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How can anyone go swimming far offshore in shark waters?
Aussies are smoothbrained tards just like their criminal ancestors. And those from sydney are also faggy, so nothing of value was lost.
It was a brit that died tho
Little known fact: sharks won't attack you if you are pure of heart.
I thought it was if you laid still
They can smell evil on a man.
you probably need a boat, or a windsurf or some other means of transportation.
Unless you're a great swimmer and are able to swim far offshore on your own power
Only if you are the chosen one who will lead the australians to a paradise without magpies, then you can make peace with the sharks
was it a woman?
was she on her period?
it was a woman 2.0 with a leaky bonus hole
It was a guy that thought it was a good idea swimming in a fishing area, through fish guts and blood used as bait, a white shark ate his leg in just one bite
I like to take fins and a snorkel and mask so I can see what's under the water. Not sure about other people though.

mostly I think you just need to not be a pussy. Like do you stay indoors because hundreds of people get hit by lightning every year?
Swim in groups
Not in the dawn or afternoon (feeding hours)
Avoid swimming in fishing spots
Don't go in the water if it's murky

And that's pretty much it, you could also check the zone with a camera on a drone before entering, sharks are easily seen from above
That's where the aussies came from in the first place.
No but you atleast avoid lightning or trafic, or bears and other dangers. With sharks you are fucked as soon as they spot you
>With sharks you are fucked as soon as they spot you
I've seen way too many sharks to believe that.
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The entire ocean is shark waters, anon.
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>With sharks you are fucked as soon as they spot you
That’s crocodiles. Sharks usually ignore people
I sure hope you’re not saying this from America
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>Not every shark will eat junk food.
Even that shark is better at approaching women than me :(
Amerimutts and aussies are britts
All trash
I've looked through the entire shark attack database anon and what people claim about sharks not seeing people as food is entirely false. Swimming in water with sharks is just asking for it. That includes the ocean, lakes, and also rivers (bull sharks).
>but more people die from car accidents
That's because more people interact with cars than sharks. They're non-comparable.
Here's the incident log database: https://www.sharkattackfile.net/incidentlog.htm

You have to download it from their shitty site (scientists can't code). It shows all reported shark incidents and gives details and references. Keep in mind that the vast, VAST amount of global incidences go unreported as you can imagine; this however gives a good sample of the reality of shark/human interactions
Some interesting incidents off the top of my head: a woman was relaxing in an inflatable dingy just off the beach and a shark bit her foot off. People bleed out extremely quickly from shark bites and often die within minutes of losing a foot/arm etc. Another woman was in waist high surf and a great white came in with a wave and bit her in half, swallowing her entire upper body, then returning and eating her lower body.
Another, a woman jumped in a brackish river to play with dolphins she spotted from the shore and was immediately attacked by a bull shark when she landed in the water. She was eaten as well.
That's another myth that people believe for some reason, that if there are dolphins then there aren't sharks. It's the complete opposite.
Another, a man was kayaking in the ocean with his foot dangling in the water, a shark bit his foot off and he died within minutes.
Man in Mexico gets head bitten off by great white while diving, woman eaten by tiger sharks in Bahamas while snorkeling on vacation. Many such cases
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This poor bitch was dragged off a PADDLEBOARD
>The newlywed who was killed by a shark while paddleboarding in the Bahamas was identified Tuesday as a beloved math specialist from Massachusetts.

>Lauren Erickson Van Wart, 44, who was vacationing with her husband at Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort, died Monday after sustaining catastrophic injuries from the attack, the Royal Bahamas Police Force said in a brief update.
>Van Wart, of Lowell, had been paddleboarding with her spouse less than a mile off the shore of the five-star resort on New Providence island when the predator dragged her beneath the surface.
Video of young Russian man swimming just off a dock in Egypt being eaten alive by shark:
They do usually ignore people, but the uwuification of even large sharks like tigers and great whites is retarded. Bears also don’t usually see people as food but nobody ever says a bear attack is just an accident like they do with sharks
the more i learn about the world the more i hate the british. literally everything bad is their fault.
t. germerikaner
ah don't worry germans are worse
I have been lead to believe that if shark blood enters the water, even just a little, other sharks will avoid that area. Why do we not spike popular swimming areas with - bit of sharks blood daily?
Im blessed with thalassophobia and will never put myself in these situations
I love how when I try to look up information about shark attacks I get bombarded with propaganda about how the sharks that bite people are just curious! They're just playing!
Why do they weave this narrative that sharks are good boys who dindu nothing
I think the people taking and making those reports typically come from universities where they're brainwashed with hippie/commie propaghanda. Also I've noticed that many of the people studying sharks have an obsession with them, almost a fetish where they put themselves in danger and kind of laugh with the possibility of being attacked.

This one was sitting in a see-through "perspex box" on the surface of the ocean when he was attack by a great white, shattering the box he was in:
This version shows it in slo-motion where you can see it target him directly, and if the box fragment hadn't deflected it he would have been screwed:
he was just playing, chill
>they do usually ignore people
I think that depends a lot on the circumstances. For instance, locals in Sydney know not to ever swim in this bay:

and locals in Bahamas know never to jump off a boat at night in many areas:

Then there's beaches is SoCal where great whites will regularly be in the water fairly close to people and attacks aren't very common. Nobody seems to really know why but there's probably a lot of factors that go into it. In every area including SoCal though there are still attacks. Even if something seems somewhat rare (as opposed to certain death?) if being wrong means limbs removed or being eaten alive I'll take a pass.

This woman was swimming in a little channel 60 ft off her houses backyard in Maine with her daughter and was eaten by a great white shark middle of the day:
If you were trying to get me to never swim in the ocean again you succeeded
no no sharks are just like big underwater puppies please do not stop patronizing the beach!!
Dolphins are more likely to attack and rape you than sharks
Is he? He pussed out in the end.
There’s plenty of places where you definitely would not want to swim because of the risk of shark attacks, but it’s the same with not hiking in certain places because there’s too many bears and mountain lions.
Normies are dumb and have to see everything in black and white, so sharks are puppies and dolphins are psychos now
>This one was sitting in a see-through "perspex box" on the surface of the ocean when he was attack by a great white, shattering the box he was in
That one was a territorial attack and not a predatory one though. The context missing in the youtube clip which they tell you in the show is that they’re filming right next to a humpback whale carcass that the shark had claimed
Is that the same one where the tiger sharks left because a great white was coming to feed on the whale? Then the shark ripped a hole in the inflatable side of their boat?
>territorial not predatory
It's difficult to speak to motivation but it probably doesn't make much difference. One guy had an interesting theory where he thought surfers were being attacked because they kept scaring off seals that the sharks were hunting and it pissed the sharks off so they attacked in frustration
>bears and mtn lions
Agreed. Not without big guns and several people anyway. Although im only aware of mtn lions attacking a handful of people, mostly soys on bicycles with no fatalities that I remember. People seem to not want to put sharks in the "very large animal that will eat you" category for some reason despite them probably being second only to crocodiles in human attacks/fatalities.
Sharks are the pitbulls of the sea
>second only to crocodiles in human attacks/fatalities.

Hippos kill more people than any carnivore. Dogs are responsible for more attacks on humans than any other animal.
Crocodiles kill close to 1000 people a year (reported) but most deaths are in Africa so unreported numbers are likely much higher. One reason the numbers are so high is because large amounts of people are constantly around them, unlike with sharks. The hippo estimates are a bit more shaky idk but very interesting as well. Dogs are largely domesticated so a bit of a different story perhaps.
The animal with the most human kills by far is the humble mosquito.

I find it interesting the wildly disparate views people have on different lifeforms that kill them. Some, people seem largely fine with trying to eradicate, others completely the opposite.
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Nuff said
>One guy had an interesting theory where he thought surfers were being attacked because they kept scaring off seals that the sharks were hunting and it pissed the sharks off so they attacked in frustration
Territorial attacks can happen but they’re probably pretty rare. Sharks don’t have the forethought to think of something like that though, most things a shark is gonna be hunting won’t be scared off by a swimmer anyways. Sharks will attack just about any silhouette on the water’s surface including a human, but after the initial attack a great white will usually reject it if it’s not something it finds appealing. A really hungry great white might come back to eat a person but generally they’re very selective about prey. It’s not an accident but it’s also not jaws style man-eating
>People seem to not want to put sharks in the "very large animal that will eat you" category for some reason
We also don’t seem to differentiate between different shark species when discussing attack motivations for some reason. People just say “it’s a mistake” with any shark. With tiger sharks for example they’re not particularly likely to attack in the first place, but if one does it’s not unlikely that it will continue the attack and try to eat you since they’re such garbage disposals. A great white on the other hand is more likely to attack but much less likely to consume a person
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>despite them probably being second only to crocodiles in human attacks/fatalities
Crocodiles are probably the only animals that actually are the man eating monsters from the movies. There’s nothing that hunts people as readily as they do, not even polar bears or big cats
Isn't this the one that was a shitty tv gimmick that was extraordinarily ill advised by actual experts?
>Dogs are responsible for more attacks on humans than any other animal.

Geez that's a real mystery. I do wonder why man's best friend has more documented attacks on man than tigers! Must be that dogs are more dangerous than tigers.
>Heh, nothing can happen to me personally because humans top the food cha- OH NO!
Many, many such cases. Very disrespectful.
I kinda want to know what surfers and divers are wearing when they were attacked, versus what others were wearing especially if sharks picked one out of a crowd, I think dark gray or blue or black diving suits or surfer wear makes us look like seals -- cause the shark take one bite of our bony limbs and then they usually fuck off rather than finish the meal, seals are meaty and cover in delicious fat. Maybe if we design diver and surfer clothes to resemble colourful jellyfish that could reduce shark attacks?
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Maybe reflective surf boards?
In that shark attack database, there are a lot of reports where groups of people become stranded and floating in the ocean; ships being sunk during wars, other accidents were people end up floating in the ocean for days holding onto debris and in life rafts. Sharks seem to show up in large groups, then after a day or two of becoming acclimated they go to town on the people and start attacking anyone in the water, even jumping into life rafts. I think a lot of sharks just don't know what a human is so they might start out cautious. It's a big ocean and not many people in it.
>there are a lot of reports where groups of people become stranded and floating in the ocean; ships being sunk during wars, other accidents were people end up floating in the ocean for days holding onto debris and in life rafts. Sharks seem to show up in large groups, then after a day or two of becoming acclimated they go to town on the people and start attacking anyone in the water, even jumping into life rafts
The sharks in those instances are nearly always oceanic white tips, or at least most of them are. When you’re a shark that lives in a bottomless desert who hasn’t eaten in a month you’ll take any floating animal you come across
>I think a lot of sharks just don't know what a human is so they might start out cautious. It's a big ocean and not many people in it.
This is very true, and probably part of the reason why great whites in particular will attack a human silhouette on the surface and not eat them. The shark might have never seen a person before and almost certainly has never eaten one, but a silhouette at the surface usually means food. In the case of great whites they usually decide that the person is no good after the first bite unless it’s especially hungry, oceanic white tips are a different story
The hippo attack in Congo scared the shit out of me
I don’t believe those „scientist“ saying sharks are just checking what you are with their teeth.
In all the recent attacks the victim got eaten. Unless other people came to rescue and chased the shark away.
>A great white on the other hand is more likely to attack but much less likely to consume a person
Isn't this just survivorship bias?? Great whites strike and then leave the victim to bleed out before returning to devour the seal or whatever to avoid injury. If they strike a human on the beach, they're more likely to be pulled out of the water by other swimmers preventing their consumption by the shark. If someone were attacked by a great white in open water with no help on the way, we'd never know if it was just an accident or if the shark would come back to devour them a little while later.
>Great whites strike and then leave the victim to bleed out before returning to devour the seal or whatever to avoid injury
They do, but this only takes a matter of seconds. They don’t leave the prey for an extended period of time unless it’s something massive. Your chances of being pulled out of the water before getting eaten if the shark intends on eating you are very low
oh dont worry there's o e geoup that's way worse than all of the others.
they keep kvetching about it but never ask themselves why.
Thank you for setting the record straight armchair marine biologist. Any other nuggets of stupidity you can share with us?
Like if I was sitting hungry in my living room and a bucket of steaming fried chicken started hopping by, I'm not the asshole from grabbing the bucket and taking a few bites
That bucket of chicken came into my house, damnit!
Checked^2. “Shark control” programs at beaches are retarded, you enter at your own risk. If you’re afraid of such an unlikely event then stick to swimming pools
do people actually still get SHARKED? I don't believe it
Humans have no business in the ocean
I suddenly love the baltic sea, you'll never catch me in that warm water shit.
Finally a good fucking thread. It's a shame there aren't more videos available, you just know they're out there but the shark protection cabal buries them immediately because they cause problems for tourism and go against the narrative.
I would bet way more people are eaten by sharks. If nobody is around to witness the death, the victim will be registered as probably drowned.
And with the just a test bite story, all the latest videos showing the shark coming back after the first attack.
The ones who survives are getting help by other people immediately.
They always say "it's just a test bite!", but they never tell you what it's testing for...
The shark has to make sure it’s not accidentally biting an indian
you're a little slow aren't you
he's ok tho right
>he doesn't know about the lakesharks
You underestimate the Australians.
you jest but sharks are probably more harmless per capita
they look like dinosaurs
what about alligators are they just as predatory to humans
if you guys wanna hear more realistic/interesting accounting of shark attacks (and their behavior) you should watch this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lja67hN3Oo

Hal is based and treats the sharks as large predatory animals instead of movie monsters or cute cuddly puppies + has a reasonable methodology in his cataloging of attacks
>In all the recent attacks the victim got eaten

>the shark attack statistics are wrong because...BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OKAY
and here comes the schizobabble nonsense. do us a favor and just head over to /x/ now. your atrophied brain matter is not wanted here.
Sharks mistaken humans for seals and then go away once they realize it's not a seal
but then how are we to account for the attacks in say, the bahamas or the pacific islands, where there are no seals? what could the sharks be mistaking us for in egypt, where no seal had traveled? perhaps they could be mistaking people for very large squid or perhaps a malformed, shell-less sea turtle?
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>average redditor esque wholesome uwu shark post: err actually sharks are just like puppies and just come up because theyre curious and you just BOOP them on the nose :)
They’re not mistaking us for anything except maybe in very low visibility. They just don’t know what a human is to begin with
That swimmer in Australia got eaten completely, the poor Russian guy in Egypt got eaten and there was a girl ind brasil(iirc) who got attacked multiple times by tigers until she was dragged out of the water by other people.
Alligators have been known to kill people from time to time, but they are far, far less dangerous. They're fairly chill, sustaining themselves mostly on fish. Don't go swimming with them, but they don't typically actively hunt down humans in the same way crocodiles do
Although a shark would never purposely attack a human, they have notoriously short memories. Sometimes they simply forget the outcome of their test bites and need to repeat them multiple times to remember that we aren't worth eating, although the test subject may be completely consumed by that point. Once again I stress that a shark would never, under any circumstance, harm a human or even *think* about eating one. They are harmless and simply curious and inquisitive creatures who just want to know what you are and what's inside you.
I moved to the middle of America and everyone here is like Irish, German or something like Hungarian. Very few brits, absolutely no frogs or wops.
this is an actual tranny
Mad cuz bad. You lost the argument, no amount of cope, seethe, finger-pointing and projection is gonna change that.
name an australian invention the rest of the world uses. go on. i'll wait.
I think Wifi was Australian wasn't it?
yeah that and silex for uranium enrichment, which was so good it got classified as top secret in the US despite being made by a company in Australia

fucking retards that's an austrian invention.
Major diver and free diver and spearfisherman.
Have swam out miles many times over many years. Have had many shark interactions.
Issues with great whites finaly became too much and I do so less frequently now.

They absolutely know what they are doing. Most attacks result in people living because of both the shark's hunting method and what they are wearing and using.
Most attacks in the last century were on surfers, because they were the most numerous population out deep enough for occasional contact.
Surfers have hard fiberglass boards and wear wetsuits. Neither of which a shark can digest. A hard surfboard also results in the surfer thrown away from the shark's jaws on impact most of the time before the shark vices down and removes a giant chunk of the person. The board does not give and allow a bite like tissue does when impacted.
Even when the bite does get surfer it often gets board and wetsuit too, gross foamy neoprene rubber and hard fiberglass.
This is far from the big soft blubbery mouthful of flesh it gets biting a pinniped.
However if fat people without wetsuits and boards were swimming the shark would think it was a great meal.
Adult great whites also hunt dangerous prey like large sea lions and elephant seals by delivering a massive bite then swimming away until it gets weak from blood loss.
Humans seen as dangerous likely get the same treatment, but most are removed from the water before the shark resumes feeding.

Humans look much bigger and scarier than they are in the water. Appearing to be the size of a several hundred pound dolphin, and often holding equipment, scuba tanks and long fins.
So giving them the treatment of dangerous prey is more likely.
Some flailing maskless and gearless swimmer oblivious to thier surroundings may get the treatment of a less dangerous seal, not seeming to be as dangerous.
Young and juvenile ones hunt differently often being fish eaters just starting to bite seals. Less stealthy but less likely to attack.
Yeah, that makes sense. They're just rough housing, they don't know their own strength.
Thanks, Great comment.

I also think that humans fight back when bitten by a shark and they are not used to getting punched on the nose or stabbed in the eyes. So they let lose and observe while the swimmer bleeds out and then they come back. Or he gets rescued and then it was just a mistake and test bite.
>dangerous prey like large sea lions and elephant seals
Do those guys really put up a fight against great whites?
It's not like they could kill one, but a raking bite would certainly hurt. They are also massive.
Large pinnipeds are incredibly powerful. There is no reason to allow them the opportunity to retaliate if you don't have to.
In addition to these two
Sharks don't have rib cages, and it's been documented that dolphins and orcas will ram the undersides of sharks to cause internal damage to their vital organs. Large, solitary sharks are also (in relative terms), big pussies.
We need a remake of Jaws to once again put the fear of sharks in zoomers minds, fuck sharks
I think you're lying. Sharks swim next to humans all the time and don't do anything. They're our friends.
Wet fins wrote this post.

Fugg :DD
He's right. Sharks are very friendly to scuba divers.
Yeah sharks would NEVER EVER EVER intentionally attack a human sharks are frens. They're just curious
And furthermore please do not swim in wetsuits this makes swimming worse, you are the safest when naked and remaining calm while in the water with sharks.
Sharks only attack humans because they mistake surfboards for seals. Don't bring a surfboard like a retard and you'll be fine.
>However if fat people without wetsuits and boards were swimming the shark would think it was a great meal.

Nice. Toss the fatties in the ocean.
Source: My asss
I have eaten more sharks than sharks have eaten me.

t.flake enjoyer
My ass is a perfectly valid source
That's an assumption. You have absolutely no idea why sharks attack humans.
Humans are too bony for sharks
"At least" is two words, not one. Please stop doing that.
Crocodiles can be tamed and kept as pets. Sharks can't.
Sharks can’t be tamed because you can’t keep most of the big ones in captivity in the first place. Crocodiles kill like 500-1000 people a year and usually eat their victims, sharks don’t.
Shark migrate through the whole ocean throughout their life cycle and have specific preference in diet during it. They can enter a period of growth where they are in x area and prefer y kind of foods. There is a chance that sharks in socal don't consider human to be ideal meal for their specific life cycle. I do quite bit of fishing so I know predator fishes key in on specific preys during specific seasons and areas. Sharks are probably the same. Therefore, sharks can key on specific preys while they are in socal but not as picky when they are in another area, such as Africa or australia
sharks are based
>Germans and Brits complaining about each other being the worsf
>the most accomplished modern civilization builders on the globe
> Humans are too bony for sharks

Some sharks eat sea turtles… your statement doesn’t make sense
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on (that you probably raped too)
ive done it. hawaii. many times. just dont run. its the number 1 rule with predatory creatures. they respond to panic and fear so dont. i learned that with housecats. on their back.. cmon senpai rub my belly, but its a trap. just dont move, they can do nothing. lesson learned, panic and fear are the enemy. its like magic if you learn this, then literally nothing can threaten you. also its fun all the manip types at work bonk against me as i laugh. lowkey fun.
cause we are made of meat and most of the big sharks eat just that
I fucking hate this shit. Why can't people just be reasonable? yeah i get Jaws caused a lot of damage and made people see sharks as monsters but that doesn't mean we have to do a complete 180 and now treat them like they are puppies
Most of this thread is retarded, sharks are far more valuable than humans because there are far more humans than there are sharks
>but that doesn't mean we have to do a complete 180 and now treat them like they are puppies
no one is pushing this idea,dumbass. It's all just about not viewing them as remorseless killing machines. Any sane person wouldn't dream even getting near a big shark. It's all just about understanding them better and respecting their role in nature
>no one is pushing this idea,dumbass
There are plenty of people on youtube, instagram, etc who seem to be
so then why don't they just say nothing instead? redditards have this stupid compulsive need to chime in with a fact that literally everybody knows like they're the first one to figure it out. just stay away from sharks, it's retarded to pull out the "well akshually" with animals that can eat you alive even if they wont.
Based take
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ha, i used to go to hawaii and swim with the sharks. i almost died so many times. i do not fear death. he can come for me and i will smack him around. fun fact when you do not fear death, death fears you as it wants weaklings and scared little bitches. it was a good day when i learned this, now i am the scary one lel. go watch goose vs herd of cows, or honey badger vs anything. the trick seriously is to give no fucks and laugh at whatever threatens you. personally i enjoy getting in their face and screaming, and that works on literally anything. charging dogs, crazy hobos, crazy ex wife. anything. i used to live in meth town and walk around at night alone. i fear nothing. and you appear to be a bad mother fucker if thats the case. try it weaklings.
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But that would only increase sea turtle attacks
Sea turtles are harmless
Humans don't belong in the ocean
Sharks never attack humans deliberately. They just mistaken us for seals.
Why is this webm supposed to reflect poorly on Aussies?
Do you think she let him peck her?
>44 mathematician wedding honeymoon roastie
like the universe was like...
you selfish bitch getting married now that you cant have kids and just want to forever vacation, and gobbled her the fuck up for not progressing her race
application to rumspringer the rest of your life away accepted but cut drastically short
>far offshore
He was just like 100 feet out.
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>Why is this webm supposed to reflect poorly on Aus-ACK
This happens in America all the time
wish we could just kill all sharks
why do humans tolerate violent predators that regularily hunt them? we have all the power to drive them to extinction, we should use it.
Aussies are brits
Even the small and cute sharks that can't harm you?
Australia is for real men who can handle the Great Outback. Stay in America or Europe where the mere sight of a coyote or wolf sends you into a panic.
guarantee people were SHOUTING at her to get out but the fuckwit was just looking around in a daze STUPID CUNT
>Causing mass ecossystem collapse because an apex predator killed some aussies + a russian
They're basically animals anyway, who cares.
>shark? wot shark?
>dats a drone ya poof, shark don't fly
Sharks are just misunderstood. Dolphins are more dangerous to humans.
>all the seething in this thread against Australians
you're not german and will never be you fucking retarded muttmerican and literally everything bad is the results of your fucking fatass faggot country
(1) Australia isn't British and it isn't white. The majority of people in Australia aren't Aboriginal or white. Most are Indian, Chinese, Muslim and random immigrants from all over the place.
This isn't the 1700s. It's 2025 now.
Australia is nothing more than an American offshore military base.

(2) Most of our beach deaths are from Indians, East Asians and Africans swimming for the first time despite knowing they can't swim.
"This diversity is reflected in the drowning statistics with people born overseas representing 47% (n = 911) of the entire coastal drowning death toll in Australia between 2004 and 2021"

(3) Most of the shark deaths are whites because they are the only people who swim well enough and regularly enough far out at sea.

(3) Internet weirdos hate Australia because we have produced some of the most despised trolls ever. For example, that guy who started a fake BLM charity -
Because real humans eat cow dung and drink cow piss right Indian anon?
Most 4chan posters are Indian or Mexican. They think everyone In Australia is white lol.
>Everyone I don't like is a pajeet
>thinking indians care about animals
they "respect" cows because they think they'll have a bad next life if they do otherwise, not because theyre nature defenders
you seem retarded
> OMG fuck all white people, fuck Australian and British, Whites aren't human, Hey I'm not Indian or Mexican guys, Just a coincidence I'm posting in their timezones but it's just a coincidence, ok? Broken English and weird factual errors oops! not Indian though
>they "respect" cows because they think they'll have a bad next life if they do otherwise, not because theyre nature defenders
>you seem retarded
Lol, how is eating cow shit "respecting" cows you fucking moron haha
How is eating cow shit going to erase their bad karma?
Sounds like you eat cow shit anon.
Indian are amazing. Don't even need to eat real food. Just eat cow feces.

"To mark the end of the popular Hindu festival of Diwali, a village in southern India has a tradition that is not for the faint of heart. During a day-long event, people in Gumatapura throw cow faeces at each other. The latest “Gorehabba”, as it is known locally, took place on November 6, 2021. Many Hindus believe cows and everything they produce is sacred and purifying, and some believe the animals’ dung has health benefits."

"Young men in an Indian village are gulping down and bathing in cow urine - to get rid of spots.

Hemant Paliwal, 36, and his friends have been drinking cow pee religiously for past four years and also claim it has kept them disease free for years.

They also apply it on their faces and hands twice a day-to make them soft and acne free and on the weekends even bathe in the pee collected from 30 cows.

The young men all work at a cow shed in a village in Udaipur in Rajasthan in western India and claim none of them have seen a doctor for any disease ever since they got the taste for the pungent liquid."

>>Causing mass ecossystem collapse because an apex predator killed some aussies + a russian
>They're basically animals anyway, who cares.
Real humans play with poo and eat/drink cow piss/shit
I'm not a currynigger, I just think sharks are more valuables than subhumans like aussies.
So you're Indian and eat cow feces...
There's a high statistical probability this is true though
menstruating women attract sharks
same goes for forests or any remote area. If you get mauled by a bear or gored by a boar it's on you if you don't win the fight.

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