There's a fucked up weird lifecycle with people trading sick and gangsters.Apparently the way this works is that someone drugs someone so they're sick whenever they breathe in smoke or there's some other cue, and then they use behavioral conditioning on them like a dog not to do that. Until the person makes enough money to afford their own dog which is associated with someone that's sick and they do that until they're killed by the next person to be sickened to the point where they need to work to afford a dog.This is a.weitd and gross thing. Nurses in San Francisco have sprayed down emergency rooms with air fresheners when "dogs" with lung disease start acting up (these are.people) and then everyone puts a mask on.Is this what COVID is?
Back to my posts being edited so there's stupid secret messages in the text. The phones of people that are disliked are hacked in San Francisco to tell everyone not to tell them anything.A.weitd is "period t no r" or "the end of tea knower" or "you can't be around marijuana because we fucked up your lungs and throat with fucked up drugs and he knows about it now". Stupid cop bullshit. A Chinese lady told me her name was "dar lamb" which is "known DARE lamb". So I was supposed to commit a crime and get away with it or be murdered by cops from other people's tainted drugs. It's fucked up and I don't get it. It's probably their back channel way of having a monopoly on authoritarianism. I'm probably going to die now quickly and anyone that smokes pot will be able to have me sickened or killed.It's fucked up.Anyway there's a supervisor at a five keys shelter that did this to me so it's a cycle of violence perpetuated by the homeless shelter system to intentionally make people ill
So a.weitd is again either Period t no rOr Period no r tSo either know no art and be artless (ie witless or end Casablanca or be immune to art criticism) or we'll gas you with drugs until you die but the ones that we know will kill you. It's like the lame version of speak no evil except it's keirkegaard for dummies. But I always criticize especially when I've been sent to the emergency room all the time. So I'm supposed to bike messenger for Uber now and let people drugs me on the street until I die? Or become a perpetual underclass where I'm beholden to anyone that can drug and threaten my life with a bottle of air freshener?I just don't care. I'll just do nothing until I fall apart there's no point living.
Anyway in San Francisco there are a bunch of murals where they then see if they can make someone sick or die to art. It's a thing. The black and white mural in the odd fellows building is if you drive or do something for Uber and then there was a Christmas mural in the supreme building. But because I was being repeatedly drugged and harassed by sociopathic asshats I didn't drive around for Uber and then give people in the homeless shelter system gifts - instead I wrote everyone in the city about could.poison someone until.someone drugged and mesmerized me into being in a.posioton where I thought of Uber. Where the bank of America building is now filled with sick over by the trolley station when I signed up. So this is the latest scam. I'll have to do it or die of being poisoned in the shelter. And.then once I do it for long enough then I suppose there's another scam I have to do once I figure out that everyone buying Uber shot from me is sick or fucking with me. The last time I went to the clinic I walked past some idiot taking a picture of this where they'll upload it to some social network that's related to how I'm being scammed and fucked with or email whoever is paying to have me tortured.
>>4935738So at some level I just don't give a shit. I'll just go around and write notes to everyone in the city for a couple days and put it in mailboxes until I have to or I'll be killed with poisonous in the shelter. The whole thing is a public lynching over two years. They gave me a bag with a seatbelt like strap because it's "like driving" and then gassed me with drugs repeatedly whenever I would wear it on the wrong shoulder or have cars drive past with their catalytic converters ripped off. Which now will kill me since I was gassed with bad drugs at the shelter at 555 embarcadero. Not to mention being gassed on my sleep for I don't know how long. So I'll work for Uber until my lungs or body gives out and then I'll die after being abandoned by my friends and family and filled with sick in San Francisco. This place is a hellhole.
You have schizophrenia anon, go and see a doctor.
>>4935746The doctors won't give me an x-ray because they don't want me to know I have lung cancer. I know this game - it's "I found a place with a crock pot" or "I found a place with an air fryer". Schizophrenia or cancer in the ultimate no win scenario. I just don't give a shit anymore.
>>4935748I know now how the game was supposed to be played so I would make a ton of money and people would make me rich and famous. It was a setup and all the homeless and drug addicts and asshole cops repeatedly drugged me in the city until I'm now sick all the time. It's the world's shittiest place. An entire city of assholes.I just wanted to not be sick and find a job and instead I had every person in the city repeatedly gas me with drugs in my sleep and give me scabies ro their dog. Now I have lung cancer or my lungs and throat are permanently fucked up. My limbs are rotting and I'm worried I'll lose my hands and feet and all the doctors will tell me is that I'm fine when I show them my hands which are rotting off. Meanwhile I'll have college students go around with Bernie Sanders (burning sand neat) tshirts.They're just all such massive pieces of shit.
>>4935750I'm supposed to work for Uber and then make money and then post stories to Amazon and make money. Which I could have done if I had any friends and every dick in San Francisco didn't make me sick repeatedly. Now all I can think of is how much I constantly hurt and how everyone around me is a massive piece of shit. I don't particularly give a fuck about entertaining anyone. They probably wanted to burn the city down for the insurance money and they're pissed that I didn't work because I kept making noise. Which is just the most hideous shit I can think of. Oh and then taking anyone that writes a y fiction and surrounding them with contagious schizos with brain infections so they can start a literary magazine isn't fucked up at all.
>>4935742What were some of the other ones - saying "welcome in" when someone goes into a store which is similar to the Japanese itarashi but almost never happens in English and then having someone make you sick with the limb rotting disease (like a paraplegic that is a "mat" that everyone walks on). That happened in Austin, Seattle, San Francisco. They'll just have someone go outside the store and smoke drugs that fuck yo your limbs by screwing with your lymph nodes which in low doses is meaningless unless you continually stalk and fuck with someone. So now my limbs are rotting and there's most likely no cure. All of this shit is an "anti attention" thing where you'll keep being sickened if you say anything and if you don't you'll just die slower. The good news is that anyone that opens a business here or becomes rich either has to murder everyone that could possibly be jealous of them and poison them or be sickened to death by assholes. And I wrote all the shitty ways you can do this and put them in the mailboxes of everyone in the city after they stole my phone and computer.
>>4935757Theres all sorts of weird fucked up sociological bullshit with the "dawg" thing. Like gangsters will talk about how "hard it is to get the dog from eating off the ground" and then when youre wandering around fucked up and distressed because you're being poisoned and sociopaths they'll put shit in the ground about how they positioned you because you're not pretending that everything is ok. It's fucked up.
>>4935764Mat - what did you call a quadriplegic lying on the ground - being gassed or poisoned so my feet and legs are rotting and the only way to make money is through uber - "home sweet home" - "sweet" is the second of three words - the whole two or three bullshit.The captchas are getting harder. I wonder why.
>>4935773Oh and each one of the candies that they throw on the ground happens to be associated or done in such a way where I'll be poisoned and then someone will let me know afterwards by the candy. That's fucked up. Like I'll be given intestinal worms and then someone will throw a ramen container on the ground.
>>4935776Another one is that people will write "goer"graffiti all over the tenderloin because the only thing they think the internet is useful for is a mmap or they want to make this the only social interaction I have while constantly gaslighting me with sociopaths. Because I ask people directions when I don't have a phone. So now I'm a "goer" because I have to make enough money on Uber to leave. All of the graffiti in San Francisco is multi encoded in this way.They're just such asshats. there's no reason to be here in any way whatsoever because they treat everyone like shit. Try and go into a restaurant here or a cafe and just ask for a bottle of hot water when no one will offer you a job or tell you what to do or help you in any capacity. There's as likely to say no while you're vitamin deficient and sick as to give you it merely because they hate you but often times it's because assholes will drug and poison them.They're all bastards.
>>4935742More stupid bullshit. Once they've blackballed you from being able to find employment in anything but the Uber app (which I figure is just the next game until I'm poisoned again) they'll have all the doormen in the city harass you one at a time with all their bullshit pet peeves until you can't deliver for the app anymore until you're nice to the people that poisoned you. Everyone here is schizophrenic sick and retarded.
>>4935796Oh no see that's what it is. They "loan you" privileges like being able to charge your phone in a hotel and then when you deliver coffee the dumbfuck with the thick Russian accent will say ah but now you can't charge your phone here anymore. So delivering a four dollar coffee means that until the end of time the Hyatt won't let you charge your phone. So delivering any amount of food or anything will make it so you're always socially operating at a loss. That's the next dumbfuck game with assholes. Don't come to San Francisco. They're all bastards and it's a misery machine. And then what you deliver will be tracked and how you do it so people will fuck with you based on what you delivered.
>>4935799You can also determine who is and isn't I'll based on people that won't jaywalk if theres a no walk sign because they mentally are incapable of looking both ways and crossing the street. It's large numbers of people. When there are no cars.
>>4935800Other possibility is that all the traffic cameras are hacked to show that there are way more cars than there are as a way of polluting social media and if someone walks through a cross walk that breaks the bullshit illusion. You'd have to then physically come here to see how fucked up it is.
>>4935801All of the downtown is foreclosed. I'm serious when I say I think someone wanted there to be riots to have it burned down for the insurance money.
>>4935799I don't want to go to San Francisco because it's gay and the streets are covered in doo-doo. We are not the same.
>>4935816I don't want to be in San Francisco because it's worth about ten billion dollars more if you burn it down than if you open a store to hire someone and I don't want to be set on fucking fire.I suppose we aren't.
what the fuck
>>4935848>>4935856Probably a bot thread.
>>4935863 write this sort of thing and put it in every mailbox in the city. I'm tired of being harassed by assholes. At this point I'm most likely dying and haven't had medical care in years while being repeatedly drugged. San Francisco is a hellhole and I now know all the ways people go about hurting each other. So I'm going to put it in every mailbox in the city and see if they can use those weapons against one another. They deserve it.
>>4935882By using the mail I don't have to care if this thread is hidden from everyone else. I don't have to worry about what a moderator thinks of me. And it won't be read right away so it might be a day or a week or never. And I won't stop writing until I can't anymore because that's the only way to scare these people into not hurting each other. Here, this is how you do it. Your neighbors over there have a five year old. That guy over there was fucked up in this way. This girl over here is carrying a grudge. And I do that all day long.I would work and have a job and be happy and not sick. Instead I roll on every one.
>>4935885When I have enough money I pick an address and then I mail someone a letter. And I'll do that all the time. If someone is going to attempt to time having me killed to when their tree or dog dies then I'll write that down too.
>>4935888Yeah I know that guy was a nutter. This is what San Francisco looks like block after block. It's completely desolate except in small pockets. Other than the expensive older houses I figure most or many of the apartments are empty. It's a Chinese ghost city. can't pretend that's not happening.
>>4935885>I don't have to care if this thread is hidden from everyone elseeveryone can see it, but nobody knows what to're crazy. There is no coherent response to your incoherent mental spasms
>>4935882>>4935914Remember that when you cash in your chips in to shoot a bunch of glowies, not a bunch of children. They will try to convince you otherwise. Stay strong soldier.
>>4935885Do you like cats or dogs better?
anyone got some spare tinfoil so I can make a hat?
>>4935924Sure, just gotta smoke my meth out of it first, then you can have it
>>4935924shit, all I have is aluminum foil
>>4935970If anyone wants to buy Uber eats I will deliver it to you. I don't like all of this shit either, I'm not crazy it's just a dialect of stupid I've picked up by osmosis.More than anything I don't want to be in this rat infested shit hole anymore.