful predators get bullied by things you wouldn't expect them to, but black bears are notoriously risk averse because their diets are so varied: why bother getting in a fight when I can just go find some berries or a dead deer or whatever.
Rhino chases away lion:

Lions are big pussies:

Big cats take another L.

Mongoose fends off lion:

Brown bears
Sure doesn't sound like "apex predator" behavior lmao
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Dog chomping down on a Mountain Lion
Crocodile WRECKS THE SHIT out of a cheetah. Brutal:

Nice. Lots of big cats getting humiliated by superior animals in this thread.

That crocodile devoured the cheetah like a fucking cheeto.
COMPLETE CROC DOMINATION. Cheetah barely put up a fight, and the other two cheetahs just stood by and watched helplessly.
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>Lions are big pussies
It's funny because they're large cats.

And I'm sure you would have stood your ground against a charging hippo.
Humans without weapons or technology are highly vulnerable to many animals. OTOH a lion is supposed to be a killing machine, which is why it's funny when three of them get chased off by a herbivore.
it's impressive how the croc finishes off the cheetah within seconds

He hissed at it. He knew it was there. Why didn't he just get away? was he stupid?
to think cats used to hunt humans
Dumb cheetah probably didn't realize how strong the croc was, sort of like this bear not realizing what a skunk can do:

Revenge of the Buffalo:

So many browns in this thread
Cattards have nothing left besides calling people who don't like cats "brown" even though cats are Reddit personified and are clearly low IQ animals compared to dogs and other mammals.Why would Aryans favor a low IQ animal?
Don't be stupid. Herbivore doesn't mean harmless. Especially not a hippo in the water.
You know what they also do there? Breath air, you should stop doing that before someone calls you out.
Big difference between "breathing air" (something everyone does) and having your favorite animal be Israel's official mascot, but you need to have a high IQ to understand proper analogies, so it's not surprising that low IQ cattards struggle here.


leopard is not an apex predator. Lions and hyenas and crocodiles kill them regularly
Probably a juvenile
I wonder if Cape buffalo intelligence is underrated because they're too dangerous to conduct experiments with lol
Oh cool a thread actually talking about nature-
>malding retard screeching about cats
Oh nvm another schizo thread.
They organized a lynch mob on those lions
they were know to be vengeful by hunters for a long time, I'm sure they are fairly intelligent
Rock python eats hyena:

Leopard munching on a lion cub:

Simba, no!
SEVEN lions MOGGED by porcupine:

W Buffalos

Bear exterminates an entire den of wolf pups:


Crocodile killed a leopard:

it's so satisfyign to see that shit dog getting owned, I wish there was one with the bison stomping it's skull in
lol this is like getting mogged by a sheep
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African wild dogs fuck up leopard

Moshpit (advanced)
Chester cheetahbros...
holy shit the buffalo maul the lion here:

BOOM. Yet another W for the mighty Cape Buffalo.

Buffalo Bros to the rescue:

ONE Cape Buffalo fends off SIX male lions:

Buffalo racking up the Ws

L stands for Lion



more lion Ls

Why do rhinos mog lions so easily?

>why does a 2,000 kg tank with giant horns and anger management issues mog an animal 1/10th its size so easily?
Real head scratcher that one
Guess lions aren't really kings of the jungle then, huh
That's what always bothered me about the Lion King. There were tons of animals during that song at the beginning who would anihilate several lions on their own. Why would they give a fuck about some incestual bastard getting born
Even a female rhino effortlessly mogs lions:

the Lion King was oligarchy propaganda.
>the lion is so good, protecting us from the hyenas
>Even a female rhino
It's a giant armored tank with a horn against an animal less than half its size, Ranjeet.
That would be the elephant
what can an elephant actually do though...

Buffalo calf fends off hyena:

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It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...
>even though cats are Reddit personified
lmao wat?
Dogs are more reddit than cats
At least cats are acknowledged as just pets. Dog fags will tattoo themselves with their dogs names and insist they take their "fur babies" everywhere
I like dogs as much as the next guy, but insufferable reddit behavior
Silence redditor
Cat owners shit up every social media platform by spamming photos of their pets everywhere
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Lion isn't so tough now
I would argue that cheetahs are mesopredators and that video is a good example of it
cheetahs get mogged by basically every other carnivore in africa, from lions to hyenas to crocs etc. etc. etc.
wouldn't be surprised to learn African rock pythons eat em too
Cheetahs don't hunt humans retard
>humans without the defining aspect of humanity is vulnerable.
No shit.
fucking love honey Badgers. the most fearless creature on earth. I've watched a lot of videos of them and they will just casually stroll right through a pack of lions, or any predator without a worry.
the honey badger sees a larger predator and walks up to fight it. whatever part of the brain is responsible for fear, they don't have that
Fearless Honey Badger takes on 6 Lions

I recall their being some sort of mini documentary talking about how there are some buffalo groups who basically go out of their way to kill lions on sight.
More Ws for the Buffalo Bros

Crocodile snacks on a lion cub while the cub's mom watches:

The hyenas did nothing wrong
baby predator being killed by an apex predator doesn't sound like somethign in the spirit of this thread, just cathateschizo content
Leopards are among the few predators capable of hunting and killing honey badgers.
I don't get it
The dog isnt an apex predator
Toxobrain zoosadist has an autistic obsession with dogs dying and thinks it is how to get back at /an/ for daring to say that cats are dumber than dogs, dont control pests, and belong inside

/an/ unfortunately is entertained because its pitbulls
the guy posting kittens, lion cubs, cheetah cubs getting killed and grooling all over it is the zoosadist
there can be two zoosadists you retard
"Zoosadism" is the dumbest concept on this board when applied to WILD animals that engage in PREDATORY behavior.
>video of a guy shooting a dog
>not zoosadist
Also zoosadism doesn’t mean “hurting animals” it means taking pleasure in animals being hurt
I clearly said WILD animals in response to the anon whining about outdoor cats and lions and cheetahs getting killed. I wasn't talking about domestic dogs.
Hyena torn by croc

Grooling over a lion cub dying is sadistic and deranged.
I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who hates The Lion King for this shit
[spoiler]Mufasa did a surprisingly okay job of explaining why the animals were letting the lions reign as their rulers[/spoiler]
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Cheetah aren't even big cats. People should stop putting them in the same category as leopards/lions/jaguars/tigers etc.
Cheetahs are far more docile and physically weaker than a big cat. They traded strength for speed. So they have a higher success rate when hunting but get their prey taken from them all the time.
>900 kg reptile kills a 40 kg mammal
>[spoiler]Mufasa did a surprisingly okay job of explaining why the animals were letting the lions reign as their rulers[/spoiler]

I'm never watching this shit, so what was the reason?
Sable antelope skilfully uses it's horn to fend off a lion:
Nice, I was wondering if antelopes ever got any Ws over lions
Gemsbok can allegedly fuck up lions but I can't find any videos of it.
Even an old buffalo with parts of its asshole chewed off can fend off a pride of lions:

Realy sad because the buffalo will probably die from infection with his wound getting infected by feces.
>asshole chewed off

African wild dogs do this to their prey all the time, for some reason

Another Buffalo W

Can catfags stop being whiney little bitches over a thread that's mostly just safari footage and nature documentaries? What the fuck are you even doing here if safaris and nature docs are too much for you?
This. It's one thing to cheer for a buffalo to fuck up a pride of lions, but cheering for baby animals dying is just messed up. Regardless if they are pups, cubs or fawns.
Uh no? Most of the videos show adult lions and big cats getting owned by Cape buffalo and other animals.
>some reason
an entry point to grab, causing bleeding and immense pain forcing the animal to collapse so they can start eating them alive

nasty little land pirahnas
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Don't be a little bitch. Here's a wolf about to eat a bear cub. Nature is a Darwinian struggle for existence. Predators can't be choosy about their prey.
Does this speak "apex predator being owned" to you?
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Yes, and it's 100% necessary. It's good that predators will also kill and eat bear cubs, lion cubs, etc because it helps keep the number of large predators down to manageable levels so they don't upset the balance of the ecosystem. Too many bears would be bad just like having too many deer or rabbits.

It's fucking ridiculous to get sentimental over these interactions among wild and ruthless predators as if they were your pets.
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This is also an apex predator being fucked up. It just doesn't seem to be in the spirit of this thread.
The very first reply in this thread showed a crocodile getting stomped by an elephant.

Why are CATFAGS such whiney primadonnas? No one else behaves like this.

All predator's cubs has a high mortality rate. It's fucking stupid to post baby animals getting fucked up.
>wow this eagle totaly owned this barely weaned wild puppy APEX PREDATOR OWNED!!!
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The difference is that no one cares if you show predators eating a baby crocodile or African wild dog pup whereas CATFAGS will cry for days about "zoosadism" and start multiple threads blaming "paleoschizos" if you show the same happening to cats.
Seems like catfags have more sense and taste than post puppies getting fucked up?

And now you are posting apex predator fucking up mezopredators in that pic. Off topic, pure sadistic motivation.
Then I guess this juveline black caiman becoming prey counts too.
Why do you act like dogfags are reponsible for what deranged birdfags do?
Need some aloe for your mangina?

These pictures are from academic research papers. They even encourage observers to share more photos and reports of raptor predation on mammalian carnivores.

>Here, we report seven records of martial eagle predation or attempted predation of lion cubs in the greater Mara region, Kenya. These events resulted in the death of nine lion cubs, most of which were at least partially consumed, and are the first detailed records of this behaviour to be published. While these observations represent intraguild interactions, we suggest that they reflect neither intraguild predation nor interspecific killing. Rather, the ecology of both species coupled with the details of our records suggest that martial eagles opportunistically kill lion cubs purely to eat them. We hope that by publishing these records we will encourage others to share their observations of raptors predating on large mammalian carnivores, thus improving our understanding of a behaviour that we suspect may be more widespread than the current lack of evidence suggests.

I'm not blaming dogfags. I am blaming this one deranged person.
>pretending it is any interest in nature, not your sadistic pleasure in seeing cats getting fucked up

you are not fooling anyone, and I am not offended by seeing the pics, havign a zoosadist on the board however do. The kind of people who arranged for those baby monkeys to get fucked up.
Hey faggot, this is how nature/wildlife research is conducted. Lions and other felids are not deities that must never be disrespected. They get killed in the wild by other predators just like any other species. Zoologists and ecologists document and share graphic photos/videos of this behavior all the time, like so:

once again you are not fooling anyone with your vast collection of videos and pictures of felines specificaly getting fucked up

that's all you ever post, nobody else on the board is doing this. Nobody posting dead dogs or birds obsessively.

It's as much of an interest in nature as baby monkey threads showing monkey being abused.
If you can't understand the difference between documenting NATURAL interactions among WILD animals - which describes every single photo/video posted here - versus humans deliberately torturing animals for no reason other than their own amusement, then you are RETARDED.

An eagle does not see any difference between a rabbit or mongoose or lion cub. Those are all dinner to the eagle. You just think lion cubs and other felids should be given special exemptions for some stupid reason.
I love documenting children’s anatomy
No, I think showing baby animals getting killed as an example of "apex predator losing" is fucking stupid. I only talk about the lion because that gets posted all the fucking time.

But the comments like: haha lion cub is shitting itself are purely sadistic, not different from those people delighting in baby monkey getting hurt.
Why are catfags so depraved? We don't want to hear about your pedophilic urges. Take that to /lgbt/ with the rest of the trans catbois.
>lion cub is shitting itself

Lion cub shitting itself is just funny, sorry not sorry. Kind of hilarious that you're so traumatized by it, when the picture is from the same academic research paper posted here:


But according to you, academic zoologists and ecologists conducing mundane research is tantamount to sadism and all kinds of weird sexual fetishes that you have in your head.
You didn't write the paper, you don't care for eagles in particular, you just enjoy looking at felines getting hurt.
Do you think they wrote and published the paper with the intention that no one would read it?

Again, ALL of the photos/videos you're crying about were either taken from this paper


Or they're from Youtube safari videos with MILLIONS of views.

But like every cat owner, you're a SICKO so you all you can think about is your own sick sexual perversions and project them onto others.
Who even brought up sexuality? You are the one grooling over these pics. They don't offend me. They are animals. Your sadistic perversion however does.
And before you go with your catfag bullshit, I'm literaly here for the buffalo videos mostly.
The catfag who made this sick and unrelated post:
how do we know that you didn't post that ?
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The copium is unreal.
I get not wanting to risk injuries etc as the prey animal, but when the fucker is already clawing at your ass, why doesn't the goat thing just fucking tackle him with his horns? He has to be at least double the weight of the cheetah
yeah but it's a fuckin GIRL
Cheetoh relay on tipping them over, often injuring their legs in the fall, and choking them quickly.
don't mind the cringe sound
The stars will always shine, the birds will always sing
As long as there is thirst, there's always the real thing
Coca-Cola is always the one
Whenever there is fun, there's always Coca-Cola

Cat-on-cat violence:

Nature blah blah, but when it comes to criticaly endangered animals like cheetahs or wild dogs, isn't it better to intervene?
If you watch the documentary, you'd learn that the lions were tenaciously pursuing the cheetahs and wanted them dead. You would've had to capture and relocate the cheetahs to an entirely different location away from the lions.
>that action thriller movie music
>the cat meowing and dog whimpering sound effects for the lions
American documents were a mistake.
Why do so many disgusting zoosadists visit this board? Like, who enjoys watching animals getting beaten up/killed?
Yes it is zoosadism, people who post and watch these videos, and also people who kill animals themselves too. People who enjoy pitting animals against each other, socially acceptable "exotic" dogfighting and would dogfight if it was legal too.
Elephants show lions who the real lords of Africa are.

Lions only go after baby/juvenile elephants because they're pussies. That's why I don't care when lion cubs get killed.





That second video is damming for Lions, proving them cowardly and how their social bonds are constructed for documentaries/popular culture. The entire Lion pride immediately abandoned all the cubs to fend for themselves when faced with larger threat for once. Not a single adult Lion tried to distract the Elephants or anything. Absolutely pathetic.
You are seeing things that are not there, the whole group running away is the only viable strategy, if they stop to face the lions the cubs and themselves get trampled.
For the alleged king of the jungle, lions sure seem to get owned a lot whenever they can't pick off a young or vulnerable individual.


Cape Buffalo




Cape Buffalo >>>> Lion
Dogs > big cats



Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no
>adult male lion has to resort to taking out a PUP

Lions are pathetic cowards
>noo nature is cruel
So? wild dogs attack in packs 20-40 strong. Neither is more fair.
It's unbecoming behavior for an animal as large as a lion
Some prey animals "accidentally" have what appear to be really "bad" instincts bred in; just don't fight back and hope some other faggot gets eaten lol. It makes no sense on the singular scale where you're literally in a life of death situation, but across the whole herd it's beneficial
french twinks.
what a fucking idiot.
Nonsense, they fight back but often break a leg in the fall and the cheetah grabs hold of their windpipe quick, they are already short of oxigen from running so they quickly lose consciousness.
Giant otters fend off jaguar:


They even come back to save one of their own in this vid:

Cape Buffalo scares off leopard:

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Asiatic wild dog makes leopard flee like a bitch

Two eagles put a wolf in its place:

Wildebeest finally get a W against lions:


“After waiting for an hour, the wildebeest took a dust bath and this is when all hell broke loose and the females gave chase. 1, 2, 3 and they were on the wildebeest. The wildebeest fought back and managed to hook one of its horns into the leg of one of the lionesses.”

“This must have been extremely painful for the lion, as it was for quite a few moments that she was hooked onto the wildebeest. I am happy the wildebeest got away as lions cannot always win.”
This is REALY impressive, they are built for speed not strength, and lions are way more strong and muscle dense. Yet this one beat 2 of them.
it seems it got lucky that one of the retarded lions just stood there instead of trying to help the other one while it was hooked on the wildebeest's horn
The hooked one got seriously hurt and was thrown to the ground, while the other one was still biting the bull.
Bushbucks have better reflexes than cheetahs. This is how it's done:

Ungulates have inredible reflexes. Bowhunters aim low on deer, because deer can see the flying arrow and try to dodge under it.
>I guess colonial British propaganda wasn't really true after all.
Some Indian claimed that lions got called "king of the jungle" because the Hindi word जंगल, (jangala) can be used to describe a jungle or a moor, the latter being where lions can be found in some parts of India. Not sure if he was bullshitting or not.
kek the one claim to fame cheetahs have - speed - and they still get schooled by other animals
Monkey outwits leopard:

>For the alleged king of the jungle, lions sure seem to get owned a lot whenever they can't pick off a young or vulnerable individual.
It's almost like all carnivores do this!
>So they have a higher success rate when hunting but get their prey taken from them all the time.
Would be less of a problem if the human audience with their cars didn't make it impossible for Cheetahs to quietly call their young to their kill. Having to be more noticeable, obviously larger predators also notice them more easily.
Hippo dominates lions AGAIN:

Baboons scare away leopard:

>that 45 second mark where the baboons have the leopard writhing on the ground

Good monkeys
Most cucked predator: lions, leopards, or cheetahs?
Cheetahs. Lions dominate the game overall, and leopards are better at protecting their kills.

Painted dogs are also pretty cucked.
African wild dogs have a success rate of around 80% when hunting, which is higher than lions and leopards. Cope.
There is 6000 of them left, they are near extinction and often get killed by lions. Their pups are also eagle food.
Africans are doing targeted culls (mass poisoning) because they harass livestock and aren’t attractive to trophy hunters.

The future of african megafauna is the big five being farmed in preserves for people to look at and eventually shoot when the managers would have shot them anyways.
They should stop harassing livestock then if they don't want to be cucked out of existence.
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>Their pups are also eagle food

Eagles are much more likely to prey on cats, including lion cubs. Lion numbers are also declining drastically (they already got rekt in Europe and most of Asia) but the Africans keep some around for tourists and trophy hunters as the other anon mentioned.
Martial eagles eat anything including warthogs, monitor lizards and critically endangered wild dogs.
Painted dog gets messed up by leopard. Sad.
Carnivore fags will still try to act like their animals reign supreme kek
>Monkey outwits leopard

This is overkill of a different sort. Any primate can outsmart a felid.
based baboons
they hear the bow string slap before they see the arrow. the "duck" they do is just the natural precursor of leaping into the air. it just so happens the timing of it is really convenient when combined with the low velocity of an arrow
How do you tell the difference between a male cheetah and a female cheetah?
Don't underestimate horses. Stallions can be brutal.
>Any primate can outsmart a felid
Yeah, seems like a common thing that happens in trees. The monkey had it all planned out. The tiger did not see that coming.
Pack of lionesses turn a croc into dinner.
Alligator devours bobcat:

bobcats are mesopredators
>Video of apex predator eating meso predator in thread where OP asked for videos of apex predators getting dunked on.
I think that's the point.
>Thread about apex predators being messed up
>posts an apex predator eating a mesopredator

Are you retarded?
>Africans are doing targeted culls (mass poisoning) because they harass livestock and aren’t attractive to trophy hunters.
I think you're overlooking the religious component too.
Africa is roughly 50% Christian and 50% Muslim and both religions deeply hate dogs but love cats.
They are going to wipe out the painted dogs just as the British wiped out their wolves.
>Completely misses that anon is posting bait to piss off OP.
Are you retarded?
Wiping out the painted dogs is not a cat vs dog consolewar issue you schizo fuck. Africans wipe out cheetahs too, lions only spared because trophy hunting generates income.
There are more Cheetahs and lions than there are painted dogs...
You're an idiot that doesn't know anything about religion or current species demographics.
There are way more lions than both cheetahs and painted dogs because?
They are cats (Abrahamic faiths love cats) and tourism money.
Nice samefag anon. Literally nobody else agrees with that.
Obsessed idiot there are roughly 6000 cheetahs and roughly 6000 painted dogs.
And one of the biggest threats to painted dogs is diseases they get from domestic dogs that africans keep as hunting companions, livestock guardians etc. A case of rabies distemper, parvo etc. can wipe out an entire pack of painted dogs.
No, there is at least a thousand more cheetahs than there are painted dogs you obsessed idiot who can't read.
No, it's Africans poison baiting them because they are dogs and don't bring in wildlife tourism money like Lions do.
That's it.
Every source puts both of those animals around 6000.
WWF: 6500 cheetahs
6600 painted dogs.

>in Zimbabwe not a single dog shot in 20+ years

If anything cheetahs are more threatened because painted dogs reproduce fast.
Meanwhile shitbrain consolewar faggot with his unreasonable hate of felids masturbates to videos of dead cats, catfags work tirelessly to protect both cheetahs and wild dogs
>Every source puts both of those animals around 6000.
"An estimated 7,500 to 10,000 cheetahs remain in the wild."
>>in Zimbabwe not a single dog shot in 20+ years
Zimbabwe is a corrupt international aid recieving shithole anon.
Also the claim was poisoning, not shooting.
No need to samefag anon.

"On Saturday, 05 November 2022, a full pack of 18 African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) at Liwonde National Park in Malawi were found dead as a result of suspected poisoning from a small waterhole near the Mwalasi River"
This shit happens all the time in Africa.
It's just a wild shithole where anyone does whatever they want and nothing is well communicated or reported.
Their reserves and wildlife parks aren't protected, monitored or maintained by locals or their governments. It's just a free-for-all.
"There appeared to be no missing parts from the dogs which suggests that the poisoner had not intended to kill the dogs. It is likely that the poisoner was targeting birds or small game and upon realizing that the wild dogs had been killed, then decided to hide the carcasses and collars in an attempt to avert detection."

Does this make any sense? Why would they poison animals that they intend to eat or use parts of?
These are native Africans anon.
Video unavailable, what was it?
Plays fine for me, it's a stalion kicking an alligator a few times.
The most savage part was that after the first stomp, the alligator was already leaving and the stallion still went back to stomp on it again a few more times.
pack niggers keep spamming zoosadism videos of 50 wild dogs or 50 chimps attacking one innocent animal
it's not a fair fight, but shitbull owner gangbanging negroes wouldn't understand honor
Even pholcids will run away with their eggs in their mouths.
pholcids are cannibalistic though.
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>muh honor! pack hunters are ni-ACK
>bye loser



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Forgot to include the post-crocvictory images
kek butthurt much
The Tiger's butt is hurting definitely
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