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Hey /an/,

I found a baby bobcat out in the wild and decided to take it in. It seems healthy, but I need some real advice on what to do next.

- **Feeding**: What do I give it? Any brands or types of food that work best?

- **Housing**: What kind of setup do I need? I want to make sure it’s safe but also comfortable.

- **Handling**: Should I interact with it often to help it socialize, or should I leave it alone as much as possible?

- **Release**: How do I prepare it for release back into the wild later?

- **Legal Issues**: What laws should I know about keeping a wild animal like this?

Looking for any tips or resources you can

How's that?
Take it to your nearest wildlife rehab/sanctuary anon, it's the best for the animal. What area are you in?
The longer you wait the less it's survival chances will become in the wild and trust me I've worked with these and once they're big you simply can't keep them anymore
Help it develop a taste for human blood
Just pretend its a normal cat and keep it inside

Maybe walk it on a leash if its too hyper

You can make this more believable by dumbing it down a little with regular cannabis administration and stunting its growth by underfeeding it slightly (go for grain and bean based food). That’s how my dad raised his wolfdog pups and they turned out like husky shaped golden retrievers.
you can take it anywhere that houses animals and you can call around without legal issues, you "just found it" and it's not on any disease lists like raccoons or bats and its not venomous like a rattlesnake

you can't keep it without a proper license in the state that requires you to

if its a kitten then there's cat mothers milk powder mix and bottles at the pet store

this will kill the animal in a few years

do not use cat food that has "binders" and "10% veggie product", it has to be wet cat food that is 98% animal product, and if its a young kitten then AVOID BONE MEAL GROUNDS in any way shape or form, this can cause digestive and growth issues

desu you MUST find an appropriate shelter for the cat and failing that, talk to one that ALREADY HOUSES SUCH A CAT

again, ill re iterate, dry cat food kills cats because 80% of their moisture comes from animals, if it has to drink water to make up for moisture its too late, digestion gets fucked and kidney damage happens
>source, all four of my cats I got after a siblings divorce+my cat all lived over 23 years old
>my first cats lived to 13 at most before I knew this water-moisture issue
AI generated thread that didn't even take into account how posting works on 4chan. Hidden.
Take It to a wildlife reserve before It ruins your home.

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