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>Seny Zogba was working in a cassava field in Bossou, Guinea, when the chimpanzee came from behind and bit her before dragging the 8-month-old baby from her arms and into the forest.

>The baby’s mutilated body was found 3km from the Nimba Mountains Nature Reserve, with witnesses fearing the chimp may have used tools to butcher the infant.

>The attack has been blamed on famous mature Western chimpanzee Jeje, who belongs to a small troop in the region known for their human-like use of tools.

What are chimps trying to say?
why was an 8 month old baby working in a field
Their tools were birth control
kek what a ribster
So the chimp pitied a human baby. They're definitely related to us.
Obviously you're attempting at being facetious but the real answer is: her mother was working in the field. The baby was being carried. In many poor places, the mother has to both work the fields and take care of a newborn at the same time, while the father just works a job and thinks it's hard, lmao.

I empathize with these mothers in a lot of poor places. My wife had medical complications post-birth that extended (well, extends, as it is ongoing) well past my parental leave, so during the newborn phase, I worked a full time job and was with the baby 100% of the overnight and after work. Waking up every 2-3 hours then working a full day for months is not fun, 100% do not recommend. I'm an engineer so at least my job wasn't physically demanding.
>inb4 nanny
Having a full-time nanny and not being present when the newborn isn't even three months old yet is insane and incredibly risky.
>inb4 family
Not everyone is lucky enough to have family close and capable enough of helping, and against during these first couple months, bringing in more people is not a good idea in many levels.
>the chimpanzee came from behind and bit her before dragging the 8-month-old baby from her arms and into the forest.
Monkey Gear Solid: Baby Eater
dey was sum african chimps, we isnt like dat doe
I’m willing to bet they used one of his friends for bushmeat, and this was his revenge.
You are a good man, I hope your wife will recover fully.
this is not reddit and this board is not your blog for your retardation
you're treading forsaken ground
nta but how about you slurp my balls. you don’t need to type up the sound of every cum bubble you cough up you gay little retard.
got all your homework done for school tomorrow bud?
honestly think its beyond time we teach them a lesson they'll hope they dont forget
Putting animals on trial should've never went away. Lock him up.
Unrelated, but I couldn't find a Chimp general. Interesting video I came across.

kys AI posting retard
Im sure it was revenge, those people should be locked up for obliterating the chimp's habitat and population
based chimp
>no argument
>”saar this isn’t reddit”
get out
He's just practicing our ancestral traditions of killing people who look different than you and eating their children.
Ok so are the villagers gonna start butchering chimps who stray out of the forest or will they let it slide?
Chimps dindu nuffins
>nooooo you must Either shit post or insult people!!!
>no elaborate answer!!!
>also no elaborate format!!!
Is someone grumpy cuz he didn't get his warm glass of cum? Kys
The anon I aspire to be...
>monkey learns to use tools
>smart enough to realize that by using tools he will soon be just like the hairless apes toiling in fields for money and taxes
>rejects humanity and saves the infant a lifetime of suffering in the process
We must return....
Return to monke....
The chimpanzee wasn't necessarily in the wrong.
Inb4 dont create a mini me dress up dolly that will mostly have a shitty life
Good chimp

I bet those moms with 8 month old babies working in the field lose the baby fat and have a husband wanting to create siblings.
While some lazy american uses it as an excuse to stay fat, then cries about related health complications.

Sure there can be real issues, but most are usualy self inflicted. 'Oh no I overindulged while pregnant because I was fat and immobile anyways, and now the effort to get in shape again is so much greater than ever before that I just won't and will be a victim.'

No get off your butt and tighten up that body again woman. You are not the child.
What kind of person would eat a chimp??
I bet they were harassing the chimps
Good, one less horror in the world
Total African destruction. Give that entire continent back over to nature.
if Africans behaved like Europeans, all of their megafauna would be extinct by now
They do, it's literally only because Europe introduced the idea of "poaching is bad" and hired Africans to shoot other Africans to stop it. And it's driven by China being stone-age motherfuckers who think ground up elephant tonsils or whatever the fuck will give you a boner.
>And it's driven by China being stone-age motherfuckers

The Chinese are more advanced than Europeans.
jeje earned that child. It was his to do anything he wanted.
Child remains should be grateful for glory monkey death
not by a mile. 70% of them are in enforced rural poverty.
I'm surprised the people who lived there didn't get mad and team up to hunt down every Chimpanzee in the area
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>anon asks question
>receives actual response
>hurr this isnt reddit
You need to be 18 yrs or older to post here.
? have sex
ah yes, like how the medieval english killed the famously docile and non-territorial wolves, just as the modern Rwandans must slaughter the violent giraffes, which are eating their livestock.
>Woolly rhinos
wiped out by paleo-europeans
>wooly rhino
see above
see above
isn’t extinct.
>the mother has to both work the fields and take care of a newborn at the same time, while the father just works a job and thinks it's hard, lmao.
Yeah, >>4885203 was right.
You're a pathetic and retarded faggot.
He more than likely made that entire story up. You're genuinely a brainless idiot for falling for it.
Chimps always do that shit to enemy chimp troops. That means it probably saw the woman and her baby as a fierce enemy chimp. Brutal.
sex isn't real and doesn't happen, stop antagonizing internet strangers for fun
Is this some bizarre /pol/ cope?
>got cummed on so hard that he had to sockpuppet to defend himself
You aren't helping your point, anon.
So why did Europeans kill the dodo bird and other harmless animals?
>I'm an engineer
Is that why you type like a fucking fag?
>Having a full-time nanny and not being present when the newborn isn't even three months old yet is insane and incredibly risky
Bitch, shut the fuck up, communal child rearing has been a thing for thousands of year.
Aurochs are extinct
racist /pol/tards think chimps are more intelligent than Africans
And nothing of value was lost
Chimps also hunt smaller primates for food all the time.
we don't live in the 1800s anymore. Nowadays there's only individual nannies who may kill or rape your baby
no, pseudo-whites did that
What are you trying to say? Killing the young of another species is par for the course for all animals. Why? Because they can. Even humans do it, to their own species I might add, and often times with consent and compensation from the parents. Why? Because they can.
Yes. As well as the fun argument of "ancient humans didn't cause megafaunal extinctions it was all a coincidence no really believe me"
Megafauna died because of natural climate change
Yeah, like he said, Europeans.

Why? Previous climate changes didn't wipe out every big animal.
the Dutch are pseudo-whites?
what's a pseudo-white?
The locals were probably provoking the chimps in some way
looking forward to all-out machete war between africans and monke
chimps are africans
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I don’t think it’s unfair to say that your average chimpanzee has more ingenuity than any African.
What kind of structures have chimps built that can rival the Great Wall of Zimbabwe?
Woolves attack cattle and elephants attack farms. Seems like they get to kill those grey fuckers.
Cattle ranching is wholly unnecessary at any level of social development so actually the wolves did not have it coming. No one needs anything more than penned in chickens.

Crop agriculture is non negotiable
Wool from sheep was necessary back when other garments weren't easily manufactured

You also need cows or goats for milk
>tool-using chimpanzee

For the last time

Chimps don't use tools...

Only humans use tools.

A drill is a tool. A calculator is a tool.

Picking up a rock or holding a sponge in your mouth is not using a tool...

Eating termites on a blade of grass is not using a tool...

I am not a tool user if I pick up a rock..
Cain disagrees, redditor.
>I am not a tool user if I pick up a rock..
Yes, you are. What do you think a mallet is? A tool used for bludgeoning. Likewise, a rock in this context is a tool used for bludgeoning. Go back, brainlet.
A mallet has to be made from multiple parts.

A rock is not made. It is found. Therefore it is not a tool.

A carpenter uses tools. I am not a carpenter because I pick up a rock.

Humans have made powertools. You never hear about powerrocks.
Also their dung were used for agriculture, which resulted in even more crops and overabundance in food (both herbs and animal-based). The very first logistics made make civilization happen was to properly store food, especially during famine.

>Picking up a rock or holding a sponge in your mouth is not using a tool...
>Eating termites on a blade of grass is not using a tool...
>I am not a tool user if I pick up a rock..
That is still tool use tard. You manipulate the environment (as in organic matter) to complete a task helping you to surviive. All apes do this and even some old world monkeys also use rocks to crack open potential foods. The more complex way humans use tools is vital to our surivial because chimps live in isolated ecosystems in deep rain forests or in edges of African savanna bushes, humans do not.
The entire world agrees that chimps use tools and then there’s this anti-ARA nutjob more desperate to strip things from animals than the pseudo-scientific ethologist hacks that insist they don’t have emotions

They do this because their moral base is simultaneously anthropocentric and atheistic so they value life based on similarity to humans. If chimps use tools, that gives chimps value which is bad to regressives like him.

When animals use compound and modified tools he outright denies it. It invalidates his morals. It can not exist. He is a zealot.
For the last time, a rock is not a tool.

Is a grain of sand a tool? The only thing separating a rock from a grain of sand is the size.

Do ants use tools because they pile up sand for their anthills?

Do you think ants are intelligent? Do you feel bad if you step on one? Should people who step on ants be charged with animal cruelty because they killed an intelligent tool-using being?
They sharpen sticks into spears retard
Do ants use grains of sand to crack open nuts?
lol Chimps are driving other primates to extinction.

>Correlated with an estimated decline of ∼89% in the red colobus population was an increase in encounter rates with chimpanzee parties. Our data, along with the unusually high rates of predation by chimpanzees on red colobus at Ngogo and the fact that the chimpanzee community at Ngogo is the largest ever recorded, support the conclusion that the red colobus decline was caused primarily by chimpanzee predation. This seems to be the first documented case of predation by one nonhuman primate causing the population decline in another.

Ants build mini pyramids out of sand

Is that not tool use?
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Yo I got a tool RIGHT HERE
No, tool use is not stacking rocks. It’s using rocks as tools. Do they use grains of sand to crack open tiny nuts or not?
We literally just had a thread that was driven into the ground by this tool use discussion. If you can’t even define what a tool is then shut the fuck up
Ants are among a few invertebrates that can use certain tools. For example, some ants can use debris and soil grains to transport liquid food. Although there has been evidence showing that ants can select the most efficient tools in transporting liquid food, little is known about their flexibility in using a specific tool under environmental pressure.
Black imported fire ants Solenopsis richteri Forel, can use sand grains as a tool for foraging.
The results support our hypothesis. Solenopsis richteri indeed adjusted their strategy of tool use in response to increased drowning risks. Due to their hydrophobic cuticle, S. richteri can float on water surface to forage directly with the minimal risk of drowning. However, when the drowning risk was elevated by reducing the surface tension of sugar water in a food container by the addition of surfactant, ants used sand grains to build a structure that could effectively function as a syphon instead of directly foraging inside the container. This sand structure could draw sugar water out of the container then to be collected by the ants, which not only reduced the drowning risk of ants, but also provided a larger operational space for their collection of sugar water.


Ant workers showed a clear preference for certain materials to be used as tool objects. Tool selection was also shaped by familiarity with the material as ants developed a preference for artificial tools with a good soaking capacity that cannot be found in their natural environment


There you go

Ants use tools

Better not step on one

Ants are sentient being and tool-using geniuses
No one ever said an animal is more valuable because it uses tools

It has been said that you fear this and redefined tools because you think monkeys using rock hammers confers human rights, based on your repeated crying about mythical animal activists. Which is absurd. Value comes from humanity not tool use.
Tool use does not confer sentience nor is it a measure of an animal’s inherent worth
NTA but there are "animal rights" orgs trying to argue in court that cetaceans and elephants should be granted the same "human rights" and legal status as humans.
The initial claim is that the tallest stone structure made in pre colonial (European) sub-Saharan Africa is shorter than a termite mound. The tallest medieval sub-Saharan African stone structure is the Great Zimbabwean enclosure at 32-35 feet (9.7-10.7 meters) high and the tallest termite mound is 42 feet (12.8 meters) high; making the claim factually correct. Also from what I was able to find, the structure isn’t uniform nor was it consistently that tall, it was much shorter for the majority of the structure… the structure which is only 820 feet (249.9 meters) in circumference that was built over a period of around four hundred years (11th century to 15th century) until the ‘city’ was abandoned. I found that the wall was up to 20ft (6 meters) thick in some places, so let’s assume the wall has a consistent maximum height of 35 feet and a consistent maximum thickness of 20 feet (even though it didn’t/doesn’t);
35x820=28,700 ft; 28,700x20= 574,000 ft total volume, so over the span of 400 years (365x400=146,000 days); 574,000/146,000= 3.9315 ft per day… so we’re looking at a workforce of tens? hundreds? averaging a rate of dry stacked non-mortared stone wall of only around 3.9ft (1.189 meters) per day; assuming maximum dimensions, but in reality given the lack of uniformity, we’re probably looking at a rate of stone stacking closer to 2ft (0.61 meters) per day. The only thing I find remarkable about this wall, assuming the initial inputs are correct, is how remarkably slow it was built and how poorly it was done. By the way, the inclusion of mortar is important as lack of mortar indicates a lack of mortar technology, lack of knowledge surrounding mortar. Anyway, I feel as though you aren’t being objective with this take, perhaps your egalitarian presuppositions are clouding your judgement.
why are chimps so universally evil, cruel and violent?
>multiplying circumference by width and height
lol wut
>3.9 (cubic) feet = 1.19 (cubic) meters
shit nigger what are you doing
i highly recommend you use units in your calculations next time, retard-kun
And the consequences of this are you can’t lock them in a cage for funsies. Nothing else will change. If they want to shoot them they will simply say the elephants are jewish colonists or tutsi roaches.

Big deal.
pretty sure he used a knockoff of chat gpt
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How is retaliating against humans that are encroaching on your habitat evil?
Because they're related to humans
These chimps did nothing wrong.
>learns how to use tools
>learns how to kill for no reason, other than fun
Wow they really are our ancestors
All primates are
exactly, the humans were provoking the chimps
>we don't live in the 1800s anymore
Much of the third world is still effectively in the 1200s anon.
>The initial claim is that the tallest stone structure made in pre colonial (European) sub-Saharan Africa is shorter than a termite mound. The tallest medieval sub-Saharan African stone structure is the Great Zimbabwean enclosure at 32-35 feet (9.7-10.7 meters) high and the tallest termite mound is 42 feet (12.8 meters) high; making the claim factually correct.

What's the tallest structure that chimpanzees have built?
I bet there were days you were so exhausted that you wished you lived near a pack of chimps, huh?

You sound like a good husband and father. Good shit, mate.

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