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No /bun/?
Lets fix that

Sleeping bun edition
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Wow, the new first-post timer made this board extremely slow
Bots be crazy
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gee I wonder who obliterated the coating on those weights, hmmmm
He was hungry for those gains
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my gf got this mf yesterday he's shitty everywhere how do I fix it ?
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You clean up the poop and give him some gentle petting while calling him a handsome bnuy
my new rabbit gave birth unexpectedly! she lives outside and i woke up to her having built a nest behind her house. three of her babies were laying dead outside the nest. i got her 24 days ago so she must have gotten pregnant before i got her. i ran out to get her some alfalfa hay and have been giving her unlimited pellets. is there anything i should know?
her nest is essentially a hole that she dug covered with some hay and rabbit fur. idk if its warm enough for her babies? it's getting to the low 40s in fahrenheit possibly even 30s tonight. that's around 7 degrees celsius or lower.
>is there anything i should know?
She might eat the babies.
>She might eat the babies.
thats what ive read. im only wondering if i should bring the babies in, like make a nestbox for them and bring them in and out of the house twice a day so she can feed them.
i checked on the nest this morning and the kits were okay, but i dont know if they can survive in this cold weather.
I once pet a cute rabbit on the way home. His fur was softer than a dog or cat's. 10/10
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Don't get too scared anons but there's something you should know.
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*sudden rapid xylophone noises at 3am*
Wild rabbits make me so fucking sad. Imagine being eaten by literally everything then you get myxo and slowly die a horrific death in the cold because some asshole had to bring 24 of you to australia to hunt for sport in the 30s and another asshole had to overcorrect his error. Like life isn't hard enough. Why does god hate bunnies so much?
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Its why you have to love your pet bunny extra hard to make up for any potential bad lifetimes they might have lived
Those aren't 10 lbs anymore, lmao.
Transferring them in and out probably isn't a great idea. The mother will likely get very confused and stop caring for them. An experienced mother or one you have a longer, better established repertoire with could do it, probably. I see three options:
1) Bring both the mother and babies inside for the next 14 weeks or so at least
2) Bring just the babies in and feed them yourself
3) Get professional help
I guess 4) let nature take its course, with you providing constant food and clean water.
Rabbits are very easy to litter train but that one is so young that you're going to need a little patience. It's like a newborn puppy; even if it's the smartest breed in the world, it's still going to have to mature a bit before it's trained.
Start googling.
Buy litterbox
Put bun friendly litter in it
Put hay in the end of it
thanks anons it actually worked he's (90%) clean now I didn't know rabbits were kinda smart. One thing is we take him out and he will eat random leafs and branches, is it ok ?
So one thing rarely discussed with buns is that the more they are mentally stimulated when young, the smarter they can be. Letting them out a lot or free roaming is a big component to this, as well as playing with them. If they're kept locked up in a small pen, their brains pretty much turn to mush and this is how they got their bad rap (as shit tons of buns are just kept in tiny pens all day, every day with little interaction). Individuals do vary in potential of course, but overall buns raised well are far smarter than the vast majority of people think they are. Really, this is true for a lot of pets.
One of my buns, for instance, will come when called (without treats). My other one is deaf but will respond to hand signals.

Random leaves outside is okay as long as your yard isn't being sprayed with insecticide or something.
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Best to do a quick check on whats in your outdoors depending on your area, but like other anon said most leaves and such are fine. I actually buy stuff like pic rel as chewing snacks
I often collect sticks from common hazel. They are long, straight and thin enough to cut with normal pruning shears.
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so my gf made some toys with food inside and the rabbit learned how to unlock it from the wall to make it roll more and even shake it with his head. He also responds to calls but only because he's trained to get food afterwards. That's pretty cool
neuron activation
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>Sleeping bun edition
I hope that every bun is having a comfy weekend
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Fascinating Creature
do girls like bunnies?
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greetings from /p/
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i always assumed that this thread was 90% femanons, although there are no girls on the internet so idk.
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i am a fully grown adult man, and i love rabbits. i hate this god forsaken website, but every so often i visit just for threads like this.
note the lack of mentally ill assholes. they are here, rest assured, but rabbits are neutral territory. rabbits are the one thing that inspires no hatred or vitriol. rabbits are peace, and everyone is welcome here.
The rabbit thread is absolutely 100% emotionally damaged women, bullied gen z femboys, and "tranners"
>100% emotionally damaged women
You are not a woman, everyone here are men and homosexuals nothing else
rabbit gen is a very female thread. so is plant gen.

but like 4chan females so they come off as bitchy men despite xx chromosomes, just like the bitchy xy men
maybe 96%
you forgot the population is functional men secure enough in their masculinity to enjoy looking at cute animals for stress relief.
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