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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

>Pests and Diseases

>Thousands of Botanical Illustrations

>Cacti and Succulents

>Carnivorous plants

>Alpine plants


>How to Make a Terrarium

Previously on /plant/
>brought potted angel wings inside for winter because they're pretty
>later find white aphids infesting my other plants

evilution is a myth btw
Why aren't there more houseplants in the Fabaceae family?
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Casual reminder that the needle palm is the most hardy palm can can be grown without protection in zone 7
Could i use a foldable cloth laundry basket as a frost cover for some smaller plants? Seems like it might work
Yes, I usually use plastic pots placed upside down for this, make sure to remove it during day so it doesn't cook up inside when sun is high
thank you
Do their leaves look like ass after getting hit with freezing temperatures?
I'm in zone 8 and winter is pretty mild so far but I didn't want to take any risks and wrapped up my trachycarpus and chamaerops.
What are some good botany textbooks for beginners?
Beginners in what?
Are you looking at bulbs?
Sewing seeds?
You have a garden that looks like shit?
RHS Bookshop is a great resource for all skill levels.


Not for gardening but for a serious aspiring bontany student?
>Do their leaves look like ass after getting hit with freezing temperatures
I don't think so. But I wouldn't expect the trachycarpus fortunei to look like ass after a zone 8 winter either.
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And isn't it ironic?
Don't you think?
A little too ironic
And yeah, I really do think
They need a lot of light and their leaves close up at night.
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What are these?
They are in Tenerife
spider lily
Cheers batman
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Read OP and use tools it provides before you make a post
Go fuck yourself.
I used the tools I usually use and it kept having shit fits.


Least I posted a nice picture of a plant.
Fuck off back to >>>/a/
>Read OP
Yeah, and what does it say at the very start?
>Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.
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Can someone explain these symbols to me?

Switch to the left (leaves, I think vegetation) gives red light

Switch to the right (flower? flowering? symbol) turns off the red lights and gives more yellow/natural light

I think it was supposed to be the other way around?
Why bother buying that light if you don't understand it.
Are you growing weed?
Just leave it on flowering all the time, you answered your own question, then asked another question, how would we know without having the make and model, and if YOU already have that, why are you asking us???
I just have a 500watt that can dim and I got 26oz of a single white widow, but it was in a 80L pot
Im new

The reason is I saw on internet that once it starts to flower/bloom, it needs more red light

but if I move the switch to the flower symbol the red light turns off.

That is what i'm confused about.
Go back to red it and ask them.
Leave the red lights on then, some fuck nut probably wired it up wrong ching chon
fluazifop has killed the shit out of the couch grass in a whole section of my garden and my nice native groundcovers are taking over and absolutely thriving. to the anon that said it wouldn't kill couch grass, you were wrong, I was right. to the anon that said it would make that area of my garden a barren wasteland, you were wrong, I was right, to the anon that said weeds would take over afterwards, you were wrong, I was right. now I'm gonna go kill the rest of my lawn with it and then I think I might go and fuck all your sisters while I wait for my beautiful new garden to grow in
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Any of you know what this is?
>Read OP and use tools it provides before you make a post
I wonder if this bitch will return to tell you to basically shut the fuck.
Nice plant though, what do you plan on doing with it?


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>mfw I see someone who "loves" plants owning a plastic plant
Love these little mesemb fellas
Where did you see it?
Nigga I have many fake plants coz I cant be fucked with tidying up, watering, prooning or there's just not enough light

It's your problem, not theirs
Absolutely sounds like your problem
This level of insecurity is hilarious. Enjoy watching it grow back.
You having a problem is my problem?
Nope. I like my fake plants, get over it.
pol is this way >>>/pol/ you self-important prick
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I know jack shit about plants. I want a windowsill-sized reedy plant. I used to have lucky bamboo because of how easy it is to grow and propagate from cuttings, but now I have a cat and he's retarded and loves to chew plants so that's a no-go.
I've heard about parlor palms but they grow fairly large from what I understand.
I've also tried to propagate some bamboo cuttings from bamboo I found outside, but evidently this is nigh on impossible.

Any recommendations?
>want a plant
>actual plants of it out of stock till spring
>seeds not for sale anywhere except for foreign sites I don't trust
I'll send ya some if you send me some
Where are you what you want?
I want some ixora red seeds, tried to order cuttings from Sri Lanka, just got three twigs.

I'm in the UK
mmm microplastics
Chart comparing various cold hardy citrus varieties made by an cold hardy citrus enjoyer
I broke and bought some orchids again
They'll probably languish and die as usual
I'm about 2 months ahead of you
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Whats this on my pothos?
mealy bug
The final boss of houseplant pests.
70% IPA mist onto leaves once a day for a week
5% hydrogen peroxide soaking the soil
Spray leaves with really an bug killer that covers mealy bug once a week.
When did you get the plant?
When did you last change soil?
What was in the pot before?
Check every plant that has been sat next to it.
Check every fuckin plant in your home.
Probably a month ago from a green house. I change pot and soil as i got home. Its near my crested geko bioactive enclose. Wish me luck
AIDS in bug fom (aka mealybugs)
Honestly regular mealybugs aren't that bad, it's the root munching species that is pure fucking evil.
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>spraying craft beer on your plants
if you would need lighting indoors, like in winter, buying plastic plants is less wasteful and annoying than shipping and operating a china-made photonfucker 9000
I've just woken up, so to entertain (You)
Anon is saying; there is less pollution to make a fake plant than to make a LED light and run it for the next 10 years just to keep one plant alive.
A plastic plant does not need water, food, repotting or pesticides.
t. WEF NWO kike
Hey look its a globohomo slave cucking themselves to make room in the carbon budget for 1/10000000th of a private jet’s emissions
Like I give a fuck, I have a nice looking home full of plants. Who give a fuck what you think
wtf is this thing?
a bunch of bananas, you're welcome
wtf ?? You have never seen a banana before?
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What's that plant genus/type which you'd be willing to drop $500 on them right now if you knew you could grow well?

I bought more orchids
I'm coping the following ways
>I have grown these before and they seem to survive but not do much
>the previous orchids I've bought were all very small and so I might have more of a chance buying larger specimens rather than seedling sized plants
Goddamn I love Bulbophyllum so much I just wish they did more than grow one tiny pseudobulb a year
Can you use amoxicillin for bacterial soft rot? I don't have streptomycin at home.
Most of them smells nasty though.
What are some weird looking indoor plants that are easy to grow?
I remember seeing some kind of fern which grows a thick leathery shell that the stalks come out of, that looked awesome
Lots of weird looking Euphorbias and many are just as easy to grow as an Aloe Vera.
Can we please take a moment to appreciate how unique Aloe Vera is? (It doesn't have any medical properties though)
t. Big Pharma
everyone I know is getting a plant for christmas
And everyone of them hates you
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>thick leathery shell
Some kind of platycerium? Here's an example:
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I overheard a coworker saying she wanted to practice sounding, so I'm meeting her on Sunday. Is this a good tool?
First time posting on /plant/. Love you guys!
No, you need a sounding ROD
Based autism love it
I am curious as to what the lower temperature limit is on US-852 which he doesn't seem to have. I've heard it does very well on taste tests despite the Poncirus parentage
There's also Poncirus+ which apparebtly doesn't have the bitterness but still rare and can't get hold of it in the UK
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Get a glass sounding rod. Insert it. Smash with the Thor.
Unless you're chicken...
Depends on your definition of medicinal. It's definitely a protectant which means it's at least as medicinal as petroleum jelly.
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My horribly messy plant set up
There are a bunch of daylily seedlings which are albino that I should just pull out but I'm too lazy
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Is it normal for cannabis to grow this slender? The guy who sold it to me said it was a sharper strain but dint mention height
yeah, it's called Needle Point for a reason
it's the strain of choice for injecting marijuahnas straight into your veins
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That doesn't look like cannabis
Why do you think it's cannabis?
Dude, thats hedera aka ivy. You got scammed, bamboozled and even fucked.
Let them grow
Well save for getting scammed if you want bushier plant cut off the tip it's called topping.
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>a sharper strain
>drain flies established themselves in my houseplants' soil again
I'm going to do it this time I swear to fucking god I'm writing the manifesto as I type
I noticed that on most pictures of humble schefflera arboricola out there it has these pointy looking leaves.
Is it a different cultivar from my more oval shaped one or is it an age thing or something?

Put a course top dressing like expanded play pellets or crushed lump charcoal on top of your soil and start watering your plants from the bottom. You should also pour boiling water down all of your drains.
used up all my charcoal for my cat's litterbox
What's the difference between horticultural charcoal and biochar?
I received a bonsai tree growing kit for Christmas (a Avergo Bonsai Tree Kit), it would be my first time approaching anything like this so I would appreciate any starter guide to making it 'work'.
There is none mostly, but sometime they come presoaked in fertilizer (rarely).
Just avoid briquettes it's mixed with coal, if you get chunk charcoal it's fine.
Should I become a dude that’s really into plants and start working at a plant store?
That would be based, yes

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