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Don't they kill cats? Based if so
Fishers are so cute
I caught one with my trail cam in upstate New York a couple times. I love mustelids.
Has anyone ever kept a pet fisher?
I wish!
Qrd on these things?
No. they're about the same size as a cat
They're just big weasels. There's nothing special about them.
Fishers routinely kill Canadian lynx, which are larger than housecats
That's not true at all.
Cope, catfag:


>Lynx killed are often healthy adults, and some adult males

The mean weight of adult male and female lynx was 11.3 kg (range=8.2–15.0 kg,n=101) and 9.0 kg(range=7.0–10.5 kg,n=58), respectively.We determined that fishers had killed 14 lynx (9 females, 5 males) and likely killed 2 additional lynx (2 females). We could not determine the species of predator for the remaining 2 lynx (1 female, 1 male; Table 4).Thirteen of the 14 lynx killed by fishers were adults with established home ranges, and weights and bone marrow indicated that these lynx were healthy or in fair condition(Table 5). The mean weight (8.2 kg) of 3 adult lynx that were recovered before the predator could consume the carcass was similar to the mean weight of adult lynx captured in this study.
Why are catfags like this?
I live in northern california and I found a mink in my trap outside the coop one morning. Flabbergasted me, I didn't realize they were in the area but they can range all the way down to Sonoma.
Weasel-like mustelids are pretty elusive, the range that we have documented for them probably doesn't look anything like their actual range.
Now that the Pennsylvanian Fisher has emerged from hiding and seen his own shadow, we can expect a looming economic crisis.
It was hunting rats
i just wish the cat hating zoosadists would fuck off from this board

why do you have to make every thread about hating cats
Maybe because catfags shit up this board (over a dozen different threads about cats instead of sticking to one or two generals) and shit up the rest of the internet with nonstop cat content and because their shitty pets are killing off birds and wrecking ecosystems.
Catfags take another L
Mustelids punch so far above their weight.
I bet a weasel the size of a leopard could kill an elephant.
Are you the weirdo who wants to fuck birds, is that what this is all about
No one here fucks birds, but /kot/ often has some interesting posts of a variety rarely seen in /dog/ or really seen outside any thread but /horse/ or /fox/
More of a /tg/ post, but my dnd setting has a bear-sized mustelid that specializes in hunting dragons.
The weasels inspire.
Even worse he's one of these zoomer NPCs trying to make a career out of reading fucking 4chan posts out loud to other NPC zoomers. Ever since covid every single board has at least one of these skibidi faggots manufacturing a console war for content. In the most obvious, cringe-inducing possible way, now with extra samefagging. I miss the actual schizos, at least they were funny.
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oh no no no streamerbros hes on to us

shut it down
i hope this doesnt affect my videos about /vp/ threads ;_;
What do /kot/ and /horse/ have in common?
Anyone who lives in an area with fisher's know to keep your cats inside. It isn't a myth or anything. They eat cats and you find the headless cat corpses when they just killed the cat instead.
what you gonna do, pussy?
jk, I'm ok with cats
Cats are a menace to wildlife. If you like nature you probably dislike feral cats.
Step outside. Seriously.
I do step outside which is how i know cats are pests that need to be removed
Based fishers fighting against the cat pestilence.
>They eat cats and you find the headless cat corpses when they just killed the cat instead.

>4chan users excercise their hate boner for innocent animals at any point possible.
Outdoors cats are not "innocent" animals. They are destroyers of ecosystems.
A roaming invasive predator is literally the worst thing for ecosystems and societies alike.

Did you know feral cats are directly responsible for at least 750 foodborne toxoplasmosis deaths per year? No stray dogs no rabies, no stray cats no toxo.

Dogs and cats belong indoors.
>Psychotic catfags excuse their hate boner for beautiful birds at any point possible
Stop making so many cat threads and posting so many cat pictures
he's a shitskin, that's why
>Cats are a menace to wildlife
you know who is 100000x times worse to the environment? Humans, better kill yourself to help improve it anon, cause I doubt you are helping it.
You first, toxozombie.
stop spamming fake arguments with yourself
I'm pretty sure they kill and eat almost everything close to their own size, they are one of the few animals that preys on porcupines
Pretty cool dudes, if a little savage

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