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RIP that one anon's petrel thread from 2023

I'll make you this new one.
Funny how the mods are blaming the jannies for this fuck up.
Where are you seeing that? All I've seen were the "Mods made a mistake" and "mods being dumb" modposts.
The music thread, too. It was over 300 days old.
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Thank you!
Just found out about this thing and this is the most creepy and off-putting bird ever. Something from a /horror/ general. Look at its dead eyes, it looks like a flying flesh-eating zombie.
Weird, im so tired, the thumbnail looks like some guy in a red jumpsuit and black beanie doing a trick at a skatepark
kek i see it
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>>4866450 >>4868246

these looks less creepy cause they are smaller, and the footage doesn't show their eyes as much...

A Journey Through the Magical Wildlife of Chile | Full Documentary
uFree High-Quality Documentaries
i 1.3M views Sep 13 2023
13:45 Pincoya storm petrel, recently discovered small ocean bird, possess one of the keenest sense of smell, used to detect plankton
Lol linux
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Might be the most repulsive bird out there
Killing and eating baby penguins is on the level with being a tapeworm living in someone’s asshole
Disgusting creature - a devils pet
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This one is nice.
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Do they only have one nostril? What am I looking at anatomically?
For some reason I am annoyed by that thing on their beak. I find it aesthetically displeasing and I wish it wasn't there.
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He's smiling!
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I think they are neat
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These guys look menacing
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This is a fake image. Holy fuck is that nasty.

>"Although it may appear gruesome or evil, this is just another form of adapting in order to survive," says marine biologist Dr Austin Gallagher, who led the study. Because a blind seal pup won't be able to avoid predators, find its mother or learn to swim, removing the eyes is a brilliant way to ensure your meal remains there for the picking (no pun intended).

>"When you look at what this bird is doing in other parts of the world, it’s really impressive. They are the crows of the coast, [resourceful and adaptable],” says Gallagher. In fact, they've even been known to land on and consume the meat of Southern right whales when they come up for air. "To our knowledge, this is the first record of this [particular] behaviour, suggesting that it may be unique to our study area".

>In Gallagher’s study, the shorebirds were successful in about 50 percent of their attempts at eye removal. In many cases, once the seal was blinded, other gulls would join in as well, aiming for other soft, exposed areas like the underbelly, anus and genitals (lovely, we know).
Did an image search and just realized that petrel is eating an elephant seal pup
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why are their beaks shaped like that? That has to be the worst beak I have ever seen
It was a morning like no others,
It was a day of a low sun that smothers,
The horizon in blue all around,
And the smell of salt even in the clouds that abound,
The rocks were grey,
The air was sharp in the bay,
The time was cold like a slow whale,
Cruising under the waves the holy grail,
There he was on the blue,
A piece of ice with wings like mouths that chew,
To devour the distances all the way through,
From Heaven to Hell and Hell to Heaven never to rest,
But it was on the Earth he made his nest
i like it
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It's basically a shield over the 'nose' holes, bird can breathe while neck-deep in a fish.
Vile shitbird

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