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>be lion cub
>be born with a barbed prick
>have a one in eight chance of even surviving to adulthood because if dad gets desposed by another male lion the other male lion will kill you to put your momma into estrus
>at the age of 2 get expelled by papa and have to team up Double Dragon style with other male lions just to survive(usual outcome is slowly starving to death)
>much like Double Dragon, you end up fighting your friends for the right to take over a pride and mate
>have to also take over a pride by fighting an established male lion
>IF you win - only get two to three years as the "king" of a pride
>But hey, 3,000 sexual copulations for every one lion cub you make
Is it worth it /an/?
No, the life of a male lion sucks. For a female, maybe.
The fate of male mammals is misery
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Wish I realized this earlier now I realize I was meant to be miserable all along I'm no longer depressed lol
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Also get cucked by chad Tigers
You ever seen that study on baboons, where alpha male baboons were more stressed out from trying to maintain their place at the top of the hierarchy while alpha female baboons were secure and comfy in their positions?

Lions prefer other men so who says he cares?

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